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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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Guest SOUL'd to:GD

^ I'm sure YB goes to school now though.. ;__;

I have a question XD GD always does imitation of something with a small and cute voice. WTF is he imitating? XD rofl (sorry for the bad language) But could anyone tell me where it from? :] thanks!

Which voice? GD does many voices :x lmao

Are you talking about the one in the beginning of the VIP GO BIG BANG GO song?

If so, then he was imitating a lady's (an ahjumma) voice or something like that .___.

lmaoo this page is like the "I have a question ____" page XDD ahah

ask away [:

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Guest thina

^hahah since we're on the subject of GD doing voice imitations, can someone tell me what he was doing here?


*during lexy's manwon episode

he sounds HILARIOUS, i have no idea what he's saying, yet i laughed out loud because of his voice :lol:

and about YB's schooling, i think he does now... didn't he and GD take an exam earlier? yeah, he did :D

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Guest SOUL'd to:GD

Yea, the other day me and Monica were still talking about hoping luck for GD & YB on their last exam.

LMAOO THINA, XDDD u always remind me of the good times. HAHAHA

I cracked up SO HARD that part, it was freaking hilarious.

Man I just LOVE GD *dies* I'm not sure what the hell he was saying either but he sounded hilarious XD

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I think BIG BANG just knows some English.

And GD seems to be fluent but I don't think he really is, but I guess he does know most of it though. He has a REALLY good english accent ;D

Oh god, he's so hot whenever he speaks in english XD *dies*

AH, i see =D So GD knows it and is kinda fluent?! HAHAH LOL. I see =D Thanks!

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Guest SOUL'd to:GD

^ I don't think he's completely fluent, but he knows most of the english compared to the other members i guess.

and i was just saying he has GOOD english ACCENT lol. He sounds like he woul be really fluent, but yea ;D

did that clear it out a little more? @_@;

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Guest Seraphic_Gin

^ I don't think he's completely fluent, but he knows most of the english compared to the other members i guess.

and i was just saying he has GOOD english ACCENT lol. He sounds like he woul be really fluent, but yea ;D

did that clear it out a little more? @_@;

i thought so too. my sister&i were talking about that yesterday,since GD says a lot of intro's/2nd voices of their songs in english.

and the photoshopped pics, cool. you almost got me on the 2nd pic. ALMOST! i always fool my friends though, they know not a thing about kpop celebs. haha!

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Guest 1nn0xsmile

I have a question XD GD always does imitation of something with a small and cute voice. WTF is he imitating? XD rofl (sorry for the bad language) But could anyone tell me where it from? :] thanks!

the imitation he's doing is of a person named Yang Hui Eun (got the info from g yong ee~ @ ygbb)

dunno who that is

and as for what he's saying, i know the first part he says (before TOP's "BIG BANG") is "omo, what's your name" cause he said it in TOP's happy shares

after that though, i dunno

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Guest vanillaxluckiexsaphire

whoo ._.;

i finally posted here!

well, i was at big bang's concert at Daegu yesterday, dhjkashdjkas want you concert xD

but i was so sad ;____;

my mom had forgot to bring our camera so.. Dx

i started yelling at her lol D:

i went with my aunt (:

*off topic'd*

And im pretty surethat they all go to school except daesung. ;o

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Guest jOjOlEE_x3


i haven`t been here in a while

but i finally have something to contribute :]

i think this is new ><

빅뱅 태양 링거 투혼 “대충은 없다” [2007-07-01 10:38:37]

빅뱅의 블랙 보컬 태양(동영배 19세)이 전국 투어 콘서트를 위해 '링거 투혼'을 발휘했다.

빅뱅은 지난 5월부터 7월까지 전국 5개 지역(인천, 춘천, 대구, 부산/창원, 전주)을 도는 전국 투어 '원츄(Want You)콘서트'를 진행 중에 있다.

Big Bang has been performing at Inchun, ChoonChun, DaeGu, Busan/Changwon, JunJu for their 'Want You Concert'

특히 태양의 경우 이 같은 빠듯한 스케줄에도 틈틈이 7월 말로 예정된 새 싱글 앨범 녹음 작업까지 병행해 이미 탈진에 가까운 상태였다. 6월 30일에는 대구 콘서트를 앞두고 급기야 병원 신세까지 져야 했지만 '링거'를 맞고 콘서트를 무사히 소화해냈다.

Specifically, Taeyang has been busy recording Big Bang's new single scheduled to be released late July. On June 30th before the DaeGu concert, he even went to the hospital and got an injection of "Ringer's solution"

태양은 이날 콘서트 진행 내내 아픈 몸 상태라고는 생각지도 못할 만큼 파워풀한 무대로 팬들의 열광적인 호응을 이끌어냈다. 때문에 정작 관객들은 태양의 '링거 투혼'을 전혀 눈치채지 못했다는 전언이다.

This day at the concert no one could tell that TaeYang was sick because he still showed the fans a powerful formance.

소속사 YG엔터테인먼트의 한 관계자는 7월 1일 "과도한 피로 누적은 충분히 휴식이 뒤따라야 회복이 가능하기 때문에, 태양에게 대구 콘서트에서는 쉬엄쉬엄 하라고 부탁했지만 태양이 '우리 콘서트를 찾아주신 관객들께 대충하는 무대를 보여줄 순 없다'고 딱 잘라 말하더라"며 "대구 콘서트를 끝내고 나면, 태양을 억지로라도 쉬게 할 것"이라며 태양의 컨디션을 걱정하는 모습을 보였다.

YG Entertainment said "Because it takes a long time of rest for one to get better from fatigue, we told TaeYang not to work himself so hard, but Taeyang said 'I can't show just an okay-performance to our fans who came all the way to our concert'" After this concert, we are going to force him to rest"

태양은 올 가을 빅뱅 멤버들 중 처음으로 '솔로 앨범'을 발표할 예정이다. 여기에 지난 5월부터 국내외를 넘나들며 전국 투어 콘서트 연습과 빅뱅의 새 앨범 녹음까지 겸하는 등 그야말로 살인적인 스케줄을 소화해내고 있어 소속사와 팬들의 걱정이 이만저만이 아니다.

TaeYang is planning to release a solo album this fall. He has been working around a busy schedule, practicing for concerts and recording Big Bang's new album.


빅뱅 지드래곤 “솔로 데뷔 포기한 것 후회한 적 없다”

Big Bang's G-Dragon "I've never regretted giving up on debuting solo"

7년간의 연습 생활을 거쳐 가수로 데뷔한 빅뱅의 리더 지드래곤(G-Dragon, 19)이 솔로 앨범을 포기하고 빅뱅으로 데뷔한 것에 대한 심경을 처음으로 고백했다.

Big Bang's leader G-Dragon has expressed his feelings on giving up his solo debut (before debuting with Big Bang).

지드래곤은 초등학생이던 2001년, 뛰어난 랩실력을 선보인 '내 나이 열셋'이라는 곡으로 큰 화제를 뿌리며 혜성처럼 등장한 천재 꼬마 랩퍼로 주목 받았다. 국내 최대 힙합 레이블인 YG 엔터테인먼트로 전격 영입된 후, 혹독한 트레이닝을 받으며 대중음악계의 유망주로 손꼽히던 그가 솔로 데뷔가 아닌 그룹 '빅뱅'을 선택한 것은 아직까지도 의문으로 남아있는 점이다.

G-Dragon has starting getting attention ever since he was in elementary school in 2001. After he was admitted into YG Entertainment, he has been training for years and fans have been waiting for his debut. Fans still wonder why he decided to debut with 'Big Bang' instead of debuting solo.

이에 대해 지드래곤은 전국 투어 '원츄(Want You)콘서트' 일환으로 6월 30일 펼쳐진 대구 공연에서 "7년 동안 음악에만 전념해오면서 솔로로 데뷔할 수도 있었지만, 솔로 앨범을 포기하고 '빅뱅'으로 데뷔한 것에 대해 아무런 후회도 없다. 함께 음악을 할 수 있는 친구들과 나의 음악을 사랑해주는 팬 여러분들이 있어 진심으로 행복하다"고 고백하며 데뷔 당시 느꼈던 부담감을 모두 떨쳐냈다.

G-Dragon said at the DaeGu concert "Because I was a trainee for 7 years I could've debuted solo, but I don't have any regret debuting with Big Bang. I am happy that I have friends that I can perform my music with and fans who love us"

지드래곤의 이 같은 고백에 빅뱅 멤버들은 물론 이날 공연에 함께한 3000여명 관객들 모두 감동의 물결로 술렁거렸다.

After G-Dragon confessed his feelings, the rest of the members of Big Bang and the 3000 fans at the concert were struck with admiration.

pictures with the articles





poor taeyang :(

but they all look soooooooo hot in those pictures

yummy haha :]:]:]

**There were also two articles that I saw with TOP, but I can't find them ><

They were both about TOP's drama.

The first one said that he's excited to meet Yang DongGun more than Park MinYoung, and the second one said that he's been practicing TaeKwonDo a lot for his role (the role that he plays is a high schooler who is good at fighting)



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Guest SOUL'd to:GD

Aww I would have been more in awed than I am right now if i were there, with the words that G.Dragon confessed.

I'm sure he didn't regret any of it at all.. I'm glad he chose to be in Big bang, having friends to laugh with and talk to, cry on <333

And YB hospitalized? :/ omgsh poor YBBB~~ ><;; sighh, i had a feeling they were working too hard :/ at least one of them.

thanks for the translations JOJO dear!

& THE NEW PICS *O* <33333

omfGD7ennnn~~~ JIYONG IS HELLA *Q* <33 Looks a little like when he asked me to marry him XP

LMAO jk, but he looks COMPLETELY amazing there [: Dang, look at his arms @_@; <33

and I LOVE SEUNGRI'S HAIR O_O he looks super fine :x

uh oh, GD has big feet :x ....

You guys know what BIG FEET means XPPP *runs*

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Guest Seraphic_Gin

thanks for posting, i really love reading the article. "Ringer's Solution" it's something that I have studied last week, TaeYang must've been really tired and all for having that.

With JiYong turning down the solo thing, yeah - he would've been credible enough for a solo. Who knows? He might not have the same fame in BigBang, if he had gone solo. But it's great debuting as a group, for my theory that is - all firsts are genuine and at least not that scary because you have other friends who feel the same thing.

The pictures are fab! TOP's hair just grew on me, he looks great in it! GDYB's arms in the pics spells BUFF!

So enough to make my day, thanks! :D

Edit - - ->

Janny, that last statement of yours. Hahahahaha!!!

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jo jo is it? can i call you that:] haha. WELL THANKS MUCHO tfor translating. thaaaat is sooooo AAWWWWWWWW. Tae Yang, my poor BaeBy. woorking too harrd. i wish i could take all the pain awaay<3333 HE BETTER calm down adn REST. and Yeaaah. poor things HOPE HE GETS BETTER. and whatkind of sickness that Yb actually experience? AND like yeaaah. GD is soo adorable. and seweet<33

OH can someone help me translate korean monye to american moeneey? like how mch its worht?

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Guest yma818

aww poor taeyang. I hope he gets better. what happened to him exactly.

Our boys need to keep up with their health. I rather know that they are healthy and able to work, then working their butts off to the point they are hospitalized. There is always time for them to make music. health comes first. YoungBaeHwaiting! =]

I'm glad GD debuted with big bang too. As much as i love GD's solo song, I love big bang's group songs too. Its the whole ensemble that makes it work. =]

I really dont like GD's outfit in that picture that jojo posted though. Im not feeling those pants what so ever.

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Guest Cassiopeiasujuluver

aww....poor YB...my baby...

anyway...GD may still come

out with a solo album who knows


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Guest t. yama

Thank you so much for translating the article Jojo!! :] Aww, I hope YB gets better. He should

take it easy. We all want to see the boys healthy. I'm excited for his solo though. ^^

Aww, I love GD so much. His answers are so sincere. Big Bang Hwaiting!!

Thanks for the pics too! So hot. *drool

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Guest amyyboo

omg, i went out with my friends for like 3 hours..i came back..and another page :o wow. shows how much we all LOVE BIG BANG! ahah :]

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Guest la.la.la

thanks so much for the articles jojo!!!

awww poor tae yang

he must get better! wish him good health & fast recovery!!

and the gd article was sweet

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Guest xsheeela

ummm. is it just me or is taeyang`s fly open ?

it just happened to catch my attention.....

thanks for the pics ! he still looks hot, even if he`s sick. poor baby.

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Guest driftlife23

ummm. is it just me or is taeyang`s fly open ?

it just happened to catch my attention.....

thanks for the pics ! he still looks hot, even if he`s sick. poor baby.

lmao ..

you: it does look open huh ?! hahahaha

me: why were you looking there anyways ? i thought we agreed Seung Ri is yours and Taeyang is mine.


you: it just caught my eye hahaha

you: i saw gold and was like "huh"

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