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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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^ OMO A CONCERT!!!!!! *hyperventilates*

I. WANNA. GO. T_____T

Please release a DVD for this! *prays hard*

And yes, the boys are working so hard. They're such a restless bunch. GD said that it's weird not having to do anything during their free time, so they all do more work instead. As much as I love this, please get some rest T___T Noona doesn't want you getting sick.

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Yayy, I'm excited for their 2nd mini album!! :D Thanks Jaja!

SOeun., ahh concert too? OMO~ They're so busy.

Here's some pics from when they went to the movies? lol




credits; bing2020

---Look at GD and that tub of popcorn. XP

DS looks so cute with that backpack on..haha

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Okay I guess I fail at Big Bang fandom or something, because I don't know what this whole TOP wardrobe, jacket fiasco is about. Could someone shed some light on that for me please?

Also thanks for the YG Message update 8D

It also talks about their advancement in the Japan market. Which I can't wait for. ^^

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Guest jOjOlEE_x3


요즘 빅뱅이 많은 인기를 얻고 있는 것 같습니다. ^^

These days Big Bang has been gaining a lot of popularity^^

이번 [거짓말]의 홍보 활동은 좀더 오랜 시간 동안 집중해 볼 생각입니다.

I think that we will promote [Lie] for a longer time.

11월 초쯤... 후속곡으로 교체할지... 아니면 12월 초 발표 예정이었던 두 번째 미니 앨범을 한 달 앞당겨 발표할 지에 대해 고민 중입니다. (이미 작업해 놓은 비장의 곡들이... ㅎㅎ)

I am thinking about whether to have Big Bang perform with their second song (after Lie) or to release the second mini album quciker (There are already completed, amazing new songs haha)

생각이 정리되는 대로 다시 말씀드릴게요. ^^

I will let you know again once I make up my mine^^

일본 진출

Japan Debut

얼마 전 빅뱅의 일본 진출 음반 계약을 체결했습니다.

A whilte ago, Big Bang signed a contract for their Japanese album.

지난 수년간... 빅뱅의 일본 진출을 위해 일본의 많은 유명 레코드 회사들과 거물급 인사들을 거의 다 접촉해보았다고 해도 과언이 아닌데요...

For the past few years [not literally]... even if I say that I have looked around many famous record companies in Japan and met with officials, it is barely even half of what I did...

빅뱅의 일본 계약 당사자는 엉뚱하게도 언더그라운드 음악만을 전문으로 다루는 매우 작은 회사로 결정하였습니다.

For some reason, the company that we made the contract with specializes only in underground music.

그 이유는 빅뱅의 경우 음악 마니아를 상대로 언더그라운드 시장부터 공략해 나가는 길이 옳다고 판단했기 때문입니다.

That is because we decided that it was best for Big Bang to target the underground music business and move their way out.

총 6곡이 실리게 될 빅뱅의 첫 일본 싱글 앨범은 모두 영어로 발표합니다..

There will be 6 songs in the album, all completely in English.

한류 가수가 아닌 해외 아티스트로 소개하기 위함인데요..

This is to target that Big Bang is a worldwide group, and not just an Asian group.

빅뱅의 프로모션 참여 시기는 내년 초로 예정되어 있어 국내 활동에 지장을 주지 않을 것입니다.

Big Bang will start their promotion early next year and won't interfere with Korean activities.

비록 일본 파트너가 작은 회사이긴 하지만, 이들은 얼마 전 일본의 한 언더 그룹을 발굴하여 밀리언셀러를 기록한 감각있는 팀이랍니다. ^^

Although the company that we signed the contract with is a small one, one of the company's underground group's has a record of being a Million Seller (copies of albums)^^



가수들에게 있어 가장 영광스러운 자리는 아마도 단독 콘서트 무대일 것입니다.

The greatest thing for a singer to have is probably a solo concert.

국 내 공연 시장의 규모가 워낙 작은지라, 대중적으로 큰 인기를 끌고 있는 가수들조차 단독 콘서트를 진행하기란 여간 어려운 일이 아닌데요. 이런 국내 상황을 감안한다면... 데뷔 1년도 되지 않은 신인이 총 6회에 걸친 전국 콘서트에서 4만 명에 가까운 유료 관객을 동원했다는 것은 매우 의미있는 일이라고 생각합니다.

오는 연말인 12월 29일, 30일.. 서울 잠실 올림픽 펜싱 경기장에서 빅뱅의 단독 콘서트 (ALWAYS)를 진행할 예정입니다. 티켓 예매는 10월부터 시작할 예정으로, 자세한 소식은 추후 다시 공지하도록 하겠습니다.

During the holidays on December 29th and the 30th.. at the Seoul JamSil Olympic Fencing Stadium Big Bang will have their solo concert (ALWAYS). Tickets will go on sale starting from October, and I will release more specific information about it later.

양사장의 약속 : 티켓 가격은 저렴하게.. 무대 비용은 남기지 말고..

YG's promise: Low ticket prices... and not leave expenses for the stage [i'm not sure what this means o_o]

열심히 준비해서 좋은 공연을 만들도록 노력하겠습니다.. 많이 찾아주시길.

We will work hard to make a good concert. We hope that a lot of you will come.


i read the whole message and in the Gummy section, it mentioned that she will be releasing her 4th album in November and there will be a duet with Taeyang! :]

also, at the end of the message YG apologized for TOP's jacket problem and mentioned that TOP and the staff got in a lot of trouble...

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Thank you so much for translating Jojo!!

Wow, I'm excited to see what YG will decide to have them promote a 2nd song or release the 2nd mini album first. OMO~ this is all going so fast.

That's so awesome the Big Bang got signed to an underground Japanese record label. I'm curious to see how their style will be and how they'll promote.

I bet the boys are super excited. 6 songs in ENGLISH? (Did I read the right?) AHhh, how will that sound? Now I'm really

psyched for their Japanese single. But...if it's a Japanese single...shouldn't there be Japanese songs too? Hmm, I guess we'll all just have to wait until

November and see.

:o They're gonna have a solo "Always" concert too?? Ahhh, I wanna go.

Man, so much great news released today. I'm so excited for Big Bang! The rest of the year will be filled with some good stuff.

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Guest trangtwo

OMG i'm soo excited! more and more of big bang for us! a second mini album AND a japanese one with 6 english songs! wow.

thanks t.yama for the movies pics! lol awww GD kinda looks like a dork there (a cute one of course). gahh i really need to go to korea and stalk them ^_^

thanks jOjOlEE_x3 for translating!

and thanks to everyone else for sharing on the previous pages!

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Okay I guess I fail at Big Bang fandom or something, because I don't know what this whole TOP wardrobe, jacket fiasco is about. Could someone shed some light on that for me please?
TOP wore this jacket with Japanese flag symbols on it, and knowing Korea's history with Japan, it seemed rather ignorant of him. It's just funny though that people had to bring this up now that they're famous and everything. Bah. I mean he wore that jacket months ago. The netizens called him a fool and "a kid with nothing in his head" <_< But enough with that. They've apologized ^^

Tiffany, thank you for the going-to-the movie pics. I'd love to have a movie date with Bongee lol *daydreams*

Jojo, I really appreciate you doing the translations ^^ I'm somewhat happy that their Japanese single is gonna be in English. But I'm quite nervous too cos I don't want them to be singing butchered English lol. I think YG's taking this approach cos they want to debut as an international group instead of just another "Hallyu Wave" thing in Japan. I have faith in YG's decision so I hope it'd work out fine.

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총 6곡이 실리게 될 빅뱅의 첫 일본 싱글 앨범은 모두 영어로 발표합니다..

There will be 6 songs in the album, all completely in English.

한류 가수가 아닌 해외 아티스트로 소개하기 위함인데요..

This is to target that Big Bang is a worldwide group, and not just an Asian group

^WOAH!!!! AHHHH THAT TOTALLY CAUGHT MY ATTENTION!!! OMGSHHHH I CAN'T WAIT!!!! The boys releasing an ALL ENGLISH album, to target BIG BANG as a worldwide group...i think YG senses BIG BANG'S POTENTIAL TO BE WORLDWIDE ROCKSTARS....*spazzing out @work*

>< i wanna go to their concert!!!! im really considering it, that is if i still have dirty cash to spare haha!!!

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OHHHHH! thanks for translating, jOjOlEE_x3!

wahh, seems like the boys will be more busy next year!

and ohmygod, solo concert by the end of the year! >< I WANNA GOOOO.

english songs? YG really never fails to give surprises~ i wonder how they'll sound like though!

anyway! SEUNGRI appeared on I AM SAM! (well... :lol:)



큰승현속살 @ Bestiz

hehehe. sharp eyes from fans :lol:

I think this is my first time posting here?

Anyway, one more Big Bang pic on Sukira. :D


GD's v^.^ picture~~ <3

that gif is cute! look at JINGYO's post :lol: :lol:


Credits: 막내 @ Bestiz

ahhh, i like what JINGYO is wearing in those movie pictures! ;D

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Guest tsukemene123

Haha that SR appearance is amazing!

I can't wait until the KBS World english subbed episodes of I Am Sam are up.

About TOP getting in trouble... :( I hope it wasn't too harsh of a punishment.

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Guest 1nn0xsmile

hhahah that's cooll, SR appeared in I AM SAM!

i cant wait their 2nd mini album , so bad im too far away from SEOUL

their concert last year THE REAL was so amazing!!! thanks you for the translation!!! man, there's alot stuff we.re waiting for!!! im still waiting for their solo MV, will YG make it?? XB big bang , will be known all around the world, Aight those 6 songs will be all englsh, it will be easier for us to sing along!! =D

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Guest Seraphic_Gin

They just release the first and they are prepared for the second album all ready? Woah! A really big thumbs-up to that! I know they won't fail us. We'd love them no matter what. It shows that they are really dedicated to their music. Big Big kudos!

And GD, woah! Such a fashionista. He'll be the only guy I know who could rock those outfits! Ack, a perfect boyfriend. Haha. And seeing them going to the movies shows how 'normal' they could be when on break.

I really dont understand the trouble about TOP's jacket, but I hope he'd have less punishment, or no punishment at all! And he seems really busy, missing out on the radio shows and all.

And SeungRi's 'appearance' in I AM SAM. Lolx!

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Guest jOjOlEE_x3

haha seungri in I Am Sam is funny

freaking good eyes o_o

you`re welcome for the translations everyone!

and new schedules:

M.Net M! Countdown 9/13

KBS FM InGiGaYo 9/15 (BB will be DJs for the day again!)

MBC Show! Music Core 9/15

SBS JiHyunWoo's Today's Happy Day (?) 9/16

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Guest kdsnabi426

Thanks JoJo for the translation! I can't believe they've already prepared their 2nd mini album. Another 6 songs I wonder? I'm not even gonna speculate on what kind of music this 2nd one will have. BB surprises me so much so I'm just gonna sit tight, wait, and see, lol. So Japan debut will be early next year and not November? I totally didn't expect BB contracting to an underground music label. And this 6 English songs thing is a big shocker! I'm so excited for this album! Imagine if they perform their English songs @ HB 2008! :w00t:

I think YG's taking this approach cos they want to debut as an international group instead of just another "Hallyu Wave" thing in Japan. I have faith in YG's decision so I hope it'd work out fine.

Yeah I like the way you explained it. At first it seems like it doesn't make sense to release English songs in Japan but when u think about how the Japanese listen to English or American songs just as much as any other Asian country, this idea really could work for Big Bang. The idea of YG wanting to start promoting BB as a worlwide group could be good news for us i-VIPs. Maybe if this album goes well, they'll open up the fanclub internationally. ^^

Okay so the caps of Seungri in I Am Sam took forver to load and I thought ya'll meant he got an acting part in the drama so I was getting all excited for him cuz he seems to really like acting. LOL, I feel like an idiot now seeing the caps and it's just his poster that got the acting part in the drama and not his physical body, haha. Thanks for sharing the caps Vanessa. =]

Thanks Tiffy for sharing the movie pics. It's cool seeing BB do normal stuff like going to the theater. Really shows how they're just normal people just like us. =]

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Guest p a r q u e.

Hahaahha, SeungRi on I Am Sam. (:

That was very cute! Sharp eyes! Lol.

And ANOTHER second mini album?!?!

Gah, I can't wait. I already love the first one. <3

I like the DS pic with the backpack @ the movies.

I needa catch up some more! Thanks everyone. (x

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i watched their radio show today....its too cute!!! i love when they performed funny songs...SEUNGRI, DAESUNG AND GD WERE on crack again! NO TOP tho. YB seemed like the only normal one..coz the other 3 were so silly! so kawaii!!!!!!!!!! i love when GD, mangnae and YB sang 'no reul saranghae' (S.O.S. parody)...omg i swear GD's ability to act and sound like a girl is too freaky, he's too damn good at it hahaha!!! OK SO AFTER SEEING THOSE GIFS OF GD'S BUN HAVING A LIFE OF ITS OWN, I WAS KINDA WISHING/HOPING TO SEE IT FLAP AROUND HAHAHAHA!!! they showed the fans watching outside the window, omg, they're so lucky! all in all the show was very fun to watch, very entertaining...so many gifable moments! i cant wait!

vanessa - seungri's appearance cracked me up! lol i didnt even notice when i watched hahahhaa!!! thanks for sharing!

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