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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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Guest t. yama

I lovee the mini album. I've been listening to it on repeat all dayy!! All of them have that Big Bang flair to it. I love it.

SOeun., Ahh! That line by Seungri makes my heart melt. His English is so good too!!

Haha, I was talking to Jerilyn about "Always" and how Perry's line of "BANG 'EM" is inserted. XD It fits perfectly with

the song. hahah. And yes, YB has many vocal parts in the mini album. He deserves it! But yeah...I haven't heard much

of Daesung unless I'm not listening close enough.

Now we all need to watch the FULL MV and watch the new performances and get our own copy of this amazing mini album

by our boys who have grown into talent men over this past year. Wahh, the excitement is killing mee. It is like Christmas! haha

Whee! I TOPPED a page again! ^^

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Guest I<3SunSunYeMi

i must say i really like their new album

their new songs are very different from their old ones,different genres,especially oh ma baby and the no.3 song,something like old school and techno style

and they improve a lot,GD's really a talented singer <3

my favourite songs are Oh ma baby and Always,the only song i am still not addicting to is TOP solo....:P

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I FREAKING LOVE BIG BANG'S mini album! I can't choose my favorite song! They're all soo good and catchy!

I don't get why YB shaved his head bald. He still continues to wear hats to cover up his scalp. lols

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Guest smiless

Oh my god. This mini album is off the hook. I'm loving almost all of the songs. Even though they did stray away from their original style, they did great with this particular style. I've got no complaints about their change. I really can't wait to see how they will perform the songs on stage. I bet it'll be something completely different, but in a good way. These boys can never disappoint me with their music.

Always and Lies are just about my favorites. I love YB in this mini album. He sounds sooo good. I also noticed that Tempo's rapping style is a bit more reggae sounding, in my opinion. He totally reminds of Red Roc, like A LOT. Its pretty hot.

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Guest KTZ811

my favorite is ALWAYS, TOPS SOLO, and the intro.

why must the intro be short?! lmfao.

the album is alright for me..

I do miss the gangsterness :unsure: though..


sorry I know this is off topic, but just wanted to greet SMILESS since she's in hawaii for the weekend.

hope you're not in big island because hurrican flossie is hitting hard there. it's calm here on oahu ;)

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Guest shrimpzaas

Oh Ma Baby Track remind me of "bu de bu ai" taiwan song.. some rhythm

anyone think like me? I didn't say that it's the same just made me think of another song

all 6 tracks is really cool~~ It should have daesong's solo...I'm so in love with his voice, maybe in the next single ^^

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Guest smiless

my favorite is ALWAYS, TOPS SOLO, and the intro.

why must the intro be short?! lmfao.

the album is alright for me..

I do miss the gangsterness :unsure: though..

thats exactly what i was thinking when i was listening to the intro. i really like it. it would've been awesome if they actually made it into a whole song.

i also noticed something after listening to the album a few more times. is it just me or does this new album totally sound like something epik high release? maybe it only reminds of epik high because of the techno and stuff. but i don't mind at all. i LOVE epik high.

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Guest MoiraElla

I lovee the mini album. I've been listening to it on repeat all dayy!! All of them have that Big Bang flair to it. I love it.

SOeun., Ahh! That line by Seungri makes my heart melt. His English is so good too!!

I think it'll take me a VERY long time to get sick of these songs. i love them so much!

they're all on repeat and in my iPod and everything! ahahhaa~

i love seungri singing in english. hehe he's so cute ^O^

it too made my heart melt!

by the way,

i stayed up and made the korean lyrics into konglish.


fsajfklsfasjfdkf. <333

i love the tracks - lie, always and oh ma baby.

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^ wah thanks for the konglish lyrics!! i just listened to the album!

omg it's soo good and it's nice to see a album full of different styles of their music!! heheh

the intro is so cool and i love the title song =D pretty different from their previous songs!

"Oh Ma Baby" kinda reminds me a bit of that Chinese song.. bu de bu ai xD i think it's the beat a bit.. but it's such a catchy song though =D

i cant wait to see the mvs!

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Guest the7REAL.

I spent the whole day listening to this...this will be long..sorry..>_< Thanks for the Konglish SOeun and thanks to those who posted new Ting pics! =]

Man, I can't wait until I get my mini-album!!! I did as GD said in his message..to start again as if it was the first time~ I've been so anxious to listen to the new songs but ever since Dirty Cash I kind of gave up trying to figure out their genre of music..Dirty Cash threw me off..haha..so I say..Big Bang's genre is just...music. I once heard that you shouldn't like a group for their concept, because that can always change, and its true. It's still Big Bang though makin' good music and that's the only concept I think they haven't strayed from. So I did my best to listen with an open mind and ears as if I've never heard of them!! and..overall..I LOVE IT. The only song I still need to warm up to is TOP's solo. @_@; The majority of the style of the songs is definitely different than what we’re used to, but it works and sounds so refreshing. It definitely does show how versatile they are and showcases more sides of how talented they are. The old songs will of course be Big Bang classics like someone mentioned earlier!^^ But yeah Big Bang have said before how they are still trying to find their true colors with music~ btw I listen to almost anything except country..so that might have added to why I like it so much myself..@_@;

우린 빅뱅 - YG peoples are so creative in finding many ways to spell out a group’s name..xD I like Mangnae’s long “OOoooOoooOOoo” in the beginning. Like everyone else, I wish this was a little longer! It is really mellow, and catchy. It really does make you want to just listen to the rest of the mini album right away!! But where the heck is Daesung in this..lol O_o

Lie - GD’s English accent was cute and funny at the same time. XD I like that the beat is slowly building up when he’s rapping. My heart was beating along with it. And then to hearing my lovely Young Bae’s strong voice! Whooo~ You KNOW when YB’s singing, definitely. With Seungri and Daesung sometimes I have to listen more closely. I think Seungri and Daesung are singing with YB in the Chorus especially Seungri a lil bit. I guess YB’s voice is just a bit…overpowering..lol. But I love the chorus lots! I seriously need this CD in my hands so I can put it on blast in my car! The chorus sounds so powerful its like you just need to sing it really loud with a bunch of your friends and VIP!! Haha. TOP’s rapping was sexified as usual. I can’t wait for the MV and for when they perform this song! I wonder how the choreography will be!!! >_<;; I also really like the instrumentals on this and the way its mixed. To me its up there on that ‘haneul wiro’ level, that kind of adrenaline pumping song full of energy. GD is indeed masterful for composing this song and Big Bang overall making it sound so damn good.

없는 번호 - Aahh YG wrote this song! Haha. Aye, big boss YG knows was sup. I like the beats in this song. The beginning though does remind me of ‘Way I Are‘ but I let my brother listen and he doesn‘t think so unless I told him first.. The instrumentals at 02:23-02:38 are hella dope with TOP‘s rap. It’s my favorite part of the song that I keep replaying. XD For that one moment the techno-trance stuff stops and it’s a lil hippy to the hoppa right there if anyone’s looking for it..lol

아무렇지 않은 척 - Uhh the beginning sounds a lil awkward “this a song for my ex GARLE friend.” X_X lol. Ok I admit I giggled a lil at that..haha. I still need to get used to this song. I like it though. It’s kinda like a break from all the other songs cause its so chill. I LOVE Ji eun’s part in the song. Her voice is always beautiful.

OH MA BABY - love the guitar at the beginning. Love Daesung’s voice in the song--finally I don’t have to really look to hear him, he’s clearly in this. Always mature sounding~ It does sound like Freestyle’s’ ‘Y’ a little in the beginning. Maybe I shouldn’t have read a few reviews before listening to the songs, cause then I was expecting to hear it..haha. I love at 03:14 till the end you hear all of them at once but none of the voices interfere with each other, they just compliment each other so well. And seriously GD doesn’t always need to have some dramatic monologue in the endings..haha. At least give it to someone else like Daesung or Seungri..haha this song sounded sweet.

Always - My favorite song off this mini-album, hands down. (lol okay maybe it changes back in forth with 'Lie') YB’s voice is incredible throughout this whole album and especially in this song he sounds so DREAMY. I lovelovelove the instrumentals in this song, especially the ones like in between 01:23 that ends in ‘Bang’em” and afterwards. I think it sounds so cute..haha. I have this dumb habit now of sometimes saying ‘Bang em’ but having to pretend shoot something..xD LOL. That is so Perry and Teddy to add that lil part in the song. I was waiting for that particular play on their names to show up sometime. Lmao. This song does sound very free-spirited and like someone said the kind you play with the windows down in your car with your friends and singing along~ Definitely going to be one of the memorable songs..cause it sounds a lil sentimental to me..haha. I was saying before its like one of those sappy-makes-fan girls-cry-and-reach-out-during-concerts-in-slow-motion-type-of-song. Or something..hahaha. Or it may be me being so dazed and imagining that with this song..haha. I think the piano in the song makes it sound a lil dramatic..haha. But they all sound really great in this song. *__* Mangnae’s “Cause’ you are my love, my one and only love~~“ gives me chills. Big hugs to Teddy(who I hope is also writing good stuff for 1TYM<3), Perry, and last but not least..Big Bang. <3

I LOVE BIG BANG!!! <3<3<3<3 they worked so hard on this album, I'm so proud of them! *twinkle in my eyes*


Big Bang lookin' supa' sauccccyy as always. Imagine seeing guys like this walking down the street. Heads turn like, "DAYUMMMMMMMMMM!" :o

haha especially the way TOP dresses here, I be like, "dang, he's hella clean." -tries not to stare but does anyways-





^YB: "I don't know these people. wtfaretheydoing.."




^I bet GD dressed Mangnae up~~ forseriously And TOP is the oldest out of the group and he acts like his shoe size..hahahah<3

IMG_044725EC258225AC25EB25B325B8.jpg<-TaeRi? BaeRi? (lol) cute


credit; ygbigbang cafe + the7REAL./theREAL.@YGBB

//edit// found this on cafe...apparently we are not alone in our excitement for big bang..xD




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Guest KuYA II

wow thanks for sharing the pictures!! i can't believe its out the mini album i can't wait to listen to it!! thanks for the update everyoen!! =)

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woah thanks for those pics! i havent seen their recent pics for a loooong time!

interesting change in their hairstyles! haha they all have short hair xD

i think Daesung's hair is the best! it looks so cute and hot on him haha

they all look a bit more tan xD maybe cuz it's summer over there

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Guest susmariosep

LOL this thread has exploded and the mini-album hasn't even been officially released yet!

Isn't it supposed to be released on the 16th?

Anyway, i must be the only person who hasn't downloaded the mini-album.

I'm a bit of a music wank so i prefer to to physically have the cd, stick it in my bulky cd player and listen to it.

It feels fresh, and it makes listening to the songs for the first time just that little bit more awesome :)

So i'm guessing it's all good according to everyone on this thread?

I've read one not-so-impressed review, so it just makes me want to get my cd even quicker!

The new YG pictures are amajing!

I spent far too much time lol-ing over YB's hairy legs. Clearly i notice the important stuff XD

Not so sure about Baby's skunk-stripe bit at the front. Give it a couple of days though, it'll probably grow on me :)


Cause i just ordered it and i want to know whether its actually any good rofl

Oh and we finally get a clear picture of G-Bong's tattoos.

Right arm: vita dolce

Left arm: moderato

My theory is: live the good life, full of pleasures and exuberances; but in moderation. So basically don't OD on the good stuff cause it could end up causing your downfall. Any other theories?

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Guest juhjuh

^ lmao aisah you buy EVERY single BB stuff on yesasia xD

let us know how the mugcup changes color when it arrives, ya?

and jerilyn, thank you for the pics.

the boys are looking fiiiiinnneee~

my faves: this, this and this.

i'm really digging yb these days ^^

yb's been stealing maknae from gd xD

so should we look forward for some tae-ri action?

and i think those tatoos are real.

korean fans said they're real.

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Guest SOUL'd to:GD

wah thanks for the pictures JERILYN!

TOP is just cool like always XD haha.


omo omo omo~~ GD is so hot man <3 gah he's so sexy X__X *dies*


my favorite seungri hair! XD


and i was expecting this XD haha <3333 i want to see him :(


LOLOLOL, Jerilyn, I agree. I was thinking that! I was like, "they look kinda.. alike there" lol. esp. the pants XD <3 HOW CUTE.

hahaha yeah I was expecting like Seungri to be in the cart, lol man big bang is so silly and adorable <3



GD's sad. LOL, JKJKJK. That's so cute though <333 Jerilyn, I would say BaeRi XD that sounds so much cuter haha~ it's fun to say XPP


wah daesungie looks so good with his new hair <3 super stylish.

omg i like want to listen to the songs before i go shower and leave for school but it's freaking 6AM, and I can't because my brother will shoot me TT_TT

I'll just try to listen to the songs at my friend's house :x rofl.

*sighs* i love big bang, <3 they're so awesome and amazing, i'm so proud of them <3 :D

---------------------- e d i t


Cause i just ordered it and i want to know whether its actually any good rofl

Oh and we finally get a clear picture of G-Bong's tattoos.

Right arm: vita dolce

Left arm: moderato

My theory is: live the good life, full of pleasures and exuberances; but in moderation. So basically don't OD on the good stuff cause it could end up causing your downfall. Any other theories?


I think it changes color when you like drink warm liquid or something too lol, *shrugs* we'll see.

oh i agree with your theory on his tattoo, it makes sense to me and it sounds meaningful <3

so his tattoo IS real? cause remember how i said we'll see about if he has it all the time right?

well... He HAS had it throughout most of the time o_o;

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