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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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I'm almost kind of relieved to hear that Jang Hyuk was exceptionally tired for Ep13 where he had over-the-norm screen time of LG...cuz when I saw him (that's when he was filming Ep13) he really looked like he was on the verge of passing out. I was like, how is he gonna continue one more month like that....? Impossible!But if everybody's saying he had exceptionally a lot of scenes in Ep13, and JNR felt like she should somehow take care of him, that 'hopefully' means it really was an exception and JH usually doesn't usually have to pull all-nighters for 5 days straight...? And it's good to know they are all being strong support for each other. 
6 episodes left, drama, keep it up, let's not get to super-duper-live-shooting-with-scripts-texted-over-to-the-site...! So far they are still receiving complete script, and live-shooting is not harming the quality greatly yet. It's only the actors being tired that we can really see the effect of live-shooting...other quality-wise, the drama has been keeping it up. Usually when a drama starts live-shooting the camera angle starts to get super plain, they just do close-ups on actors' face when they say a word and there's no other camera works. And they just shoot in the same place over and over again, everything happening inside. That hasn't happened in FTLY yet, they are going around here and there for filming and there are some great creative camera works. Keep it up...! If it continues what it's been doing for the remaining 6 episodes, the series is fated to be on top of my drama list...!

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Hello guys, loving all the discussion on how MY should play the PI role in finding out how come Geon asked her to leave - kind of like our collective prayers for the spy movie "Mr & Mrs Lee" coming true? Heh!

On the casino chip - what if MY is the one who pass it back to LG (I mean he has resigned to his fate cos of his illness, what he lacks is a little hope?)

I feel like MY n Geon had switch roles in act 2 of the show, so MY ssi it's your time to show Geon how much you love him n want to be with him, show him some fireworks ok? ^^

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@beamonkr‌ - I've given up speculating on that aspect. 
Actually, I don't understand why Dr. Octopus keeps saying Geon is in remission. To my understanding, when you say a disease is in "remission" it means it's not currently active, it also means you still have the disease. 
Huntington's Disease is not easy to diagnose. You need to have a family history, the appearance of typical symptoms and genetic proof. What's currently and widely available are preventive and prenatal genetic testing. Individuals with a family history of HD seek preventive genetic testing (a blood test). I will not get technical now, but if you're positive, chances are the disease has a higher chance of manifesting at some future point in your life (there is a small possibility it won't). If you're negative, then there's a huge chance that the gene is suppressed (there is very little chance for gene expression). Preventive genetic testing has given a lot of individuals with hereditary diseases a huge amount of comfort because they could now predict how their diseases would behave. If the patient has a positive family history of HD, most doctors would just wait for the typical symptoms to appear (which is what, I think, Dr. Octopus is doing). 
I'm not going to belabor this point. I'm assuming he has it. Therefore Geon's reason for letting MY go stands, he still can't be with MY, unless he changed his mind. I do believe the writers wrote themselves into a corner with the whole HD angle because their only options are: for Geon, the HD gene is suppressed; a faulty diagnosis, what the family actually has is a disease similar to HD but it's not fatal (or equally fatal...I hope not); a misdiagnosis, which means they don't actually have HD at all and lastly, Geon changing his mind about his whole nobly idiotic stand. I'm trusting the writers to come up with a great resolution. At least, something that won't make Geon seem foolish. :)

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drmjs said:
I'm not going to belabor this point. I'm assuming he has it. Therefore Geon's reason for letting MY go stands, he still can't be with MY, unless he changed his mind. I do believe the writers wrote themselves into a corner with the whole HD angle because their only options are: for Geon, the HD gene is suppressed; a faulty diagnosis, what the family actually has is a disease similar to HD but it's not fatal (or equally fatal...I hope not); a misdiagnosis, which means they don't actually have HD at all and lastly, Geon changing his mind about his whole nobly idiotic stand. I'm trusting the writers to come up with a great resolution. At least, something that won't make Geon seem foolish. :)

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@drmjs, I know exactly what you're talking about.  It's frustrating because of the nature of the disease.  I have a co-worker who's son has the sickle cell trait.  Her husband has it, but she doesn't.  Sickle Cell runs heavily in the husband's family.  So far the child hasn't developed the disease but he does get the pain in his bones.  They monitor him frequently and the amnio apparently showed he had the trait.
You're right HD does not go into remission.  It's not like we're talking about cancer.  I really wish the writers hadn't gone this route with Gun.  It seems as if their only route now is either misdiagnosis or MY gets him to see they can have a wonderful life together even if he has it.

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drmjs said: @beamonkr‌ - I've given up speculating on that aspect. 
Actually, I don't understand why Dr. Octopus keeps saying Geon is in remission. To my understanding, when you say a disease is in "remission" it means it's not currently active, it also means you still have the disease.

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well I´m afraid about HD because I have informed enough about the theme....... and its terrible.. that disease is awful... my gosh... it´s like the patient have 10th or 15th  diseases in only 1........ its like alzhaimer, parkinson, schizophrenia.. this patients have all that.. and the medication its huge! only for relieve the symtoms and not for healing or stop it.. its terrible..... and this state its like abnormality in the 4th chomosome.. in the formation of the DNA strand....the chromosomes are divided 34 times... but with huntington its a overpartitioning of chromosomes...... like 40th... 50th.. the more generations have, more chromosomal division..... and that make the disease been more agresive and terrible.. ...... the symptoms are faints, and lost of memory...... its genetic and its more recurrent in the males than females.... but its incident for both genres.....  just 2 possibilities exist for Gun!:

- because this disease its hereditary.... there are 50%-50% .. how?.. well 50% by his dad
to inherit but the other 50% for non  inherit for his healthy mom..... (instead its a high risk)

- and the other possibility is, that his parents have done a genetic study, and they have chosen the healty embryo that he couldn´t 
inherit the disease..... like a pregnancy in vitro...... and they did it secretly.... and no one knows about that even his grandma............. (this is the most secure procedure.... for the son not inherit the disease... and prevent that the next generation could have the disorder ) because that family has money, and can do it......

and I pray that gun never has that awful and terrifying disease..............

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Guest mywebfoot

If I'm not wrong the father started having bouts of amnesia in the latter part of his life, just before he died in the accident. So the doctor never had a chance to verify whether he had the disease or not. He probably had a suspicion all along but did not share it with Geon until ep12.

Also if I understand correctly, DNA a testing for HD would not have been available in his father's time. He died of an accident before the disease could manifest fully, so there was no way to confirm if his father had the gene. Medical people here, pls tell me if I am wrong.

It still doesn't answer the question as to why Goen just doesn't get himself tested for the HD gene.

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@ChelseaS, This is the best short answer and least technical one I can give.  A dormant illness can remain in the body for literally decades.  You still have the disease but it is not active.  Whereas with remission usually they have gotten rid of the disease such as cancer, but there is a chance it could still come back.
I don't know what Dr. Octopus is talking about regarding Gun.  Either he has the illness or he doesn't.  My understanding of the disease is that it usually flare up by 40.  Yet, Dr. Octopus told Gun he can see him living another 20 or 50 years.   

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Guest mywebfoot

Frankly I appreciate all the fact-based digging everyone is doing about LG's HD. Still, a part of me keeps going humph, this is kdrama land we are talking about - where chaebols rap and snails haunt. My true suspicion is that the only HD that LG has is Highlyflexibleplot Device. :D

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Guest genmailjs

I think Dr. Octopus will do Lee Gun's DNA testing on Huntington gene  (HTT) if he found repeat sequence of "CAG" more than 40 copies (Full Penetrance). Our Lee Gun will died with Huntington at the end. With 36-39 copies (Reduced Penetrance), he may or may not afftected. At 27- 35 copies (Intermediate)he won't effect. 26 copies and below he is normal. Writer-nims should mentions about this to make it clear, I guess! I hope he have 26 copies or lower.

source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huntington%27s_disease

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Guest spectators77

class="at_ttl" style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px; list-style: none; font-size: 30px; line-height: 35px; letter-spacing: -0.03em; clear: both; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"Five Fun Facts About Jang Nara
Jang Nara plays Kim Mi Young, otherwise known as Jang Hyuk's "snail" wife in "Fated To Love You." Kim Mi Young is a sweet and self-effacing character that slowly develops self- confidence. With her delicate doll-like features and porcelain skin, fans find it difficult to believe the actress is 33.

Here are some more facts about Jang Nara:

1.     She was born into an acting family. She first appeared in the play "Les Miserables" with her father, actor Ju Heo Sung.

2.     Despite studying acting at Chung Ang University, she made her debut as a singer with SM Entertainment. Her debut album did not do well but she continued to release more albums and became better known, becoming especially popular in China. She also recorded soundtracks for several dramas and films.

3.     As a result of her popularity in China, she appeared in several Chinese productions, including the drama "My Bratty Princess" and the film "Flying with You."

She is sure that Chinese fans like her because she looks so approachable.

"Personally I think it's because I look like I'm a fun person," said Jang Nara in an interview with enewsworld. "I'm not actually fun. But I think that's why people think I'm easy to approach. And thankfully I met a lot of fun pieces here, so I think that's why they like me a lot."

4.     She and her current co-star Jang Hyuk did not become close when they worked together the first time. When they filmed the 2002 comedy "Successful Story of a Bright Girl," they never spoke except when they were filming.

 "I did not chat with him, except when we talked during the filming of the drama back then," the singer-turned-actress said in an interview on the MBC show "Section TV." "We did not even know each other's mobile numbers. I am not the type of person who can approach someone first. That's why we could only have limited conversation. But now we are best friends." 

Her second role with Jang Hyuk is not her only drama reunion. She also reunited with her "Baby Faced Beauty" co-star Daniel Choi in "School 2013." In that drama she got to play teacher to Kim Woo Bin and Lee Jong Suk.

5.     She's a teacher in real life. She was appointed as an associate professor of acting in China's Beijing Huajia University. At a press conference after her appointment, she said that studying acting could help a person develop in many ways.

BY Julie Jones

LOL i forgot that i am using this account :-P
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Frankly I appreciate all the fact-based digging everyone is doing about LG's HD. Still, a part of me keeps going humph, this is kdrama land we are talking about - where chaebols rap and snails haunt. My true suspicion is that the only HD that LG has is Highlyflexibleplot Device.


Hahaha, agree with Ur insights. I bet they will put a You From Another Star move, I.e. no explanation, the disease just went away (like how DMJ suddenly can reappear on earth lol)

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Guest snailcouplefan

I'm not only excited to see what happens with Gun and My but with his brother and her best friend.  They are adorable!

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@ChelseaS‌ - I agree with @beamonkr, so if it's dormant, maybe it's Dr. Octopus' way of saying Geon's HD gene is suppressed? 
@mywebfoot‌ - You are right. The human genome project made genetic testing widely available only in 2001. So it's safe to say that there was no genetic testing done for his ancestors. (Interesting, what if what the family has is something similar to Huntington's but is actually less fatal?) Genetic testing is costly but Geon is a chaebol so there's no reason why he can't get himself tested. Maybe he will in the next few episodes? ;) Highlyflexibleplot Device - genius! lol.
@genmailjs - Hmm, the test is predictive. Being positive doesn't mean the HD gene will 100% manifest. It would be great though if he were negative. :) 

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Guest iamshipper

Hamoo hamoo Monday...

When other people say "I hate Monday", I say "Thanks God it's Monday"..

When the others say "Thanks God it's Friday", I will say "I hate Friday"..

Need episode 15!!!!!!!!! :-??

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