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What are the conditions of Korea's auditions for foreigners?(Middle East)

Guest seouliansaba

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Guest seouliansaba

Hello, I'm Saba and this is my first post on Soompi. I'm 15 years old and as you see in the title I want to audition for a Korean entertainment company and I'm really worried about the conditions and the limits. The most worrying thing about me (in my own opinion) is that I live in a country in Middle East AND I'm a Muslim. I've heard that many people believe Middle Eastern countries aren't or must not be a part of Asia. and in addition so many people all around the world consider Muslims as terrorists. I'm a Muslim but i didn't choose to be one. I mean I was born like this! I don't wear a scarf because i don't find it necessary and i have many beliefs that aren't accepted by Muslims. e.g. I don't really think dancing or singing must be banned for women. In my opinion it's a kind of insulting them. I don't really know. I just wonder what people think of a Muslim girl who dreams of being a star in the world of music and Kpop. Now let me tell you some things about myself: it's been about 6 months that I'm self-studying Korean and now I can read and write easily but i'm still learning to speak (the main thing!) and i know it needs a lot of time and effort. I have also started reading about Korea, the history, the culture, the people etc. and EVERYTHING is wonderful about it! I have a diploma degree of English and after a few other courses I'm gonna be an English teacher for kids. I am also going to learn Japanese and French soon. I don't look like Koreans much but I'm trying my best to look like one by changing my hairstyle and the way I dress. As others say (Not my MOM certainly!!!!) I look good and they think it's because of my (Almost) white skin, the shape of my eyes, my lips and my hair which is soft and light brown. I'm 175cm and 50kg so I think I'm in shape. I mean those everyday exercises must have an effect, right??! I can play the guitar well and I'm going to learn the piano or/and drums too. I can dance really really well (at least it's what others tell me in dancing classes!) Although my voice isn't that good but I can sing well and I'm going to make it better by taking some classes. I'm not used to talking about myself so much. I just hope someone can guide me. I'm going to study music in university because music is what I really want to focus my life on. I think I wrote a lot of(going to)s so it means I'm not going to audition at this age(15). It's because of some conditions in my country. I'm planning to spend the next 3 years practicing and when I turned 18, audition. It's so painful when people keep telling me I can't do it because I'm not Korean and I'm a Muslim. Could you please help and tell me more about conditions e.g. how the conditions' processes are, how you are judged, how you predict my chances to get what i want, what abilities you are expected to have, how people will think of it, the age limit, esp. about the visa and passport and so on. Can you please please please help me?? I'm really worried that I can't make my dreams come true. I used to be more positive but things I read on the internet or things I hear from people around me, has made me so nervous. When i asked this question on Yahoo Answers, almost all the answers were: no you can never make it into Kpop. I'm sorry if I wrote so long. But I really need your help. Thank you so much. I appreciate any any any any help. Thanks again...

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idk if you can make it into kpop or not but you can always try right?
i have a friend in uni who is also muslim and she told me that she want to be an idol too and that she'll try audition sooner or later. she's 19 and she wears a scarf but she don't care about those conditions and is still confident, so i think you can do the same.

i'm not sure if i understand everything right you wrote here about your worries but let me tell you something about me:
i'm 21 now (92-liner) and i'm half thai/german & i live in europe. i'll try my luck at sm ents global audition in thailand and i'm also worried about my age and a lot of other things but this doesn't stop me from trying it. my parents also don't support me because they don't like the idea of me being an idol, most of my friends also don't understand me or support me (they don't listen to kpop) so i don't talk to them about this topic anymore. in the past i was shy and had no self confidence to do an audition but now i don't care anymore. it's my dream and i'll try everything to make it real. i think i almost have no chance to become a trainee/idol because of my age (and race) and most of the rookies are between 14-18 or even younger but you'll never know if you don't try. well, what i'm trying to say is that you always can try and do your best. if it's for something you really want it's worth. this insight came a little too late for me but as long as there is a little chance i think it's worth to try. you never know what might happen :)

idk if this is what you wanted to hear but i hope i could help you a bit ;w; 

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Guest seouliansaba

@ricecakee Thank you so MUCH for answering. I really admire your friend. I hope I was that confident too! I wish you can make your dreams come true. my family already knows that i want to spend my life on music and they do support me but i have no idea what they think to themselves about me as a Kpop idol cuz they don't really like Kpop. My friends too they don't like it at all but i don't care!! i just hate it when they don't believe me or when they don't take me serious. i think you can become a trainee even if your 23 or more. i've heard they accept you even if your 28. maybe the chances are slim but it's still possible. i am really worried about the race too :(Thank you so much for your positive and hopeful comment. i hope we both be able to make it. THANK YOU AGAIN for commenting  :)

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It is hard to make it in the Kpop industry even for native koreans, so I can't guarentee you will debut if you are a trainee. I can see that your dream is to become a kpop star and I really support you, honestly the chances of making it are so small. Kpop companies prefer koreans (or maybe chinese/japanese/taiwanese) that's something you already know. Don't focus too much on being a kpop star, make sure you do your best in school too.

Keep on auditioning, nothing is impossible.

Good luck!


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  • 2 weeks later...

no problem, i'm glad i could help (:
thank you i also hope i can get a chance to make it into kpop. i heard jyp's new band got7 has a thai member, also tiny-g has one and nichkhun is also half-thai so maybe the chances for thai people are getting better ^_^
3timeshi is right. it's good to have a dream you focus on and i think all people here support each other because most of us have the same dream but don't focus too much on it and don't forget the simple things. it's better you always have a backup blan if being a kpop star doesn't work or you're struggling with that direction.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest yasmin2050

Hello every one I'm yasmin music everything to me I listen to music since my childhood I started listening to Korean music since 8 years I discovered my talents at a young age I always loved to sing and dance and everyone was saying that I have a beautiful voice when I listened to Korean music, I felt it Move my feelings it's the music right for me and that I want. my talents is the source of my strength and my confidence I want to make the world see it I am from an Arab country my talent is singing,dancing k-pop my question Is it possible to be in a K-pop or C-pop band?

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Guest yulyeong

I believe that everyone should try to audition if they so desire, after all you never know when you might become one of the "lucky ones" to be in the right place and in the right time and be chosen to become a trainee.Many things happen due to lucky and destiny.However, and this is my personal belief, i think that unless the kpop companies believe that having a foreigner would be something highly profitable(and with low chances of having bad feedback) they will not risk their reputation, time and money and will continue with their "safe bets".

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  • 7 months later...

You know what, I'm from middle east too, and I want to get into an entertainment company too. My parents accept it, and until now im training my vocals and dancing. So im 13 and my group and I are going to audition for a company called JYP, I recommend it because it accepts foreiners, I'm going to joing that comoany in 2 years.  So like me don't ever give up, and let your hopes up! And one last thing, from what country are from, from the middle east?

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  • 2 months later...
Guest khemwon

hi guys i am from nepal and i love k pop music very much and i love to dance as well.i want to become a k pop idol and i am training hard also but idont know how to give the audition.no any audition is held in nepal. but i am very serious about being a kpop idol.please friends give me some suggestions so that i can give audition...

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest nura606060_at_googlemail.com_stv

You remind me of myself!!^-^ im working really hard to acheive my dream in the future which is being a kpop singer, even though im not asian and i have dark skin i feel like i could make it even though i probably get alot of hate but hopefully i wont be let down by that because ill will be living my dream!! people say that i have a pretty voice and really good at dancing too!!^-^
I hopefully we would see each other in the future when where kpop stars!!!:DD
Btw im 14! Annyeong

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  • 6 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

Hello am Malak am from jordan i have been wanting to join a industry for 2 years now but i never thought i could do so i never put effort into it but when i read your comment you inspired me soo much am working on my vocals ,do you think that i can make it because i have a really deep voice like its only for sad songs so i dont know ,am pretty good at dancing and the kpop group that i look up to is BIGBANG i want to become a composer and a singer, am 12 years old * i know so young* am going to try to convince my parents and i want to audition at the age of 16 it gives me time to get things on the right track i know this is a hard fight for all of us Muslims and arabs but i believe that no one can  stop you from doing what you want to do in your life cuz its yours, i know how to speak English and Arabic very well i understand french and Japanese but still working on speaking i want to learn Korean as fast as possible because if you get rid of that language barrier u have done half the job ,am getting help from my best friend were both crazy about kpop , but its going to be hard because  my parents will not let me live in Korea they think am too young but i think they will understand better if they have dorms *hope fully*. thank you for taking your time to read

am sorry for the long post

i respect all of you noonas and i hope to become as devoted as you i respect and hope to learn from all of you when we enter the industry together


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i want to inter SM ent. but i guess you need to be thank full of what you have and take full advantage , one day i want to stand on that stage and tell every one to go after their dream like i did and that we all start from a seed and then we grow to a beautiful rose that inspires millions i dont think am highly coalfield because of my looks (my weight me skin is brown ect.) but my height is really good am 166cm  but am working on it am doing a heavy duty diet but we all fight for what we want and we might as well not do it half assed  (sorry i cursed)


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  • 1 year later...

Hello I also have the same dream as you guys and I'm european/middle eastern ,but my feature are more into the European one and now I live on Europe and I also have no one to talk to about my dream, I wish I could tell my family about me becoming a kpop idol, but my family are Into the middle eastern side more than the European side, so ther're more strict and they don't like kpop or korea that much and I'm scared to open that subject with them because we're financially not so stable right now and I don't think they will accept the idea of me going to korea because they don't trust or believe in me. I'm gonna be 15 yo this year but now I'm still 14 yo, i think I'm still improving in singing but I actually suck at dancing even tho I'm trying and I'm self learning Korean and I'm excercising everyday to lose some weight and my height is 165cm but I have no idea about my weight so I'm trying to lose weight just in case, but the problem is that I'm scared of getting hurt of the comments that I'm gonna get when I will open up this topic with my family because I get hurt easily and my parents they don't care about how I feel, they just say things directly and they don't try to understand me and I don't wanna waste any time and im looking for help and advice of how can i convince them and I don't know what to do and I really want someone to cherish me and encourage me and give me some advice. I hope we can meet in korea tho in an entertainment industry and actually i was crying while I was reading your comments because this is the first time that I feel I'm not alone.

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  • 4 months later...

Najwa idrees, you remind me of myself honestly, I am also a 14yr old from Europe,  England to be specific and I hope to go into the K-POP genre as my career in the future, my parents are the same I keep hinting that I want a job in Korea but they don’t take anything seriously and just laugh, I just worry that I won’t get into a company and if I do, that I won’t be able to fly to Korea because my parents don’t have that kind of money. My mum doesn’t want me to have any sort of singing career and she knows I want to but she doesn’t think I will make it and that it’s not ‘realistic’ she constantly asks me what I want to do when I’m older and I always want to say I want to sing but I know if I do she will have the same talk she always does about how I won’t make it and the chances are low. She wants me to have a high payed job and do something related to helping people with mental health which is sweet and all except I’m not interested in that and I don’t want to spend my life doing that as a profession and not enjoy any of it, that’s one of my biggest fears. I kinda just wrote this so you know you’re not alone and also so I could tell myself that I’m not alone in this situation. I really hope you make it some day - Hebe :)

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  • 7 months later...

Hi I’m Sofia and I’m from Pakistan and I’m Muslim. Right now I’m 20 years old and in a year I’m going to complete my MBBS and be a doctor Allhmdullilah. To become a doctor was my parents dream but I’m happy to be a DOCTOR but since my 8th standard (2009) I wanted to become a DANCER I really really love dancing but never told my parents and kept on studying... But now I get so so much depressed seeing the k pop world that my head start pounding I can’t tell them cuz of my religion. I really really want to audition for kpop idol. Can someone help how can I convince my parents and family?  and can korean companies accepted Muslim girls?

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  • 4 weeks later...

if your voice isn't that good don't even bother. 


Knowledge of Korean language doesn't matter to them- most companies will be willing to teach someone if they're good looking enough. 


Unless you can confidently say your looks are on par with females like BP, they won't bother wasting money to train subpar vocals/dancing. 

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Hello! This is gonna be quite short, sorry for that. I've always had a passion for singing. I'm more creative than I am academic. I have wanted to become a K-pop idol ever since last year (2018). I'll just give a quick description of myself: To start off with, I have pale skin. I have dark brown hair, almost black. It's quite long, goes a little bit past my butt. I'm Australian, my background being Lebanese. I don't really look middle eastern. I have hazel eyes and a round face, I have a few very faint freckles. I'm currently taking hip hop and ballet classes, I'm soon going to be taking Taekwondo. I know how hard it is to become a K-pop idol, and I'm willing to give alot of myself up for this. Please, if anyone can help me achieve my dreams, I'd be so grateful. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

I never thought I would find a member from Pakistan saying she wants to become a Koop idol xD But why would you ever want to go into Kpop if you’ve come so far in MBBS? It’s quite a big degree and has a lot of value. But then again I prefer passion over status. Isn’t it going to be difficult switching between profession? Kpop isn’t exactly my dream but I sort of jam to it when I’m home alone. I think you can become one as long as you’re passionate about it. (I’m sending good luck your way!) But won’t your parents mind? Especially if you’re a Muslim? I’m being truly honest but if Kpop ever debuts a Muslim girl it’s gonna be a whole lot controversial. I’m just saying that you shouldn’t go for things that are not meant for you (even though from your eyes it may seem like it’s for you) Maybe God is saving you from something. Maybe He has bigger plans for you. You’ve come this far in doing MBBS, don’t give up on medical now. 

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