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[Movie 2015] Gangnam1970 /강남 1970(New Trailer p17)


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Guest Moonrain

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Cr: Arirang Kpop
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Guest Moonrain

REEL Talk: Korean film in 2015

Last week we took a brief look at how Korean cinema fared in 2014 but now it's time to look ahead to what this year has in store. Joining us for a preview of what to look forward to in 2015 is our film critic Pierce Conran.
So Pierce, what are the first big titles we can look forward to this year?

We've already got two major films lined up or this month. Next week, we will get CHRONICLE OF A BLOOD MERCHANT. 
Based on a Chinese novel, it is set in the 1950s in a village where men must sell their blood, to prove their good health, before being allowed to marry. The film features two major stars, Ha Jung-woo and Ha Ji-won and it is actually the second film directed by Ha Jung-woo.
A week later we will get the 1970s crime saga GANGNAM BLUES. It takes place during the redevelopment of Gangnam, and focuses on all the gangs circling around it. Yu Ha returns to the jopok genre after 2006's modern classic A DIRTY CARNIVAL and the film features Korean idol Lee Min-ho from THE HEIRS.

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Some parts of Naver Movie Talk translation (KR to Chinese by GB official account & Galaxy via weibo. Ch to Eng by @sia3)


When Lee Min Ho was saying hello to everyone, he said, “Hello everybody, I am Gangnam ‘Push-Pull” 밀땅 guy, Lee Min Ho.”

밀당 is short for 밀고 당기는, which literally means “pushing and pulling”. It’s the power struggle in romantic relationships where couples “pull and push” by giving attention and then withholding it (playing hard to get). If you have ever been in a relationship, you’ll understand how that feels.


The host asked Yoo Ha for the reasons he chose the actors. He said: “Kim Rae Won is handsome, but Lee Min Ho is even more handsome! Lee Min Ho gives off the Alain Delon’s feels, that somewhat western/foreign type of feelings.

#江南1970#[直播][三連問問問有爆點]問答:對柳導來說,街頭三部作是什麼?柳導:可鄙的青春的狂歡節。 (高端大氣)主持人:對李敏鎬來講,藝術動作戲是?李敏鎬:追求真實動作(話說你笑啥)主持人:對鄭進永來講,李敏鎬是?鄭:十個字來試試?個子高,長得帥的,真棒啊! (佶秀大哥就是有才華)

Q to Yoo Ha: What does the 3 trilogy means to you?
A: Despicable Youth Carnival (Mr. G’s help)

Q for LMH: The art of action scenes to you are?
A: Pursuing the actual (real) actions.

Q for Jung Jin Young: In your POV, LMH is…? 
A: In 10 words (Korean’s 10 words), he is tall, handsome and awesome!


Gangnam 1970 is a story that ‘started from the land, but ended by people’. Yoo Ha said, “Back then moving to Gangnam does not mean you’ll get a good living. I have friends who moved there, and they all left school. So why did they go to Gangnam? I wanted to tell their stories in the movie.”


The host asked Yoo Ha the reason to pick Kim Seol Hyun, and he said: “Seol Hyun is natural. I think she’s one of the few actresses that hasn’t went through plastic surgery. After going through so many auditions, there isn’t many natural actor/actress. The host immediately said: “Look at me, I’m also a natural beauty!”


The host praised that Lee Min Ho looked fantastic in the 70s clothings when the big screen showed 4 pictures of Kim Jong-dae. Lee Min Ho explained how he felt, “The pants had to be worn really up the waistline with the shirt tuck in, so I feel uncomfortable at the time when I sat down wearing that pants.”

#江南1970#[直播]當主持人問到鄭進永李敏鎬是為了家人不惜犧牲的角色。金來沅的是有著自己信念的角色。如果是真實中,你想要哪個兒子?主持人:你如果生個孩子,那要的是金來沅還是李敏鎬?猜猜咱們姜佶秀大哥說的什麼?他說:我要柳導。 。 。

The host asked in reality if he has a son, which son will he want? A son like the role Lee Min Ho portrayed, who sacrifices for his family, or one like Kim Rae Won who has his own beliefs. Jung Jin Young picks….

I want Yoo Ha…

#江南1970# [直播]主持人 主持人問偶巴以前演的都是富貴公子,這次有什麼不同?李敏鎬回答:這是第一次深度去嘗試“飢餓”的角色,結果眼神和以前變了很多,離開《江南1970》片場去拍廣告時,很多人都會說“你的眼神變了!”不過,現在好了很多。大家想看眼神“飢餓”的李敏鎬嗎? 

The host asked Lee Min Ho what’s so different about his role this time compared to the rich chaebol roles he has played before. Lee Min Ho answered, “This is the first time I try to tackle in depth — a ‘hungry’ character (or a character with ‘hunger’ is better?). The result is that the expression of my eyes have differed from the past, and when I left the set to do a CF, a lot of people will tell me it has changed! However, it’s better now.

MC問動作戲是不是很辛苦,大萌回答“都是美好的回憶”。來沅兄補充道,“敏鎬說是美好的回憶,其實拍群架的時候對著我說,我快要死了”。大萌還說,“被騎著機車的棒球棒打到,確實不一樣。打到後的副作用是一直傻笑”。這部電影的動作戲8,9成是Real touch,都受了很多傷。

Host asked Lee Min Ho if it was tough to do action scenes. Lee Min Ho answered, “They are all fond memories”. Kim Rae Won added, “Min Ho says it’s fond memories, the truth is when we did the gang fights, he said he’s dying.” Lee Min Ho also said, “It’s really something when getting hit by the baseball bat. The after-effect is non-stop giggling.” This movie is 80-90% real touch, so there’s a lot of injuries.


When Lee Min Ho was filming the fighting scene in the casino, he was hit by the lighting equipment and was bleeding. However, this little incident actually gave a better visual effect. Lee Min Ho was all smug when looking at the monitor saying that he has hit two birds with one stone. He was also injured in the scene where his father hit him. Yoo Ha teased, “(You) did not even make a sound, the back of your head is swollen.”

繼續重播;大萌說劇本里有那種“幾個爺們儿在布帳馬車喝白酒的感覺”​​,導演反問,“不是雞尾酒嗎” 導演描述大萌外表的時候說,“說實話現在的演員都沒有70年代演員那種Aura(光環),但敏鎬接近70年代的演員的氣質。” 

Lee Min Ho talked about a scene in the script where it felt like a “few men drinking white wine at the back of the horse carridge”. Yoo Ha asked, “Shouldn’t it be cocktail?” When Yoo Ha described Lee Min Ho’s looks, he explained that no current actors have the kind of aura actors from 70s had; however, Lee Min Ho is close to (having) the 70s actors’ charisma.


In regards to Lee Min Ho, Jung Jin Young said, “I am fond of him. He’s not only good-looking, but very honest. He’s always portraying arrogant chaebol roles, but in fact, he’s actually very simple and innocent. So I particularly care for him at the set. (I like this answer a lot. It's this perception that he gives off. People always think of him as this "cool" dude, when in reality, he's far more simple)

來沅兄說,“敏鎬負責吃力又華麗的動作戲”,大萌說,“不是Art action,是比較生活化的動作戲。Art action留到下部作品”。看過城市獵人花絮的人應該知道大萌對通過鏡頭表現最好的畫面有獨到的想法。這次也是。武術導演編好的動作,大萌根據對方身高向武術導演提議畫面感更好的動作和角度。

Kim Rae Won said, “Min Ho is responsible for strenuous but glorious action scenes.” whereas Lee Min said, “It’s not art action, but the kind that’s closer to daily-life sort of action scenes. Art action can wait til next project.”

Those we have seen the BTS of City Hunter should know Lee Min Ho has his own idea when it comes to showing the best visual through the camera lens. It’s the same as well this time. After the martial arts director finished choreographing the action moves, Lee Min Ho will propose & discuss with the director what moves and actions will look better on-screen according to their heights. (This one is from Galaxy's comment. Not LMH's words)

Notes: Sia and I haven't seen this Movie Talk, so some contexts might be lost, and these translated Q&A's are definitely not in order. But as stand-alone questions, they are still interesting to read. I can get a sense of comraderie from these questions and answers. It seemed the cast and crew were really enjoying themselves on set.

And Woohoo, hopefully Cine21 interview will be translated either to English or Chinese. I'm curious to see what KRW and LMH, and the editorial team have to say about the movie. 

Gangnam Blues, Fighting!!!

If repost elsewhere, please ask sia for permission.

Also, this tumblr has translated few Q&A's - Click here, here and here to read. We didn't translate and post anything that's been translated by hishotnessminho to avoid redundancy.

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A few BTS videos (there are way too many I can't keep track)
May contain spoilers!
id="watch-headline-title" class="yt" style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-weight: normal; overflow: hidden; font-family: arial, sans-serif; background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); background-size: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-position: initial; background-repeat: initial;"Korean Movie 강남 1970 (Gangnam Blues, 2015) 액션투혼 영상 (Action Video)

id="watch-headline-title" class="yt" style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-weight: normal; line-height: normal; overflow: hidden; font-family: arial, sans-serif; background: rgb(255, 255, 255);"Korean Movie 강남 1970 (Gangnam Blues, 2015) 제작기 영상 (Making Video)

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Thanks @guadi‌ for all the updates and to @sia3‌ for the translations. I didn't repost the translation but I did share, in LMH thread, the fact that you posted it in this page - hope that's okay.  I also hope we get more translations of Movie Talk and of Cine 21 interview. 
Getting so excited for Gangnam 1970's premiere and hoping for positive reviews.  


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Update: New Third Poster ibgxkUCSuIkQLo.jpg
I think she got this from CGV website. Hopefully, we'll get a bigger size soon. And, whoa love their faces; they look intense. Update: The article more or less notes their intense gaze and facial expressions. The poster is meant to convey overwhelming charisma. And I must say they are spot on. Without relying on the accompanying article, we've already noted how fiercely looking this poster is!

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Kris Silva said: Thanks @guadi‌ for all the updates and to @sia3‌ for the translations. I didn't repost the translation but I did share, in LMH thread, the fact that you posted it in this page - hope that's okay.  I also hope we get more translations of Movie Talk and of Cine 21 interview. 
Getting so excited for Gangnam 1970's premiere and hoping for positive reviews.  


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@Kris_Silva I read The Watches (Romanson) also will have private screening of Gangnam 1970 on January 16, yeah same day with Guess.

btw tomorrow event will be held in CGV Wangsimni, Seoul on 2:00 pm KST

@sia3 @guadi thanks again for translation. :)





SBS is doing some promotion for G70 hehe, they give G70 ticket movie for the winner of SBS Drama Punch event.

#펀치》시청률 1위 기념 본방사수 이벤트! 본방사수 인증샷을 찍어 해시태그 #펀치본방사수 와 함께 트친님의 트위터에 올려주세요~ 추첨을 통해 영화 #강남1970 티켓을 드립니다. RT 필수! pic.twitter.com/kpUquDyxM5


January 12, 2015
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In latest role, 'Flowers' actor defies typecasting


Korean Wave star Lee Min-ho plays a lead role for the first time in the film "Gangnam Blues". Provided by Showbox

Gangnam District in southern Seoul was not a symbol of wealth until the 1960s. In fact, it used to be a wild plain before a plan to develop the area was launched in the 1970s. 

"Gangnam Blues", directed by Yoo Ha, is an action-noir film set in the latter decade. 

It is the story of two ambitious but impoverished youths, Kim Jong-dae (Lee Min-ho) and Baek Yong-ki (Kim Rae-won). 

The film is also the finale of a trilogy that illustrates the history of Gangnam.


Lee plays Jong-dae, as seen in this still from the movie "Gangnam Blues".

The first and second movies - "Once Upon A Time In Highschool" (2004) and "A Dirty Carnival" (2006) - were also directed by Yoo Ha.

Jong-dae and Yong-ki were close friends when they grew up together in an orphanage, but they later become foes when they chose to work as gangsters in different crime rings in order to overcome poverty. 

The war between the gangs becomes particularly heated when the mobs opt to work for opposing politicians in order to gain higher profits from Gangnam's South Seoul Development Program. 

Don't expect Lee from TV dramas "Boys over Flowers" (2009) and "The Heirs" (2013) to stick to his usual prince charming role for this film. Instead he stars as Jong-tae in "Gangnam Blues", who is homeless until he becomes a gangster. 

Through his first title role on the silver screen, it is possible that Lee will transcend his current image as a popular teen star and turn into a young protagonist with wonderful acting skills.

Q. Was "Gangnam Blues" more of a challenge than the roles you usually play on TV?

A. I wanted to star as a protagonist in a film when I decided I was completely ready. I liked the character Jong-dae in "Gangnam Blues" because he is about my age. Every actor would love to take on the chance to play a masculine character, and "Gangnam Blues" was the right opportunity for me.

What is Jong-dae's attraction as a man?

What Jong-dae wants for his life is not his own happiness. Instead, he wants to make other people happy, like Kil-soo, who is a father figure to Jong-dae; Sun-hae, who he regards as his real sister; and Yong-ki, his brother-like friend. 

To provide a better life for the people he loves, he lives fiercely. He becomes a gangster and struggles to acquire his own land in Gangnam for this reason. This is how Jong-dae is different from Yong-ki, who follows his own desires. I think Jong-dae is the most good-hearted gangster character out of all the director's films. 

When you were playing Jong-dae, did you understand the choices he made? 

I used to become frequently upset when I first played Jong-dae. The situation pushes him to choose not what he really wants - to live with his loved ones without worries - which frustrated me. I was depressed when I acted out these scenes. I felt sad and feel sympathy for him even now. 

Have you ever wanted to have something as much as Jong-dae? When he dreams of owning his own land?

I got into a car accident in 2006 when I was a college student at Konkuk University right after I started to act. When I was in the hospital, I realized that I truly wanted to perform. At the time I sincerely hoped that I would recover because the doctor wasn't even sure whether I would be able to walk again or not.

Teen stars Jo In-Seong and kwon Sang-woo gained recognition as mature actors for their performances inYoo Ha's "A Dirty Carnival" and "Once Upon A Time In Highschool". How do you think Yoo elicits such subtle emotions from the actors he directs?

Yoo is a director who thinks about the movie he is working on for about 20 hours a day. 

When I worked with him, I was determined to put more effort into coming up with a better performance. 

I heard a lot about how Yoo is strict with his actors and film crew, but the staff on "Gangnam Blues" said this was the most relaxed film set they have ever experienced. 

I was puzzled during a very important emotional scene when the director said "Cut!" and "Excellent!" because he usually does not confirm how you are doing as an actor with words.

Did you enjoy the film's 1970s retro props and clothes?

I was surprised when I saw a signboard saying that red bean sherbet was 50 won (around 5 cents). It was so fresh and peculiar. The first time I wore the clothes, I thought, "Is this really a good idea?" But they became very comfortable by the end. 

My generation only knows the recent Gangnam, which is crammed with glamorous neon signs and full of wealthy people. It was worthwhile to learn about what happened in Gangnam through this film. 

I think 1970s Gangnam is the emotional hometown of director Yoo-ha. Is there a specific time period or place you like best? 

My generation, people who were born in the 1980s, experienced both an analog and digital time. I still remember how I was surprised when I first experienced the Internet. 

The bridge period of the 1990s to 2000 was the most influential time for me in an emotional way. I still feel amazed by how much the world changed within a few years. 

What's your most vivid memory from that time?

I was totally shocked when I saw pornography on the Internet! [laughs]

How did you feel when you were shooting the mud-fighting scene? I heard it took 800 tons of water, 150 extras and a week of filming. 

I didn't want to show off while I was filming the action scene. Rather, I wanted to convey Jong-tae's feelings through a real action scene that could touch the viewer's hearts deeply.

I attempted to empathize with Jong-tae, and then I became immersed in his anger. It made me able to ignore how tough shooting the scene was. Yet the crew said after filming that my eyes were quite scary. I think my eyes changed in spite of myself.

I heard you're very busy when you go overseas because you have a lot of fans outside Korea. 

I feel that my eyes and mind are more open after making my debut in other countries. It made me want to challenge myself more. 

Do you consider your popularity and fans overseas when you choose a film? 

I don't think I consider those facts. I follow my emotions instead. 

For instance, I choose a film about fated love when I feel tired of my repetitive life, which revolves around only work and home. I don't have enormous life goals as an actor when I look 10 years ahead. 

I also don't agonize over my acting style. I want to gain credit and love from fans for my performances with every film I appear in. I want all of my work to follow this attitude. 


Source: Hancinema

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Guest prosperity

Are we going to keep the thread updated with ticket sales?
These are presale tickets for Monday 1/12/15

based on all movies 

ranking based on only Korean films

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