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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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;_;.... yr043.jpg

GD!! Oh man, am i the only one that got extremely depressed in a matter of seconds just by looking at this?

he's like....a stick ):!! i knew he was skinny and he lost a lot of weight but ><!!

haha we have to feed him or something ;o;

btw, that last pic of GD...his bandana's so colorful (:<3

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Guest raiseplus

jus wondering.. if any1 had da big bang performance at the thailand music awards.. if any1 does i'd really appreciate it if u could upload on youtube or something.. thnx.. n im sorry if some1 already had an answer to that..

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Guest devylann

omg omg omg... love pics...almst died...haha...and the one with gdragon with his shirt up.. omg... loved the lines by his hips.. i know that its only bc he's skinny but... oh well still hot!!! hahaa... once he builds... omg!! i'll prob faint... that makes me wanna see tae yang's and top's ...lol...

jus wanna put me 2cents in too... i like their korean names here better... dont know y they changed it... o well.. no matter wat name they use, i be here for them alwase...!!! BIG BANG HWAITING!!! :)

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Guest baby_noon


i dont know what i've to say

they are so handsome

gyong looks so HOT, love him more n more..

thanks all for the pics

Big Bang! fighting!

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Guest SOUL'd to:GD


thanks for posting the pictures Angie + Karen dearieee~~ <33333

Tammy Hey, his hair IS growing fast huh? So is GD's, it's pretty long now.

^ I LOVE THE PINK CALVIN KLEIN RIMS *dies* <333333333 OMOOMOMO~ I haven't seen any of that for a while now! LOL.

Sorry, I couldn't stand it and just had to spazz about it T^T *goes to make new wallie again* LOL

Man look at that sexy hair and that sexy smirk, @_@ <3 His earring hole is so big lol.

His smile is AMAZING awww :wub:


He looks all serious and handsome XD


lol it's so weird, TOP doesn't do that cute smile a lot, but in these pictures he does it a lotttt~~ he's so cute. He's got some mini-dimples :P

DAMN RIGHT SEXY, maann.. look at all that sweat and his facial expression, as well as his actions in the picture and his position *O*


Our boys look like angels :blush:


^ Awww, I LOVE the way TAEYANG wrote "Big Bang" up there! It's so cute!


Gosh, :blush: We don't call him smiley D-LITE for nothing <3


lol, G-SUNG moment? ;D

Ahh~ He blows my heart away with that amazing smile *falls over*


love his double peace signs XD


Damn, look how CLEAR & CLOSE the pic is! *__*

He looks are dreamy <33 :wub:

Ooohh yeaahhh~ haha I don't know how to explain his face but I FREAKING LOVE IT.

sorry but i TOTALLY couldn't help spazzing about all these drool-worthy and super amazing pictures! *__* Man, it's like MAJOR NOSEBLEED moment x__X

Some of them weren't posted yet ;D







Credits POPCORNFOR2 + SOUL'd to:GD for uploading

Please do not hot link! :)

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Guest lilangelover

they want to thailand for a fanmeeting? were they also on a show too? they look like they're doing something for virgin mobile. ahha! GD looks soo cute with his cheeks all puff out

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Guest akiraza

they want to thailand for a fanmeeting? were they also on a show too? they look like they're doing something for virgin mobile. ahha! GD looks soo cute with his cheeks all puff out

actually they came to recieve virgin radio awards.and well,i have a chance to join it .they had a very nice show yesterday!!! This is one of the best show i've ever seen.Bigbang is awesome especially GD he is super hot!!!

btw they also had a fanmeeting today..but i cant go T_T

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that is one hot hot picture!!!! i wna touch his abs .. *looks closer* sort of XDD

*bottom* haha yeah, flat tummy

aweh, there goes TOP ...

I wonder if there's a pic of daesung, he seems to be cut off

sori, i just had to show this again rofl


lookie what i found!

TOP pictures ^^ dno what's it about though --;;






haha oh yeah, I topped a page. yay! ^^

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Guest josephineeee

too many photos posted

so im not sure if these are posted before =/

















credits to nun@popcornfor2





okay .. i swear im gng to see 'em in person next yr NO MATTER WHAT !

*hide in corner and cries*

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Guest FiFi♡SeungMin_iVIP★

Oh wow! Sooo many pictures!! xD

So are they still in Thailand now?

Darn i'm so behind.. T_T

Anyways thank you everyone for the updates!

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AHHH, GAH. again.

i missed out on so so much. IN ONLY 4DAYS >:[

anyway,,,yesterday my grandma came from korea and..sooo...


ZOMG ZOMFG, i love the packaging...and when i opened hot issue..the 'first propose' ad leaflet thingy was facing me andi was like GAHHHH TOP..CAN HE EVER LOOK BAD? xDDD

im too scared to make the top + jiyong figures...they look so hard to make >w<

i will come back with pics..but i rkn janny covered that..xDD

btw, for the packaging for their japanese minialbum....didnt anyone else think that it was similar to the dot pattern on the always and hot issue discs?

you LUCKY LUCKY THAI FANS WHO SAW BIG BANG...thankyou for all the pics spams...any stories to share?^^

and as usual..thankyou to all the wonderful people who posted pics/gifs/info/links...^^..i shall do personal replies later..i need to sleep = - ="

sorry, i needed to quickly catchup+spaz...nothing to share :ph34r:

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Guest jangjaewon


I just came back from fanmeeting, Big Bang Boys are very handsome in real more than in TV esp. Seung Ri <his skin is very clear and smooth>.

All the boy seem very happy and good mood, they gave an autograph , handshake and Hug to the fan.

I am very jealousy all the fans who got Hug from the boys.

After fanmeeting, the boys went to interview in Hot Wave Radio in Siam Centre, When DJ open their song fans are sing along very loudly and the boys look so happy they move their body, very cute.

Tomorrow they will go to Five Live program and you can watch it on TV online (CH5).

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^ so lucky.

that is one hot hot picture!!!! i wna touch his abs .. *looks closer* sort of XDD

aweh, there goes TOP ...

I wonder if there's a pic of daesung, he seems to be cut off

sori, i just had to show this again rofl


lookie what i found!

TOP pictures ^^ dno what's it about though --;;

ohhh...do i see jiyong wearing pink calvin kleins? LOL.

LOL...he does look intense there.

he doesn't have abs. haha but he does have a flat tummy.

why did they cut off deasung anyways?!

and i think the TOP pics are from today's Nothing is Impossible, i think.

but i'm not so sure.

v ROFL. pink rimmed CK boxerbriefs LOL

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;_;.... yr043.jpg

GD!! Oh man, am i the only one that got extremely depressed in a matter of seconds just by looking at this?

he's like....a stick ):!! i knew he was skinny and he lost a lot of weight but ><!!

haha we have to feed him or something ;o;

btw, that last pic of GD...his bandana's so colorful (:<3

haha you're not the only one. as hot as that pic is.....i'm just like man, he needs more meat on him. but i did like seeing his peekaboo pink rimmed CK boxerbriefs haha.

and i think that those pics of TOP are from today's ep of nothing is impossible. i'm sad that they didn't perform on any music programs like music core haha i wanted to see another sexy performance of last farewell.

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wahhhh, wonny congrats!

i've still havent get HOT ISSUE yet ><

i dare not even touch the 3D paper! hahaha. it looks so fragile~

janny, love love love love love that picture of TOP ♥

jaja i knew that you'd post up youtube links for us~ hehehe.

the fans were really loud in the love concert performance!

jangjaewon awwww, you went to the fanmeet?!

so lucky~ ^^ omg omg omg *faints* hahaha.

fanmeet pictures! the boys are dressed up in really...

BRIGHT COLOURS! :lol: they seeem to be in a good mood!

awwww, lucky thai fans~ TSK TSK!


jiyong has his bun back! seems like he really really likes it, huh? HEHE.



awwww, i wouldnt mind giving him a massage! ._. :lol:


seungri looks really adorable in this picture~


daesung, who never fails to drink water! hahaha.

ANNNNDDD, how we can miss out on G-RI? :lol:



AHHHHHH! NOOOOO! *stabs self*

:lol: :lol:

FOR MORE pictures on their fanmeet: CLICK HERE

there's tons & tons & tons of pictures posted there! ^^

come to singapore please please please ㅠㅠ"

as much as i hate it, i wanna hear more fan accounts! hehehehee.

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I WISH I WAS HER RIGHT NOW! *stabs self too*

thanks for the photo link iluxxx! they all look so fineeeee~ and aww i miss gbong XD lucky people in thai, they get hugs from the boys. sigh. i wish i had gone there but my parents decided to not let me go to thai last minute X( *slits wrist*

pink ck! HOT YEAH?! hahaha i think he'll look more sexayh with abs. yummy yummy! and awwhh, top as usual. sighh. daesung, how come you're not in this?! haha, i'd love to see those chocolate abs! those pictures from Virgin Hitz Awards are awesome since they're in WHITE! AGAIN!! maaaaaajor droolage!

he looks sizzling hot here!

haha that kept me staring at him, he looks funneh yet OH SO FOINEEE!

well thanks everyone for picture, links, gifs! awaiting for more! :D

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