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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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Guest msxadina


they're so good! Up until now, they all got better looking

expecially Dae-Sung, he got like super hot!

and their new look for the mini albums, HOT!

Tae-Yangs hair is gone and with the hat he looks so good.

The only thing that bothers me is GD's hair, i love him and all

but that has got to go haha. SeungRi's skunk hair is super cute.

Tempo looks so good with his sun glasses, if only they matched all

outfits, but i still got so much love for them!

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Guest t. yama

Oh man, FTI is catching up in the poll! Keep on clicking you guys!!

LOL Mee, keep on going! We want our boys to win! (it's ok if you're not replying..haha)

New SBS Drama Awards Pics of YB :]



credits; nun @ popcorn + moochic

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Guest rawesome


Oh wow, I’m definitely lovin’ the UDFTD t-shirt! He and SR both have the same shirts but just in different colors. I gotta admit, they look BAE-RI good in ‘em!

That picture xaida edited is funny! I don’t care if any of them have armpit hair or not. They’re all hot regardless. Am I right or am I right?

I agree with Monica – I think they should be on Manwon and it’d be ultrasupermega cute if Daesung would be the contestant this time! I can imagine a lot of scenes in the morning like this


Thanks for the pics from the Starnight Radio Show guesting Tiff!



It looks like GD’s trying to put mangnae on lockdown; shielding him from getting close to YBoogie LOL


Yes, you have my approval anyDAE ;)


Someday, I’ll steal your hats so you’ll stop hiding what’s underneath that!


Why aren’t you cheesin’?


matching peace signs with YB, ‘man’nae? LOL

also, thanks for those pics of YBoogie at the SBS Drama Awards!

He's mosdef muyhecka hot :sweatingbullets:

sungieluv, thanks for the heads up on the HB DVD! (I don't know your name, so I had to address you by your username. I'm ianne by the way :D )I’m one of the unfortunate ones who missed that festival, so I might have to purchase that.

I’m so proud of the boys for their album sale! They definitely deserve that Mutizen Award, for real. So everyone, please vote for Big Bang!

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wow, so many hottie pictures x)

that voting thingy (bb verses FTisland)

that's weird,,

i kept pressing (for the sake of bigbang >.<;;) for big bang and the number of votes for FTisland rose too.


anywho, i started to watch i am sam (only because i'm watching through video tape) and oh my GAHHHH!!!

that girl,,argh.

i don't like her already.

i wish they'd show seunghyun smiling more.

it looks nicer T.T

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Guest rawesome


This is not your captain speaking, but read anyway. Please vote for our boys HERE!!!

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Guest MoiraElla

wow, so many hottie pictures x)

that voting thingy (bb verses FTisland)

that's weird,,

i kept pressing (for the sake of bigbang >.<;;) for big bang and the number of votes for FTisland rose too.


its cause when the page refreshes, the numbers go up sometimes which means someones doing it at the same time as you areeee ahhhhh theyre catching up so muuuch T___T

whereare all the big bangers? im surprised the number isnt a million! i swear i've clicked a million times! hahaha -.-

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THANKS TIFFANY for the radio show pictures<3 they look stunnig as always!

MONICA, i totally agree with you, if they were to do another manwon thing with BIGBANG, daesung WOULD be the perfect ccanidiate. haha

OH for the voting thing? we jsut lcick as many times right? DOES it have a limit?

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Guest delici0usbh

ok i just started watching the clips of big bang on the radio show with mc mong... and i know i'm VERY late but i thought the stuff they talked about were interesting...

they started talkin about puberty... and how seungri's been hitting it lately.. and he's getting all weird lol. he's been thinking a lot... and seungri said that he's been thinking about why he's here and what he's doing. like why is he doing. why is he alive. and thinking all this bad stuff... and yb noticed so they started talkin and yb asked seungri wats up? and yb said that seungri's been thinking all this nonsense about failure and like wat if something goes wrong? do i need to go to school? (LOL)

then mc mong said does ur heart ever beat really hard because of girls?

and seungri said well i wouldn't say because of girls... and then gd said EH? as if he was shocked by seungri's answer and started laughing lol.

then seungri said well i've never had a chance to meet a girl so yea... and gd was like uh?! again haha. and then mc mong said well.. seungri just dont' watch porn that much. and gd said for a while seungri's nickname was porn seungri (LOL?)

then mc mong asked who's ur ideal girl?

and seungri said he really likes song hye gyo noona XD i can sing the three bears song really good too

them mc mong asked wat about u tempo?

my ideal girl is a girl that a lot of elders know. someone that's really good to their boyfriend. i also like girls who talk really nicely... i don't like girls who curse... like wen they say (he started to say a curse then he stopped and he was like OHHH and covered his mouth LOL then he said) its a real turn off.

then mc mong siad ok we have to stop talkin about cursing now... lol wat about taeyang?

well for me i really like girls that work really hard and are calm. if i had to pick a celebrity to compare i would pick han hye jeen the talent, i met her once during a recording. im not the person that really cares about looks, i think its more if the couple matches each other.

mc mong - now wat about gd?

gd - um... my ideal girl actually changed... it use to be a girl that's confident and fashionable but nowadays i want a girl that makes me feel comfortable wen im around her. someone that loves me a lot and someone i can have an interesting convo with~ then mc mong asked if u had to pick a celebrity? and gd said i haven't really talked to many celebrities *laughs* so yea..

mc mong - daesung?

my type is like this... i like a girl thats kinda chubby and is cute. and looks really pretty wen she smiles

mc mong - hmm.. cute and chubby? our director fits that~

and daesung turned around to see who he's talkin about and then everyone else starts chanting "DATE DATE DATE" (LOL) and daesung gets all shy and starts laughing

and then mc mong tells seungri to sing the three bear songs for song hye gyo and seungri starts getting all nervous and saying o man i have to do this good... hye gyo noona this songs for u!

aww then they start thanking people.. and daesung said "my parents that always have my back... my noona. my friends. and especially my boss that's taken care of us so much. and all my teachers that put me on a good path. ah there's so many.. thank you all!

gd - all our fans that's loved us and stayed with us forever. mr yg that's always stayed next to me since i was young and all the other yg members. my parents, that gave birth to me. my family, friends and our thankful big bang members. i thank u all and promise to work even harder.

yb - first, the one that's given me the most stregth, almighty god. my parents that gave birth and raised me so well and my hyung (brother)~ and of course the people that feel like family to me, big bang members. the one that raised me to become a singer, mr yg and all the other yg members. and all the fans that are around me and pray for me i thank you all.

mc mong - it looks like ur about to cry..

yb - yea... its just that ever since i was little i've always worked to live my dream of becoming a singer and every now and then all the hard times come into my head...

mc mong - when was one of the most hardest times for you?

yb - hmm.. i dunno. i guess when i try really hard to make my dream grow and it gets too hard. i sometimes use to think if i should just quit now.

mc mong - but u met big bang and u have that fan club... vip right? right now ur fan club is rooting u guys on like crazy!

seungri - yea but we made a promise with our fan club.. that we won't cry until we become the best big bang. and when its offical and on stage then we'll cry like crazy! =]

tempo - my parents... even though i dont' get to see them as often as i would i like to... every 2 weeks wen i see them they even sometimes make me food and always take care of me. mr yg that made us who we are today. the big bang members that are like family. our fans that always hide us and protect us. i'm always so thankful for all of them. i'll work harder.

seungri - first my parents. my big bang hyungs that always take care of me. my friends even though i can't talk to them often. to a guy friend - did u get ur cell phone stolen!? u don't pick up my calls... to a girl friend - i heard ur working at a clothes store.. send some special clothes. another guy - i heard u started kick boxing.. r u crazy? at this age u already started kick boxing? guy friend - i heard u lost 40 pounds! wat r u doing to urself? teacher - did u get married yet? u always said u don't have guy friends and always asked me for some... ur goin to regret me becoming a singer cus u told me that i couldn't sing. next time i want to meet u and buy u lunch!

i'm sorry its so messy and blah... but yea xP

i wish someone would post the whole radio show up >.< they did a lot of talkin in this one.. =/

anyways yup enjoy! lol.

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^THANKS A LOT GOLDIE for the MC MONG radio translations! you are like our SAVIOR! ALWAYS providing us w/ the interesting convos they have <333 oo TOP's ideal girl is one who doesn't curse and is good w/ elders? i like that~ PICK MEEEEE CHOI TOP! PUHAHA ;] Seungri was funny..all shy when asked about his ideal type! aaah i wanna hear him sing the three bears song! i bet he sounded SOO CUTEE AIGOOO! i like GD's ideal type the best..i think it's SWEET ^^ Daesung..we all know he likes chubby girls HEHE and YB..girls that are calm XD

the part where they gave thanks to people was touching! Seungri's was the most adorable! HAHA to his teacher, his guy/ girl friends~ cute messages! hitting puberty eh? well this LIL BOY definetly greww UP!

thanks t.yama(tiffany right?) for the YB pics! i love the second one, holding the mic so SEXILYY RAWWR

i ordered my HB copy DVD already! i look forward to watch Big Bang's perf. and relieve the AWESOME moment again! shipping is soo EXPENSIVE! $ 8..same as DVD >.< and i live in cali too! oh well..anything for BIG BANG <333

I've been voting for the past 10 mins clicking nonstop! let's give the boys the multizen award! THEY REALLY DESERVE IT THIS TIME AROUND <3333333 KEEP VOTING I-V.I.P.'s

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Guest teukstrid

Yup yup voted for BIG BANG!!~

I like FTI as well but BB is WAY better so I really hope they will win^^

Oh Mnet performance today. Can't wait to see it : D

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Guest the7REAL.

THANK YOU GOLDIE FOR THE TRANSLATION~ (lol I remember I wanted to hear that part the most so senkkk you baeri mucho~^^)

These are my captures from 08.30.2007 Chin Chin Radio

They performed Always, Oh Ma Baby, U Turn, Lie (got cut off..-.-), and did imitations of the teacher from I Am Sam. it was cute when Kangin sang lil part of 'Lie' in the beginning like, "I'm sorry but I love you!~" xD

There was a time when they asked GD + YB about Seungri (cause how it seems Mangnae been spending time with YB more these days..lol) and GD was like, "SEUNGRI IS MINE!!" LOL. ;P he's so jealous..its so cute..aha I hope someone translates this show..I wanna know what Seungri's response was all this about him..lol..I wish I were Seungri! lol

And when they all went around to say something nice about each member during the show, GD cried when he was talking about YB. I was like 'Awwwww' the whole time. ;_; GDYB<3 Naty says, "he said how much was tiring to gd and yb when they were trainees but yb always kept gd up or something like that .. he said yb is a good friend .."

other things Naty translated to us what they said on the show.."she said .. BIG BANG heard a lot people saying that you guys are like MEN now!!

then GD -- yeahh .. we are not women right?" <--LOL

there's a part where GD does this weird fairy move and its cause "he said he is flying because of lie .. everyone is saying good stuffs about he wrote and composed!! and he asked .. MOM DO U LIKE IT?" XD



credit; the7REAL/theREAL@YGBB

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we are falling bahind.. and we need to keep on voting to show big bang that we LOVEthem.... keep on voting... we are loosing be far now..

anyways.. thanks for the translation of the radio show... it was CUTE.. when they were saying their thanls to everyone.. and Seungri was going on and on with his friends. ahaha.. i wonder how his teacher must feel now.. after telling him he couldn't sing... that was mean.. but yeah.. YoungBae did look like he was going to cry..

and about his name.. TAE YANG... it means sun right.. well my name means sun ih HMONG... if you guys know what that is....NOU.. ahaha.. sorry off topics.. back to big bang..


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Guest anecia


this thread is going faster,I didn't check this thread for only one day and suddenly*POOF*

Not sure if these has been posted before but

BIGBANG rakes in $1.7 million through 6-city tour

BIGBANG's 6-city, nationwide tour, which wrapped last month with a 2,500-seat concert in Jeonju, drew in a total of 40,000 paying audience members. This translates into $1.7 million dollars earned. The figure is especially impressive considering other popular stars, who've been around longer than that, avoid performing in rural areas to prevent deficit. But BIGBANG, which is just a year old, has managed to pull off a feat that has impressed even the business world. Their concert success confirms why they're called the "monster newcomers."

BIGBANG to work with Director Cha Eun-taek and act in music video

G-Dragon, TOP, Tae-yang, Seung-ri and Dae-sung - the five guys of BIGBANG, have decided to work with Director Cha Eun-taek and try acting. All of the guys will appear in the music video, which follows a drama-series-style format, and it will star the group's leader, G-Dragon. He wrote the music and lyrics for the title song of the band's new album, their first in 6 months. Following on the heels of the group's nationwide tour and TOP's work in a drama, BIGBANG also recently held a large showcase attended by 7,000 people. Needless to say, the music biz is welcoming their new music video and comeback with open arms.


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Gaaah! I keep clicking the vote button, but the number

of votes don't compare to FT Island's!! We should get our friends

who don't even like Big Bang to help!

shinhwa_sarang, thanks for the radio summary! AWW they are

SOO cute! Seungri worrying about school? He's thinking too much! I can't

imagine him all serious and stuff xP GD's "new" ideal girl seems more reasonable

than his last one. Taeyang is just so sweet! I love how he said looks don't matter ^^

His future girlfriend will be lucky... if only it were me (YB fans! Don't hurt me!)

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Guest kakaakajes

AHH!! this FT island!! they are like MY AGE!! and they are almost newbies! HOW CAN THEY !!!!!!

BB's votes is not increasing as fast as fti's. The way i see it, BB DESERVES IT MORE!!! (see, fti is younger, they will have more chance right!).


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Guest carynn

err..sorry..some random question..what is the reason bigbang name theirself bigbang?......someone tell me..T^T..lolz...is for a quiz question...thanks...

*screams*..my post is 77 and i TOP a PAGE O.O...hahahah*throws confetti*

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Guest the7REAL.

AHH!! this FT island!! they are like MY AGE!! and they are almost newbies! HOW CAN THEY !!!!!!

BB's votes is not increasing as fast as fti's. The way i see it, BB DESERVES IT MORE!!! (see, fti is younger, they will have more chance right!).


^Actually, it's just a popularity poll..the one on naver, of 'who do you like more'...so..it can go either way for Big Bang or FT. Island..not about who deserves it..so in a way its like a 'who is loved more' type of thing..if fans are voting like crazzzyy..lol. Now, if you're talking about the Mutizen..I think..FT Island already got one anyways..lol...but yes, this time Big Bang obviously deserves it this week on Inkigayo! And they do the votes by sms (text) and I don't think foreigners can vote...>_<;; But if and when they win, it means that there is a WHOLE lot of people not just regular fans that love them and their song in the nation.^^;; eeek how exciting~~~

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I think I voted a hundred times on big bang, then i clicked some votes for ft too .. lol

and yeahh .. ft island are sooo young!! two of them have the same age as my lil sister!! TT____TT

Jerilyn I can't believe you add what I wrote, hahaha .. but I hope I translated right!!! hahaha~

Was fun to watch them live ;] Was really touching when JiYong started to cry TT____TT datssright ^^

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Guest NaBi_713

Trick for voting BIG BANG

at this site >> http://jrsearch.naver.com/jrsearch.naver?w...ry=%C5%F5%C7%A5

java script:ActPoll('count1');
(Sorry, no space between Java & script)

put that code in the Address

and press 'ENTER' without realeasing!!



For people who don't understand what I said. T.T

Let's see this example~


Are you clear now??

Then, LET'S VOTEEE!!!!!!


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