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[Official] Key ღ Yagi Arisa ~ We Got Married Global Couple S2 ~ UGG Couple


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Guest SarahLee30

@I.K.A.HI just watched the preview for the last episode and it tears me apart to see Ari looked very sad and about to cry because I wasn't really used to seeing her like that.:(( I have grown very fond of Arisa and Key ever since this show started. I can't imagine my weeks without Keyrisa. :((

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@krismonidaviI dont know if you refer to a special scene or if you mean that the preview as whole video was touching, because I didnt watch the preview yet. XDHaha, sorry for killing you with the pictures. ^^" But I had to share the pictures from PD´s blog right after I saw them, because I loved them. :DAnd I also included screenshots, because I guess the subbed version will be out soon than the raw version (but still we have to wait 2-3hours) and because people speaking Chinese could translate the captions in the preview screenshots. :) Actually there are a few more screenshots but most of them are from the black room, where Key is interviewed, and another shot is about Keyrisa talking about Pororo while strolling the street. =)) Their 

@SarahLee30I havent watched the preview yet, because I dont want to be influenced too much by the preview before I watch ep.14, but I saw screenshots of the preview.I agree, Ari looked really sad...it reminded me a little bit the moment from ep.2, when Key fooled her about him not coming to her magazine photoshoot...At that moment I felt that her reaction was strong and genuine and when I saw tears on her face in the preview picture... T.T We will really need boxes of tissues. :(( The next episode will be emotional. A little different topic, but damn...Key looked hot in the preview. :D

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Guest krismonidavi


. ..bahahahahahaha!!! What in the world?! Lol

We'll see that happening between these two only in our dreams.

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I know, but.. it is a good dream!!  I would settle for a couple little peck kisses if they are uncomfortable taking the meat out of the deli HA!  
That gif is a little much but it makes me laugh! That is Japanese actor Daisuke Wantanbe. He was dared to do that on a web show he does on nico, and I couldn't stop laughing for a week!!  The mood was getting so sad in here, but It always does the end of this series. Just trying to raise spirits  

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Guest krismonidavi


..meat out of the deli. ..I am going to say that forever now.

Hahaha! You are hilarious, where have you been this whole time?!

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Guest krismonidavi

Oh..my..god.Episode 14...I'll wait to gush about it..but...the feelings, prepare to have them.

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@krismonidavi and @I.K.A.H. I'm addressing you both, because you are usually the ones who provide the most insight and comments, lol, I'm curious to hear your feeling after watching this episode today....It unfortunately did go as I said last year's went where we had to deal with the coming of the end already....they are so mean about that, we know it's coming, but why can't we have all our "sad" feels in the last episode...why do we already have to start with the tears thinking of the coming END???  At least for me, the tears already started, you could even see the sadness in Ari's eyes while she was trying her best to be happy over Key's surprise at the beach.  I HATE THIS PART OF THESE SHOWS!!!! (sorry for the caps!)  Anxious to hear your thoughts  >:D<

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Guest krismonidavi

I am holding back on posting my thoughts until tomorrow. I'm trying to give people a chance to see it...but if you haven't by tomorrow...sucks for you, because I'm going to rave and go on and on. lolUntil then, I'm going to watch the episode again and focus on those little things and facial reactions that I love so much. And there are A LOT of them for me to talk about tomorrow. I can't wait to tell you all about them and to see what you guys thought as well!!  :D

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Guest kal2525

The hopeless romantic in me wants him to turn around go back in and grab Ari in a tight hug. I can let this couple go with a light  heart now, I was just scared it would have been that unspoken tension till the end. So happy they had a fun memory filled date.

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Guest krismonidavi

Alright! I've waited long enough..just skip right along if you have not seen the episode yet. This is a long one and I rambled a lot, lol. The sad part is...I've still got a lot more left to say and will be trying to hold it in until the Making videos come out. 

Okie dokie, first off we see Key and Ari strolling along the street when they announce what they are planning to do today..SHOPPING! Now, if you've followed anything I have said in this thread, ever, then you know there are only a few things I've really looked forward to with this couple 1) A kiss 2) a comfortable hug 3) For them to go shopping!! One out of three isn't so bad, right? 
When Key tells Arisa to buy him something, her facial expression is hilarious. Her eyes buck wide open and she looks at him with this look that says "are you sure about that?" But, ever the little trooper, Ari goes off to find a Key appropriate outfit. She looks so lost while shopping for him, but she makes the best of it, using his outfits from before as her guidelines. That was a pretty smart move, considering Key thought she would just pick clothes she thought were cute and he wouldn't like them. He had absolutely no faith in her! He even snuck a peek while she was shopping, hahaha. That was so cute to me, that he couldn't help but to see what she was going to try to put him in.
After shopping, they exchanged their clothes and agreed to wear them on their next date. Key's outfit ended up being a knit cross patterned sweater, shorts, and tall socks, with an added bonus of flip shades. Personally, I thought the outfit was adorable, and it did look like something he would have picked for himself...aside from the print on the sweater that he deemed to be a "Christmas knit sweater". While shopping, Key calls Ari and she apologizes in advance over the phone for what she buys him. That worries him! And he, in return, apologizes for what he will buy..but I think he did it as revenge for whatever she'd buy. He's sneaky enough to do that. However, Key's shopping for Ari was not really shown..he went to the store and described a few things to the clerk, but then they only showed him trying on the mickey mouse ears..so we never got to see what he bought for her. We saw in the next scene though, and he put her in a cery cute and summery outfit, Long thin white button up (I think) and short shorts (that he says she seems to really like wearing). *Quick question: Do you guys think it bothers him a little that she likes short shorts? Or maybe he likes it? He laughs whenever he mentions it. I think he likes it when she wears them, but rathers she didn't...too much of a distraction for you, Key?? haha.* 
CLAM DIGGING: The next scene starts and we see them wearing their new outfits and going...clam digging? I don't know what to call it. I think Key liked the clothes more than he let on, or maybe he was just impressed that Ari even paid attention to his clothes. He said in the blackroom interview that since she never said anything about his clothes that he assumed she never noticed. We've even said that here before. Key probably had to admit that while he was almost right with the idea of her style, he missed the mark. He didn't consider the weather conditions or if it would maybe be her taste..which is exactly what Ari did. That little tidbit made me very happy for some reason. Ari may not seem to pay attention to certain things or show her affection..but she just proved that she notices a lot more than we (Key included) give her credit for and that she is very considerate of him. If they had done this date earlier in the season, I think she might have bought something crazy like he was expecting. But since they did it later, it gave her more time to learn his style and she took that and ran with it. 
Well ha ha ha to you Key, it turns out that that "Christmas" sweater was exactly what you needed, because it was COLD that day by the sea. Poor Ari had to endure the cold in her almost nothing outfit. She was shivering next to him and he tried to defend the outfit by saying something like thats what she normally likes to wear. I don't think she disliked the clothes, but she knew they looked thin. She says that when she first looked at them, they looked cold. And she was right..poor baby had to freeze while he got to be comfortable in his sweater. 1 point for Ari..like 17 for Key. lol

Now that I think about it..Ari was not dressed to be digging up clams...she was wearing white and had to dig in the mud?! That shirt would have been ruined if it were me. Anyway! I rambled way too much about the clothes (but it was so interesting to me!). So, lets move on to when Key decided to make a bet with Ari. The bet was, whoever digs up the most clams, wouldn't have to carry the luggage. He probably thought he'd win and get to sit back and laugh as she carried all of their stuff to the campsite...but HA, she won! Ari had found a spot where the clams just kept popping up and she didn't tell him about it. Hhahahaa! So cute and sneaky! She wanted to win, so she kept the clam spot all to herself while he dug and dug and dug. She didn't even give him a hint. Oh, so funny.  After winning the bet, they play this hand pushing game. I don't know the name of it, but I've seen it played before. As I figured, Key won the game and Ari lost her balance, causing her to fall forward a bit, but Key looks like he's actually pulling her into him. Yes, he is helping her gain her balance back, but his hands grip hers tighter and instead of just helping her stand, he pulls his arms back, which is going to make her move forward. Ari, being the touch shy person she is, tries to move off to the side instead. But we still got a very cute moment between them out of it. I smiled hard. They looked like they were really enjoying themselves.
NOW! On to the camping scene! My favorite! I thought it would be another so-so scene between them, honestly did. I thought it was going to be another one of those scenes where they had potential but fell short. But no! No, they gave me so many things I wanted. They get to the campsite, with Key carrying everything to their tent. They set up their table and grill, and Key puts up little decorations to brighten everything up. While he is trying to get the gas burning, they both freaked out and run out of the tent, afraid it was going to blow up or something. It was too funny to see them run out of that tent, but it got better when they headed back into it. Because Ari is behind him and her hands are on his back, pushing him ahead of her, yes, but its still a cute moment. She's hiding behind him instead of him hiding behind her! lol
They get on the giant trampoline, and look like two very big kids jumping around. Ari doesn't seem to like things that take her feet off of the ground, haha.  She ends laying down on the trampoline while he jumps, causing her whole body to pop up every time he does it. They have fun, but it looks like she's miserable and unable to get to her feet. Afterwards, they both look half dead with exhaustion. It was adorable. 
So, they finally get things going, and Key is grilling the meat while Ari cuts up veggies. They have ramen boiling with the clams they caught. Everything is very relaxed and they looked very couple-y and comfortable with each other. This was where I really started to love this episode. Arisa is talking. And I mean, she is talking a lot. This is the most I've seen her say in the whole season! She initiated the conversation and said long sentences, and she was smiling the whole time. Her voice even came out differently. She was completely comfortable for once and when the rain started (of course) she made a teruteru bosu to keep the rain away for tomorrow.  (Oh the foreshadowing!)
 When the food was done, he made a wrap for her, and even blew on it to cool it off. That was so sweet!!! Ari stayed true to her character and only ate by herself, even though he fed her too. I think Key is used to her doing that, and he even smiled a little like he's saying "that's Ari for you". She mentions that its good that she has a husband who likes to eat as well, because she does it so much. I think she was feeling worried about that, if he thought badly of her because of her eating habits (remember after their wedding when he joked that she wouldn't eat too many snacks? Maybe she remembered, too.) But, Key said he didn't mind and that men like when women eat well. I know it would probably make his mother happy to see her with such a healthy appetite, she's not very fond of the thin/slender type, according to Key. 
After eating, they play *drum roll*...Truth or Dare! or some variation of it, writing their questions on a notepad, and having to answer truthfully...with the shocking liar game! I was so excited to see this toy come back! 
1)Key started the questions with "I want to make skinship with my husband?" (or something like that). Ari answered "Yes". He sounded surprised by that, since she really wasn't trying before. Also, when he put her hand on the shocking toy, it looks like he did it gently and even softly patted her hand before strapping it down....maybe I let my imagination run again. lol
2) Ari asked: "My cooking tastes weird/bad?" Key's answer seems to go back and forth for some reason. I never quite understood what he was saying, but it must have been that it was bad. Because Ari's reaction was to say she'd only make cakes now. lol I think he was trying to say it wasn't bad though. Its cute that he'd say it wasn't bad even if it was, just to make her feel better.
3)Ari asked: "Were you happy when I held your hand?" And Key responded "Yes". We all knew the answer to that one! Those cheeks rose so high on his face, there should have been no doubt in her head. 
4) Key: "I don't want to be apart from Oppa?" Ari answered "Yes". Do you guys think he asked this question, just to make sure that she was telling the truth back on the beach during their honeymoon? She told him that her wish at the fountain was to not be apart, right? And the "I told you so" look she gave him afterwards, plus his cocky smirk like "i knew it"...it was cuteness overload! 
5) Ari: "You honestly felt fluttering because of Arisa?" He answered "Yes" and its true. She looks pleased with this answer, and says that its a relief. Has she been worried about that this whole time? Aww, poor baby.6) Key: "Ari wanted another member of Shinee as her husband?" She says "No" And even shoots down Taemin and Jonghyun immediately when he asks about them. I'm sure that pleased him to no end, since a lot of girls would have chosen his bandmates over him. And then of course, he asked about Jang Geun Suk, and Ari says no, but the shocking liar has to throw a wrench in everything and say the she is a liar. Ari looks caught off guard by that happening, and I believe she really doesn't know why it said she lied. Personally, i don't find him all that attractive either, Ari! lol

After the game, they seem to be enjoying the atmosphere around them, both sitting quietly, until Key goes to get something to drink..or so he tells her. Ari sits there, patiently waiting for him to come back, when they hand her a mission card. *GASP* Noooo, they wouldn't! They wouldn't dare burst her happy bubble like that, would they? Ahh! They totally just ruined her night~ Oh my god! Nooo!...That was my reaction, I don't know what you guys were like, but I couldn't shut up about it. If they were trying to find a way to drop an emotional bomb on the viewers, then they nailed it. I applaud them on a game well played. I did not see that move coming and neither did she. My eyes started watering while she read the card, her face looked so sad. And the crying officially started during her blackroom interview when she said she felt like they would be married forever. I guess she forgot that it was only temporary? I cried for that moment, mostly because it made me believe more than ever, that she really really liked him. So, I was sad for her. They dropped that bomb on Ari while Key was off preparing a romantic gift. He made a big heart out of candles with her name in the middle of it, completely oblivious to what those sneaky bastards were up to. Ari seemed like she would cry when she saw the heart. I guess she probably would have..it was such a sweet gesture and it came at the worst time. When she asked about where his name was, he said there was no need for it, since its a gift to her. So, she says he can be the heart around her name (very very sweet of her). I'm sorry, I thought that would get a reaction out of him, but he didn't say or do anything! Haha, a taste of your own medicine, Ari. lol
It was too dramatic for me! She's trying to contain how she's feeling (she's done so well the whole season, but as soon as she lets it go, they make her reel it in again) and Key is so happy beside her. I bawled, because it seemed so unfair that she was feeling that sadness and couldn't say anything.  
Once again, if they were aiming to make a big impact on the viewers to end this season..they did it. I don't know why they chose to tell Ari about the end and not tell them both. They did a lot of richard simmons in this season that didn't make sense to me. But this is one decision that I have no complaints about. I think they hit the nail right on the head, telling Ari alone. We got to see her reaction, her feelings actually showed on her face and we don't know if we would have gotten to see that if she found out along with Key. 
...................Well played, WGM, well played.

I noticed something that was obviously not shown in the episode...while they are playing shocking/truth or dare..in the background are two easels with drawings on them. I'm assuming they drew each other at some point, so why wasn't it shown?! Damn you, WGM!. We'll probably see it in the making film though, so I'll settle for that. Also...Key wasn't wearing his wedding ring in this episode. It caught my interest, but I don't think it was anything to make a fuss about, especially considering they had a great time. There was no deep meaning to it, he just simply wasn't wearing it. 
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Guest krismonidavi

I think this episode made it easier for me to let go, too. It gave closure the closure that I really needed. Now, I can just enjoy the last episode with no hard feelings. :)

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@PeggyM Well, to be honest I didnt plan to give review of episode 14 before Monday in order to give people more time to check the episode and create and WRITE their own opinion here. And besides that I wasnt going to review last 2 episodes much or with more details, because I tended and liked to talk about the episodes especially because of the possible outcome/progress in the following episode. Now things are more or less done/decided, there is no room for changes that you can speculate about and therefore it might be better to just go with the flow and enjoy the show. I was also reminded that I tend to overanalyze things and honestly my enjoyement level decreases as more as I think about the episode. 

If I should give you example, after I finished watching the episode 14, my enjoyment level was 70-80% (in other words quite high), but when I let the shortcoming of the episode bother me and I thought about them, suddenly my enjoyment level dropped to 60% and I had to refrain myself from thinking about the episode. But still I feel good about this episode (70% el).


But in the end, because of your comment I decided to publish ALL my thoughts about ep.14 and a few hours before Monday of my timezone. Somehow my comment got really long, so I guess you will read it bits by bits. ^^"
Shopping date 

When it comes to episode 14, I can say that I liked it a lot, but there were also things that bothered me and which are the reason why I cant give more points/higher mark to this episode. When I watched the preview for this episode, I was super happy to find out that they will be shopping, because: a) I wanted to see them go shopping for a long time and just the idea of them shopping made me excited,

B) I thought that they would have great time together and it isnt bad activity for unexperienced couple, c) it would be interesting to see them buy especially clothes for each other, because at that time it would show how well they know each other and if they payed attention to clothes that they wore for their previous shooting (I also regarded it as a couple test to see how they match). It was hilarious to see Key anxious about Ari´s choice of clothes for him and to see how he was worried that he might get Pororo shorts from her. =)) It would crack me up, if she bought him Pororo clothes as a joke. =))  Well, but my excitement died short after they parted their ways – personally I prefer to see couple to go shopping together and not to go shopping separately. I think it is more fun to buy things together (there is more interaction and you can joke, if you want) and you can also find better clothes when you try to fit them to the body of person who will wear the clothes. So I also see it a little bit as wasted time especially for Keyrisa couple that had limited time - why not to give them as much together time as you can? I dont know, if Key wanted to give more room to Ari or didnt want to pressure her/make her nervous or if they decided to save time, but I am not much a fan of activities that they do separately. (and besides that they already did separate shopping in ep.3, when they went to the market, so I hoped for shopping together this time.) 
Key said to buy clothes that would fit them, but it wasnt very clear to me, if they should buy clothes that the partner would like or clothes that they would like to see on their partner, but I was very satistfied with choice of both of them and I was happy to know that they indeed payed attention to clothes what the other one wore. :) For a moment I was also wondering how they would manage to buy the right size, but I guess there arent so many sizes when it comes to fashionable stores (for young people ?) in Korea... I was worried about Ari, because she seemed so lost in the department store, but to be honest I really liked the sweater that she bought, although Key wasnt super fond of it. Well, personally I have problem with Key wearing shorts (and I am not the only Key´s fan that would like to burn his shorts from time to time), but I must give full points to Ari for choosing really nice shorts for Key and I applaude her for choosing special sun-glasses (because Key has really weak spot for sunglasses). :D We were shown how Ari chose clothes and I think she managed it really well, but I would also appreciate, if they showed more from the time when Key was choosing clothes for Ari. You know, there is always big buzz how Key is great fashionista, but we couldnt see much of his „fashion“ skills in real time – I would like to see his process of choosing clothes. I am also curious, if he tried to consult his choice of clothes with the shop clerk, or if he just asked the shop assistant, where are clothes that he tried to find. I also would like to know more about his concept and point for Ari´s clothes except his wish for casual | comfortable | simple clothes (like was he looking for something particular, when he was choosing her outfit; what was the point of Ari´s clothes, do colors play big part, when he is shopping?, did he try to choose top or bottom part of the outfit at first?...). I am not sure, if Ari expected clothes with brighter colors or something more fashionable, but I really liked what he chose for her. It also made me wonder, if she came to like the outfit more after she put it on. :) 
I dont know where Key got impression that Mickey Mouse hat was the best thing that could make him look super-fantastic, but he is right that he looked super cute with the MM hat. :D Oh,... he actually loves Disney characters, right? I wouldnt expect him to buy it so suddenly, but MM hat made end of their shopping date super cute and I really, really enjoyed when they wore MM ear hat. :D

  Shell Gathering  

Surprisingly shell gathering was MUCH more enjoyable than I expected and I was also nicely surprised that Key didnt have a problem to be surrounded by dirty mud. I also liked the subtle moment, when he put his arm around her shoulders...at first I saw it only as a way how to steady her or to have skinship/or cheer her up, but then I realized that it could be also seen as his way to keep her warm.

:D Sharing body warmth? :D
I expected that they would turn shell gathering into competition and I was pleased to see that both of them were doing really well, much better than I expected (I thought it would be similar to their gardening experience =)) ). I loved, LOVED the scene, when Key caught Ari and was pulling her to him...that moment had vibe that I am always waiting for, when I watch new episode. I loved how he caught her, when she was about to fall, (could Ari feel that she can rely on him ? :D ) although I wish he wouldnt let her go so soon. This segment was my most favourite one in this episode. But I think I will have to teach WGM staff how to cut material for broadcasted episode...they cut it too abruptly – almost as if they were afraid to show more of their lovely moment.

Camping site 

I always considered Keyrisa as a couple fitting city look, but they also fit the camping site very well, which was surprising for me. I thought that they wouldnt match the camp much, but they actually did...of course, Key´s a little bit clumsy side revealed that he really doesnt have experience with real camping, but it is great that nothing failed (although setting up burner scene was scary, but at least it gave us nice moment, when she touched his back

:D ). I enjoyed to see them jumping on trampoline, they were like kids again that could enjoy themselves. :) And I was glad that it didnt become source of their embarrassment. I never had a chance to try jumping on a trampoline, but does it really tire you/make you sick so much? :-O Because I actually thought that Ari would be the one who would enjoy it more and excell in trampoline jumping more than Key, but what I saw made me believe that it was reversed. XDDD  
Did somebody else also wonder how canvases with picture of Ari and Key appeared in their tent? Suddenly the canvases were in the background, standing in the tent without any explanation. 
Lie detector made another appearance in Keyrisa WGM, but I think that somehow...this time Key was confident about his answers (so I saw it in a little bit different light and I wasnt worried about the result of their truth game). But the important thing is that they FINALLY got to asking each other a little bit more serious questions and dared to find true answers and feelings of each other. They didnt have heart-to-heart conversation, but this was good substitute for Keyrisa and it was on lighter note, so it wouldnt cause much tension between them. I am sorry, but I laughed so much, when Ari´s eyes popped out, when Key admitted that Ari´s cooking isnt good. I also liked that Key answered that there were real moments when she made his heart flutter. :x Too bad that she didnt try to ask which moments made him feel special. Well, it wasnt surprising that Key asked about skinship right from the start...I still see it as a thing that bothered him till the end of their show and that made him think a lot (and that made me frustrated a lot)...so I was really curious how Ari would answer. 
I was really, really touched when Key prepared the candles and created heart with Ari written inside. Too bad that Ari couldnt focus on the surprise much, because she was already burdened by the final mission. I really didnt like it that they let her know about last date in Key´s absence and when he was preparing the surprise. I didnt like it because a) she could misunderstand why Key left, B) because she wouldnt be able to enjoy following moments with Key c) because Key wasnt shown to be reading the final mission card (although I think that he could know/guessed that it was time for them to receive it). This way mission card ruined enjoyment of Key´s surprise for her and to be honest I dont like how lately WGM makes the couple know about the break-up, WGM ways of announcing last date is pretty unsensitive lately in my eyes. Hmm, I found it really weird that they didnt include the moment, when Key got to know about the last date, but I think they could show Key receiving the final mission card during making of video... 
 I dont know if Key sensed that Ari wasnt herself and was about to cry, but it makes me sad that the mission card kind of destroyed Key´s touching surprise. I bet we could get much better reaction from her, if she wasnt shaken...she couldnt speak much, because she was supressing tears/sobs and she tried to get distracted by talking about cold weather... and Key was just left with her „mostly unsaid“ gratitude. (How nice it would be to hear her real thoughts and impression about the surprise? :( ) I...I thought that this could be the moment that will make them hug...  At least we could see him have arm around her shoulder, when he showed her the surprise, and I liked how she was looking at him, when they were standing in front of the candles. Hm...when I rewatched the scene...I dont know if he had just runny nouse, but didnt Key also look a little bit emotional? Yeah, he danced, but he also tends to dance in order to get distracted from some emotions (ref.: Key in Shinee Surpise Vacation DVD aka Wonderful days or when they went to the Fashion Week in WGM), or was it his way how to get rid of awkward atmoshere? So I am not sure how to look at the end of his surprise. 
They are just really small points, but WGM staff could do much better job with editing the last moments of the surprise event for Ari...it was cut weirdly again in my opinion and their wanna-be-moving black-and-white images look weird/unnatural/messy to me, because it was going-back-and-forward, like when you watch video with error. :( I would also like to see Key wearing his wedding ring at least after he was done with cooking/grilling.

some final words about my personal opinion about ep.14, you can skip it =)) 

I would say that this episode fulfills the role of next-to-last episode quite well, because it has good ballance of playful and serious moments that were realized well this time. Key and Arisa had time for plays (part of shopping date and trampoline and camping site), when they can be more carefree. You can also see them try to interact on romantic level (when they have skinship after they are done with shell gathering or when Key prepares surprise for Ari) and more emotional/serious level (when they tried to confirm if their guess about what the other one didnt dare to say but thought in his head was true or not). It shows Keyrisa in much better light than episode 12 or 13 in my eyes, because this time message of this episode reached me. The concept for episode 12 was also good, BUT they didnt manage to carry out well the purpose/message of each segment. There are a few reasons why I liked ep.14 more and why I didnt enjoy ep.13 so much – a) Key was kinda grumpy/bored during most time of kite segment and Ari also didnt show much excitement about writing wish on kite in my opinion,

B) when they were in zoo, they looked distant/cold and Ari apparently didnt enjoy interaction with animals much, c) personally I had different image about Ari´s last cooking for Key and her message didnt do the trick for me, d) I still held some expectations and hopes for their special moments and skinship. But that it is only my personal opinion. ;) 
I said that ep.14 was good – especially when I compare it with previous 2 episodes, but I still wanna add a few things...when it comes to comparing episodes that were BROADCASTED after their honeymoon, personally... I would give higher mark to episode 11. But when it comes to episodes that were SHOOTED after honeymoon, episode 14 is my favourite one so far. :)

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My most favourite moment of episode 14 was definitely the time, when Keyrisa were trying to make the other one lose balance and Key pulled her to him. :xtumblr_n8amqjw0qV1r5aukuo1_500.gif

Did somebody notice what was written on Ari´s T-shirt? :D :D :D
And bonus gif. :)tumblr_n8apm2IQgz1r5aukuo1_500.gif

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