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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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Guest melodygreenleaf

"Nothing is Impossible" PD, "Big Bang TOP's broadcast sense is good"

[T/N: "Broadcast sense" means a person's personality/actions/etc on TV]

The PD of MBC ‘Nothing is Impossible’ has praised Big Bang TOP's broadcast sense.

He said, “He's normally quiet and has only a few words, but his broadcast sense is very good. I was surprised because even though he has a strong image, he's actually really polite."

Big Bang's TOP and Typhoon's Solbi have replaced two former MCs for the Japan episode. After the episode has been broadcasted and the reactions of the viewers have been studied, the final decision on the MCs will be made.

“Although we will be making a decision after seeing the viewers' reactions, I believe that the response will be good. They [TOP, Solbi] have already established themselves on variety shows."

This episode will air on December 2.

Translated by melodygreenleaf. Credit if taking!


Of course TOP has good broadcast sense - he's the gagman of Big Bang XD

And if you are talking about Big Bang, the response will definitely be good.

I'm really loving all the praise Big Bang has been receiving~


A guerilla concert is an unannounced concert. So yeah, only the people that are lucky get to see it.

It really is amazing how many people showed up.

Even President Yang Hyun Seok was surprised. A YG representative said, "We expected about 1000 people to show up. We didn't even consider that this many [5000] people would appear." (from an article).

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Guest SOUL'd to:GD

Awww Thank you JAJA + EVERYONE for the pictures from the guerilla concert! Gahhh~ I want to watch it now T^T hope they air it soon.

Their outfits are so lovely, I esp. love GD's, his outfit looks so casual and compfy + the colors :wub: Just wanna give him a big bear hug haha.

Jasmine, yeah the people around are so lucky *__* but it would suck if they missed it and knew about it afterwards lol.

omg what the hek, soompi just =_= on me, i meant to click preview post but i can't even see the full buttons so wasn't sure T^T ugh.

ANYWAYS, Thank youuu Melody for the translations of the article! I'm lovin' the praises BIG BANG's getting too! <333 I feel so happy for them, :wub:






aww JAJA, look he's singing for us ;DDD <333






Aw look at that smile.




dang look at all that sweat lol


love that <3

Credits POPCORNFOR2 + SOUL'd to:GD for uploading


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tam: AW! It's those pictures with GD's hat!

He looks awesome in it!..Makes me wanna get one now XD!

vip_gd: The mic was cover his mouth like...the whole time XD!

Oh Seung Ri, you're such a dork!

And gah! GDRAGON looks so young! Like a little kid! Aha!

Nice GIFs!

AND OU! A new cartoon of Big Bang!

Ahaha, I guess it's based on their new image?

Dae Sung's black hair, T.O.P.'s ponytail and Seung Ri's ugly mushroom!<3

The eyes are freaky...Wish the person worked better on that.

The whole black eye thing, reminds me of the grudge...AHA!

SillyYun: Aha! Again with Tae Yang's magic trick!

I figured it out awhile ago. It was still pretty cool though!

LOL! I laughed out loud at Tae Yang's WHOOT pose! He's so funny.

Kaylah^18: I remember someone posting this up before.

But it doesn't hurt to read it through again!

Thanks juhjuh, trangtwo and wonny for the Guerilla pictures!

They all look good and the concert looks really fun!

Wish I was there. I would be screaming my little head off.

T.O.P.'s ponytail is starting to really grow on me XD!

dankyung: Whoa~ Big Bang's like...topping every chart.

Thanks for sharing! I never knew that~

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WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. whata day! thaanks Wonny and JUHJUH for the new sabout the guerilla concert!!! aww i think that very nice of them to think about their fans before heaidng off to thailand. THE BOMBDIGGITTY! danng 5000?its more of a pretty big mini concert if you ask mee. but was it freee? or naww? man lucky people these days in kroea<3

but they all looked nice/comfortablee in their clothing. but DARKNAE and DS, looked like they came outta HARRY POTTER OR SOMETHING cos that is HOOOT:]

dankyung!! YEE thanks for the news about the boys making the TOP ones in the music charts agian! and WHY AM I NOT SURPRISDE?! cos I KENW THIS WAS GNNA HAPPEN YEE YEE YEEE! haha.

thanks ,melody for the news about TOP and solhbi? MCING, officially? is it for i believe music core? or whaa? CONGRATULATIONS.



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wow, you guys are AMAZING!

hahaha, i LOVE LOVE LOVE g-dragon's beanies and clothes and smile.

gosh, so cuuuuute. :)

& i can't wait to see the guerilla concert.

if its the same kind of concept that they held a while back,

then they'll succeed hands down.

...is that a ponytail i see on top?

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Guest melodygreenleaf

thanks ,melody for the news about TOP and solhbi? MCING, officially? is it for i believe music core? or whaa? CONGRATULATIONS.

"Nothing is Impossible" is actually a variety show ^^

There might be a topic in the k-drama section.

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Guest kewlnbubbly


^aaahh I found that part so cute in the MV too, although it was really small part and off to the side. XD

^LOL. you're so right. when I watch something of BB's it shows on my face. XD And then I just got to grab the nearest person to look at what I'm looking at, because Big Bang must be a shared experience...lol. XD



^ me too...i asked one of my friends here at the office to watch the Last Farewell MV with me...it was a good thing she knew who Lee Dong Gun was, or else i would have a hard time explaining who they were...

about the Big Bang fan club... i would love to help out in as much as a i can, but i am such a techie, how do i say this nicely, "unabled",i wouldn't be able to help as much...and seeing as i can only access soompi through proxy servers--our IT manager is so (choose your own expletive), i can only do so much but you have my wholehearted support..i can probably promote the fanclub it if you want...

OMG---Big bang...truck...singing...road....i'm totally incomprehensible right now.... @_@ why am i not in Korea,huhuhu!

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MAN it's crazy how popular they're getting by the day.

I'm so happy for them though. T__T They so deserve it. :D

thanks everyone for sharing the video clips/pics/news/etc. :)

they looked awesome at the guerilla concert!

and, gah, i think it's gonna take a little while for me to get used to the ponytail. lol top.

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Guest the7REAL.

I wonder is Guerrila concerts like those Guerrila..tactics so thats why there's not much info on it? Like a surprise ATTACK? XD

-edit- yes, topped a page. xD good cause' this post needs to be seen! lol :sweatingbullets:

I'm going to re-quote myself....because...er....*does it anyway* so some don't need to backlog. XD



If you would like to help contribute to making the fanclub more supermegaultrapeng AWESOME, please read the below to what I have right now that you can do:

ART: There will be a section for fan-made graphics, so that other fans can easily find already-made BB avatars, banners, etc. This thread moves fast so it would be really convenient to have that section. If you want to donate please read on...

--Gifs (does not include animated icons) - If you've made any Big Bang gifs in the past and still do, please share them! We all love them!

Post them here: http://www.soompi.com/fanclub/big_bang/subpage/bb_gifs

- I or another admin/mod will check back and update that first post with credit to you of course, so please provide links that we can already use to post there. (This will depend on the amount you post and if yours is already organized, like by 'group gifs', 'daesung gifs', etc.)

--Avatars/Icons - Same as above except post here: http://www.soompi.com/fanclub/big_bang/sub...fanmade_goodies

^I don't know why that link says 'fanmade goodies still' -o- but if it doesn't work make it bb_avatars

--Banners - Same as above except post here: http://www.soompi.com/fanclub/big_bang/subpage/bb_banners

[An example of posting your work for any of those sections, could be like:

--Seungri Banners - Made by (insert name) / or Credit to: (especially if you've found GIFs from other sites, like korean sites)

If you don't want to organize it then, those will be added to the first post then, where the admin/mod can put it under its catagory]

FANFICS: If you write any fanfics that feature Big Bang members or know of any and would like to share, please PM me the Title, Author, Genre and Link (to where it is on soompi or other sites). This makes it easier for fans to find Big Bang-related fanfics, instead of going through the soompi fanfiction section and searching. OR, you can post here: http://www.soompi.com/fanclub/big_bang/subpage/bb_fanfics

IF, for some reason, you're not able to post in the fanclub at this time, feel free to PM me with the things you'd like to add to the fanclub!

GENERAL HELP: The soompi fanclubs have the options for you to upload Images and Videos to the fanclub, so please take advantage of it and upload Big Bang pictures and videos to the fanclub! There's only a few now, but it'd be great if everyone can always be doing that! I know right now it still has a few bugs...these fanclubs..-o-...so then upload things whenever you want to.^^ It's just about..continually building up the fanclub and adding more to it.^^ Hopefully the soompi fanclubs..will be easier to use later..cause' it is kind of slow. >.<;

OTHER: Is there anyone who would like to take a look at the history section here: http://www.soompi.com/fanclub/big_bang/sub..._videos_history

and would like to PM me and list other important events that took place in AUG, SEPT + OCT? (I was busy that time..so didn't get to list it..but a lot of it I think were the mobile awards they got on MBC? KBS? I forgot..-.-; wherever there was confetti...D: )

Anyways, I think that's all for now. The Soompi Big Bang Fanclub is very much under construction right now, but we've added all the lyrics from 1st single to Always mini-album so check it out. There you will also find the latest Big Bang news, if you've missed it in here, it will be there. There are also the profiles, Discography, a little History line, a little F.A.Q., there will be a Trivia section later.. (random facts, etc.)...AND.....what else do you want there??? lol. It's kind of limited options, but we'll try to add whatever you think we need in the fanclub if we can...because it is a place for VIPs, so its whatever you want!^^ We want things to be easier to find/more convenient for YOU!

Also; I know we already have a Big Bang gallery, but what do you think about at least having separate galleries for each member but for the OFFICIAL pictures, like a person asked for before in this thread? If so, I will also need your help with this. Preferebly to assign 1 person for each member to upload the pictures and PM me to tell me and then PM pics in Thumbnail form (without the size numbers showing). You will be credited for your upload! Ooh, and also 1 for OFFICIAL group pics. And by official I mean the old and new ones released by YG/YG JAPAN. AH, so I need 1 person for Hyun Seung aka So-1 too please. So its 7 people: for GD, YB, GROUP etc. Should the YG Japan pics be separate? Then 8. lol ALL THUMBNAIL VERSION!


GD - taken by Juh Juh*

YB - taken by JayCy90 perfect example thanks to May^^: http://www.soompi.com/fanclub/big_bang/subpage/tae_yang_0

SR - taken by la.la.la

DS - taken by LOVEangiie

TOP - taken by la.la.la

SO-1taken by JayCy90


OHH we should have a wallpaper section huh?! Who wants to help upload those!!?


YG Japan

Other (If fan made please state who it's made by)


New help....stuff...PM me if you see anything you'd like to do!^^

UPLOADERS FOR FILE DOWNLOADS: I need members who can help to upload...

BB's Documentary (the 200+ mb ver) : Episode 1. Episode 2. Episode 3. Episode 4. Episode 5. Episode 6. Episode 7. Episode 8. Episode 9. Episode 10. Episode 11.

^1 person for each episode so you don't have to upload so much

BB's Old Practice Clips : I guess 1-3 people for this? There's a lot of short files...but I can take 3 people and then you guys have to work out who will upload what. If you want to do all just tell me so through PM. -taken by SOUL'D:toGD

All music videos: 1 person, best files - taken by la.la.la

All files must be uploaded on sites with unlimited link lifespan such as:;

http://www.badongo.com/ - hmm not for docu..cause it splits it..i checked..



sharebee.com - good for files under 100 mb

UPLOADERS FOR YOUTUBE/VEOH: Same as above except need you to upload to youtube/veoh or provide links to it already but has to be a permanent link.

BB's Old Practice Clips: 3 people. If you want to do all just tell me so through PM. taken by SOUL'D:toGD

Music Videos: 1-2 people. If you want to do all just tell me so through PM. taken by JayCy90

For Docu, I'll just use the crunchy roll links I saw...

That's it for now again! Thanks to everyone who has PMed me before and have already started helping!^^

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Guest kewlnbubbly

I wonder is Guerrila concerts like those Guerrila..tactics so thats why there's not much info on it? Like a surprise ATTACK? XD

-edit- yes, topped a page. xD good cause' this post needs to be seen! lol :sweatingbullets:

lolz! that's what i thought too...

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Guest traaaaang

Is it possible to request the pics when

YB was playing with his headphones

and then it just suddenly fell apart?

I think it was during one of those radio shows..

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Guest babi3xblu3

If you were to send fanmail/gifts/anything to BIGBANG , would this be the correct address to send it to?

Seoul-si, Mapogu Sangsudong 349-10

Ho-sung building 4th floor

YG Entertainment

postal code 121-829


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Guest xrainonme

Hi, I don't really go on here, but I just wanted to share with you some pictures

of Big Bang that my friend had taken with her Camphone. She said they were filming

a new Music Video, I'm guessing it's for "I Don't Understand."

She also said not a lot of fans knew about it, so she got the chance to take some

pictures... Lucky her :]


It was taken at Yonsei University in Shinchon, Seoul [112807]





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Guest Yuna N.

It was taken at Yonsei University in Shinchon, Seoul
Well, to me it looks more like something they would do for Guerilla Concerts, gathering people and promoting their concerts using megaphones/bullhorns on that truck & passing out fliers throughout the town. But IDK, Someone correct me if I`m wrong. :) It`d be supercool if it`s for a new mv though, but aaah they`re working so fast & so harddd ! O_O

I didn`t know they`re still doing those Concerts <33 Is it still the same concept though?

I`m glad they are though, because the artists gets to really feel their fans love.

I wonder if BigBang`s going through the whole SHEBANG with the blindfolds & happy tears and such ;X

I can`t wait. I`m too curious now. Definitely a must see :D

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Guest trangtwo

^Yeah, I got super excited at first, but then I realized those are the same outfits they wore at the guerilla concert. And basically the same ones in the Last Farewell MV. Wait and there's a guitarist. Yeah they were probably just going to perform. Plus with the success of the new song and the "comeback" and everything, I don't think they'd start filming a second music video so soon.

But I got SO excited for a minute. PLEASE shoot a video for "I Don't Understand!" Imagine how sexy the MV would be O_O I see a black and white music video with someone singing near a fireplace (I know, weird right). The last part, with the guitar, I can see a scene in the rain. And Tae Yang ripping his shirt, as the rain drips all over his nice, toned body. LOL ok i should get back to studying...

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