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[Official] Key ღ Yagi Arisa ~ We Got Married Global Couple S2 ~ UGG Couple


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Guest krismonidavi

@I.K.A.H.I noticed that this preview is another one of the sucky ones where there is only a blip of previews for Key and Ari. Grrrrrr. And DF is about to get a cyber foot up their tails if they don't show this episode immediately! I've been spoiled so far and waiting for longer than usual is not sitting well with me. lol
an hour later....still no video. I'm not mad anymore...just sad  =((

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@krismonidaviI also checked the preview and was disappointed how they didnt give much time to Keyrisa. :( It is almost 1 minute long preview, but Keyrisa didnt appear even for 10 seconds, which makes me really sad. :(( This time I am really curious what they will do, because there are no fanpictures or fanaccounts about shooting of their last 4 episodes - so we have no clue what will happen in next episodes.I dont know...it wouldnt kill them to give at least 15-20seconds to Keyrisa in the preview. We have pretty good picture of Heepuf plans for the next episode, but we are pretty clueless about Keyrisa. :(I guessed that Keyrisa would also shoot in a private place, but 

I am surprised that they are meeting Min again. And I dont know the other guy at all. 


Hope that they will upload subbed version soon. I am already dying while waiting for the subs. T.TI noticed that less people are online - less comments in this thread, later time for updates (previews/episodes)...is everybody busy with final exams and other stuff or something happened? :/ :/ :/

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Guest kal2525

What is going on with the regular viewing channel??!!!! I have also gotten spoiled in regards to what time it has been downloading. So many questions that I have from the raw version and they seem to choose now for a glitch. My daughter called me addicted today. Yes I am I love love this couple.

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@kal2525No idea, why they are taking so much time with subbing new episode today. :(I was surprised that raw version was also uploaded 1 hour later...But I still believe that subbed version will be out soon.I didnt watch the raw version yet, because I thought that the subs will be out as always, but they are already 2 hours late.
I hope that they didnt change time for releasing subbed new episodes of WGM...I always have hard time to wait and if they started to upload it later, it would be too much for my nerves. :((
Does your daughter watch this show with you? It must be nice to have your own family. :)

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Guest kal2525


I need my weekly fix :-w My daughter ask questions here and there but she is into all things japanese especially shows and teaching herself basic japanese.

Ari said on the honeymoon she was once again proud of her husband. Did she tell him she was proud of him after the musical, which happened before the honeymoon. Ahhhhhhhh so many unanswered questions.

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@kal2525Haha, when I was younger, I was also only into Japanese popculture and things. =)) But it is great that your daughter is so interested in activities/shows that are about teaching Japanese. :)
And about the episode 11...

I was sooo happy, when Ari praised Key during their honeymoon dinner.

:D She was cute, when she tried to cover it by speaking about delicious food, but Key understood her message/feelings. :) And she was also proud of him after musical...but honestly...who wouldnt fall for him after watching his musical? Key is perfect for musicals. :x I am really, really happy that they could see each other do what they do for work...I think it also helped them to get to know each other more. :)I dont know if it is only me, but how did you feel during the scene when they sit on beach? The sea and weather made me feel kinda sad and melancholic... :((

I enjoyed episode 11 a lot, but I cant help and feel that it was kinda short...that I would love to see more. :/Time flies so fast for them and even for us viewers. :((

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Guest kal2525

Next ep previews did not do our couple any justice. Really enjoyed this ep and can't wait to read all the feedbacks.

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Loved today's episode, they are so adorable and comfortable with each other now....super sweet!!  I guess we just have to wait for a preview of our couple, since they didn't really get one :(  I hope we get to see more cuteness with the making videos as well.  What was favorite part of today's episode???  I think for me it was when Ari came back at the end of the musical and gave him the flowers....you could see how really proud she was and how much she adores him...of course the two HUGS were just too sweet for words  :x

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Guest krismonidavi

So..I am about to begin my long long long comment....Be prepared to read or skip, whatever makes it easier for you. Haha.

We start the episode with Key and Ari on the last day of their honeymoon. At least we got to see them at the beach, even though I really wanted to see them drive there and talk.Key's arm was around her shoulders (the usual), but she did seem to wrap her arm around him when they made it to the beach. I like that she jokes with him and asks him to buy a house in Macau. The rich oppa teasing is cute. 

The mood during their time at the beach was light, but meaningful and...romantic. It was touching. The conversation is amazing between them during this moment. I don't know how to explain how much I loved this scene. They thought back to their first date and the honeymoon. The only thing missing was that she didn't put her head on his shoulder, lol. Seriously though, we got to see a 'real' moment happen between them. We finally got to hear Ari's wish! Turns out, she and Key had very similar wishes...to be closer and to not be apart. Question: Do any of you think we got to see a bit of Ari's insecurity then? Has she been worried that he wouldn't like her or something?  It was sweet that she hesitated to tell him what her wish was for and I agree with Key that her being nervous makes it believable that it was real. Next we see the romantic dinner date! We got to see them in their snazziest dinner outfits, black on black is always awesome. When Key asked her how he looked and she gave the thumbs up, he didn't seem to appreciate it. He wanted a better response...which lets me know that I haven't been too far off the mark with being a little fed up with the 'thumbs up'.The meal was all seafood, all very expensive looking. And Key gets busted! He's been the rich oppa and slipped up by being dazzled by the expensive meal. That was hilarious to see. Of course, they fall in love with their meal and its funny to notice that they seem to be working on their facial expressions when they eat now. They look much more satisfied now. Did anyone else's heart flutter when Ari says she thinks Key could make the same meal if he tried and then he asks her if she'd like him to make it at home. She must really enjoy his cooking to drop a hint for him to make it. And just hearing him ask that question blew my mind! Cute and sweet couple overload! I thought it wouldn't get any better than that...and then. BOOM! Ari comes out of nowhere and says she's happy she's married to him and then that there was something about him. Can we get a collective "awwwww" from the viewers?! My heart melted. At that point, this couple completely owned me. They could have slipped in a message across the screen saying "go push over elderly people for more sweet moments" and I would have considered it. I wouldn't have actually done it....seriously, I promise.. >_>

When they make it back to their house, I squealed over the cuteness. They were so playful and looked so happy! Then out comes the mission card *dun dun duuunn*. When Key reads it, you can see he smiles but he looks like he can't believe it. I thought he was excited at first and then I thought he was nervous and scared. In the end, turns out he was worried about his height! Ari tries to make him feel better, saying she's short too. It seems that modeling for pictures is okay with him, but modeling live is another story. Next comes the big catwalk scene..or dogwalk rather, since Key is wearing his "comme des" slippers. I think that was his way of shaking off his fears for the show. And of course there was his teasing about Ari's modeling video. He jokes but I think he likes it when she's in her model zone, she's a different person when she's working and it really amplifies her beauty.
Once again, we get to see Arisa taking over the reins and leading Key. I love it when this happens. When she gets the chance to show him what she is good at and can sort of guide him. Even though it she said it was different from what she's used to, she worked the runway. Girl got professional! And Key...bless his heart, he looked so nervous even though he tried hiding it. Ari must have noticed that too, so she tries to cheer him up and lift his spirits..a very wifely thing to do. I need to say...when he said he was attracted to the model...I kinda laughed. It was just funny to me! You could see it all over his face when he saw her, he was smitten. Does that mean he doesn't like Arisa? No! But he would have totally swapped wives at that second if he could have and you know it! lol It was cute to see him have a fanboy moment and I appreciate that he hid it from his wife. Then Hyuna pops up. Thankfully they didn't focus on their similarity for long (wish they would have shown Eunji as briefly as that). 
Was this the Bring Your Spouse to Work episode???? Hahaha.After the fashion week event, Arisa finally gets to see Key working!! She looked proud of herself for asking him, so I wonder if she's been working up the courage to ask him or if she was waiting for him to invite her this whole time? Hmmm. Either way, she finally gets to see her husband shining. She looked so proud of him! I think she was having her own fangirl moment afterwards. Does anyone else think she fell for Key even more as D'Artagnan? She looked mesmerized. I was right! Arisa made the cake! You guys don't even know how happy that made me. And the cake she made for him specifically was huge! Then she gave the cast these cupcakes! Thats right! Your husband gets the big cake! I know he loved getting the cake from her. And the bouquet! I don't know if the staff had the bouquet ready or if she did it, but it was nice and I think Key loved that as well. And the pose he had going on when she showed up with the flowers? Sexy sexy Mr. D'Artagnon...lolHis cast mates were funny and easy going, saying they should have a baby. Did anyone see Ari's face when they said they wanted them to bow? *blink blink blink blink* Ari and Key both wanted to experience the other's professional side and I think they both gave their best and made their partner proud. It was a bit surprising that Ari asked him to make a gesture for her on stage and even more surprising that Key actually did it. It made her so happy though. I wonder if she had a thought like "Wow! That's my husband!" while he was on stage and wowing the audience. 
We finally got our hug! TWO HUGS. *dead faint* That was a big moment, guys. A huge moment. Then their closing words during the interview were touching. Key hasn't looked so absolutely pleased during the last words during this entire season. It makes it seem like he's saying this is what he's been wanting and waiting for the whole time.

If I have never believed that Arisa had feelings for Key before, I would definitely be believing it now. This was the first time, honestly, that I saw her as his wife and I think he did, too. It really made it even harder to accept that this is practically the end of their time together. Why now?? lol

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Guest TanyuuA

Hello, I am new here. The Fox Channel version, when Arisa made the cake for Key , the screen shows that she is a daughter of a chef. I am glad to know more information of Ari Chan.  ^^

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@krismonidavi I read it all...and your words were all ringing true.  This episode for me was probably the best one for them.  To me as well, for the first time, you felt them like husband and wife and really close to one another.  I also agree that it makes it harder knowing the end is coming, especially after hearing Ari's wish of not wanting them to be apart....tugs the heart :(  Since we didn't really get much of a preview for them, I am curious about what they will be doing for these remaining episodes.  Whatever it may be, I hope it's more of them one on one, because that's when they are able to really be themselves and enjoy the time with each other to it's fullest.  Thanks for the awesome comment, as always :)

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Guest krismonidavi

@TanyuuAYes! I caught that little fact bubble, too! Daughter of a chef? Wow! It happens that way a lot, when a parent is a professional at something, the child usually isn't good at it even though its expected. Her dad is a chef and she can't cook, but she can make a pretty cake! That would explain her skill. Don't you just love it when you learn new facts about her? I know I do, because it seems that we really know nothing about her outside of WGM and modeling.
@PeggyM it broke my heart a little when she said her wish, it really did. Just like you said, I hope they spend the rest of the episodes just with the two of them. I think they work best when its just them. BUT from the very very very very infuriatingly short preview of them for episode 12, I think they will have company. If I'm not mistaken, didn't they show Min and a guy in the preview? My first reaction was to be kind of pouty about them having company, but then I decided to take this positively. Min is a good guest to have again, because she was there in the beginning, remember? Back at the ski resort when they were super awkward with each other and all that stuff. I'd like to see how she responds to the two of them now that they are in a better place in their relationship. I can already tell she's going to say they look more comfortable, but I want to know what she thinks of the two of them now that they can hold hands. Oh! What if they bring out another round of the Shocking Liar game and compare answers from then to now? I doubt they'd have the game, but it wouldn't that be hilarious?

*FANGIRL MOMENTS* <3 Seriously, ya'll (the twang is necessary here).. this episode was fantastic. There were no 'so/so' moments, there were no awkward moments, there was no disappointment. This episode was perfect. This was what I've waited all season for....they finally had real intimacy. They may not have touched much, but they were finally seeing eye to eye and understanding each other and supporting each other.
On the beach, Key spoke with a very relaxed tone, which made his voice sound a bit deeper and sexy. And maybe it is just me, but there is something so appealing about seeing Key with that wedding ring on his finger in this scene. Maybe its the way he's sitting and has his arms draped across his knees, I don't know, but that ring had me hooked. He just looked particularly mannish sitting there..don't get me started on the calf muscles *drool*. And Arisa's skirt, I was scared it would get dirty, lol. I was sitting here saying to the screen "noo! its too pretty to sit on the wet sand!" The dinner date...I wowed at the beautiful restaurant they ate in. It looked amazing! The food looked delicious. And the chandeliers! It was all so pretty..If it were me, I'd have stood in the middle of the room looking with my mouth wide open. lolI definitely know that at some point in my life, I will be taking my little country butt to Macau (not knowing a bit of the language, lol). I have to go! 
Please please please please let the making videos of this episode come out quickly and have really great material to show! [-O<

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Guest TanyuuA

@krismonidaviHAHA~ I agree your opinion, the chef Dad maybe makes his child no cook well.^^" 
And EP02, when Key asked what Arisa's  interesting is? Arisa answered so natruelly: eating and sleeping.  XD

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@krismonidavi YES...bring on the liar game again....I would love to see how their answers have changed...mostly Aris,LOL  I do so totally agree with you, this episode just had a different feel to it all around.  At the same time, I hate that it's turning out this way, because it makes it so difficult for the end and afterwards, because you really wish that they will have a future together.  At the very least I will hope that they maintain a very close friendship, because Key seems like the type of guy that would do that much for sure.  Doesn't he have like a really "best" girl "friend", Nicole or something like that....I believe he brought her dog that one episode, right?  Anyhow, I know there was speculation that they had been dating, but I just get the feeling that is not the case and he does just develop close relationships with certain people.  I sure Ari will be one of them, especially at his reaction to things she said this episode and how he genuinely was touched by her words.  I think/hope that they do have "real" feelings for one another and somehow they will be able to carry on with them even after the show ends.  Look at Hongki and Mina...apparently they have stayed friends (maybe more) since their time on GWGM, so it could happen, right???  I hope, I hope, I hope :)

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Guest kal2525

Be the first couple to have a baby on the show had me on my butt laughing :) :) Key's castmates were sooo funny. This ep had everything we have been wanting and more. They didn't give reaction to kiss but made up for that 10 times over. They should have had more of the "beach" talks, but better late than never.

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Ok, so now my first part of my "long" reviews of episode 11. XD

I was really pleased that they showed another part of their honeymoon. I was really happy that they granted my wish and had time to shoot on beach, because that was something that I really wanted to see - beach is really nice place to spend time and because it would remind them their first meeting, so they would have a chance to see how much they grew closer and how their relationship is different now. But as @krismonidavi already mentioned, it would be great, if they took car there, there is something charming about beach ride for me and I like to see Key drive. XD Simply, beach ride would make it even more amazing for me. On the other hand it was nice, that this time their beach date was different, that they could leisurely walk there, hold hands. I really liked the moment when they sit there, because we could see that they were kinda emotional. Key looked at sea, when he talked and it seemed like that he was thinking about many things, he could be a little bit melancholic...it was clear that he was really serious - no pretence, no exeggeration, just his real heart. 

I loved how Ari was looking at him all time and payed great attention to his words - it really looked that she was genuinely interested in his words. I was really surprised that she wasnt so shy, but rather brave/daring. I am glad that she revealed her wish and it was sooo cute how she couldnt say it immediately and struggled a little bit, because she was embarrassed. :) I loved it.  Wasnt that a sight of girl who fell in love? I really gave full points to her how much she talked there and how active she was. I really wanna praise her for this segment. And Key´s face bloomed into big smile and delight, when he heard his words. :x
@krismonidavi also talked about how charming and manly Key looked sitting there and how she was afraid that Ari´s skirt would get dirty - it was also something that caught my attention. And I loved to stare at his back. =))Ah, I forgot to mention how I was surprised when she said that she wants him buy her a house there. =)) It was something that caught me off guard and Key also looked pretty surprised. =))
I also liked that Ari seemed to have hand on his back/waist, although to me it looked like that they arents used to holding each other that way - their walk was a little bit funny, because they didnt know how close they can/should be. =))
I think I see some moments really in a different light...I really liked their beach date, but somehow the whole scene had sad/melancholic undertone for me - the weather wasnt bad, but it was kinda cloudy and somehow the whole setting looked a little bit gloomy (because of black sand) and their scene made me think how not much time is left for them, that their shooting is approaching end. Ari also mentioned that their honeymoon went really fast. I think the way how Key gazed at sea and interacted with Ari gave me such impression...to me sea is kind of symbolism of passing time... 

I talked about it many times, but I really love how they looked, when they went for dinner. :x I adore how they look together.OMG, Key, thank you! I am so glad that I didnt misinterpret it and Key also found her thumb gesture-reply soulless. I didnt know how to call such reaction, but "soulless" is the right word to use. XD Key was really funny when he imitated her. =)) I wonder if Ari realized something when Key did the same gesture in order to make her taste her own medicine. Hope she will put a little bit effort into giving more sincere answer/reaction from now on, when she is asked about something. But I am also glad that she was able to comment his look/outfit choice and said that he looks stylish and nice. Finally a little bit more detailed answer. :D Although he tried to deny it, he was pleased. :)
The expensive food looked so delicious - I really would like to try the lobster. @krismonidavi, I am sorry but I find their "rich oppa" remark/joke kinda annoying. I would enjoy it much more if he didnt mention it all the time, may be he is just a little bit lost how to react and therefore he says that, but I am worried that viewers might get wrong impression of him. BUT I was super happy, when it turned out that he also isnt used to such expensive meal/place and other things. It made me really relieved, when the captions "Arent we letting people see that we have never been to this kind of place before" appeared. I could really relax more after I saw this caption. It was HILARIOUS when she got him, when she caught his "wow" comment and asked him, if this dinner is "wow"/superb, although he is rich. I laughed so much at that moment. And Key was so cute, when she caught his wow remark. =))
I was shocked when Ari suddenly started to talk about her being happilly married, I couldnt believe my ears and eyes. It was so sudden and honest. :D I was like "what happened to her". I think I would also laugh in such situation, because it would look funny/surprising/absurd. XD But I am really glad that she told him about her feelings. I also liked what expression she wore, when she was interviewed about her confession. :D She looked really sincere and happy. :D Too bad that she cant/couldnt tell him more about his sides that she finds charming and appreciates. :)Really happy that Key could feel that they got closer during their honeymoon thanks to her opening more to him. :x 
But I was confused that Ari called for a waitress in Korean...did the staff understand Korean? And more than that, dont you think that it is a little bit inappropriate to call waiter this way in such expensive restaurant? Or is it just European manner to wait for waiter to come in high-class restaurant?
I am really happy that they showed their beach and dinner/restaurant date, but I cant help and wish that they would show more. At first it seemed that 3 days for honeymoon is long time, but it flew soooo fast...I guess weather also forced them to change their plans a little bit...still I hope that they could do more things during their honeymoon than they showed. :)

I will talk about Fashion week and musical in my next review-comments. :D

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@PeggyMYeah, it seems that we have to wait a few more days to get better picture of next episode, but I really dont understand why they didnt show much of Keyrisa in preview for the next episode. 8-| We could see Heepuff doing at least 3 different activities, but when it comes to Keyrisa, we just know that they will meet friends in a cafe or something like that.
Agree, they were super adorable and comfortable in this episode. :D Hope making of video wont disappoint us. :)I also loved the moment, when she came to his dressing room after the end of the musical. It was full of sincere, real feelings. I loved how they "hugged". :x :x :x
Hard to say which episode is my most favourite one, but this one is definitely one of the best ones. As you said, we could finally see them as husband and wife - I could finally see them in a stage of relationship that I was waiting all the time - their interaction/relationship status was finally how it should be. :)I also hope that they will spend most of the shooting just in company of each other, but I am not worried that their meeting friends would take much time in next episode. But does anybody have a clue who is the young man that they are meeting? I have never see him. I wish it was actually someone who Ari knows. XD
@TannyuaWelcome to Keyrisa thread! :D Hope you will enjoy your stay here. :)I guess I was so tired yesterday, that I missed the information about Arisa being chef´s daughter. :(

I also wanted to see them drive to the beach! :(( But I liked their beach date anyway.She said that she wants a house from him, but I had feeling that she would like to have house for both them in her fantasy world, but I know it was just a joke.I agree that their time at beach was really touching and romantic and that their conversation was special. Aww, it would be amazing if she put her head on his shoulder, may be she did, but I guess she didnt do it during their conversation, because she wanted to see his expression. She must have felt that he was serious, therefore she payed him so much attention. :)Throwing confetti after we got to know Ari´s wish. :D I didnt think about their wishes being similar until you mentioned it. :((  I think we could see Ari´s insecurity, when she told him her wish. For me it was mix of embarrassment and insecurity if she can say something like that, I think she was worried about his reaction, about viewers reaction...if he will give reaction that she expects, if he will change how he behaves, if she wont fall deeper for him, if she wont appear too vulnerable, if she wont get criticized...simply how her words will influence all. I think everybody is worried about his confession, because it changes a lot... Great that she mustered courage and told him her wish. :D Ari, go, go! :D
Glad that we got to know that Key would appreciate answer with more feelings/soul. :)Seriously it was so funny when she caught him being also amazed by expensive food. =)) Well, I think spaghetti meal was good, but I had impression that it wasnt so super delicious, something that you could cook, if you tried you best. I really hope that Key wont break his promise and will cook spaghetti for her. :D It made me really warm inside, when he said "Do you want me to make this at home?" :x :x :x Kyaa, my fangirl heart cant make it. XDD
Seriously, their interaction in house...cuteness/adorable overload. :xHe looked serious, when he read the mission card, but I didnt see any problem with his height untill I saw that HUGE male model. :-O But it was really sweet of Ari that she tried to comfort him about his height issues. :D She did well. :D I agree with your words that his slippers and their sunglasses was his way how to get over his height problem. :) He teased her about the video, but I am sure that he actually liked it a lot. I think it was also comforting for him to know that she wasnt super model from the beginning, that she also had to learn it and wasnt pro immediately.Key was really nervous about catwalk of Fashion Week, but I think he did his best to hide his nervousness, although she noticed it, which is great. I really loved the moment when she came to him and cheered him up, when he was about to go on catwalk. :) It was so cute and as you said very wifely. :DI agree that he was smitten, when he saw the female model, but I didnt know that he liked it so much until he talked about it in the black room. But to be honest I was also charmed by her, although she appeared just for a few seconds. Of course, he liked her only as a her fan, but I think he should be careful about number of women that he talks about in WGM. I am glad that the Hyuna/Ari comparison moment was handled well, not too awkward or too long. :)
Yes, I DO think that she fell for him even more after she saw him as D´Artagnan. Seriously he was born to be on stage, he really shines, when he is doint musical and he is showing his best points there.I loved their interaction with his cast mates. =))

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@krismonidavi , @TanyuuAI also noticed that children rarely follow parents steps and usually are not good at what their parents excell/do for living, but it is no big surprise for me. Children have more options to choose their future now and another thing is that some parents dont want their children to be compared with them, which could cause them trauma in the worst case. I also dont know, if it is her case, but for example my dad is less demanding, when it comes to my cooking and house choires (although I think I am not bad) and I know that my grandfather also tried to help my mother in kitchen a lot...Something like dads having soft spot for their daughters. :D

She can make a pretty cake, but I would like to see her make a cake from scratch. :DI absolutely agree that it is pity that we dont know much about her except her model carrier and her on WGM.

About the preview. I agree that Min is a good guest, because she can compare their relationship progress. I am really curious what she will say about them now. :D I think it is also one of the concept of WGM to let couple meet their friends a few times. Heepuf also met Heechul´s friend again in this episode and I think that Keyrisa is next to go. But I think the meeting wont take too much time, I think it will be only one part in the episode. I noticed that they usually put at least 3 different parts/activities of the couple in 1 episode. :)I dont think that they will bring Liar Game again, but they will play something different.
I absolutely agree with your paragraph marked as fangirl moments. :DWell, I didnt look so much on his hand, but on his back that I found really sexy...especially with his white shirt that was higging the right lines of his body. :D

@PeggyMI think that their friends will ask them about many things and I am also curious about their answers, but I would be really glad if they chose a different game for that segment. Liar game is already too boring and overused in my eyes. And with their relationship progress I think there is no need to confirm their answers.
Yeah, Key is really close to Nicole, but I think it is also thanks to the fact that she is part of 91-line. He is also very close to Amber, especially on mental level. :) It would be really nice if Key stayed in contact with Ari even after the WGM show ends, but I think time will show more.. :)
@kal2525If you mean them taking of care of real, living little baby, I think they could be the first couple to do so. But they wouldnt be the first WGM couple to take care of a child, because Kwanghee and Sunhwa took care of 3 children during WGM.I would love to see Keyrisa take care of children, because it could be cute to see them interact with a child, but I am worried that it wouldnt be so happy thing for Arisa...Key is exceptionally skilled with taking care of a child and I am worried that Ari could feel that she lacks. :(
@hippgranPlease, could you translate for us the captions in the preview for next episode (just the Keyrisa part)? Thank you.

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Guest kal2525


He jokenly ment to actually have a baby :) If Ari had understood that her eyes would have gotten huge:) Key made a comment about very long commitments or something of that nature. I thought it was funny because it came from left field by someone you would least expect by appearances.

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