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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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2z6v9nb.jpgTak: President Lee, you are Gunmeo like Romeo and Madam is Jul Mi Young like Juliet. 
Geon: Jul Mi Young, what kind of name is that? It's better to call her Miliet.My charm is so sickening. It never seems to die down.
Tak: Then did you decide to start over with Madam and go public? Without a speed limit, just Go Go from now on? And you'll kiss with more passion...pak, pak, pak, pak pak...and the ending has to be dramatic...Pak!
Geon: Kiss? Hang up! Hang up! This rascal chatters like an annoying sparrow.
Geon: Mi Young ah, I'm coming! Stop freezing! Yeah!!

He said...Mi Young sshi...Mi Young sshi...Mi Young sshi...Mi Young sshi...How could she fall asleep in that short amount of time. You were only supposed to freeze. Tteng...Tteng....Gosh, my snail...how could she be that brave with this tiny body of hers...

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MY: Grandmother, I will stay with Geon from now on.Even if he gets sick, I won't let him suffer alone. Grandmother, no matter how hard it gets, as long as he's with me, I can overcome anything. Allow me to be by his side.
Grandmother: More than my approval, don't you think you should get your mother's blessing first? If this is what you want and your mother gives her blessing, I will go with your decision. 
MY: Thank you Grandmother.


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He said...I will decide my own fate.I, Lee Gun, will step down as Jang In Chemical's CEO as of today.However, it's for a three month period.I never said that I would retire. It's just a vacation. Vacation.Come to think of it, I haven't had a decent vacation since I became CEO.Who will take over the responsibility?
2qwdfes.jpg(Such an awesome grandma!)

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1409fo6.jpgMY: Thank you, Daniel. If it is not for you, I would have left without knowing his true feelings. Thank you so much. You have always been there for me but I won't be able to be with you.I'm really...really...I'm really sorry, Daniel.
Daniel: Since I have a lot going for me, I thought about going up against him but I can't compete with him. 


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Yong's mom: I am sorry for exposing your illness to the media. I didn't think it would go that far.
Geon: Wow, this is your first time apologizing to me. 
Yong's mom: In a way, I am more pathetic than your mom. 
Geon: What a ridiculous thing to say.What is this?

Yong's mom: It's all my past misfortune. I was going to throw it away and forget about it. But I had these lingering feelings. 
Geon: Why are you giving me this?
Yong's mom: Let's just say it's an apology for not acting like an adult all this time.

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2hn9jyu.jpg"I made an effort but I ended up losing my memories again.My wife doesn't know my secret.I couldn't tell my wife about the onset of my disease.
I didn't want those I love to always have a hard time and suffer for the rest of their lives because of me.There is someone else I feel sorry towards.That woman who is standing by my side...
Although I won't be able to love her, I wanted to at least give her and her son a place of comfort.Even though Yong is not my son, I want him to feel at least an ounce of fatherly love that he wouldn't have been able to receive.Geon ah...My son, Geon ah...I miss you even more today."- Geon's dad

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He said...Mi Young sshi, thank you so much.Even though I pushed you away so harshly, you didn't leave me. You stood by my side. Really, really thank you so much. 
She said...I'm much more thankful because you accepted my feelings for you.  
He said...Now I don't want to be apart from you, even for a moment. 
From now on, let's always stay together.
She said...I will. I feel like a minute or a moment apart would be a waste.  

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Geon: Chairman Whang, I have something to say.Starting today, I am going to live with Mi Young sshi immediately.
MY: Immediately?
Geon: Yes, right away. Why? You don't want to?
Grandma: Did you get Mi Young's mom approval?
Geon: No, I didn't. If I get permission, it's a go?
Grandma: Yeah.
Geon: She said okay. She said okay.Chairman Whang, I'm disappointed. You used to be so cool before. Now you are tiptoeing around other people. You are just like other grandmas. How disappointing. 
Grandma: Kids these days have no passion. Back in my days, we would immediately move out if we liked one another, move in together and make babies first. That way no one can say anything. You guys are no fun. 

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She said...Mom, I know very well what you are thinking and worrying about.But just this once, can't I live my own life as I wish? As you know, Mom, I was always thinking about what others wanted. I couldn't even say No out of fear of making the other person feel bad. But this time, I want to follow my heart.I didn't even know that he broke up with me because of this disease. So I hated him all this time.I don't hate him now. I really want to be good to him.
Omma said...I really can't accept this. You are not the only one who likes him. I like him a lot too. I want you to do well with him. You and Geon really love each other. When you are crazy about each other like that, can you imagine what it will be like if that person leaves? I won't ever allow it. 

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MY: President Lee Geon, you took three months off from work, you said you would read and nourish your brain. Do you know that you have been watching me for an hour?

Geon: Nonsense. I've been reading this book. I've been reading and glanced over at you. 
MY: Lies. The book is upside down. You should read it the right way.
Geon: Huh, when did it get upside down? That's weird.
MY: How are we going to convince my mom? She's been on my mind.
Geon: That Ssambap lady is very charming and unpredictable. I will do whatever it takes to get her to agree. Trust me. I know how hard we tried to get this precious moment back. We can't spend this moment in worriment.  
MY: I will try to convince my mom too.
Geon: What are you painting?
MY: You can't see it yet. I haven't finish it yet.

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class="content-title" Jang Hyuk and Jang Nara Talk about Their Upcoming Time Slip Drama Jang Hyuk and Jang Nara Talk about Their Upcoming Time Slip Drama

MBC’s fifth “Drama Festival” special, called “Old Goodbye” (tentative English title), has dropped stills of stars Jang Hyuk and Jang Nara, who will be making a quick reunion following “Fated to Love You.” “Old Goodbye” is a ‘time slip’ story about second chances, and tells the story of a man, who, for his dying wife, goes back in time to when she was twenty-two, seventeen, and ten, and falls in love with her as if it’s for the first time. old goodbye 2 Jang Hyuk plays the character Soo Hyuk, a former boxer who lives a reckless life, and Jang Nara plays Chae Hee, a woman who relishes the freshness of having just fallen in love. On the drama, Jang Hyuk said, “It’s a story that gives of the vibe of a movie in a short time. People might feel as if they are looking back at old photos.” Co-star Jang Nara added, “It’s a special drama that reignites the fire in your heart.” “Old Goodbye,” a single-episode drama, will air on November 10 at 12:05 a.m. old goodbye 3

sorry if already posted chingus.
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Geon: Since Chairman Whang won't let us go into her house, we have to live somewhere else. 
MY: I don't feel comfortable with these pricey places. 
Geon: I'm on vacation right now and it's not like I run a mediocre company. I'm CEO Lee Geon of the large Jang In Chemicals. I've worked hard until now and saved up enough. So all these places are like loose change for me.  
MY: CEO Lee Geon of the great Jang In Chemicals, I know a place we can live closely to each other.
Geon: A place where we'll be close to each other?Tightly?
MY: Tightly. 

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Geon: Mi Young sshi, what's wrong? Is everything okay?Then why are you crying?Tell me what is it?
MY: I'm so happy..
Geon: You are crying because you are happy? Hurry up and tell me what is it?
MY: By any chance, do you remember this?
Geon: This...isn't this the lucky chip that I gave you in Macau?You've had this all this time?

MY: I find it hard to believe that you are here with me now.
Geon: I also find it hard to believe so I keep looking for you to see if you are really here. Not now. I can't lose this precious moment. Please stay right next to me, okay? Like a strong glue.
MY: Just like you said, I will become such a strong glue. 

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Guest SandiRa

^^ ahh that kiss

It's great that the one ep. drama coming in such times, where we need to cope with The End ....again. Or we going to be hit hard with double ending this week, I don't want to think.

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Guest psycheros

My thoughts on ep 18:
It's apt that Mi Young enters the press conference when Gun is bowing and apologizing for something he doesn't really need to say sorry for. Even if he had the disease, it's not his fault..
"If you're hurting, I am hurting too." It echoes what he said while she was asleep at the arboretum . He is finally honest and confesses what he feels!
If they could fuse into each other, they would! His swallow(s).. She grabs his shoulder, repeating this similar action during the princess dance by the river and the Jeju love scene. 

They filmed this scene quite a few times - but it's still very, very stirring. Plus cute bts clip with JH wanting to dip JNR. JNR tried to hold his ear, which was (intentionally?)  mirrored in the Macau love scene.iELarQM.jpgDMTDWwf.jpg

I eat my words with a side helping of ruffled fen feathers.When I previously said I wanted Mi Young to change more, I marathoned SSoBG at the same time, so think I was projecting Young Soon onto her. Young Soon didn't take crap from people, especially Ki Tae. She stole THAT show for me, vs Gun in FTLY. Anyway, that will teach me to not mix characters up. Mi Young does evolve in her own Mi Young way.
"Greediness must be expressed." - A reference back to what Gun said about being greedy at the intersection.
Personally I felt the next 2 episodes were anti-climatic after the emotional high of ep 18.
How apropos that Gun's powers are freezing ice. Yong's fire abilities ie youthful passion/love (and Mi Young) help to thaw Gun's frozen core.
What is Gun reading while watching her draw?
Yong's lip seems bruised at the bench scene with Mi Young after finding out his parentage.
Gun's father put the family photo first in his journal, not between his diary entries.
There is a mutual discussion about where to put the ducks. She encourages him to make a decision.  

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