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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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Oh mann, it's been so long since I've been here & so many things have happpennneed! Gotta catch up ;P THANKS FOR THE MAJOR PICTURE SPAMMMS. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!! & thanks for that picture of YB, thats just HOT HOT HOT :)

Their english is sooooo adorable. It's improved A LOT =D & YB's little solo at the end.... so gooood ;D Ahhh, excited for the other songs :) hehe and thanks again to everyoneeee :)

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thaanks iluxx and tiff for the link of the SUBBED AIRANG interview!:]

NO WYA JUH JUH AND MON!!! ANOTHER DAY? A FRIGGEN THREEEE WONDERFUL AMAZING CONCERT DAYS WITH BIGBANG?! WTFEEZTY! mana if i woudla went id go to ALLL and hte YG concert. NICEE. i hope whoevers going will have fun and SHOW THEM THAT IVIPS can beee SPIRITED TOO!:]


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Guest ..kaleena..

oo bless the subtitles! hahahaha :D

wow, 3 concerts?!?! man, that's A-mazingly GREAT!

buttttt.... i've now realized i'll be spending those three days in pity.. just like last year during THE REAL concert -_-

it's all i'll be thinking about xD

lucky VIPs who are going to attend any of them! RAWR at you all~ hahahah jk, hopefully they'll release a dvd of it! :D

(i still haven't even recieved my BB Bud and keychain items yet.. stupid girl)

i CANNOT WAIT to see their new do's! that's always exciting! i hve a feeling Daesungie might go back to black hair... and maybe seungri will dye his hair brown-ish.. and then taeyang will put extensions on of cornrolls. NO JK! rofl.

i kinda wanna see taeyang's hair grown out a lil more and styled, ya know? that'll be sexy!;D ever since he shaved his head, i've never CLEARLY seen his head + face, because he always has some sort of hat covering his beautiful face -__- YB YOU MYSTERIOUS BEAST! hahahahahah

and as for top, i like his hair now! haha, looks gooooood! and GD, i like it now as well, but being the crazy fella he is, who know's what to expect! hahaha

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Guest tamnguyen_741

ho ho ho ....... have to down Big Bang - Ending + Wonder Girls Mutizen Song on Ingigayo :w00t:

available in my NEW CB

:lol:http://clubbox.co.kr/cashewmaniaPlease download lots and help make my CB gold! Next inspection: Nov. 4th! :w00t:Thanks a bunch, Patze! :DBig Bang - Shake It + Lie at PBC Concert (2007-10-27) [FLYGDRAGON].avi [220.7MB][HQ] Big Bang - Opening on Ingigayo (2007-10-28) [bigbangpop].avi [81.4MB][HQ] Big Bang - Ending + Wonder Girls Mutizen Song on Ingigayo (2007-10-28) [bigbangpop].avi [51.8MB]We were sooo close to getting gold this time.Thank you for your continuous support! :lol:If you're interested in being a part of my team of uploaders, please PM me. ^_^

why i can't down ???? link die ???
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Guest melodygreenleaf


TV: Red

Radio: Blue

Anything not bolded will not be aired on that date.

10/31 Wed : Perf @ Mansan College 10:00 PM

11/01 Thurs : Eva Mens Lunching Party [Guest] 8:00 PM, Perf @ Gongook College 10:00 PM

11/02 Fri : KBS Yoon DoHyun Love Letter 12:15 AM

11/03 Sat : SBS Star King 5:30 PM, UFO Live Show [GOM TV] 9:00 PM*

11/04 Sun : SBS Concert [Live] 3:00 PM

11/05 Mon : SBS YSMM [GD only] 11:05 PM

*Can be viewed via GOM TV

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Guest machiskyblade

thanks for the new sched! their guestings just go on and on and on... phew!

i heard that the BB documentary was shown on MTV Asia with subs.. was anyone able to record it?

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I didn't know they're appearing on Yoon DoHyun Love Letter. Thank you Melody!

There's a Korean translation for their recent Japanese radio interview.

Would appreciate it if someone would summarize the important points ^^

071026 FM 오사카 라디오 출연 음성 & 번역

* 원출처: Tss.J (japan), 후출처: 연잡 '그놈' 님. 감사드립니다.

* 번역에는 탄자님께서 수고해주셨습니다.

(제가 올리는 이유는 편집과 약간 수정을 맡아서..)


태양 : 뮤직 인더 하우스를 듣고 계시는 여러분. 안녕하세요. 빅뱅입니다.

지금 한국에서 1위를 하고 있는 저희의 타이틀곡 거짓말을 들어봐 주세요.

그리고 저희가...선물을 준비했는데요 저희들의 미니앨범 중에

올웨이즈란 곡이 있는데...그 곡을 조금 불러보겠습니다.

탑 : one two three...

(잠시 라이브로 올웨이즈♬ 한소절) (+빗박)

(이어서 거짓말♬ 노래가 나갔습니다)

DJ : 자, 그럼 오늘밤의 게스트를 모셔보겠습니다.

언제 이 방송에 나와주실지 정말 오래 기다렸어요.

2년 전부터 티비에서 이 분들 뮤직비디오를 볼 때마다 정말 멋지다고 생각했는데

지금 드디어 이 다섯 멤버들이 제 눈앞에 계십니다. 그럼 자기 소개 부탁드릴께요.

대성 : 네 저는 Delight입니다.

태양 : 저는 sol입니다.

지디 : 처음 뵙겠습니다. 저는 지드래곤이라고 합니다.

탑: 처음 뵙겠습니다. 저는 TOP입니다.

승리 : 처음 뵙겠습니다. 저는 V.I입니다.

(라이브로 BIGBANG 사비 영어버전 짧게 ♬)

DJ : 안녕하세요~ (한국어)

뱅들 : 안녕하세요~

DJ : 대단하네요. 라디오 나올때 항상 이렇게 비트박스를 하세요?

태양 : 네 그렇지만 지금은 처음입니다.

DJ : 처음?

태양 : 라디오에서 우리를 소개하는 것도 처음입니다.

DJ : 일본에서?

태양 : 네.

DJ : 굉장해요. 고마워요. 감사합니다.(한국어로) (웃음)

근데 아까도 말했지만 빅뱅. 드디어 일본 데뷔입니다!

저희 방송에서도 뉴스 코너에서 늘 이야기했었어요.

인디로 데뷔한다더라, 영어로 데뷔한다더라-

언제일까 언제일까했었는데 드디어 데뷔가 결정되었네요.

지금 기분은, 데뷔하는 기분은 어떻습니까?

승리 : 긴장되요.

DJ : (웃음) 긴장?

태양: 두근거리죠.

DJ : 정말? 그렇게 보이진 않는데~ 여유있어보이는데-아닌가요?

태양 : 아니예요.

DJ : sol군은 일본어, 잘하세요(한국어로)

태양 : 아직 멀었어요. 정말로.

지금도 공부하고 있는데 일본어는 역시 점점 어려워지니까요. 지금 정말로 어려워요.

DJ : 하지만 대단해요. 박수. 박수. 다시 한 번 멤버 소개를 해볼게요.

빅뱅은 해외에서 쓰는 이름이 한국에서 사용하는 이름과 다르네요 다.

아까 자기소개를 해주셨지만 다시한번....

먼저 제 바로 앞에 앉아있는 멤버가 한국에서는 대성씨..

그리고 알려진 대로 대성씨는 Delight라는 이름으로 해외에서 불러주길 바란다는거죠?

물론 일본에서도 Delight로?

대성 : 제 이름이 원래 대성. 대성의 D가 D. Delight.

DJ : 대성의 DAE에서 D를 가져온거네요. Delight의 디.

대성 : Delight이라는 뜻 자체가 즐거움이라는 뜻이 있어서.

제가 항상 웃고 즐겁게 다녀서 이런 이름을 주위에서 지어주셨어요.

(한국어로) (통역자가 통역)

DJ : 아 웃는 얼굴요?

통역 : 웃는 얼굴이죠.

DJ : 귀엽네요.(웃음) 그리고 태양군. SOL. 이건..

태양 : 네. 원래 제가 한국에서 태양이라는 이름으로 활동하고 있는데요.

이 태양이라는 말이 일본어로는 타이요, 예요.

DJ : 타이요.

태양 : 이게 스페인어로는 쏠입니다.

DJ : 아, 스페인어로 태양을 쏠이라고 하는군요.

태양 : 네. 발음할때 쏠이라고 하니까 쏘울(soul)같은 느낌이 들잖아요.

왠지 멋져서요.

DJ : 쏘울이니까요. 발음이 비슷하네요. 알겠습니다. SOL이죠?

태양 : 네.

DJ : 네. 태양군은 SOL. 그리고 지드래곤씨는 지드래곤. 그대로네요?

지디 : 본명이 지용인데..지용을 번역해서 지드래곤으로 활동을 하고 있었는데

이름 자체가 워낙 바뀌지 않아도 활동하는데 지장이 없을 것 같아서

지드래곤으로 그냥 활동할거 같아요. (한국어. 통역자가 통역)

DJ : 아아. 그리고 또 하나 바뀌지 않는 게 톱.

탑: 네, 저의 이름은 말 그대로 탑이 되기 위한.. 탑이 되어라는 의미로

일본에서 먼저, 일본에 진출하셨던 와지엔터테인먼트의 어.. 삼빠이

(오빠... 셈빠이를.../ㅋ) 선배님이신 세븐 선배님께서 가요계의 톱..

탑이 되어라... 는 의미에서 탑이라고 지어주셨습니다.

(한국어. 통역자가 통역. 근데 통역자는 일본에 진출할때

톱이 되라는 의미로 이름을 지어줬다고 통역해버림-_-;;;)

DJ : 마지막이 V.I. 승리. 한국에서는 승리.

승리 : 원래 저 한국이름이 승리입니다. 그 의미는 빅토리입니다. 빅토리.

DJ : 아, 그렇군요-

승리 : 네. 빅토리. 그래서 일본 이름은 V.I입니다

DJ : V.I~ 응. 그렇구나. V.I라고 영어로 발음 하면 되는 거네요?

승리 : 네

DJ : 넵 조심할게요~ (웃음) 이렇게 다섯 명이 모였습니다.

이름이 바뀌었으니 그 이름을 다시 또 외워야겠네요. (웃음)

잘 부탁드려요. 묻고 싶은게 많은데요.

지금 본국..한국에서는 정말 대단한 인기잖아요.

데뷔부터 콘서트도 매진, 곡도 대히트. 지금의 인기를 어떻게 생각해요?

태양 : 정말 감사합니다. .. 작년부터 활동해 왔는데요.

이번 미니앨범을 정말 많은 분들이 사랑해 주셔서

(DJ : 그렇죠~) 좀 더 열심히 해야겠다고 생각하고 있어요.

DJ : 굉장히 좋은 곡들이 많이 있으니까요. 이 미니앨범 속엔.

진짜 정말 즐겁게 앨범을 들었는데 이 앨범에는 여러 가지 종류의 빅뱅이

있다는 느낌이 들었어요. 이제까지 해온 빅뱅의 여러 타입의 음악이

이 한 장의 음반에 담겨 있는것 같아요.

지디 : 저로서는 굉장히 감사드릴 뿐이구요.

그래서 더욱더 열심히 할 수 있는 계기가 되는 거 같구.

열심히 한다고 해서 다가 아닌데 많은 팬분들이 그것조차 이쁘게 봐주셔서

저희가 또 많은 인기를 얻고 있는 것 같아요. (한국어로. 통역자가 통역)

DJ : 한국에서 이만큼 지금 최고의 자리에 있는 거잖아요?

최고의 그룹이 해외로 진출하면 한국을 비워야 하는거잖아요. 팬분들은 괜찮을까요?

지디 : 팬 분들도 굉장히 많이 아쉬워 하지만 또 저희 팬이기 때문에

저희가 어딜 가든 몸이 떨어져 있어도 마음만은 같기 때문에 그런 건 걱정이 안 되구요.

또 한국에서 봐주시는 팬분들이 있으시니까

저희가 더 열심히 해서 좋은 모습 많이 비춰야지 되는 것 같아요. (한국어. 통역자가 통역)

DJ : 그렇네요. 정말로. .. 그런데 이 다섯 명은 어떻게 만난 건가요?

지디 : 저나 쏠 같은 경우는 7년 전부터 초등학교 때

연습생으로 들어와서 연습을 하고 있었는데 저희 와쥐 내에서

이제 그룹을 만든다고 해서 오디션을 봤는데 이제 남은 세 친구가

오디션을 통과해서 다 같이 다큐로 데뷔를 하게 됐습니다. (한국어. 통역자가 통역)

DJ : 그럼 둘이 처음에 만났을 때는 어떤 음악을 목표로 하고 있었어요?

어떤 음악이 하고 싶다고 생각하고 있었어요?

태양 : 아, 그 때부터도, 그때도, 역시 힙합이 너무 좋아! 라고 생각해서 회사에 들어갔어요.

DJ : 음. 확실히 세븐 인터뷰했을 때도, 굉장히 고생했던 시기가 있었다고..

좀처럼 노래를 부르게 해주지도 않고 데뷔도 안 시켜주고

열심히 열심히 청소만 했던 시절이 있었다고..

청소 청소!(한국어로) (웃음) 그랬는데, 어때요? (폭소)

태양 : 아, 그 때 저랑 지드래곤씨도 같이 청소했어요.

(DJ : 청소, 나왔다!(대폭소)) (지디 : 청소청소)

연습하기 전에 청소하고 연습하고 나서 또 청소하고 집에 갔어요.

DJ : 그런 시절이 있었기 때문에 지금이 있는 거니까. 감사하고 있다는. 그런 거네요.

태양 : 네네.

DJ : 그런 시기를 넘어서 다섯 명이 운명적으로 만났다, 는 거네요.

뱅들 : 네네.

DJ : 일본 데뷔가 결정돼서 내년 1월! 데뷔네요. 2008년 1월 4일 데뷔로.

데뷔 미니앨범 릴리즈인데요. 오늘은 말예요, 기념하는 의미에서

아직 데모라 좀 거친 느낌이긴 합니다만 잠시 들려주실 수 있을까요?

(태양 : 네네) 괜찮아요(한국어) 특별히 청취자들께 들려드립니다.

(How Gee 데모)

DJ : 타이틀은! 쏠군! 뭐라고 합니까!

태양 : How gee입니다. How gee.

DJ : 하우지! 굉장히 그라운드 비트적인 느낌의..사운드네요.

태양 : 네 올드스쿨 힙합 같은...

DJ : 네. 놀랐어요.

태양 : 옛날에 유명했던 노래라고..

DJ : 아, 리메이크에요?

태양 : 네네.

DJ : 네 그렇군요. 이번에 하우지를 특별히! 조금 들어보았습니다.

1월 4일에 발매되니 여러분 꼭 체크해 주세요.

자 그럼 다음주부터는 한명 한명씩 모셔볼 거예요.

여러분들에게 좀더 좀더 많이 빅뱅을 알리고 싶으니까요.

처음은 Delight군부터 가죠. 처음은 싫죠- 정말.

그래도 잘 부탁드릴께요. (뱅들 : 잘 부탁드립니다~)

오늘 나와주셔서 감사합니다.

credit: BB FLOW

Pictures! At first I thought these are their new haircuts cos machiskyblade was talking about it before.

But of course not. THANK GOD LOL.




And the fail-bun LOL.



credit: BB FLOW

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Please do not spam. "I love bigbang." alone isn't even 20 characters. Please try not to circumvent the 20 characters rule (although you might have not intended to). Thanks :)

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Pictures! At first I thought these are their new haircuts cos machiskyblade was talking about it before.

But of course not. THANK GOD LOL.




Wowww. I scrolled from the bottom of the page upwards so i didn't see your little quote on top about how it's not their new hair. I honestly started hyperventilating because I thought TOP had shaved his head and dyed it blonde. AHHHH. Crisis adverted. Once you get over the shock, it's a really cute picture. Hehe. Thanks for sharing!!

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Guest melodygreenleaf

I will do the second half tomorrow.

071026 FM Osaka Radio Part I

Translated by melodygreenleaf. Credit if taking.

TY: Everyone listening to Music in the House, Hello. This is Big Bang.

Please listen to our title song "Lie" which is number 1 in Korea right now.

Also we...prepared a present. There's a song called

Always in our minialbum...we will sing a little bit of that song.

TOP: one two three...

(A little bit of Always live♬) (+beatbox)

(Then the song "Lie"♬ was played on the radio.)

DJ: We will now welcome tonight's guests.

We were waiting a long time for you to appear here.

I thought you guys were very charismatic ever since I saw your MV two years ago on TV.

Finally, these five members are in front of my eyes. Please introduce yourselves.

DS: Yes. I'm Delight.

TY: I am Sol.

GD: I'll introduce myself for the first time. (T/N: common phrase) I am called G-Dragon.

TOP: I'll introduce myself for the first time. I am TOP.

SR: I'll introduce myself for the first time. I am V.I.

(short live of BIGBANG English version♬)

DJ: Hello~ (in Korean)

BB: Hello~

DJ: Impressive. Do you always beatbox when you go on radio shows?

TY: Although that's true, this is the first time.

DJ: First time?

TY: This is also our first time introducing ourselves on radio.

DJ : In Japan?

TY: Yes.

DJ: It's an honor. Thanks. Thank you. (In Korean) (Laugh)

Although I said this before, Big Bang. Finally Japan debut!

In the news corner of our radio show, we talked about this.

Whether you were going to debut singing in Indian or English-

We were saying, "When will it be, when it will be." Finally your debut has been decided.

Right now your feelings, how are your feelings about debuting?

SR: We're nervous.

DJ: (Laugh) Nervous?

TY: Our hearts are pounding.

DJ: Really? You guys don't look nervous~ you seem confident- is this incorrect?

TY: It's incorrect.

DJ: Sol, do you speak Japanese well? (In Korean)

TY: I still have a long way to go. Really.

I'm still studying, but Japanese gets slowly harder the more I learn. Right now, it's really difficult.

DJ: Even still, it's impressive. Applause. Applause. Let's introduce the members again.

Although you already introduced yourself, once more...

First, sitting in front of me, in Korean, Daesung-shii..

And from what you told us, Daesung-shii will become Delight?

Then will you go by Delight in Japan also?

DS: My name is originally Daesung. D from Daesung. Delight.

DJ: You took it from the D in the Dae of Daesung. The D in Delight.

DS: Because the meaning of Delight is the feeling joy.

Because I'm always smiling and having fun, I was given this name.

DJ: Ah, the smiling face?

DS(?): It's a smiling face.

DJ: You're cute.(Laugh) And now TaeYang. Sol. This..

TY: Yes. Originally I go by the name TaeYang in Korea.

The word TaeYang means Taiyo in Japanese.

DJ: Taiyo.

TY: In Spanish, it is Sol.

DJ: Ah, you're going by the Spanish word for TaeYang.

TY: Yes. When you pronounce Sol, it sounds like soul.

It sounded cool.

DJ: Because it's soul. The pronounciation is similar. I understand. It's SOL?

TY: Yes.

DJ: Yes. TaeYang is SOL. And G-dragon is G-dragon. It's the same?

GD: My real name is Jiyong..After changing Jiyong into G-Dragon, I've been been using the name G-Dragon.

Even if I don't change the name, the name itself doesn't seem like it will cause any problems

so I decided to just go by G-Dragon.

DJ: Ah, ah. And another member who didn't change his name, TOP.

TOP: Yes, exactly like my name, in order to reach the top.. with the meaning of getting to the top

Our YG Entertainment sanpai (TOP mispronounced senpai, which means teacher in Japanese), our sunbae Seven sunbae-nim,

who debuted in Japan before us,

gave me the name TOP with the meaning of becoming the top of the music industry.

DJ: Last is V.I. Seungri. In Korea, Seungri.

SR: My original name in Korea is Seungri. Its meaning is victory. Victory.

DJ: Ah, so it's like that-

SR: Yes. Victory. So my Japanese name is V.I.

DJ: V.I~. It is like that. Can we say V.I with an English pronounciation?

SR: Yes.


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Guest akfgtenshi


TV: Red

Radio: Blue

Anything not bolded will not be aired on that date.

10/31 Wed : Perf @ Mansan College 10:00 PM

11/01 Thurs : Eva Mens Lunching Party [Guest] 8:00 PM, Perf @ Gongook College 10:00 PM

11/02 Fri : KBS Yoon DoHyun Love Letter 12:15 AM

11/03 Sat : SBS Star King 5:30 PM, UFO Live Show [GOM TV] 9:00 PM*

11/04 Sun : SBS Concert [Live] 3:00 PM

11/05 Mon : SBS YSMM [GD only] 11:05 PM

*Can be viewed via GOM TV

about the UFO Live show...

can u help me out a lil?~

wut is GOM TV? o.o"~

i also say this on the oficial website about the UFO live...

안녕하세요 빅뱅STAFF입니다^^

11월 3일 UFO Live Show에 관한 공지 사항입니다.

- 빅뱅 미니앨범 대박기념! Thank U V.I.P!! -

빅뱅 미니앨범을 사랑해주신 여러분! 감사합니다.

여러분의 사랑에 보답하고자 여러분께 드리는 또 하나의 선물, 공개합니다!

UFOtown과 함께하는 곰tv Star Live talk! talk!

빅뱅UFO를 아껴주시는 많은 분들께 감사하는 마음을 담아,

유에프오타운 UFO플라이를 통해 빅뱅과 직접 대화할 수 있고,

이를 모든 팬들에게 생중계하는 빅뱅라이브토크쇼가 마련됩니다.

언제? 2007년 11월 3일 21:00~22:00 (1시간)

어디에서? 곰TV 플레이어를 통한 생방송 중계!

방송 참여방법! FLY를 보내세요~

웹 : www.ufotown.com/70007117

모바일 : 휴대폰 에서 문자 입력후 #7000-7117로 전송

*초대권 받는 방법!

빅뱅에게 꼭 전하고 싶었던 말, 궁금한 점을 FLY로 보내주세요~

방송 전까지 FLY를 보낸 분들 중 10분을 추첨하여 라이브쇼에 초대합니다!

꼭 뽑혀야 되는 기막힌 이유를 적어 FLY를 날리세요~

10월 31일부터 11월 2일까지 빅뱅에게 FLY를 보내신 분들 중에서

10분을 추첨하여 선정합니다. (당첨자 개별 통보)

빅뱅과 함께하는 라이브쇼! 그 뜨거운 현장을 함께 하세요~

생방송 중 실시간으로 전해지는 여러분의 플라이를 받고

빅뱅이 직접 선별해 답장해주고, 추첨을 통해 향수, 사인CD등 상품도 드립니다.

많이 참여해주세요!


my korean is no good...

could someone help me?

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Guest jess1tym4life

YGBB BIG BANG ALWAYS POSTER CONTEST VOTING HAS STARTED PLZ VOTE http://z14.invisionfree.com/YGBB/index.php?showtopic=7499

Credit:maysia again for giving away poster


BIG BANG FAN CLUB @ SOOMPI 188 MEMBER SO FAR..SPREAD THE WORD http://www.soompi.com/fanclub/big_bang let me know what sections you want i will make..also upload, pics, clips, start topics etc


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Guest LOVEangiie

OMG!! i missed out on 9 pages of BIG BANG goooodies! ><"

ARGH it took me like an hour to get up to date with all the information about bigbang. & im grateful of spending that time.

THANKYOU so so so much for whom ever contributed & updating..

theres so many ppl i would like to thank --: ALL you iVIPS are just amazing..

those who shared - pics spams, gifs, links etc.. thankyou ^___^*

LOL! anyways.. i know it's late, but i would to comment on their english song..

personally, i wasnt feeling that song the saxophone playing throughout the snippet of the song was kinda annoying

BUT their english is so AMAZING! omg.. too bad didnt get to hear Daesung & Seungri. ><"

when is the YSMM going to air? im like dieing here, really wanna watch it [x *seeing jiyong's smile just makes me melt [8 LOL

for all those peoples whom are going to big bangs concert!!! GAH you's are soo LUCKY i really wanna go

bt hope you have fun and make sure to be taking alot of pics! XD

hmm lets see what else what else...

not long til their MV for 'always' is coming out -cant wait & i also cant wait for their japanese album debut plus english songs! ^^

also DS, SR & TY japanese nicknames.. are okay could've been better i rekon, bt Daesung = Delight... how sweet/cute/wierd Oo' lol.

ROFLS jaja those pics of TOP and Jiyong were hilariously weird? LOL. i thought that was their new look too. OMG this made me laugh so hard..

anyways thanks melody for the translations would be sure to be reading the 2nd half tmr. ^^

- LOL.. well i think that covers everything. XD

well.. heres a gif of TOP shaking/slapping his thang LOL .. enjoy ^^

( has this been posted be4? if so sorry.. )



omg! i wanna get me some of the BB band-aids.. they are so ADORABLE ^^

but i highly doubt that they sell it here in AUS ><"

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AHH bigbang on love letter and gbong on YSMM?? cant wait ^^

thanks to melody for the translation.. ROFL at "delight"

and jaja thankyou for the pic spam...wht are the top 3 pics of? the cartoon is so cute xDDD

LUCKY PEOPLE going to the concert +_______+", ima all the way down in aus...GAH, hope you guys have fun and return with heaps of pic spams..

showbiz extra interview was so funny ^^. GAH, seungri was "i like my solo song the best" and all the members were spazzing out in the end..esp when TOP and gdragon did their impersonations....hehe, im gald when they said "we read our fan mail"

personally, i wasnt feeling that song the saxophone playing throughout the snippet of the song was kinda annoying
i agreee...i dont really like their new song **sigh**

anyway thankyou for the gif XDD

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Guest machiskyblade

Wowww. I scrolled from the bottom of the page upwards so i didn't see your little quote on top about how it's not their new hair. I honestly started hyperventilating because I thought TOP had shaved his head and dyed it blonde. AHHHH. Crisis adverted. Once you get over the shock, it's a really cute picture. Hehe. Thanks for sharing!!
im hoping the new hairstyles wont look like these.. maybe they're just having trims or something.. but not new hairdos...

about the How Gee song... it was a hit back in da dayz like everyone was doing the trumpet dance.. im just not sure if BB is going oldskool this time... but it was creative in a way... especially Taeyang's part where he put vocals on the trumpet sound... i love that...

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First post in this thread and I get to be helpful. How fun =D

안녕하세요 빅뱅STAFF입니다^^

Hello, this is Big Bang’s Staff^^

11월 3일 UFO Live Show에 관한 공지 사항입니다.

We’re posting up information about the 11/3 UFO Live Show.

- 빅뱅 미니앨범 대박기념! Thank U V.I.P!! –

Big Bang Mini Album BIG SUCCESS ANNIVERSARY! Thank U V.I.P!!

빅뱅 미니앨범을 사랑해주신 여러분! 감사합니다.

여러분의 사랑에 보답하고자 여러분께 드리는 또 하나의 선물, 공개합니다!

Thank you to those who gave lots of love to Big Bang’s Mini Album! Thank you!

We wanted to present another gift to give our appreciation for your love!

UFOtown과 함께하는 곰tv Star Live talk! talk!

빅뱅UFO를 아껴주시는 많은 분들께 감사하는 마음을 담아,

유에프오타운 UFO플라이를 통해 빅뱅과 직접 대화할 수 있고,

이를 모든 팬들에게 생중계하는 빅뱅라이브토크쇼가 마련됩니다.

GomTV Star Live Talk! Talk! With UFOtown.

We were so thankful to the people who kept Big Bang UFO important to them.

Through UFO Town and UFO Fly, you can talk directly to Big Bang.

We provided a live Big Bang Live Talk Show for all fans.

언제? 2007년 11월 3일 21:00~22:00 (1시간)

어디에서? 곰TV 플레이어를 통한 생방송 중계!

방송 참여방법! FLY를 보내세요~

웹 : www.ufotown.com/70007117

When? 11/3/2007 21:00~22:00 (1 hour) (Korean Standard Time)

Where? GomTV Player live feed!

How to Join! Send us a FLY (??? Dunno what the heck that means, maybe an SMS?)

Web: www.ufotown.com/70007117

모바일 : 휴대폰 에서 문자 입력후 #7000-7117로 전송

Mobile: From your cellphone, send a text message to #7000-7117

*초대권 받는 방법!

빅뱅에게 꼭 전하고 싶었던 말, 궁금한 점을 FLY로 보내주세요~

방송 전까지 FLY를 보낸 분들 중 10분을 추첨하여 라이브쇼에 초대합니다!

꼭 뽑혀야 되는 기막힌 이유를 적어 FLY를 날리세요~

*How to get an invitation!

Anything you want to say to Big Bang, anything you’re curious about, please send to FLY~

Right before broadcast, we’ll choose 10 people from everyone who has sent a FLY and ask them to join the Live Show!

Please send us a GOOD REASON via FLY as to why we should choose you~

10월 31일부터 11월 2일까지 빅뱅에게 FLY를 보내신 분들 중에서

From 10/31 to 11/2, we’ll be choosing from the people who have sent us FLY (ies)

10분을 추첨하여 선정합니다. (당첨자 개별 통보)

We’ll be choosing 10 people

빅뱅과 함께하는 라이브쇼! 그 뜨거운 현장을 함께 하세요~

A Live Show with Big Bang! Come to the hot site with us~

생방송 중 실시간으로 전해지는 여러분의 플라이를 받고

빅뱅이 직접 선별해 답장해주고, 추첨을 통해 향수, 사인CD등 상품도 드립니다.

During the break time of the live broadcast, Big Bang will be receiving more FLY (ies) and Big Bang will be directly answering your questions, and we’ll also have a raffle with perfume, signed CD’s and other good gifts.

많이 참여해주세요!

Hoping lots of people participate!!



I know this isn't helpful for us outside Korea, but this UFO live show would be hella fun to participate in. ^^ Did anybody buy Big Bang's perfume? Does it smell okay? I haven't bought a gasoo's perfume since H.O.T with Perfume....

akfgtenshi - GOM TV is a multimedia outlet that's really popular in Korea. Big Bang's documentary was shown via GOM TV. Since everything is so internet-based now, a lot of people get their news/shows/info from streaming internet. GOM TV is just an outlet for that. ^^ Hope that makes sense.

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Guest julie86

haha!! i was watch the clip of BB showin

in arirang tv. they're so cute and silly.

:wub: G-dargon so cute when he mention abt his

japanese fans writing in korean to him :lol: "G-dargon work hard. I like. Eat a lot."

thanx so much for sharin the clip.

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Thank you to both Melody and Ji_Eunie for the translations! The Big Bang Live Talk Show sounds sooooo fun! I hope those fans will ask some juicy questions XD

DS: Because I'm always smiling and having fun, I was given this name.

Then why not just call him Happy? ROFL. Who are we gonna blame this time? Last time is was Sebong LOL.

SR: Yes. Victory. So my Japanese name is V.I.

See. He can't even elaborate on his name XD

I've uploaded their performance at the Euljang (is that the same as uhljjang? LOL random) Festival. Had to split the file cos it was longer than 10 minutes.

[CLIP] Big Bang - 20071031 Euljang Festival (LaLaLa)

I miss them performing this song ^^ Towards the end, YB fell after doing the flip and I think Daesung and GD laughed? ROFL :DDDD Anyway, it was a good performance, and they looked like they had a lot of fun. And I like how they kept calling each other's names ^^

[CLIP] Big Bang - 20071031 Euljang Festival (NoonMoolPuninBabo+KohJidMal)

GD looked so cute sitting at the back while waiting for his turn in A Fool's Only Tears ^^

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THANKS for the schedule and translations MELODY... i hope you

have time to fnish it up today.. i am not liking the Japanese stage names..

it just souds weird to me..

and thanks Ji_Eunie for the translations.. i wish i was korean, so i can

participate in all those activities.. man.. that's so not fair to the iVIPs...

i hope to see their new do's soon.. because they seems to get more and

more mature with every hairstyle they get.. i don't think that YB is doing

anything with his hair.. because he barely has any right now.. but for the others

i am not sure..

um.. ANGIE.. i love the GIF.. ahaha.. i wish it was my booty he as slapping..

ahahaha.. thanks for that...and thanks JaJa for the pictures... and the link...

i think Dae Sung was laughing... ahahaha. i think YB felt bad because he fell...

Jess i want in on the new fan club.. i think i will join later.. ahaha..

i looked at it the other day... interesting.. thanks for the link...

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