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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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omg,another must get

leadah kwon is so talented

fashion icon(:

any idea when will all the goods be out

or already for preorder

hahhaa,nvm i'll check it out myself

so happy but so broke

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Guest ★KIKO

^ HFDSJKFHSD I'M GOING CRAZY HERE. Thanks mon for sharing!

And GD designed the hoodie?! OMFG, HE'S SIMPLY AMAZING :lol:

Ugh..... I'm gonna have to rob a bank or something. Who's with me? :P

This picture just cracked me up..


(credits: bestiz)

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Guest overRATED

aish.. 1132 pages already? I am so LATE.. I haven't been on soompi for only a

few days.. and we shoot up like CRAZY.. YAY BIG BANG whaiting..

ASIA17 thanks for all those cute banners and avaters.. those are so AWESOME..

SOUL'd to:GD wow.. thanks for those so CUTE skoolooks pics..

Big BANG is so good looking.. haha... check out dae sung's booty..those

pictures with BB and that guy.. totally disturbing.. haha..

LOVEangiie and FreeSpongbob thanks for those Golden Disk

award pictures.. they are so adorable.. WAH.. Top's hair grew a little.. I think I

would have preferred it short.. and did you guys notice that TOP was the only

one who did not have a matching shoe? hah.. i guess i wasn't the only one who

noticed.. it bothered me a little.. heh.. I wonder why? anyways Congrats on

winning a BONSANG.. getting topping #1 on Music Bank

Woah.. juhjuh those are really YUMMY pictures of the boys.. Thanks for sharing.. i like

iluxxx thanks for the GIFs.. so hot.. and BANGing

Thanks xingg for those pictures.. i was trying hard to look for BB..

and then I found them.. good.. cause I was starting to feel isolated...

whysper and sukie23.. thanks for the info.. i didn't realize SR was hurt..

hope he gets better.. and GD is so awesome for filling in for our little mangnae..

I really hope he will get better.. rest well and get better.. it's just not the same w/out you...

seungRi ah.. and to Ji Yong ah.. get some rest.. we don't want to see you too get sick..

We wanna see all of you guys healthy..

Zura3.DS&SR thanks for those pictures.. I'm loving DaeSung's "grrr" face.. hah

wow.. i haven't seen the performance but from all the GIFs and pics..

i can't wait to see the seo taji and boys and Duex performance.. I att the edge of my seat.. just looking at these pics..

(ahh.. i don't have much time left.. I HATE using SCHOOL computers.. can never look at nothing..) random

will edit soon.. GO BIG BANG..

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our fashionable Kwon Leadah GANJIYONG designed this awesome

YG ONE Concert hoodie!!!


OH MY GOD 0_0~!!! i can't believe this boy ain't a graphic designer... BECAUSE THAT IS SO CREATIVE RIGHT THERE. i fell in love with it at first glance :wub: I WANT THIS SO BADLY. thanks for showing us all the goodies monica~!!!

This picture just cracked me up..


i guess this is how big bang will look like if they get BIG-HEADED :lol: i was like WTHECK?! when it swelled up hahaha~!


adorableeeeeeeeeeeeeee. i feel like kidnapping them!

i'll be your partner in crime to do it too, THEY LOOK SO FREAKIN' HILARIOUSLY CUTE :w00t: especially the seunghyun's together. AND YB, AWWWW~!

thanks for sharing all the new stuff VIPs~! ^0^ those new pictures are indeed SEXY, especially tempo's laying on his side one with the "come hither" look, OWWW~ and still, mangnae seungri hwaiting~! i hope that baby gets better soon, seeing it's such a concern on them :( and more importantly, his health~

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Guest ..kaleena..

HOLY @#%!%$%!%

danggggggggggggg, all these photoshoots of them are SMOKIN'!!!!!!!!! (they're for the NII thing right?)

geeeez, i must contain myself *squeals inside*

OH YEA, i don't know if i mentioned, but i have a student teacher in my animations class, and he knows big bang!!!!!!!! hahaha, cuz i was making a room, and i put a big bang pic in, and he's like "i know them!" haha, yea, that's cool :D

WAHHHH, GANJIYONG!! you are my new hero! he is talented in so many ways. he is a leader, singer, rapper, composer, fashion guy, graphics designer , and EVERYTHING we can imagine!. aigoooo aigoo, my new new hero! i need to take some lessons from him! I WANT THAT HOODIE HE MADE!!!!!!!!!! GAHHHHHHHH

AND ALL THESE CONCERT GOODIES!!! (it's gunna be hard for me to trust the ppl i'm buying from, damn it) i want.. but i'm so broke.. with the holiday season and all.. TT^TT

i want to shake GD's shoulders also xD

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OMG they're making us all poor fangirls! So many shinies to buy D: I think these are their best merchandises yet - so cute and colorful and bigbangrandom! I wish money grows on trees cos I want them all :/ Thank you Monica for the pictures!

If the items are available on ygeshop, there's a good chance that dvdheaven and yesasia will grab them too. If they don't, we can always spam them with loads of "SELL US BIGBANG SHINIES KTHX!" XD

goldenGAZE, you can get a lot of Big Bang icons at YGBB. I've also made some in my livejournal (LOL shameless plug)

Thank you basmspasm and ★KIKO for the pics and random crack LOL. In those babies pics, TOP kinda looks like SoHee -___-;;

Someone needs to translate this cos it looks funny!

The adventures of GD & TOP XDDDDD




credit: bestiz

Wow I seem to be TOPping the page a lot these days o_O

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hahaha that "comic strip" with GD and TOP is funny.

I'll try to translate what I can, my korean is kind of bad lol.

TOP: " AHH GD there's a fire!"

GD: "Where? Where?"

TOP: "hehehe in my heart."

GD: "......"


and the expression of theirs with the donuts hahaha.

ooh i do want that hoodie. our kwon leader, so talented. too bad in the Gap stores in AMERICA, we won't get it lol. maybe i'll make my friend or cousin in korea to buy me one hahahaa.

did anyone watch them on music space today? i didn't see any postings of it. wasn't it for today???? the one where they are in the gold jackets and GD is wearing a baseball cap.

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Guest Leena651

Yeh, yeh, yep!!! I've been waiting to see if YG ONE will come out with some goodies... And what do you know... They sure did!!! (crossing fingers and toes that they'll be available at Yesasia soon)

Thanks Monica for sharing... And Man oh man! If I was going to the concert like you I would bring empty suite cases and fill them up with YG goodies :D Also, please take my YG LOVE with you too ^_^

OMG, thanks Juhjuh for posting the Top and Gd's 3D dolls. I'm currently working on my TOP one right now and just finished my GD one this past weekend. Let me tell yah, it was quiet a story :lol:

Seungri ** Maknae ** Hope you're feeling better! Let your Hyungs take care of things while you rest :)

NII Pictures are absolutely GORGEOUS!!! Thanks for posting!!!

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Guest trangtwo

Omigod more Big Bang goodies! Thanks Monica for posting 'em. The cartoon is freaking adorable! Ahhh the GREAT photo book and secret photo...*dies fangirl-style* And I love the hoodie. I wantttt it. I want all the goodies :wacko:

Ughh I need a job.


LMAO those Top and GD dolls are creepyyy. :lol:

Thanks for that pic basmspasm. OMG (I say that too much lol) How adorable :o

Oh I just saw two new official site wallpapers. Yay bigger versions:



Similar to the one posted pages ago. Hot hot hot (I have never seen those purple shades!)

Gahh Top looks so hot 0_0

credit: 나비@bigbangthailand

LOL love the captions rawesome

OMO thanks for posting those sukie23. I saw it but was too lazy to download it. *runs to download* I am absolutely LOVING the "Run to You" performance. Hot old school song. They all sound sooo good. Mangnae's voice sounds deeper! The song is stuck in my head now. Bounce wit me, bounce wit me

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Guest rawesome

WOW so many updates & shinies!

Thanks for the updates girls!

I’m kinda late reacting to that fancam of GD poking DaeDae’s butt, but that was just… *smh I think he picks on him when Darknae isn’t around LOL tsk tsk @ our Kwon Leadah committing infi-GD-elity.

Speaking of GD, that hoody he designed is just beyond outer space flyyyyyyyy!!! I mosdef want one and Mon, GD luck to your pockets when you go to SK ‘cause I want ALL of those!!! I'm gonna pray that Yesasia and DVDheaven will carry those, 'cause it's just too heartbreaking to not have any of those goodies!

You’re right Jaja, I wish money do grow on trees :phew: I love the BB wallie you made btw and thanks for sharing!

The baby BB animals are just tooooooo cuuuuuuuute! C’mon Thina, let’s devise a kidnapping plan LMAO

Trang, those new pictures of them… OMO-GOD HOT!!!


“Come hither and I’ll be your BIG BOY…


He’s so cute, but I wish he wasn’t semi-smirking. Everyone else has that serious look but him. Notice his shoes aren’t the cleanest either?


Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn sonofaBush! *fans self* He’s mosdef lookin’ like a gentleman thug, huh Jeri7yn?


I don’t know why, but how Dae looks here is like he’s telling me “let’s get down to business, shall we?”


My oh my… he’s only 18 in Korean years? ‘cause looking at him right now makes me forget that he is LOL

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Guest sukie23

12/18/07 Music Space with Big Bang

It was a pre-recorded show that just aired early today. Credits to monmonsnow2 at YouTube. Thanks for uploading.

Part 1 (Run To You): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyK8g8rD36k

Part 2 (Always): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsAJ7WvRAZU

Part 3 (Last Farewell): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsY69RZpIM4

Part 4 (Lies): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZXr4Vdbqds

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Guest babylovesunmi

mangnaee seungriya :(

^ for a sec i thot his ankle got better but i didnt see da part "pre- recorded' -_- i was about ta say.... his performance was real good at music space....anywayssssssssss


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