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♡ JoU Couple ♡ :: Jo Jung Suk ♥ IU [Official Thread]


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Guest Jill Jung

shabbychic said:

@ajumma-nim After reading your post and your 3 propositions, my rational mind tells me it's because both of them are so into their roles but my delusional mind keep making opposition and tells me it's because there is something going on between them haha. When IU's new album will be out, I'm going to analyse all of her self composed songs and try to read between the lines to find any allusions to mr JJS, that' s how delusional I'm ahaahaha. And now that you mentioned JHW he must be really brave irl cuz confessing his love in front of so many people is just wow. I hope JJS will take some note lol.

You know what, I think the reason why JHW did it the way he did was because he knew he was going to leave for MS soon, and he wanted to stake his claim!Lol If he were just to confess secretly between the two of them, noone would know and other guys will still go for inna...it's his way of making sure noone steals his girl--by making the entire SK watch his girlfriend for him while he is away!Lol

With JJS case though, I don't think he'll do it that way. There's no sense of urgency on his part so he can still take his time weighing it down. Plus, if he confesses to IU on their presscon, that would only make him a copycat and I don't think he'd like to be branded as that, especially when the originals are IU's bestfriend and her beau. Also, he knows how important this time is for IU, so I don't think he'd actually do anything to jeopardize her comeback. So if he were to confess to her, I think he'd do it in private and then they'll date secretly after that...

...until I go to SK and catch them in the act!lol

Completely agree with you @babyviolets, actually I contemplated on the tweets of JJS a week ago about "mistakes", "stereotype" etc. Reading between the lines and analyzing actions beyond unspoken words, you insights are good as mine. Even IRL JJS will protect IU the best that he can, IU recognizes and appreciates JJS for this, and I am not delusional about this. As a famous song goes "look into my eyes and you will see, what you mean to me... coz everything I do, I'll do it for you". Absolutely their actions specially their eyes did IT for them, no words to be spoken is needed, their eyes says it ALL :)

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i have a feeling iu will write somting about jjs in her next album..why? because i'm just that delusional hahahahaha... imagine if iu writes another song like her self compose song: 'peach'

here are som of the lyrics:

My eyes keep going to that white face

Why don’t I even get sick of you?

When you slightly smile at me,

I really go crazy

How can you be so pretty baby?

When I see you,

my heart becomes numb and sore

All the words of the world is probably not enough

With those legs that are so pretty by just standing still

You walk toward me and you hug me

Maybe you will never know

I want to hide you in my embrace

And only I want to look at you

But I really want to marry you

All the words of the world is probably not enough

With those legs that are so pretty by just standing still

You walk toward me and you hug me

How can I explain this feeling?

Oh, with what word can I explain you?

You know he’s so beautiful

I’m not saying this out of a young heart

Oh, with what word can I explain you?

My heart keeps going to you

I’m really going crazy

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Guest normalahamid

akinahana89 said: I usually never follow any of the Japanese albums that Korean idols produce either. For some reason, Japanese songs just don't interest me that much... but IU is the only exception. I really love her "Beautiful Dancer" song, though all of the songs on her "Can You Hear Me?" album is really good.

"Peach," I believe, was IU's first self-composed song, not including the short snippet she composed for her Dream High character titled "Dreaming," which she composed for Wooyoung. That isn't available anywhere else except in the Dream High episode. Anyway, I'm sure IU's compositions will be fantastic and I'm really looking forward to the album, not only because she has self-composed the songs, but also for her more mature image that will emerge with the release of the album. I'd really like to see her shed her title of Nation's Little Sister at this point so that IU has more freedom to do what she enjoys.

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Guest Jill Jung

i have a feeling iu will write somting about jjs in her next album..why? because i'm just that delusional hahahahaha... imagine if iu writes another song like her self compose song: 'peach'

here are som of the lyrics:

My eyes keep going to that white faceWhy don’t I even get sick of you?When you slightly smile at me,

I really go crazy

How can you be so pretty baby?

When I see you,

my heart becomes numb and sore

All the words of the world is probably not enough

With those legs that are so pretty by just standing still

You walk toward me and you hug me

Maybe you will never know

I want to hide you in my embrace

And only I want to look at you

But I really want to marry you

All the words of the world is probably not enough

With those legs that are so pretty by just standing still

You walk toward me and you hug meHow can I explain this feeling?Oh, with what word can I explain you?You know he’s so beautifulI’m not saying this out of a young heartOh, with what word can I explain you?

My heart keeps going to youI’m really going crazy

if the songs she write are like this song, i will say it's jo jung suk who inspired it. They first met in late feb so it's possible iu write song about him because that time she's in process of her album too.. hopfully iu will describe their hugs, kisses in the song(s)KYAKYAKYA~ *delusional mode on* 

Don't you think that it is really FATE between JJS and IU? Read carefully and passionately the lyrics of the song, the way IU describe the man it BEST and ONLY suited for JJS... the white face, the smile, the legs, the hug and the way she wants to hide him in her embrace. Remember how IU/SS embrace JJS/JH after the kiss and her facial expression and her eyes you can definetly feel IU and JJS not SS/JH on that scene...

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normalahamid said: actually she already composed many songs including "Lost Puppy" in her Last Fantasy album, "Hold My Hand" for The Greatest Love OST, 'Bad Day" (it still not release digitally yet cause she just sing it during her concert) & "Peach" in her Spring of 20 Year Old album
Ah. I stand corrected then. I thought I heard in an interview somewhere that IU's "Dreaming" snippet in Dream High was her first composition, followed by "Peach" as her first self-composed song. I must have heard wrong. :D

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Guest normalahamid

akinahana89 said: normalahamid said: actually she already composed many songs including "Lost Puppy" in her Last Fantasy album, "Hold My Hand" for The Greatest Love OST, 'Bad Day" (it still not release digitally yet cause she just sing it during her concert) & "Peach" in her Spring of 20 Year Old album

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Guest haengbok0189

@normalahamid out of boredom (though i hv tonnes of office works to do) i check all the songs you mentioned on ur posts n i do found some good ones! I'm gonna download them n put them in my playlist. Thanks a lot!

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First page, second post updated with @babyviolet's new fanfic. Check it out below.

Separation Anxieties by babyviolets
With their inevitable separation drawing near, Jo Jung Suk and IU contemplate on their own anxieties over their feelings for each other. Will they be able to overcome those fears and learn to face their feelings? 2-part story set on the YTBLSS finale press conference.

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akinahana89 said: First page, second post updated with @babyviolet's new fanfic. Check it out below.

Separation Anxieties by babyviolets
With their inevitable separation drawing near, Jo Jung Suk and IU contemplate on their own anxieties over their feelings for each other. Will they be able to overcome those fears and learn to face their feelings? 2-part story set on the YTBLSS finale press conference.

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Guest haengbok0189

ajumma-nim said:


Wah... That 'white' face is very pretty. Very inviting.... :-* for poking too... Haha...

i know. i cut another two of my favorite actor face too and it happen his cheek is the most tempting and yummy. ottoke??? LOL 


I know the one on the right is Song JoongKi (i luv him too!) but i wonder who's the one on the left?

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First page, second post updated with @babyviolet's new fanfic. Check it out below.

Separation Anxieties by babyviolets


their inevitable separation drawing near, Jo Jung Suk and IU

contemplate on their own anxieties over their feelings for each other.

Will they be able to overcome those fears and learn to face their

feelings? 2-part story set on the YTBLSS finale press conference.


once again, thanks for the promotion and review! I'm really lucky to have you guys to support me on this. >:D< >:D< >:D<

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akinahana89 said:

First page, second post updated with @babyviolet's new fanfic. Check it out below.

Separation Anxieties by babyviolets


their inevitable separation drawing near, Jo Jung Suk and IU

contemplate on their own anxieties over their feelings for each other.

Will they be able to overcome those fears and learn to face their

feelings? 2-part story set on the YTBLSS finale press conference.

I know I already commented on this on our regular YTBLSS thread, but I just wanted to say again how awesome this story line is.  Thank you so much for writing it, @babyviolet.

Hehehe...thanks again @meahri66

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