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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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Guest akfgtenshi

oh my!

some ppl already go the new album!

*feeling jealous*

oh oh!

does anyone by any chance know if its going to be sold in Korea too? ;_;~

cause like... Se7en's japanese album are not sold in Korea! o.o~

at least i never saw them for sale in any cd store...

and i'm afraid that since our Big Bang is also from YG Company... it will not be sold in Korea... *sobs*

but i am RELLI hoping i'm wrong!

so yeaah... does anybody know???

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thanks for the previews zura!!!

they're so wonderful. i love Together,Forever soooo much

i uploaded the previews onto youtube for anyone who prefers it (i didn't put VIP or How Gee cause they already have those previews out):



So Beautiful (english version of "Unknown Number")

La La La

Together, Forever (english version of "A Fool's Only Tears")


thanks for this. Man they sound sexy. I really love together forever and Lalala. Daesung sounds frickkin' sexy in the lalala part i was mad that it was a snippet and they cut it right at his part.

Then Together Forever..WOW GD & TOP sound dirty yet sexy..

At first when I listen there voices sounded different, different good or bad didn't know til i listen to Lalala and WOW it was definitely different GOOD..

Are they dropping an English album or something? So they are gonna make a US debut or something?

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Guest hear me roaar

omgosh! the wgbb performance was better than the first one imo.

thanks I.said.hi for sharing the mistakes they made. it was actually funny. im glad they had a good time

thanks for the previews. but i dont get why they had to change the names of the song either.

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Guest jsungie13

wow fryea your experience was so awesome!!!

you basically explained everything in perfect detail!!!

i was there too but wasn't that lucky with my seat.

oh the dialogue that was going on when they wore the coustumes was that the doll YB had was his baby and he started asking everyone when are they going to have their babies. So they all stated their resons why they weren't able to concieve. Then they realized that the doll YB was holding was not his. ( i know right sort of wierd but it was cute) that is why they started to bow to daesung b/c he was the lion king of the the kingdom and he was going to solve the problem.

It was soooooooo awesome!! My throat was sore so I couldn't scream but it was so awesome!!!!

TOP was like right on TOP of me and i waved to him and he waved back to me OMG i thought I was going to melt!!!

I loved it!!!

Then before I went to the concert I went to the Music Bank perfromance because my dad's friend was former vice president of KBS I was right behind the cameras and my face was in between it so I saw everything. I was literally 10 feet away from Big Bang. When they performed dirty cash the crowd went crazy and then when it was last farewell they came to the front so I saw them closer and I had eye contact with GD and TOP. Once the performance was over GD waved at me then before TOP left he waved at me too. It was so awesome!!

Then I saw the Special Stage performance and it seemed really short! But while peforming the first half Big Bang seemed just like whatever but then when Lies came on they seemed like they cared. I think before I go i want to go to another broadcasting hopefully I could get tickets again. Couldn't take pictures inside the show b/c it ruins the lighting for the TV show


btw... I took pictures at the concert secretly while the guards weren't looking. My camera is not that good so it seems really faraway and shaky b/c people around me were constantly jumping up and down that I would try to hold it steady it would still shake. I know their probably horrible pictures but I will share them anyways. It will take me like an hour to upload them. So i will be back. ( i can share my pictures here right?)

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I.SAID.HI -- thanks sooooo much for that post..i was laughing while i was reading it!!! i'm glad they had a great time!! ahaha!!!

i love TOP..soooo cute!!!!

FREEYA---thanks for sharing your experience.....i wish i could also go to their concert someday

also for their preview ENGLISH SONGS ~~~ whoah!!! they can speak english pretty well

the real7:: i'm really sorry about the banner thingy...


credit: bestiz

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awwwh.. i loved the english versions! they're so good. i cant wait to fully hear all the songs!.. they need to debut in the us! but they need a little work on their english here and there. but i loveee them!.. GO BIG BANG!

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waaah! :D the previews are AMAZING. i was like spazzing/dancing the whole like 8 minutes hahaha. i am sooo impressed with their english! they really pulled it off so well. i seriously cannot wait for the whole album. it was like....amazing. hahaha i don't know how else to describe it. oooh and thank you for your concert experiences guys! it sounded like such a good time! i can't wait for more concert stories from the lucky i-vips who went!

oh by the wayy..has anyone come across fancams or anything for the concert? i have been stalking this thread and bestiz like...all day haha, but i couldn't find anything. :D thanks for sharing the links to the previews too!

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Guest rawesome

OMOOOO-GODDDDDD :w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t: I don’t know where to begin, so I’ll try my hardest LOL

First and foremost, DARKNAE IS BACK! (most definitely incredible D to the A-R-K-N-A-E) I’m so happy to see him onstage and I <3 the jacket! I <3 the blue theme they got going on and GD just looked so damn cute! He reminds me of winter. *giggles *

Special stage was cute despite the minor flaws. In fact, I think that gave it even more cuteness factor!

You gotta love DaeDae, no matter what :P

x_freya_x, OMG I’m spazzing while reading your post! This makes me wonder how Monica and the other people that I know that went were able to contain themselves. I hope that they're able to take some fancams/pictures LOL

YB had his solo again with his shirt almost off and then on his knee under the water XDDDD <<33 oh dear YB... <3

Okay, I REALLY can’t wait to see this! :o:o:o:o And a CP parody?! OMGGGGGGGG!!! I can’t picture TOP kissing GD ‘cause TOP is just… too straight LOL I’m sure it’ll be cute anyway.

Those previews of their “For The World” album was just… WOW! YB’s English was just.. perfect! Those flash cards reallyyy helped! Someone already has a copy?! :o WOW, I r jelly! I’ll post more later, ‘cause it’s difficult to spazz and post at the same time.


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soy a BIGBIGBANGIN' THANKYOU&HUG for all the gifs/pics^^

stardaisy212 hahaha sungmin imitating ty and top!! roflmao~~ thanks (:

ooh sookyung goodiesgoodies! thanks!

trangtwo thanks for the one love concert link^^ yeah i agree, not too crazy about the cameraman -.-

leslie_lei you're on a topping roll! haha. i went o.o at the ty pic >.<

xingg! oh my! closeups?!! wahhh **saving them*

Zura3.DS&SR. as always priceless caps!<3 O.O DOES GDRAGON'S SHIRT SAY JOINT??!

wonnywonny~~ caps and gifs! hahaha top looked like he was in a trance >.<

juhjuh they had a perf with marine boy?? o.Oa hahaha thanks though!

sheerbliss THANKSTHANKSTHANKS for the previews^^

tehehe I.said.hi you have such good eyes :lol:

x_freya_x i had such an AWESOME time reading your rant~~~ you're sjfk;awbfjs lucky!!

heres some gifs of the boys at music bank performing:

dirty cash, last farewell, &withwg: lies, tell me ^^~


one.two.three *tam gets a spaz attack




his little gestures make me go :w00t:


victory dance~~ ......& itchy hat >.<


i caught it!! here you go yb lovers~~~

OK some of us ivips may want to SKIP the next couple gifs and CLOSE our eyes now.

....gifs of wg&bigbang making eye contact >.< idk, my stomach feels uneasy looking at these -.-

i paused the gifs when they looked at each other. hope this doesn't stir up any problems :unsure:




tehehe seungri's fidgety/uptight smile in the beginning makes my day~~

LASTLAST gif i promise >.<


for the yb lovers~

credit: me (tam) & gdsupporter's clubbox<3

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Guest eunhaex3

Can anyone tell me the video for this interview?!?!?!??!

Q1. When did you guys ever put everything out there for each other? [i guess in terms of feelings..?? not sure lol]

We all have different personalities so we haven't done that yet. (G-Dragon)

Q2. If you were to make a different name other than 'Big Bang' what would it be?

From the beginning our team name was 'Apex.' Then we also had the name 'Stump.' Among ourselves we created the name 'Diamond' before. G-Dragon really pushed for the name Diamond but Yang Hyun Suk (YG) decided it was too childish.

Q3. What has been the best grade/ranking you've gotten before while in school?

Taeyang - When I was in middle school I was ranked 10th. But one time during high school I got a 30 [out of 100] on a math test. [i don't really get what he said after that--sorry lol]

G-Dragon = When I was in high school I got an 87, which was my best score. During 8th grade while doing a YG Family activity I got a 64. Then my parents said, "If you're gonna get these kinds of scores you'd better not be a celeb" so Mr. YG said that if I didn't get at least 80 points I wouldn't be able to leave the training room. So then I got over 80 points on my tests.

Daesung = During my freshman year I got 85 points which was my best. But in 8th grade I was obsessed with games so I barely studied and my scores dropped to 62 points.

Seungri = I got 81 points during 7th grade, which is my best. Buttt, after I started dancing I received a 40 before. [aww totally immersed in his dancing, huh? ]

TOP = I don't remember a single time when I did really well. I don't think there's ever been a time when my scores were very good. --;

[ohhhh TOP, it's okay we love you. ^^]

Q4. What are each members' sleep habits like?

G-Dragon = I sleep while holding Seungri tight. [hahah not surprisedd...]

Taeyang = I say a bunch of stuff in my sleep. I usually never did that but as I dream I start saying things in my sleep. I don't remember my dreams, though...

TOP = I don't really have any sleep habits. When I was young I needed a bottle with me, but not now. When I sleep I just wrap my hoodie around me really tight.

Seungri = I sleep diagonally. I think it's because I'm trying to avoid G-Dragon cause he's always holding me. When I do that, though, Daesung gets pushed into the corner. [lolll so much G-Ri love.. kinda ]

Daesung = I don't have sleep habits. I just wake up exactly how I fell asleep. I don't even move around!

Q5. At these certain times, when I look at myself, even I think I'm good looking/handsome!

G-Dragon = Usually when I'm up on stage feeling cool, nowadays it's when I'm showering and the mirror is all foggy and when I look at the mirror my hair looks cool.

Taeyang = When I'm sweating while dacning up on stage. Sometimes when I see myself in the mirror I think I look cool too.

TOP = I don't think there's been a time when I thought to myself that I look cool. I am pretty good looking though.. I look good in whatever I wear. [He said something about his members reacting to him saying that, but I can't really understand it. : P]

Seungri = It'd be when I see my skills improving.

*The members at the side jokingly comment saying they doubt he can see improvement *

Daesung = When I give other people happiness. Especially when my jokes are successful and I'm funny on shows.

Q6. What is something you want the fans to stop doing or do less of?

Seungri = Skinship. Some people walk by touching our butts.

G-Dragon = Sometimes they pull out our hair and then run to pick it up. [<--?!?! ] Also when we get into our car to get to schedules and stuff they throw gifts at us and it hurts a lot when we get hit by them. One person even came up to our apartment and put their ear on our door trying to eavesdrop. If they would give us a bit more privacy that'd be good.

Taeyang = I wish people would come to our apartment a little less.. I want to rest at least while I'm at home and I don't want to give others too many troubles. [probably ppl in their apartment complex]

TOP = Putting up pictures of my family on the internet. I feel apologetic to my family.

Daesung = Touching us so much.. I'd like it if they wouldn't rub us and stuff.

TOP = Yeah, sometimes it feels like they're gonna rip my richard simmons off [lol that's seriously what he said]. It feels like at one moment they're completely gone.

[^oy. that's kind of.. ]

Q7. Whose brilliant idea was it to have Seungri wear those skinny pants at the Gag Concert? It was hilarious!

It was G-Dragon's idea. They actually aren't skinny pants but leggings, haha. (says Seungri)

Q8. Who's the most stingy member?

Taeyang! When we get presents from fans we put them in a certain place, but Taeyang forgets and takes it all into his room.

Q9. I envy this about another member! What would you want to learn to do or change about yourself?

Daesung = Jiyong's leadership. I want to learn how to lead so many people like he does.

G-Dragon = We all have different personalities so I want to learn a lot, but my personality is the complete opposite of Taeyang's. I'm more indifferent or straightforward at times while Taeyang nicely and kindly comforts people. I want to have that kind of inner warmth that Taeyang has.

Taeyang = Daesung's bright smile. Although I smile a lot too, people say it seems like I have some sadness in my smile. Daesung's smile is always so bright and happy.

TOP = The maknae's[seungri's] determination. He always finishes his work to the very best and gets it done efficiently. Jiyong does that too, so I want to learn from both of them.

Seungri = TOP's 'sense.' He has a knack for being humorous no matter what the mood is.

Q10. What is each members' most prized possession?

Daesung = I always carry around my cellphone, mp3 player, and chapstick in my pocket.

Seungri = mp3. We can't live without music. I lost my earphones.

TOP = My backpack that I always wear. Alll my stuff is in there. My members gave it to me as a present last November. I don't go a single day without wearing it! [ahh it's his black backpack with small white dots all over! i loved it when i saw it in his Happy Shares Company episodee <3]

Taeyang = A piano that was bought for me when I was young. My dream was to become a pianist. My mom bought it for me after a lott of thought and consideration.

G-Dragon = All my clothes, shoes, and hats. Yeah, they're just clothes and hats but if I lose them I can't buy them again! I've gotten into the habit of always organizing them now.

Q11. Please decribe your first kiss in detail

G-Dragon = My freshman year, in front of my house, I had a slight first kiss with my girlfriend. I did it because I wanted to and I liked her. My heart was racing/fluttering as I did it. (But we broke up)

Taeyang = Last September when we had our 2nd single out, at the music video set. The girl was the actress Lee Suh Ra. A little bit but many times. What? I couldn't help it!

TOP = 7th grade, near the Han River with my girlfriend/Because I wanted to do it/A slight kiss on the lips.

Seungri = 9th grade/at a park on a rainy day with my then girlfriend. We did it when we suddenly made eye contact.

Daesung = 9th grade/at a cafe with my girlfriend/Because we both liked each other/It was a light kiss.

Q12. Who's the scariest member when they're mad?

G-Dragon = I'm scary when I work. I dont think the other members have ever gotten angry. I think I get angry when we practice because we need to focus more and work hard.

Q13. Have you ever secretly done something on the fan cafe?

Seungri = Once. There was something bad written about me so I wrote something positive about myself on the website.

Q14. Who is the member that, when you're with them alone, makes it most awkward?

G-Dragon = None. I personally can be awkward but I've never experienced that before.

Taeyang = There's none, really. As I see it, it would be awkward when the two Seung Hyuns are together.

Seungri = Sometimes I feel awkward when I'm alone with Daesung.

TOP = I dont think there's ever been a time when I've felt awkward like that.

Daesung = None, but does Seungri really think that way??

Q15. At these times, I want to quit being a singer!

Daesung = When I'm on stage and the amount I practiced doesn't show. Then I sometimes think that way.

Seungri = When people underestimate me because I'm young. I can still dance and sing even though I'm young. Sometimes people make the excuse to me saying, "Oh yeah, you're still young.."

TOP = When I see that people are disappointed. Sometimes fans that we see a lot suddenly don't show up--I don't have an example of it but I've felt that inside before.

Taeyang = I've never wanted to stop being a singer or quit, but at times I feel like running away when I have to force something out of me even when I can't do it very well.

G-Dragon = I've never once felt that way.

Cred: Bestiz for original interview, hiimjunebug @ soompi for translation

(I got this from live journal yg_bigbang community)


Q16. Have you ever registered at another celebrity's fan cafe?

G-Dragon = Yup, many of them! Sometimes I was just curious about them, sometimes I just really liked them. In the past I've registered at Boa and Ivy's fan cafes. <-- omg!! he was a fanboy<3 From the first time I saw Ivy on stage I liked her so I wanted to see more pictures of her through the fan cafe. But later on my registration expired. Same thing happened with Boa's site.

Taeyang = Once on Se7en's fan cafe.

TOP = I've never done it after one time on Seotaiji's fan cafe. I have registered at fan sites for African-American singers. whoa! I wonder who? curious!

Daesung = One time on Kim Bum Soo's fan cafe. Oh and one time I registered at the fan cafe of Kim Jung Ah from "Nonstop" under a fake name called 'I Want Jung Ah' and posted there. lolll sneaky boy.

Seungri = I've registered at Shinhwa, Dong Bang Shin Ki, and Poppin' Nam Hyun Joon's fan cafes before. another fanboy!^^ I also love soccer so I've been to Park Ji Sung and Lee Young Pyo's sites.

Q17. Who's number 1 on your cellphone speed dial?

G-Dragon = My dad

Taeyang = Mom

Seungri = My house number

Daesung = Mom

TOP = Mom

Q18. Has there ever been a time when Mr. YG has been cute and nice? He's always so intimidating!

G-Dragon = Mr. Yang Hyun Suk lovees shoes. One time he got a pair of shoes he always wanted and loved it so much that when I saw him bragging to other people about his new shoes, he acted so cute. aww Also when he listens to music and dances to it, I watch while trying to hold in my laughter.

Taeyang = I've always been a bit scared of him so I can't really think of a time when I thought he acted cute.

TOP = He's scary. I don't think there's ever been that kind of time. HAHAha TOP = love.

Daesung = I always freeze when I see him; I dont think there's been that kind of a time either.

Seungri = never.

Q19. Music is...?

GD = Music is oxygen. If you don't have oxygen you can't breathe. To me music is something that's always there, wherever I go it's a part of me, without it I can't live. It breathes with me.

Taeyang = Music is a way for me to express myself. I'm usually bad at expressing myself to other people but I can do that through music.

TOP = Music is something that can change emotions. Through music you can become sad or happy.

Seungri = Music is my entire life. I can't live without having music.

Daesung = Music is my friend. I always want to be with it, I want to go everywhere with it.

Q20. Who's a female artist you want to do a duet with?

GD = Ivy. I fell for her after watching her dance. Her performances are great. I want to compose music and do sexy hip hop music with her.

Taeyang = Lee Soon. Although I'm still lacking, when my vocal skills receive recognition I really want to do a duet with her. dude, TY has so much vocal talent what is he talking about??

TOP = Lyn, Gummy. I've seen Lyn work with a lot of hiphop artists and I've created a desire to work with her too. I'm curious as to what kind of feel we could produce together because she's such a colorful artist. I also want to do an American song with Gummy--I think it'd be cool.

Seungri = Big Mama. When I listen to their music at times I get goosebumps--I want to see if I can also show emotions like they do through singing.

Daesung = Park Jung Hyun (Lena Park). I liked her since I was young. I love her style of singing. I think her high tone and mine would sound good together.

Q21. What do you think when you see noona fans in their 20s and 30s?

GD = At first it was surprising, now I feel warmth and comfort from them.

Taeyang = I sometimes think why they would be our fans but I always feel strength from them. They even give us good advice. They give us strength.

TOP = Like TY, I feel strength from them. I always feel like they'll be by our side for a long time and I feel like most of them like us more for our music than our looks.

Seungri = I feel pride when I see them because I can see that our music is diverse and appeals to so many different types of people.

Daesung = They have a motherly feel to them. I think to myself that our music is getting a lot of recognition.

Q22. Who's the member who changed the most from your first impression of them?

GD = It'd have to be Daesung. He's always so humble and smiles a lot but there are times when he feels hurt and lonely. He expresses himself a lot and always tries so hard to be humorous too--definitely a different side of him.

Taeyang = Seungri. When I saw him on Battle Shinhwa (he was a contestant on that show) I thought he didn't have manners but once I met him I realized that he has a bright personality and is very polite.

he watched lil seung hyun on Battle Shinhwa?? coincidence!

Seungri = G-Dragon. I first thought I would be scared of him because he's kinda cold sometimes but he's actually very careful and humorous and has leadership.

Daesung = TOP. He didn't have any expression on his face so I was afraid of him and thought he'd be quiet. Now that I see him he's so bright and fools around a lot--he's comfortable to be around.

Q23. What's something you hate to hear?

GD = "Well you guys are just like that.." That's such a one-sided comment.

[i think he means like when people say: 'Whatever, you're just kids like that.' He hates it when people underestimate them and make immediate judgements]

Taeyang = When people make face-value judgements about us. When they say things based on our looks that make us feel bad.

TOP = "You look scary." I hate it when people say that I look sharp [in a bad way] or mean.

Seungri = I don't like it when people say that I'm short. I get hurt when people say that my legs are short, too. It makes me feel bad.

Daesung = I really don't like it when people say I've gained weight. I feel bad when I've tried so hard to diet and not eat certain foods that I really wanted to eat and then people say that to me.

Q24. Who's the member you would want to date if you were a girl?

GD = Seungri. He's cute and has so much aegyo (cuteness).

Taeyang = Daesung. He smiles a lot and it looks good when he does. He also has deep thoughts.

TOP = Taeyang. I want to steal all the innocence in him ^^;;

Seungri = GD. I think he'd treat me really well.

Daesung = TOP. He manly and treats everyone so well. I think he'd also happily make jokes and do 'gags' for me.

aww every member was chosen by another! and of course........ the never-ending G-Ri love.

Q25. Has there ever been something other than music that you were interested in?

GD = Fashion. If I didn't do music I think I'd be studying fashion.

Taeyang = It's always been my dream to become a celebrity so if I weren't a music artist I would have become a Gag Man.

TOP = I've had an interest in fashion. I've liked clothes as a child; I think I would be selling clothes.

Seungri = Becoming a kindergarten teacher. I like teaching other people.

Daesung = Games. I liked Park Chan Ho as a child and I dreamed of becoming a baseball star. I also thought of becoming a pastor.

Q26. What have been some placards or nicknames that fans have given you that you liked?

Seungri = "Daesung rides a dragon to the TOP toward the sun and cries out Victory." A fan sent that to us using all five of our names.

^lol I remember someone posting that saying up in here.. I got the wording wrong, but you guys have seen it before, yeah?

Daesung = "Geh Chun Daesung" -- it means: Daesung is a genius at gags (saying funny things). That wasn't created because I'm actually GOOD at being funny.. it's cause I made a joke about it before ^^

T.O.P=짐승현. 랩하는 소리가 짐승같다고 붙인 이름이다. 또 넓적부리황새를 닮았다고 한다.

TOP = Beastly Seung Hyun. It comes from my rap sounding like a beast. Also people say I resemble a '넓적부리황새' (translation = spoonbill stork.) <---LOL a spoonbilled stork???

Q27. What's a present that you've gotten from a fan that really touched you?

GD = During middle school on my bday, I had a time when I felt lonely and sad but when I read fan letters my feelings brightened.

Taeyang = The placards that fans take so much time to make and the fan letters. I feel touched knowing that people spend that much effort making something for me.

TOP = Their diary entries. They write about how they felt when they saw me before our debut, how they felt when they come to see Big Bang, and writing about what our performances were like, one by one. I still keep them beside my bed and read them again. Also, a book that fans made filled with their fan letters. It's thicker than a phonebook.

Seungri = An album with over 600 pictures of me and captures of us on TV/radio shows.

Daesung = A journal full of writings. At the end there's dull pencil stuck to the back cover. It's a pencil that was completely new when they first started the journal but after using it, it became short and dull.

Q28. What's the first thing you do when you turn on the computer?

GD, Taeyang, TOP = Internet.

Seungri = I turn on music

Daesung = Internet... and fan cafes.

Q29. What is each member's favorite song?

지용=자주 바뀌는데, 최근에는 더 킬러스의 '섬바디 톨드 미'

GD = It changes a lot for me but currently it's The Killers - Somebody Told Me

^AHH totally one of my favorites too.

Taeyang = Frankie J - Don't Wanna Try

TOP = Notorious B.I.G. - Big Papa. I've listened to it ever since I was a kid.

Seungri = Wheesung - Ahn Dweh Nah Yo

Daesung = Mario - How Could You

^dang lots of American songs!

Q30. Which member gave you the best first impression?

All four members chose Daesung.

Daesung chose Taeyang because he thought TY's dancing was cool.


To G-Dragon:

Q31. Who’s the member that doesn’t listen to you the most?

Maknae. (Seungri!) He stubbornly sticks to his own opinions. It’s hard to control him. Daesung listens to me really well though.

Q32. Lots of fans have given you nicknames like “Sandpaper Ji Yong” based on how rough and cold you seem. Do you think you’re like that, too?

When I see myself I do seem cold on the outside but on the inside I know I’m not like that. People who are close to me know that well.

Q33. You always wear hats—what do they mean to you?

I just love wearing them. I’m bad at handling my hair so I wear hats a lot. They don’t really have a special meaning though.

Q34. You’ve gotten lots of nicknames b/c you dress well--what’s your secret to being so stylish?

I break out of conforming to what people want. Even though it might look funny to other people, I try to play up my own individuality. I try new styles a lot and I think people are fascinated by them so they compliment me.

To Taeyang:

Q35. What made you go from being a rapper to a vocalist?

I’ve always loved singing and I felt something new when I sang. I worked real hard at it because I always thought singing would greatly help me in the future too. [yeah, when you're getting a girl, finally! ]

Q36. I’ve heard that you’re super nervous around girls.. are you scared of them still?

Yeah, I used to get really nervous around girls and could barely ever speak in front of one. I never really went out of my house so I became really shy. Maybe it’s because I’m an introvert. Now, it’s become a lot better. Still, though, I have trouble talking in front of girls.

Q37. What’s your reason for always having cornrows? (The fan called it “Reggae Hair” LOL)

There’s no one reason for it. I think it suits me best and I like it too. I don’t really like always having to do my hair so once I have a style I don’t change it too often. If only the thickness were less (probably when he takes it out hahah) then I would want to have cornrows forever.

Q38. While training with GD for 7 years, what was your guys’ biggest fight? When you argue, who apologizes first?

We barely ever fought. The only time we almost fought was during 8th grade while we were playing basketball. I was teamed up with a dancer hyung and had a competition—I was about to win but lost at the last minute. I wanted to have one more round but GD said no. That time I even grabbed him by the collar because I got so mad.

To T.O.P:

Q39. Is there a reason why you like sweet red bean jelly so much? <-- the stuff he ate for a week on Happy Shares Company ^^

There’s no special reason. It was just, suddenly, the smell of the red bean paste was so lovely and loveable. I don’t remember when I started liking it so much.

Q40. You’re the oldest hyung of Big Bang—has there ever been a time when you felt really responsible for something?

There’s always a feeling of being responsible. I want to be a hyung who isn’t embarrassing to my younger siblings.

Q41. Tell us--what’s your way of dieting??

I don’t have a method of dieting, really. I just am careful about calories when I eat. I lost a lot of weight as I grew taller.

GD = TOP can calculate calories really quickly.

TY = He eats everything he wants and still doesn’t gain weight!

Q42. Why do you always cover your good-looking face all the time? Trying to see your face is like trying to pick a star from the sky!

I always really like covering my face. I usually don’t like bearing my face to everyone in public. I have a complex of looking scary to people. [He’s wary that people will think he looks ‘scary.’ TOP, you look freaking HOT, that’s what you look like!] I don’t have much confidence in my looks.

To Daesung:

Q43. Why do you like Doraemon so much? <-- hah the million dollar question!

I read the Doraemon comics when I was in elementary school. I loved how you could put him in your pocket so I wanted it too. Doraemon was so cute.

Q44. Tell us about your first love! We’re curious~

My first love was a one-sided love. I liked her starting from 2nd and 3rd grade and liked her until middle school. For five years I liked her but couldn’t say a word to her. I just admired her from afar and I eventually gave up after hearing that she had a boyfriend. I like girls who look pretty when they smile and when that girl smiled she looked so pretty. The first time I actually dated a girl was in 9th grade.

Q45. What did you do when your parents refused to let you debut as a singer?

I just simply asked them to let me do it and believe in me. I told them I could do it well on my own and asked them again and again to trust me. They refused until I debuted and finally recognized me as a singer after that.

Q46. When is a time when even you—the smiling angel—can’t bear to smile?

When I get off the stage. Whenever I make a mistake on the stage, I feel dejected and responsible for the mistake so I can never smile during those moments. All my thoughts disappear and I just want to run away.

To Seungri:

Q47. Has there been a time when you felt down because of your dark circles?

(dark cirlcles = dark bags under the eyes)

When people ask me if it hurts. I feel fine but people keep asking me if it hurts or not and that’s when I feel heartbroken. [He basically doesn't like it when people think he's weak because of his complexion or whatnot.]

Q48. Do your hyungs mess around with you a lot? Who’s the one who does it the most?

G-Dragon. But, he does it out of love so I don’t think he’s just messing around with me. His method of bothering me? Skinship!! (skinship = being touchyfeely, basically.)

^HAHA the G-Ri love never endss

Q49. Is there a time when you feel like crying really hard even though you’re always so happy?

When I don’t meet my goals. I secretly cried when I first was rejected from becoming a member of Big Bang. A lot.

^aww I was wondering about that.. So-1 cried so hard in public but Seungri stayed quiet in front of Mr. YG and everyone else like Se7en and Jinusean.. now we all know he went home at cried his eyes out : ( im super glad he made it back in!

Q50. What are 5 things that bug you about being the team’s youngest member?

1) I have the least space to hang my clothes

2) I always have to sit at the seat in the way back when we ride a car.

3) When we go on programs I always have to wear the clothes that the other members don’t want to wear. <--LOLL the leggings, perhaps??

4) I always pick out clothes last after all my hyungs have chosen their clothes.

5) I manage alll our schedules. Yeah, we have a manager, but in our apartment I’m the one who has to take care of our schedules.

Cred: Bestiz for original, hiimjunebug@YGBB for translation

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Guest okaylikegetaway

wow i was gone for like a day and this thread grew 10 pages, that took so long to read but its all worth it :]

the pictures from the GREAT concert look so cool. but LMAO @ GD's new haircut. he looks like a little boy xD

im super happy that i pre-ordered the FOR THE WORLD album now that i heard the previews. i especially loved ALWAYS, it sounds good even in english <3 and i was surprised at how good TOP's english is, i most def did not expect it. it TOPed my expectations lmao

the SS was so CUTE. and SEUNGRI <3333333333333333333 im so happy he's back. i couldnt stop myself smiling when i saw him smiling.

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omg the previews are sooo goood!!

i think that suprisingly, Daesung's enlglish parts are the most clear to me =]

the english is awesome in "together, forever" aka "fools only tear"

cant wait for the release!

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LMAO from the concert, ok jiyong & top's hair really crack me up. and wow taeyang looks extremely hot half naked on the floor, and gahh i love the two maknaes playing instruments and singing .. gahh daesung !!! & then those animal costumes hahaha so .. bigbang !

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Guest traaaaang

Thanks everyone who provided the previews for the "For The World" album!


Now deffffffinately have to get the album!

YB's parts got me going. . . wow I can't even express it in words!

But it was a very good feeling ;D


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Guest ewmoocow

gah! seungri is back?!! yay! <3 i watched their one love concert performance and he wasn't there ]: thanks for the pictures tam and ordinary.life! they're so awesome!

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Guest whohungjen?

gaaaah i wonder if anybody has posted up stuff from the GREAT concert yet (clips, etc)

zomg tam your gifs made me crack up

they're so cute!

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Guest cinnamonhoneybun




Credit: youenvyme@livejournal

3 more pics from the GREAT Concert! I'm jealous of the people that are at the concert. So Lucky.

Hope they bring back stories, pics, recorded stuff, goodies, and other things!!

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