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♡ JoU Couple ♡ :: Jo Jung Suk ♥ IU [Official Thread]


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naebdukki101 said: @babyviolets. Wooww...you chronologically put it in detail =D> =D> =D> good job....well done indeed. @samsooky. I read your post without knowing it's you who posted. Really....so insightful & awesomeeeeee....i wish we can stamp more than one @tazhito Welcone to JoU....but sorry, what did you post? On ipad, all looked like computer program language @-)

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said: about IU's cameo in this sunday's mamma mia:

I read on IU's baidu tieba ( they translate that article into chinese) that both IU and JJS will make cameo in the show...they 'll give LJH dating advice. 

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Remember how IU went on a strict-day diet regiment?
Ally said:

글라라: But then why did you only diet for 4 days??
IU: There’s an important scene to film tomorrow.

Translated by squishy with love

could it be for this scene?
isn't it cute that IU felt the need to diet just because of this scene?In my book, that is called a crush!lol
@maejm kindly pointed out that it wasn't this scene but a scene for ep 33. Oh well, fangirls can dream!kekeke
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said: Remember how IU went on a strict-day diet regiment?



글라라: But then why did you only diet for 4 days??
IU: There’s an important scene to film tomorrow.

Translated by squishy with love

could it be for this scene?


isn't it cute that IU felt the need to diet just because of this scene?In my book, that is called a crush!lol

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akinahana89 said:

maejm said:

about IU's cameo in this sunday's mamma mia:

I read on IU's baidu tieba ( they translate that article into chinese) that both IU and JJS will make cameo in the show...they 'll give LJH dating advice. 

Kekeke. Will IU and JJS give LJH dating advice because they have the experience now with dating each other? :x :x :x

I'll have to pay special attention to that episode of Mamma Mia.

(To gather more evidence of the off-screen chemistry between IU and JJS... @babyviolets, you must join me as JoU Detective! LOL)

I was in a hurry to leave when i made the previous post... according to the news article , IU 's tip:  pay compliments to the girl , gave strong signals that you like her. JJS's tip: smile !

Smile?! Actually the only thing he needs to do is stand there...lol...smile is a plus, even if he was standing sideways I would've swooned..lol..I'm gonna have to assume the "strong signal" that IU was referring to was his "smile"...awwwwww, how cute..

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said: oooh...oh, well...wrong assumption then!kekeke

but what scene would it be? *goes back and watches episode*

huh...really can't tell 

#-o it was the episode where she got drunk and stayed overnight in gabi...

:-O did they shoot a piggyback scene that didn't make the final cut?! *delusional mode* 8->



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maejm said:


said: oooh...oh, well...wrong assumption then!kekeke

but what scene would it be? *goes back and watches episode*

huh...really can't tell 

#-o it was the episode where she got drunk and stayed overnight in gabi...

:-O did they shoot a piggyback scene that didn't make the final cut?! *delusional mode* 8->



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babyviolets said: so now JJS knows what IU will be looking for when choosing dating prospects. hmmm... :-?
On a side note, i think JJS's tip only works for him! This guys just proved how easy it is for him to get a girl if he really thinks that all it takes is to smile!lol Well, if you think about it... How easy was it for JJS to get the girls on YTBLSS thread? It really was just a smile, wasn't it? Hahaha. =))

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Guest oceangreen

Owww... JoU thread!

Thanks @naebdukki101 for the invitation and @akinahana89 for putting this together! awesome work!

I ship this pair... theirs is my second ship after Barbie Hsu/Vic Zhou (after Mars, not MG)... I am not into k-pop or k-idol at all (too old for that), but I've been watching asian dramas (japanese, korean, taiwanese) since well, quite long time ago... (I started with j-drama Tokyo Love Story and Ordinary People during my school days), and I can firmly say, this couple is so NATURAL...There are so many little/subtle things that I've rarely seen in other dramas. The holding hands scene at the cafe for example, I noticed how JJS did this little thumbs-rubbing (the camera angle almost didn't capture it), almost like unconsciously... It sure feels like I'm watching a real couple! Maybe it's just on-screen chemistry and method acting, but does method acting also involve doing subtle things like that?

Age gap is not a big deal nowadays, even for woman that's older (My Name is Kim Sam-Soon has already dealt with this) and JJS seems to be a great guy IRL... he's funny, loved/adored/admired by his co-stars, smart, dedicated, loyal to his friends (still hang out with the same friends who are not from entertainment biz), close to his family, smart, knows what he wants to do, etc etc etc. Almost too perfect to be true! LOL

I mean, look how funny/goofy he is... he can surely make IU laugh all the time (and being able to laugh with your partner is a must for healthy relationship):

he's good with kids too!

personally, I can't resist a guy who can move and dance like this:

and this!:

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Welcome to the JoU thread! :D We're happy to have you here! Yes, part of the reason why we're so crazy about JoU is because of how natural they appear on-screen as a couple. The other is simply their amazing chemistry together and how well suited they would be for each other. They had similar backgrounds growing up and coming into stardom, both have experienced a lot of the similar hardships in life, both are very mature and responsible, and both have many common interests and talents.

There are actually a lot of subtle signs in YTBLSS that makes us feel JoU can be a real possibility in the future. While JJS does method acting, we still feel it's more than that. We have dissected a lot of the scenes and gone over every single detail in almost all of the JoU scenes together and it has revealed a lot to us. I just thought it was time to make a separate JoU thread because they deserve it. We have a lot of JoU fans anyway. lol.

You are right. JJS is like walking perfection but IU is just as amazing. Together they would really make the most beautiful, most perfect pairing and I hope we truly get to see that one day - not just in YTBLSS. :D :D :D

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Guest normalahamid

this is an extract that was taken from Singles magazine interview in 2012..here I just cut the part that mentioned JJS' ideal woman criteria :)

I’m curious about the type of women you like in real life.
At present, a nice, easygoing person!  It’s true that I tend to always be drawn to attractive, appealing women.  But the appeal I’m talking about is an appeal that only I can feel.  Even if others think she isn’t that great, if I notice that appeal, I will like her.  But there aren’t any specific features that I can list in particular.

Hmthat’s a bit confusing. Could you give an example?
A hidden sophistication that you can feel in an unsophisticated person?  Something like that.  Is that confusing (laughter)?  There’ve been times when I’d notice an appeal like that and my heart goes “Oh?” and starts racing.  Also something like appearing boyish on the outside but actually being really feminine?

So, what kind of boyfriend are you?  You said in an interview that you were the type to “give his all” for her.
(T/N:  퍼주다 = 아쉬울 것 없이 마음대로 인심 쓰듯 준다는 의미와 ‘일방적’이라는 의미; very loosely translated to ‘give one’s all’ in an emotional sense)   What kind of boyfriend am I?  Me (laughter)?  Ah, not again… are we talking about my love life now? (laughter) Hm… I don’t think I’m a bad boyfriend.  Saying I like someone makes me so incredibly self-conscious, my hands and feet curl in on themselves.  In English, I’d say “Not Bad”?  I’m the type of person who’d make an effort for my girlfriend, even if I don’t really know what she likes or wants.          

A man who would give his all and make an effort for her… sounds exactly like Eun Shi-kyung.
Does it (laughter)?  I definitely like taking care of people, but I’d like it if my girlfriend can take even better care of me.  I’m confident that I can properly take care of anyone I date, but it isn’t easy to meet a girl who can take care of me.  It’s a feeling like ‘If you’re going to take care of me, please do it better~’ a feeling like that (laughter)?      

you know what..I think IU fit all the criterias that he mentioned above!! this makes me think that he maybe or (definitely) likes IU..but STILL it's just my assumption..LOL :)

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You're right. IU definitely fits into his description of ideal women. IU has a very unique charm and appeal, she has that amazingly cute ahjumma laugh (who can resist that?! LOL), and she said herself that she's actually a very good cook. IU is also not afraid to be herself and she's mature beyond her years - a perfect match to JJS. IU is also really down to earth, but she does also carry that aura and air of sophistication at times - it's just that I think she prefers being comfortable so it isn't present at all times. I think JJS would be in good hands with her and vice versa. :D

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