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[Drama 2013-14] You Who Came From the Stars / My Love From Another Star ★ 별에서 온 그대


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Guest ilikemangoss

Kim Soo Hyun and Jeon Ji Hyun have an announcement they want to make to the press
*This is an alternate reality where JJH is not married* (This is for you die-hard 2hyun shippers)

star20 00110

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I don't know if this has been posted...but it seems like not many people still remember that uri Soo Hyun sings this song too, for TMETS. I think he would use this song in his FM but no...he isn't :( Kinda sad...

Cr. KimsoohyunFC

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Guest jshen312

the fact that YWCFTS is very popular among people across many different cultures, races, societies, backgrounds, and of course genders is very pleasing to me. I'm very happy about that. 
That's why we're all still here :) 
Keep me updated on juicy 2Hyun hardcore shipper news!! (seriously please)

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Guest jshen312

awesome reply! Thank you so much! 
Please don't ever worry about if this is the direction I want this discussion to go....haha we're all just friends here I'm serious! I don't ask my buddy hey man let's stop talking about last night's basketball game I want to talk about that hot girl next door. haha the fact that you replied is so awesome, and such a thoughtful reply too! 

You're right of course...we can't say we truly love someone until we've walked a mile in their shoes. Until we've actually seen the bad, the ugly, and the terrible along with the charming, the sexy, the hot, the good. We have to see everything. Then when the dust settles, and we're still together, then that's love. That is love. 

I'm not sure if you just joined us recently, but if you look through my past posts, I wrote a post that ended with saying we should have the proper attitude in terms of what to expect from a relationship such as Leo/Kate and KSH/JJH. 
"Just go into this type of relationship with a bright smile, always positive attitude, and just...enjoy every moment of it. Just enjoy it. Don't be making demands and expectations of this and that, left and right. Just live. 
Just live."

Anyway, thanks again! :)

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Guest jshen312

mademoisellegeline said: How to style your hair like Do Manager. I don't know any fan man in here except for @jshen312. Maybe this hairstyle will score you brownie points to faye unnie @safiresea.. :)) Also, if you chingus are planning to style your husbands or boyfriends hair to DMJ's style then this one might be helpful to you.. My hubby's hair can't be style like this because of his baby curl hair. Tsk! Tsk! I'm hopeless!! :((

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QuynhT said: I don't know if this has been posted...but it seems like not many people still remember that uri Soo Hyun sings this song too, for TMETS. I think he would use this song in his FM but no...he isn't :( Kinda sad...

Cr. KimsoohyunFC

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Guest safiresea

@jshen312 hey buddy, we're waiting on you here....don't make us wait too long huh?.....we're waiting on you to finalize it....so where's the PICTURE HUH???  :P:P .......it's ok if you're a  :@) we love you anyways....so stop making excuses already, lol...how hard could it be to take a snapshot? araso??
ps. I think they are finalizing it soon...as in a day or two or three soon...

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Guest aidsincera

LimaS said: [Recap] Kissing scene BTS from Kim Soo Hyun’s Fan Meeting

After watching the other clip, I edited some part.

He was asked about behind the scene of YWCFTS

MC: The male lead of this show is Do Min Joon, or we can call him Grandpa Do. Is it ok to call him that? KSH: Yes LOL

MC: Grandpa Do, many people love the time frozen kissing scene. Many are wondering if the female lead had to stopped the time as well (MC then doing a fun pose from the show, this is too funny)

About the frozen/time stopped kissing scene

- KSH: JJH, who portrayed Cheon Song Yi had a difficulty while filming this scene. She had to standstill for real. Because it was winter so she couldn’t breath, otherwise if she were to breath then smoke would be seen. She couldn’t blink, couldn’t breath, couldn’t move until the filming was done. Please give her a big round of applause. Then he was smiling so big.. this is cute!! LOL

- MC: I like the scene when Cheon Song Yi was taking her picture with a cup of mocha. Then the MC was portraying the scene, too funny. KSH laughed.

- MC: The point is that, when you stopped the time, you had to find a good angle to kissed her. With that angle, and the way he kissed her. Everyone is saying now that he’s a great kisser. *fans screaming here, KSH laughed again*  Is it because that (kissing) is his special talent? *KSH laughed and looked a little embarrassed there… lol*

Being a good kisser

- KSH: It must have been the good angle, face’s angle. He didn’t really have to do anything, just standing there and the camera man would have to find the good angle for him.

*fans were screaming* then MC said that many fans were screaming that it’s not true, the look on KSH’s face was priceless!!! ROFL

- MC: so it was just really the camera angle?  KSH: *nods*

Then MC was like, if I haven’t watched the show I would have believe that it was all the angle, but I watched it, it’s real! then the MC laughed and fans were screaming. (The MC’s reaction was the best there, he acted like us fangirls here…lol)

Cc http://sophiesyc.tumblr.com/post/81199516322/recap-kissing-scene-bts-from-kim-soo-hyuns-fan
= http://sophiesyc.tumblr.com/

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Guest safiresea

WHOOOO....you guys....I think I just spotted my ANTI-FAN!!!  You know you made it to the big leagues when you have anti-fan!! hahaha....I'm so honored.
by the way question to @iloveporkandbeans ....am I the only honorable mentioned that you often "off topic" or are most of us here been branded by you?!?! Just wondering is all.  By the way, you really should stop lurking in here and actually write a post....I know you can write, by all means you didn't get to SUPERSTAR status for being silent.  I see you participate in a bunch of recent dramas....so why not here???? are you by chance an anti-fan of this show too?..........you didn't think I'd call you out eh? *yes, yes indeed, I do stalk* ;););)) ....Oh, and by the way...I do love pork and beans too....string beans though, not those pinto/black eye pea beans stuff.
ps. FEEL FREE TO OFF-TOPIC THIS ONE TOO! kikikikiki =)) =)) =))
pss. seriously...should I hold my breath waiting for your reply?
EDIT: hahahahah....I stand corrected...you DO posts on here....a while back....what happen??? don't love us anymore?!?!?!  >-) ;;);))

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