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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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THANKS jerilyn!! DUDE thaaat was soo great! and yes please somebody translatteee that shizzz. haha. and dude DS looked so manyl, or it was hima dn SR acting so goofy. were they really crying duing the interview? and WHOOOOT WHOOOOT. VIP LETS GOO. dude i swear at arodun 2:52 orsoemthing, yous eem them walkign up the stairs and YB's like taking off his jacket semi? HAHHA srry. i HELLA noticed thaaat<3 and the whole SARANGEYO from DS and TOP and ILOVEYOU from SR, was SOOO wow. you can SAY thaaat agaain<3

thanks ewmoocow for theee SCHOOL uniforms pics<3:] daannnnng, and freal, i HELLA miss the braids+eyebrowpiercing. maaaan. i hope he'll get theema gian?

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Guest ewmoocow

talkative_gal92: dang, you're right, that fan has some crazy hq camera! i love gd's white beanie <3

TAM!~ ah, i can totally see the hearts in the gifs of ds and sr! LOL, they make a lovely couple.

leslie_lei: ah, thanks for the pictures. LOL, some of them are funny. ;D

trangtwo: ah, those yb pictures are love <3 thanks for posting it up!

lilmisstammy: i know right? i wanna see him with the piercing again [: why did he take off in the first place? o.o

in the side note; i finally get to watch i am sam [finally, after so long] and man, TOP is so hot. i love his character in it even though he looked scary when he glares. i like this scene right here, he's so hot when he sleeps. keke~


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the full version of last farewell


thank you! i like it, seems easier to learn the dance step from here

thanks vipsss for all the pics & gifs! =]



they're winning every category they're in. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOT.

yeah let's vote for Big Bang!!

thanks for the pics! TOP's sleeping~~ ^^

thank you for the updates! the NII pics..hope there are loads coming soon!

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Info about Big Bang's Global Warning Tour(Japan)?

[정보] BIGBANG - GLOBAL WARNING TOUR 2008 티켓 대행 입금 안내입니다.


빅뱅 일본 콘서트 < BIGBANG - GLOBAL WARNING TOUR 2008 > 티켓 대행 입금 안내입니다.

일본 콘서트 티켓 신청 방법은 아래와 같습니다.

★ 티켓 신청 방법 ★

1. 안내해 드리는 해당 계좌에 신청 수만큼의 티켓금액을 입금한다.

2. 공지의 입금양식 그대로 입금확인 메일을 보낸다.

3. 지정일에 신청 명단을 확인한다.

위 절차를 거치면 티켓 신청이 완료됩니다.

보내주신 입금메일에는 1:1 답변을 드리지 않으며, 신청 마감 후 명단을 확인 하실 수 있습니다.

★ 공연 일정 ★

-공연 일시: 3/28(금) 오후 7시 (오후6시 공연장 오픈)

3/29(토) 오후 6시 (오후5시 공연장 오픈)

-공연장: JAPAN TOKYO MEET PORT JCB홀 (공연장 약도 보러가기)

* 빅뱅 공연장은 도쿄돔 시티안에 위치하고 있습니다.

-티켓가: 스탠딩 / 지정석 All 6,800엔(세금포함)

-주최: YG 엔터테인먼트 재팬 / 빌리지 어게인

-기획: YG 엔터테인먼트 / 빌리지 어게인

★ 티켓 신청 안내 ★

-신청 대상: 국내 거주하고 있는 한국인 (국내 거주 외국인, 해외 거주 한국인 신청 불가)

-좌석: 스탠딩 (한국 팬 단체석으로 자세한 구역은 추후 공지)

-신청기간: 2008년 2월4일(월) ~ 2월15일(금)

-신청 가능 좌석 수: 28일, 29일 각 1인 4매까지 신청 가능

-티켓 가격: 1매 70,000 (티켓가 + 배송료 포함)

* 티켓 신청수량이 여러장일 경우 받아 보실 배송지가 같아도 티켓 가격은 동일 합니다.

(예- 2장 신청 시:140,000원, 4장 신청 시:280,000원)

-티켓 배송 및 수령: 3월 둘째주 우편 등기 발송 (배송일 추후 공지)

★ 입금 안내 ★

-입금 계좌: 1002-632-262721

-입금은행 / 예금주: 우리은행 / 김지희

-입금 기간: 2월 4일(월) ~ 2월 15일(금)

-입금 시간: 2월4일(월) 오전10시부터 선착순 입금

<< 반드시 필독!!! >>

* 좌석 배정은 신청자가 위 계좌에 입금하여 통장에 표기되는 시각(오전10시부터)을 기준으로 합니다.

오전 10시 전에 입금하여 당하는 불이익에 대해서는 책임지지 않습니다.

* 입금 이후에는 환불처리가 되지 않습니다. 신중하게 생각하시고 입금바랍니다.

* 입금 후 입금확인 메일을 반드시 보내주세요. 보내지 않을 시 티켓 신청이 이루어 지지 않습니다.

★ 입금 양식 ★

- concert@ygmail.net로 입금 확인 메일을 보내주세요.

-메일 제목: [입금확인] 신청인 / 입금일

-메일 내용

① 신청자 / 동반인: (신청자 및 동반인 이름 모두 기입)

② 입금일 / 입금액 / 입금은행 / 입금자명:

(입금자명을 정확히 기입해주세요. ATM 기계입금의 경우 신청자 핸드폰번호를 기입해 주세요.)

③ 티켓 받을 주소 / 받아보실 분 이름:

④ 연락처: (집/핸드폰 모두 기입)

⑤ 우편번호: (우편번호 잘못 기입하여 생기는 배송오류는 책임지지 않습니다. 정확히 기입!!)

⑥ 공연 관람일 / 신청 수:

(예-28일,29일 / 각 4장 신청)

(예-28일 / 2장 신청)

(예-29일 / 2장 신청)

★ 신청 명단 확인 ★

-2008년 2월 19일(화)

★ 최종 명단 확인 ★

-2008년 2월 22일(금)

★ 주의사항 ★

-신청 및 입금 기간을 지켜주시길 바랍니다. 그 이후에는 신청 및 입금을 받지 않습니다.

-입금 확인 메일에 기입하지 않는 내용으로 받는 불이익에 대해서는 책임지지 않습니다.

-좌석(스탠딩)은 2월4일(월) 오전 10시부터 입금 순서대로 배정됩니다.

-티켓 분실 시 재 발행이 되지 않습니다. 이점 꼭 유념하시기 바랍니다.

-입금 이후에는 환불처리가 되지 않습니다. 이점 유의해주세요.

-입금과 동시에 메일양식에 따라 메일을 보내주신 분은 위와 같은 내용에 동의하신 걸로 간주됩니다

-여권을 아직 발급 받지 않으신 분은 신청하여 발급 받으시고, 여권이 있으신 분들은 만료기간을

다시 한번 확인하시고 만료된 여권은 연장하시길 바랍니다.

BANG's Cartoon

(I'm assuming the inspiration for the name is from the new BB merchandise.. lol)




Haha.. GD's post haircut (the bangs~) reminds me of SeungRi's temporary bowl cut :P I wonder what the comic is about.. xD

Credit: bb-flow.com

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Just browsing through Nii website and I spazzed when I saw this XDD


Credit: Nii.co.kr

hey, I noticed GD gained weight

he used to be 54kg .. now he's 58kg haha

and omg! TOP is type B!!! me too!! xDD

the look they're going for looks like high society golf players lol

that reminds me, I should practice writing their korean names :D

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Guest akfgtenshi

Just browsing through Nii website and I spazzed when I saw this XDD


Credit: Nii.co.kr


thanks so much for this! *o*

but... ermm... it's kinda weird how it says TY's height is 174cm... o.o~

he is soooooooooo NOT that tall... so weird!

and then... i noticed... how can GD, SR and DS have the same weight?

seriously... sure they could all be the same height... but i find it hard they be the same weight.

GD is obviously skinnier than DS and SR, no?? o.o"~ and hmm... yeah!

i dunno... that's only my opinion...

i just think the info about the height and weight are relli strange~ >o<

is it just me or anyone else agree with me?

thanks for all the updates and pic spams everyone!


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Guest jemnise


Whose face is that hiding behind the lollipop?

G-Dragon right? >D

WOO TOPed 1290!

hahaha yea! :D

my goodness! i was just gone for like 4 days or so and i have tons of pages to catch up! tsk. i'm starting! hahaha:D

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thanks so much for this! *o*

but... ermm... it's kinda weird how it says TY's height is 174cm... o.o~

he is soooooooooo NOT that tall... so weird!

and then... i noticed... how can GD, SR and DS have the same weight?

seriously... sure they could all be the same height... but i find it hard they be the same weight.

GD is obviously skinnier than DS and SR, no?? o.o"~ and hmm... yeah!

i dunno... that's only my opinion...

i just think the info about the height and weight are relli strange~ >o<

is it just me or anyone else agree with me?

thanks for all the updates and pic spams everyone!


you're right.There is something wrong with the profile.U know they used the profile of GD for Daesung & Seungri too.I think there are some typo error that happened in the pic.

Plus TY height was not that really tall.& i thought TOP's already lost some more weight.how can he got much heavier than when he first debuted?Way weird~~Dun care about the profile thing,later they would have it corrected..

didnt know that TOP's blood type is actually type B. :w00t: ~~girls must be very careful with this guy then.Remember the movie 'my bf is type B'?.. umm.. :lol:

putting the chaos & wrong detail regarding about the profile aside,they looked so fine.Cant help but stare at it~~

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hohoho...awesome...thanx 4 sharing those info...evnthough i dun undrstand most of it....!!

TOP are super hot......!!!n seung ri is ultimately cute....!!!adore themm...^^

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Guest mon5482

^ is there really a mistake or i'm too tired. o_O

it seems like Seungri's and Daesung's profiles are GD's!

thanks for sharing though! :D

no its not just you..when i first saw it i thought it was coz i was tired also and must be hallucinating, but jerilyn mentioned it in our chat as well...WTH HAHAHAHA...they probably copy and pasted LOL, how lazy -_- and to think this is supposed to be 'professionally' done, wth at least provide accurate information. i love the pics tho...especially YB's, i think his pic in that Ad is the best out of all 5.

BANGs cartoon are cute! haha thanks!

VirusX - yes YB will come out with a solo album (or is it more a single, maybe a mini album?) anyways, doesnt matter, he's gona have a solo project...DONT WORRY, BIGBANG are not disbanding or anything. He's an amazing performer with an amazing voice, something that deserve its own attention, YB has an opportunity to showcase it to the world and Mr. YG is finally letting him...he's finally going to have a chance have a bit more of that spotlight, which he truly truly deserve. I can't wait!

soo..kinda random, just popped in my head as i try to keep myself awake here at work, when YB comes out with his album, tho he has us VIPS/I-VIPs, i think it would be cute for him to have a name for his YB SOLo supporters (tho im sure its going to be pretty much ALL VIPs) but wouldnt it be cute to call YB SOLo supporters "SunRays or SunBeams or SOLmates(but its more appropriate for japanese fans hehe) "...haha sorry if its lame, its late, and i just fell asleep at work =_= and im trying to stay awake...bu-bu-but wat'cha think, got anymore ideas?

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Guest jemnise

OMO! thanks thanks soooo much for the goodies! shocks! :D

yea, i think there's something really wrong with the PROFILE, its cute though :D thanks thanks :D

about YB's album, i really can't wait for it [though i am really for TOP haha but i can't stop myself from being YB's fan. esp *ahem* his voice and *uhmm* musKles hahaha]

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didnt know that TOP's blood type is actually type B. :w00t: ~~girls must be very careful with this guy then.Remember the movie 'my bf is type B'?.. umm.. :lol:

haha funny movie.

i'm pretty sure TOP isn't like that guy haha

to come to think of it, I didn't rly notice it. LOL i'm so gullible :/

how could seungri, daesung and gd have the same height and weight ..

*puts on glasses*

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thanks for the updates VIPs nad iVIPs!

i wonder as to how the boys are doing in japan as of pres time??

i am somehow hoping they'll "ROCK THE WORLD" hard!

i want them to succeed badly, i feel like their my family somehow. weird no?

oh! i just had my hair cut the same as GD! and im lovin it!

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Guest jemnise

Info about Big Bang's Global Warning Tour(Japan)?

[information] they are BIGBANG - GLOBAL WARNING TOUR 2008 ticket vicarious execution payment guidances.

Goodbye is.

[pik] [payng] They are Japanese concert < BIGBANG - GLOBAL WARNING TOUR 2008 > ticket vicarious execution payment guidances.

The japanese concert ticket application method with lower part is same.

★ ticket application methods ★

1. It guides and in the corresponding account which it gives application tens of thousands it grows ticket amount of money it pays.

2. Payment form of common knowledge it sends the payment confirmation mail like that.

3. It confirms the application roster at designation day.

When it passes by an up process and the ticket application is completed.

To the payment mail to send it does not give a 1:1 reply not to be, after deadline for application it will be able to confirm the roster.

★ public performance schedules ★

- public performance time: 3/28 (Fri) in the afternoon 7:00 (in the afternoon 6:00 performance hall opens)

3/29 (Sat) in the afternoon 6:00 (in the afternoon 5:00 performance hall opens)

- the performance hall: JAPAN TOKYO MEET PORT JCB halls (the performance hall sketch it sees good season,)

* [pik] [payng] the performance hall Tokyo dome hour is located inside the mote.

- Ticket: [su] [thayn] [ting]/designation to three All 6,800 (tax inclusion)

- sponsorship: YG entertainment re-pans/it does not borrow [e] gain

- planning: YG entertainments/it does not borrow [e] gain

★ ticket application guidances ★

- application objects: Country a Korean who dwells (domestic dwelling foreigner, overseas dwelling Korean application being not right)

- the seat: [su] [thayn] [ting] (at Korean pan group three detailed sector following common knowledge)

- application duration: 2008 February 4th (Mon) ~ February 15th (Fri)

- application possible number of seat: 28th, until 29th angle 1st person 4 every application possibility

- ticket price: 1 every 70,000 (ticket + boat carriage inclusion)

* the ticket application water content various market day case the boat [song] price of land which it will try to receive is same but the ticket price is identical.

(Example - 2 chapter application hours: 140,000 won, 4 chapter application hours: 280,000 won)

- ticket boat [song] and receipt: March second week mail registration dispatch (boat [song] one following common knowledge)

★ payment guidances ★

- payment accounts: 1002-632-262721

- payment bank/deposit week: Our bank/Kim [ci] [huy]

- payment duration: February 4th (Mon) ~ February 15th (Fri)

- payment time: February 4th (Mon) from 10:00 a.m. the order of arrive payment

<< certainly will bloom the poison!!! which >>

* The seat assignment about under paying it becomes marking in the bankbook from time in application own place account (10:00 a.m.) in standard.

About under paying the large printed style of writing does not bear responsibility disadvantageously it encounters before 10:00 a.m.

* To payment after does not become the refund control. Prudently, it thinks and payment it wishes.

* After paying to send the payment confirmation mail certainly. Hour ticket application which it will not send accomplishes and support it is not.

★ payment forms

To send the payment confirmation mail with ★ - concert@ygmail.net.

- Mail subject: [Payment confirmation] applicant/payment one

- mail contents

① Application it sleeps,/the accompaniment person: (Application it sleeps and name all entry which is accompaniment)

② Payment one/payment misfortune/payment bank/payment self-explanatory:

(Entry do as a favor the payment sleeping life accurately. To enter the case application sleeping cell phone number of ATM mechanical payments.)

③ The ticket the address which it will receive/the minute name which it will try to receive:

④ Contact place: (House/cell phone all entry)

⑤ Postal code: (About under postal code mistake entering the boat [song] error which gets does not bear responsibility. Accurate entry!!)

⑥ Public performance viewing one/application possibility:

(Example - 28th, 29th/each 4 chapter applications)

(example - 28th/2 chapter applications)

(example - 29th/2 chapter applications)

★ application roster confirmations ★

-2008 February 19th (Tues)

★ last roster confirmations ★

-2008 February 22nd (Fri)

★ attention facts It defends

a ★ - application and payment duration and staring route it wishes. To the after application and it is not paid.

- The large printed style of writing does not bear responsibility disadvantageously it receives with the contents which it does not enter in the payment confirmation mail.

- The seat ([su] [thayn] [ting]) is assigned February 4th (Mon) from 10:00 a.m. the payment order broad way.

- Does not become the ticket lossing hour re-publication. Advantage it considers it wishes certainly.

- To payment after does not become the refund control. Advantage consideration do as a favor.

- Payment and it follows simultaneously in mail form and the minute to send the mail with above it agreed to a same contents it will hang with it is regarded and

- the passport the minute when still it does not issue receives issuing about under applying, the minutes when it has the passport once confirm

an expiration duration again and the passport which expires extends and route it wishes.

---my first attempt at translating.. sorry :D

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