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Yoo Yeon Seok 유연석 (Upcoming Drama 2021 : Hospital Playlist S2)


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Thank you dears @ftbluepm @lunagal @tiffanyndo for the translation. That for me is a confirmation that sloppy thinking went behind the sloppy execution. From this interview, I felt like the PD was justifying the mess he and the writer had made by inventing excuses. Come on, be honest with yourself and don't contradict yourself so many times. These are just afterthoughts of a man trying to justify it to himself. If they were trying to give a "slice of life" kind of thing, then why just limit it to CB's arc? All the others got their happy drama-like endings and if you wanted the "slice of life" representation so much, then you could have given us a couple who broke up over something tangible, worked their way out and then got back together rather than "they sealed it with a kiss" at the last minute. That is not how it happens in real life! If the foundation of a getting together is not strong, means if the conflicts have been pushed under the carpet and not resolved, then in real life, in the majority of cases, the couple will break up again. Come on, if this is the style, anything can be justified in a drama with words like "stranger things can happen in real life". How does this make Reply 1994 different from the other dramas which go for implausible plot devices?
What the PD says is true. I mean I can imagine a situation when someone will still be friends with his/her first love who has rejected him/her. I mean life is strange and unpredictable, so there is nothing which you can say won't really happen. But for a drama to make us believe something can happen, something which we find implausible, that is the skill of the writer and the team. The very fact that the PD has to bring up so many half-baked explanations makes it quite clear that the execution fell through. The audience is not stupid. Hell, we have been following this family of boarders for 20 episodes. If they had played out CB's arc well, there would have been no need for these explanations. What this also shows to me is that they didn't really worry about CB's consistency as a character. The PD's line that he had to justify CB's unrestrained behaviour in the house by making him the house owner shows how gimmicky that move was. If it was a foolproof script in the end, then CB being the owner of the house would have been a natural conclusion rather than something conveniently thrown on our faces and  sticking out like a sore thumb. So while I am angry with this team for doing what they did with what could have been a great drama ( I am not even saying NJ and CB would have to get together for it to be believable, just that CB's arc should have been resolved in a believable manner), I am just amused at how sloppy their thinking was. This for me is a confirmation that my dissatisfaction with this drama is rooted in real problems in the way the latter portions of this drama have been conceptualised and executed. The funny part is that the team has to now come up with explanations they did not even think of while shooting the last parts. 
So my dear Chilbongers, don't break your heads over a drama that doesn't deserve any of it. If they took the viewers as fools, then well, what can we say? We can only console ourselves by saying we were not the target audience. You know what I mean, right? :D
A big thank you to the Yeouniversers for the translations everyday. You give us all something to be happy about. For now, I would rather be a consumer than a producer. The way things are going in my life now, I don't know how long I can continue to be an online k-drama enthusiast. So I will just enjoy the spoils of your hard work now and cheer you on. 

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Guest chappykoo

@candid59 and what amuse me even more is those life lessons they want us to learn come from who they claimed as second lead :)) i mean, why cant they save those life lessons for the lead herself, Sung Najung.. move on,find another guy,etc etc etc..they do admit its not makjang right?
and if we look back to the drama again, almost all life lessons are Chilbong centric, the Plot Device character, the second lead, the one they dont have time to wrap up his story :))
in the end of the day they wont admit that they are at fault for making the non existent love triangle eat up the whole drama..
@yen omggg!! thank youuu!! that pics really made my day!!! :((

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Guest sassychic

@candid59 and what amuse me even more is those life lessons they want us to learn come from who they claimed as second lead


) i mean, why cant they save those life lessons for the lead herself, Sung Najung.. move on,find another guy,etc etc etc..they do admit its not makjang right?

and if we look back to the drama again, almost all life lessons are Chilbong centric, the Plot Device character, the second lead, the one they dont have time to wrap up his story :))

in the end of the day they wont admit that they are at fault for making the non existent love triangle eat up the whole drama..

Oh they would not. .why would they? They can't eat their pride that their drama was a total mess..

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bong2 said: mncmonic said: I really want to help with Hoya subbing project but I can't read korean and chinese so I just hope that subbing team could finish it soon ^^By the way, have you watch Re-encounter, that movie seems got good review but I can't find the full movie or even the sub one.
Hope anyone can help :)
if u can't find it in IDWS, i can PM u the link if u want  :)>-

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chappykoo said: @candid59 and what amuse me even more is those life lessons they want us to learn come from who they claimed as second lead :)) i mean, why cant they save those life lessons for the lead herself, Sung Najung.. move on,find another guy,etc etc etc..they do admit its not makjang right?
and if we look back to the drama again, almost all life lessons are Chilbong centric, the Plot Device character, the second lead, the one they dont have time to wrap up his story :))
in the end of the day they wont admit that they are at fault for making the non existent love triangle eat up the whole drama..

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A mimi26 said:What the PD says is true. I mean I can imagine a situation when someone will still be friends with his/her first love who has rejected him/her. I mean life is strange and unpredictable, so there is nothing which you can say won't really happen. But for a drama to make us believe something can happen, something which we find implausible, that is the skill of the writer and the team. The very fact that the PD has to bring up so many half-baked explanations makes it quite clear that the execution fell through. The audience is not stupid. Hell, we have been following this family of boarders for 20 episodes. If they had played out CB's arc well, there would have been no need for these explanations. What this also shows to me is that they didn't really worry about CB's consistency as a character. The PD's line that he had to justify CB's unrestrained behaviour in the house by making him the house owner shows how gimmicky that move was. If it was a foolproof script in the end, then CB being the owner of the house would have been a natural conclusion rather than something conveniently thrown on our faces and  sticking out like a sore thumb. So while I am angry with this team for doing what they did with what could have been a great drama ( I am not even saying NJ and CB would have to get together for it to be believable, just that CB's arc should have been resolved in a believable manner), I am just amused at how sloppy their thinking was. This for me is a confirmation that my dissatisfaction with this drama is rooted in real problems in the way the latter portions of this drama have been conceptualised and executed. The funny part is that the team has to now come up with explanations they did not even think of while shooting the last parts. 

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Guest kumiko_a

Ok. I'm at work at the moment and therefore cannot post a monstrous reaction and proper thanks to the translating team to that article just yet. But I will tonight.

My feelings, however can be summed up to this: The production team was smoking crack towards the end of the drama.

What kind of "realistic bullcrap" are they spouting, really? Especially when in real life, the chances of you ending up with your first love equates to your chances of getting struck by lightning. Not to mention Chilbong renting out his apartment to someone he once harboured unrequited feelings for when throughout the drama they've established that first love is a sore subject to men? OMG WHAT IS AIR WHAT IS LIFE WHAT IS THE CHEMICAL FORMULA FOR WATER stop bullshitting me pls kthx

Time is a great healer, yes, except they didn't give Chilbongie flipping time to move on! Ping ping worst wedding photo of the century!

- end mini rant -

Edit: and I can't believe I forgot to mention this when it's my biggest gripe next to the photoshopped YYS in that goddamn photo...


And even if Chilbong is renting out the apartment to them, it gives him absolutely no right to walk around the place like it's his own! And sleep in the room where the couple that I've buried and incinerated do the deed!

P.S. Reading this interview has solidified my belief that the intended husband has always been Chilbongie, until the sight of money made them vomit trash and talk nonsense.

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Guest nononini_1


That sentence is super impossible in real life. Like you said, it seriously made no sense! I think they just flabbergasted on finding out that people are super questioning the ending. Not to mention to the most hilarious wedding photo eveeerr...

Hahha if I am trash I will have divorce nj... I am a man I am a doctor and I cant even afford an apartment for my love ones and have to rent from my rival...or if I am nj I would have divorce trash...he must have problem maybe he gamble or something...I think the writer brain is not functioning at all when she make that comments

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Guest kdramafanfan

Well, in the end we were right guys. CB either had to be the husband or he had to be a plot device. Take comfort in that. :P

No, seriously. If our central plotline is will T overcome seeing NJ as a sister then there was insufficient meat there to keep the story running as long as it did. Rather then keep up the husband mystery they would have done better to reveal the husband at ep 18 or so and treat the show what it was. Simply a drama and not a mystery.

By prolonging the tension falsely all they did was give a complete lack of resolution to the problems in NJ/T's relationship and CB's emotional journey. The solution should have been to modify the central plot line and add conflict. Like dramas have been doing for the last few decades. They failed because the wanted to try something new but failed to commit to the concept fully. And at the same time they failed to commit to creating a typical Korean drama.

Personally, I think it's just fate that timing was off for both CB and CB shippers. :P

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Guest fairycutter

Hi all. I want to talk about our fans club name once and for all.

We agreed on the Global name which is YeoNiverse. style with 'Y' and 'N' in uppercase.
The subbing team is call YeoNiversal Subbers.
and individual member has 3 names, as of now, are Yeonnis, YeoNiverse Citizen (i vote for this by the way. great for girls, boys, young and old), and YeoNiversers. I hope we can sort this into one name for all.
also, like subbing team, when there is new team arise and as of there is currently other teams on other projects, we also give those team, the first word which is YeoNiversal _________ the second word and so on, will be decided by the members of said team according to their wish and the type of their projects.

With clear sort out, it will made our name easily recognize and promote, also bear the unity of each and every one of us. I hope to hear your respond, suggestion and thought. Thank you very much.

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I just saw a post in mother thread said that tvn Taxi Jungwoo, Kim Sung Kyun, Yoo Yeon Seok: saturday 11th jan
but I remember I've read a post here said that Yeon Seok will be the only guest on that epsiode
So which one is true? is there any confirmation about this?

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fairycutter said: Hi all. I want to talk about our fans club name once and for all.

We agreed on the Global name which is YeoNiverse. style with 'Y' and 'N' in uppercase.
The subbing team is call YeoNiversal Subbers.
and individual member has 3 names, as of now, are Yeonnis, YeoNiverse Citizen (i vote for this by the way. great for girls, boys, young and old), and YeoNiversers. I hope we can sort this into one name for all.
also, like subbing team, when there is new team arise and as of there is currently other teams on other projects, we also give those team, the first word which is YeoNiversal _________ the second word and so on, will be decided by the members of said team according to their wish and the type of their projects.

With clear sort out, it will made our name easily recognize and promote, also bear the unity of each and every one of us. I hope to hear your respond, suggestion and thought. Thank you very much.

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Thank you @ftbluepm @lunagal @tiffanyndo for the translations.. I can't imagine how you translated that article because I can't even finish reading it without getting angry.. you gals get my highest respect  ^:)^Wow, never thought that this was the same PD that I highly praised last year during Reply 1997.. what happened to him? money get into his head? I think that he just should keep quiet.. I remember this quote "if you have nothing good to say, better don't say anything at all". 

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Guest fairycutter

mncmonic said: fairycutter said: Hi all. I want to talk about our fans club name once and for all.

We agreed on the Global name which is YeoNiverse. style with 'Y' and 'N' in uppercase.
The subbing team is call YeoNiversal Subbers.
and individual member has 3 names, as of now, are Yeonnis, YeoNiverse Citizen (i vote for this by the way. great for girls, boys, young and old), and YeoNiversers. I hope we can sort this into one name for all.
also, like subbing team, when there is new team arise and as of there is currently other teams on other projects, we also give those team, the first word which is YeoNiversal _________ the second word and so on, will be decided by the members of said team according to their wish and the type of their projects.

With clear sort out, it will made our name easily recognize and promote, also bear the unity of each and every one of us. I hope to hear your respond, suggestion and thought. Thank you very much.

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Guest chappykoo

i just read soompi article aout 1994/1997 comparisson or something..and whoa i just missed 1997 so much..and yeah the writer (i suspect T shipper or just not CB fan) admit there are so many loopholes in 1994..and people chose 1997 more and lol at Tshippers who commented that ppl chose 1997 bcs they are team chilbong..i still dont get their insecurities tbh..

im just so done with this drama..yeonseokssi..please pick up another drama soon..

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