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Do you believe in ghosts?

Oldest Living

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Well, my mom kept seeing lots of eyes on the porch when she was little (because her room was right next to the porch and you could see through to it) and I ones saw years ago a man who kinda looked like my grandma (who had passed away already) in a chair that looked just like one of area but I looked at the tent (because we were on a camping trip) and when I looked back, my grandpa and the chair were gone! I was so scared! And another time, I as getting ready for bed one night, years ago, I was looking in the mirror and suddenly, I saw children playing chess. It was black & white and looked like it happened a long time ago. I was very, very, very scared!

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The existence of ghosts is an untestable, unfalsifiable claim like God or gods or whichever one people believe in. Therefore, it is not possible to know whether or not ghosts exists. I don't know whether or not ghosts exist, but I have no reason to believe that they exist. The only 'evidence' available supporting their existence isn't really evidence at all, or has little to no scientific significance because they are mostly personal anecdotes of witnesses or 'energy' readings from home-made devices that have not been calibrated or tested for accuracy. And personal anecdotes have no significance in a courtroom or a research lab unless supported by solid objective, measurable evidence in the form of DNA, controlled, repeated studies ect. 
People are often too keen to trust the accuracy of their own senses - they already have a strong conviction and look for evidence to support it instead of looking for evidence to come to a reasonable conclusion. This is known as conformational bias. They believe it's more likely that the laws of nature have been suspended in their favour than the possibility that they made a mistake or had a delusion. I have had my own experiences where I have seen people who were not really there or heard things that didn't seem to have a source, but if I let subjective personal one-off experiences determine all my beliefs, I would still believe in the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus. Not everything can be explained (yet), but that doesn't mean we should look to the supernatural for answers.

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I read that ghosts are actually demons, the more you believe in ghosts the more likely you will see one

the more you believe the easier it is for the ghost to cause harm to you

I dont believe in anything supernatural or cannot be scientifically proven to exist, I really think it's all hallucinations or all in your imagination

why does a ghost need to wear clothing? when a person dies the spirit has no need for clothing? but people always imagine seeing a ghost wearing clothing from the old days, just like in a scary movie

how does a ghost make sounds and talk without a body? you need a brain,  mouth and vocal cords and lung capacity to talk for people to hear, the only way I can know would be your imagination because it's not really happening in the first place

if it's not scientifically or physically possible I dont believe any of it

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Guest NitsujN_RN

I did come into a strange encounter with my friends in a cabin at Big Bear, California. We heard a loud door slamming-like noise upstairs. When we went to investigate, there was nothing there. Just a empty room with a closet. My friend with his DSLR decided to take a picture because he believed in spirits. What we found next was what appeared to be a ghastly face of a boy in the window, who we could've sworn we did not see. We also checked outside to see if anybody was there but there was no one. There were orbs in the picture, but we ruled that out to be specs of dust, or so we assumed. My friend's mom made him delete the picture in case "the spirit" decides to follow him, but I wish we kept it to analyze it further. 

Was this real or were all 5 of us hallucinating at the same time? The only explanation I could come up with was that the furnace was possibly faulty, releasing excess carbon monoxide which could cause hallucinations and other side effects. Otherwise, I think the human brain and mind is hardwired to be prone to mistakes, misjudgments, hallucinations, and most importantly, paranoia. How come sometimes we walk through a dark hallway and check to see behind us if anything's there? Is this paranoia, a "sense" of a spirit, or faulty brain chemistry? 

Additionally, Asian cultures seem to have every superstition and metaphysical properties from A to Z, which I think predisposes us to believing things that aren't really there or don't exist. Add a weak mind and older generations passing down their ghost stories, then we have a recipe of more paranoia about ghosts.

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