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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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Guest trangtwo

OMO I seriously just DIED

Ahh that special stage was the cutest thing ever! Wayyy too many cute moments to even name right now...BTW, thanks for those gifs tam! I ran to go watch it after seeing those.

Anyway, I also loved it because it looked like the boys had so much fun...ok excluding YB, sadly =/ Ahh poor baby was barely smiling, unlike everyone else who were basically cheesin' lol. And he was just...there. Eh I was hoping for him to be more outgoing on this special stage. We barely got to see him in the first part! Hehe that's my only criticism...but dang, Seung Ri was so into it. He is just too cute.

rofl @ the 'I'm cold' dance by Dae Sung. That dork lol. So GD's a trendsetter when it comes to clothes...and Dae Sung when it comes to dances XD. Anyhoo, my goodness that smile of his hella brightened up the stage. I really wanna see rehearsal clips for this now! Imagine how fun/ny that was.

Ok, swear to god...during this part in the clip, it looked like Seung Ri was getting hyphy LMAO (for those who aren't familiar with the term, just ignore this part XD lol) The boy knows how to get down XD

Top and Haha rapping on the floor=priceless

Oh and I loved when Dae Sung was singing to Haha, and then he turned around and Seung Ri sang to him. lol so random and cute.

Oh yeah, and Top's sexy singing voice! <3

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thanks for the many many manyyyy gifssssssss TAM & Ewmoocow!

Hahahahha! i love the one TOP gave Daesung an indirect kiss (hohoho!!!) and daesung went :D!!

xDDD omgomgomg, this performance definitely made me start to fall for Daesung now.

HIS S.M.I.L.E , i can't describe itttttttttttt LOLL!!

this must be one of the very very best performances, muahahaha!

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Guest stardaisy212

awww tam thanks for sharing :) You captured all the best parts !! ^^ I square.. SeungRi is always the last one to be doing the moves.. like when everyone stopped doing TOP's finger movement thing, he was still wiggling his finger like crazy. And when everyone stopped their "crazy" dance, he was still hella into it LOL : )

I was in the process of making some gifs but since you already made 'em I was like neverrrrmindd. hehe xD

So instead ! I'll share some FanCam pics (hey, I wonder where "this love" went?? I don't see any of her fancam pictures anymore~ she followed Big Bang EVERYWHERE during their Lie promotion O_O; and had the best HQ pics<3 I was beginning to think she was the "marathon runner" fan that Big Bang mentioned lol. )

Taeyang really did seem out of it.. is he still sick? :x Cause I was watching a fancam and like.. yeah he just seemed so out of it even after the performance o-o" He didn't look so good >_______< I hope I'm just overthinking it. (I'm in uploading the fancam right now on youtube. I'll post it up later when it's processed, unless someone else decides to post it up :) )

i think so too he was so all out of it poor baby

i feel so bad for him today cuz like everyone got attention and he didnt :tears:

like gd and sr was so hyper today especially top i thought he was the most hyper one today but i did see that he and ty miss a lot of the dance moves lols but i no that top is not a big dancer lols ty look so tired today while gd and sr was hogging the stoplight he was in the shadow :tears: ds is so lucky today he got to be himself lols

i cant freakking wait for tognite for how gee!!!!!! :D:lol::w00t:

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available in my CB



Thanks a bunch, tam! :D

[HQ] Big Bang & Haha - Youre My Destiny & Last Farewell on Music Bank (2008-01-25) [bigbangpop].avi [345.2MB]

[HQ] Big Bang - Music Bank K-Chart Part 1 (2008-01-25) [bami].avi [46.0MB]

[HQ] Big Bang - Music Bank K-Chart Part 2 (2008-01-25) [bami].avi [106.9MB]

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Nice! Big Bang's being smart!

That's a great method they're using in Japan.

Start small, then grow big. Underground to Japan-wide.

I've seen other who always start big and end up failing =.="

LOL! I laughed so hard at some of the fake headlines!

Like Seung Ri's. LOL! Seems like he's the little stubborn one.

The one all the hyungs always disagree with ^^" Poor Seung Ri~

"Go read books" XD!

Tae Yang seems to be feeling the pressure for his solo album.

He shouldn't! He should know that he'll always have us, VIPs behind him!

No matter what, we support him ^^. But I'm pretty sure he'll do well.

I, no doubt have faith in him. Go Tae Yang! (:

Dae Sung's love affair? XD!! He's obviously hinting something.

I'm quite worried about TOP!

Flying back and forth from Japan to Korea,

dude -what if he gets sick again?

Wouldn't he get exhausted from doing that?!

It seems like such a hassle and very tiring.

But I guess he's really dedicated in MCing. Good luck, TOP!

I watched the Special Stage with HAHA!

OMG! LOL, I've never laughed so much, watching their PERFs.

Their chemistry with each other was amazing! LOL~

Just some things that I laughed at.

- Seung Ri was so emotional at the end XD!

- When Dae Sung did his little chilly dance! He was awesome in MVAD.

- When TOP looked so clueless, when HAHA went on the floor. So he decided to get on the floor too. I guess it was unplanned XD!

There was more, but XD! They're so cool~

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Not sure if anyone has seen this.. if it's posted, sorry! O.O!



*Do not hotlink please!

^It's tooooo cute, no?


And can anyone translate what the below is?




*To see the full image, click HERE! (Cos it's too huge)

credits to: ygeshop

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hahaha...OMG i am watching the performance right now and its so FUNNY!! hahaahaha...i love this perf. hahahha the best specail stage that they have done....GD's hat is so gross..hahahah...it doesn't match the outfit!! hahaha

thanks everyone for the gif!! :)

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Guest the7REAL.

rofl @ the 'I'm cold' dance by Dae Sung. That dork lol. So GD's a trendsetter when it comes to clothes...and Dae Sung when it comes to dances XD. Anyhoo, my goodness that smile of his hella brightened up the stage. I really wanna see rehearsal clips for this now! Imagine how fun/ny that was.

Ok, swear to god...during this part in the clip, it looked like Seung Ri was getting hyphy LMAO (for those who aren't familiar with the term, just ignore this part XD lol) The boy knows how to get down XD

^LOL. Definitely agree with you on Daesung. I'm probably very late to comment but I just finished watched Daesunggie's episode of MVAD and was it super hilarious how when Daesung dances, everyone will want to follow him. He is definitely becoming one of their favorites on that show, everyone loves him! XD One part especially where I was just CRACKING UP, was when they go down that slide thingy on the floaters holding a pitcher of water and how he was SUPPOSE to stop at that one check point but he just KEPT ON GOING! LOL. I was laughing so bad because everyone and the camera men were running after poor Daesung who was on that never-ending ride..HAHA. Dang, he must be the perfect weight for that slide because of the way it just wouldn't stop! XD

And I know what you mean, Trang, about Seungri getting hyphy at the one part in the special stage where everyone looked like they were going dummy in the club ( U C IT!)..HAHA. But oh man, our mangnae was feeeeelin' that song! ;D Random, but I even liked all the dancers for that special stage and for HaHa's song..they were ALL having fun. Yes, I cannot watch that special stage without a smile creepin' up on my face. It's all so adorable. But yeah, YB looked so tired and not as into it...=/ But he did try to give a powerful performance like always~^^;

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Guest rain_forever_bi

Tam, Poop-Shoop_A-Loo, and trangtwo

thanks for all the snap shots of their performances...they're all great snap shots...love every single one of them..and yes..i watched the clip and loved it...think i watched it like a million time now...not sick of it yet...

and yes PH4T i notice that Taeyang seems to be so out of it..i mean..he's usually the one that's always in the front dancing..doing all the moves..but this time..when they did the camera up close..only the four of them with HAHA..taeyang was on the side...not really into it..

i mean i hope he's not stressing about his solo..cause like you said he shouldn't. he has all of us here to support and cheer him on..i know he will do fine...wish he was hyper like the rest...fighting TAEYANG!!!

all the other four members..omg..they were so super cute...hilarious...love the performances...they were just super GREAT!!!

thanks guys for sharing...



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OH MEN! I couldn't resist the Special Perf HaHa! That was an awesome stage performance!!! Ah~

Daesung's "Ah~ I'm cold dance" is surely a hit! nyahaha! I lurve it.. I'm spreading it! hahha

YB..yeah I barely see him he was just kneeling on the side and was dancing with the dancers. But yeah we all know YB is like that. YB we love yah!! And Without his presence, Big Bang would be missing one important person. Ohh~ drama. but true. haha

HaHa! His part of Big Bang now! ( well~ only for me!) I totally love his adlibs during the Last Farewell perf. haha I didn't know he could rap and sing like that ( because I don't know him, BUT NOW I KNOW HIM..I'll start stalking him too! )LOL

WOW..I'm still on high! I love the special stage perf. One of the BEST EVER STAGE PERF and the most "HAPPY" stage perf I've ever seen.. :w00t:

NOW..I can't wait for their HOW-GEE perf!!! :D


Oh and about the Fake HEADLINES. LOL I wanna believe them coz it's all gonna happen. I swear!!

Seungri-yah yawr so cute! C'mon, maybe we'll have to make a project and send him BOOKS that way maknae will always remember us . LOL just kidding...

i kind of not understood daesung's headline..I'll go try to read it again..haha

Top, homaigawd..it'll be very tiring om his part flying to Japan and going back to Korea to MC in the show..like , omg..top hope you don't collapse anymore..But thanks for giving us so much love.. Top fighting!!

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Guest iLOVEYB_x

wah~ i can't stop watching HaHaBang's special stage. too friggin' adorkable. =D

You Are My Destiny perf

lol @ "im so cold" dance. the crying was the BEST part, IMO. i swear i died listening to TOP singing. he needs to sing more. :phew: wah~ ToDae and G-Ri loving~~!! the guys looked like they REALLY had fun doing to perf with him. at first i couldnt find Taeyang and i was seriously panicing. but then i saw him like couple seconds later. all the other guys were so dorky and he was like "out of it". but his voice is SO amazing. =D

Last Farewell perf

so entertaining~! HaHa is welcomed to be a sixth Big Bang member. xD but i LOVE it when HaHa gets on the floor and TOP is like "UH~" and lays on the floor, but then daesung told them to get up. :D

haha~ the "fake headlines" made my day even though im SO late. keke thanks tam for the GIFS! i love the moments you captured. lmao~ GD fixing TOP's hair. and seungri's so adorable with Tiffany's lollipop. and thanks Poop-Shoop-A-Loop for the fancam. omg~ i just noticed that seungri was clapping with Tiffany's lollipop. and Taeyang's not smiley T-T.

can't wait for Taeyang's solo album~! MUST PREORDER!!

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Guest viet13aby90

Dizzammnn! That was one HIGH-larious special stage.

I looooove it. I cannot wait to watch it in HQ :blush: Clubbox please be faster? Haha.

HaHa + Big Bang = FTW ♥♥♥♥♥ Totally agree with you Mon. It's all about HaHa Bang! Or would it be Big HaHa? :D

Everything about this performance was just greatt! Although I wish YBabe was on crack like all the members. Hahaha.

He seemed so serious throughout the whole thing compared to everyone else's whacked attitude. xD Still hot, nonetheless. Hehe.

Thank you so much Melody for the "Fake Headlines" and the article about T.O.P (I forgot the title of it, hehe)

It's wonderful to see that they're still motivated as ever this year. I hope 2008 turns out to be their best year yet.

Seungri's headline about not making sense was HIGH-larious. I remember in one of their interviews in August, Seungri busted out with some kind of chemical and totally killed the conversations. Haha. <3Mangnae :)

Thank you Tam and ewmoocow for those awesome GIFS. Seriously, that perf was soooo amazingly cuteee! :D

And thank you Xingg for the Coffee Prince Parody, I finally get it.

Thank you everyone else for all the bb goods! I'm sorry I can't name you all personally >_<


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Guest stardaisy212

(Fancam)-Big Bang and


- Special Stage


it is mostly a top fancam. :sweatingbullets: u see in the video he was lost the whole perf with


and ty in the shadow. he looks so tired i hope that todays perf is he is going to be better

heres some gif from the perf

look at gd omggggg


damn look at him bit the lip lmao


top made a mistake again lols


off to watch them nowwww

awwwww gd and ty are in their bumble bee outfits while ds and sr are in white and red outfits

ughhh damn thing buffed when big bang performs <_<

but they did a good job from what i heard lols :lol:

OMG i realize that tomorrow(27) is the last live show before they off to japan for promotion :tears:

i hope those japan fangirls love big bang like korean fangirls lmao

two more shows left for korea then off to japan

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Guest naturalhonee

MBS Music Core How Gee & Majimak Insa

it just started!!


the boys came out for a little talk.....OMG the bumblebee GD just wont seem to go away lol this time its glittery too haha


oh myy SR popped outta nowhere in his harry potter glasses during the MC-ing lol his exit was cute hehe


GD and YB just announced the mobile ranking. How Gee was 4th and Majimak Insa was 3rd

(ahh the last farewell fever has officially died down.. >< its all good tho, the boys had a really good run with it the past few wks!)

GD and YB were both doing the dance moves for the songs they were announcing awww <3


How Gee - a hot YB solo to start off! the boys didnt really dance, it was more like a standoff, which is what they had in the MV. they had b-boys as well. and GD and TOP's english was good, i thought it was very clear =)

Last Farewell - it was a REMIX version!!! OMG very refreshing and total hotness!

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OHH thanks Melody for CLEARING thaaa6t messs up!

OHMOOOO!!! THE MUSC BANK SPECIAL WAS SOOO GOOOD! i loveeeeeeeeee IT! especially Haha's song, i thought it was perfect. from their facial expressions to their singing, yayy Top and GD got singing parts in here<333's it. was iyt just mee but TOP amde a lotof cute/pphysical movements? haha. like in thebeggning when he "gets something from top's ear" and eats it? hahaha. wow. annd mchmore. and I LVOE LOVE LVOE hoow at the beggning of the song its all hawaiian-ie then towards the end, theyg et all sad then BAM get all hyphy nad what not? SICK OR WHAA?! annnd duude DAESUNG totally SHINED that night, i could really tell that he was really into it, excited and all of that good stuff. and NOW for the LAST FAREWELL. whoooo. klike always it was hooot, annnd DUDE TOP's part was so HILARIOUS. especially when TOp starts, then bends down, then he sees HAHA going lower and lower his facial expression was klike WTF, that was SO no rehearsed kinda look. haha pricelesss, then its gets SO CUTE that he gets down with haha and their like literally on the flooor<3 haha good job boys, but i guess, maybeee haha's voice shoulda been heard more ish? but i guess.

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Guest t. yama

Ah! I'm loving all the gifs you guys made. *_* Thank you so much to tam, ewmoocow, and Poop-Shoop-A-Loop for the gifs/pics.

Each one you guys captured put another smile on my face. I didn't notice some of those parts and now I know. GAH! So much lovin'

going on. Whee~ And those mistake gifs...aww~ TOP. So cute!

Today's Music Core performances were HAWT!! Loved YB's solo dance at the beginning. "HOW GEE" was awesome! The boys did really great.

They sounded just like they do on the CD track. I'm so proud of them. They are definitely getting pro. Japan, watch out! And LOL to GD who was

holding the "For the World" CD. Yay for promoting! haha

And with "Last Farewell", yet another great performance. <3 Just can't get enough of these boys.

Here are all the cuts (streaming) from today's Music Core:


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