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Guys: Do You Pay For Dates?

Guest mickeyd

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Guest soy.milk

Most girls who expect their man to pay for most dates are also the girls who don't really care about equality in the first place. These girls are more of the traditional type. In other words, yes they are traditional in that they expect the guy to pay for most dates. But they are also traditional in that they don't mind being a housewife.

I'm a traditional girl who expect my bf to pay for most of our dating expenses, but at the same time, I don't mind being a housewife (cooking dinner, taking care of the kids at home). In fact, I WANT to be a housewife. I actually don't care much about equality. I think men are generally smarter than women, stronger than women, and have more capability of earning more money than women.

So people's logic that "women expect equality but yet they expect their man to pay for dates" is actually not true from my experience. All my girl friends who expect men to pay for most of the dating expenses (like myself) actually don't care much about equality.

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Can u even cook tho?  
Like how many of the girls here that plan to be housewives can even really cook.  I've met a lot of girls who talk a ton of game about their culinary skills.  Then I taste their food and it's microwaved stuff.  D for effort F for quality.  

soy.milk said: Most girls who expect their man to pay for most dates are also the girls who don't really care about equality in the first place. These girls are more of the traditional type. In other words, yes they are traditional in that they expect the guy to pay for most dates. But they are also traditional in that they don't mind being a housewife.

I'm a traditional girl who expect my bf to pay for most of our dating expenses, but at the same time, I don't mind being a housewife (cooking dinner, taking care of the kids at home). In fact, I WANT to be a housewife.

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Guest soy.milk

speedredefined said: Can u even cook tho?  
Like how many of the girls here that plan to be housewives can even really cook.  I've met a lot of girls who talk a ton of game about their culinary skills.  Then I taste their food and it's microwaved stuff.  D for effort F for quality.  

soy.milk said: Most girls who expect their man to pay for most dates are also the girls who don't really care about equality in the first place. These girls are more of the traditional type. In other words, yes they are traditional in that they expect the guy to pay for most dates. But they are also traditional in that they don't mind being a housewife.

I'm a traditional girl who expect my bf to pay for most of our dating expenses, but at the same time, I don't mind being a housewife (cooking dinner, taking care of the kids at home). In fact, I WANT to be a housewife.

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soy.milk said:


said: Can u even cook tho?  

Like how many of the girls here that plan to be housewives can even really cook.  I've met a lot of girls who talk a ton of game about their culinary skills.  Then I taste their food and it's microwaved stuff.  D for effort F for quality.  



Most girls who expect their man to pay for most dates are also the girls who don't really care about equality in the first place.

These girls are more of the traditional type. In other words, yes they are traditional in that they expect the guy to pay for most dates. But they are also traditional in that they don't mind being a housewife.

I'm a traditional girl who expect my bf to pay for most of our dating expenses, but at the same time, I don't mind being a housewife (cooking dinner, taking care of the kids at home). In fact, I WANT to be a housewife.

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Guest soy.milk

MiDnite89 said: soy.milk said:


said: Can u even cook tho?  

Like how many of the girls here that plan to be housewives can even really cook.  I've met a lot of girls who talk a ton of game about their culinary skills.  Then I taste their food and it's microwaved stuff.  D for effort F for quality.  



Most girls who expect their man to pay for most dates are also the girls who don't really care about equality in the first place.

These girls are more of the traditional type. In other words, yes they are traditional in that they expect the guy to pay for most dates. But they are also traditional in that they don't mind being a housewife.

I'm a traditional girl who expect my bf to pay for most of our dating expenses, but at the same time, I don't mind being a housewife (cooking dinner, taking care of the kids at home). In fact, I WANT to be a housewife.

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Guest showoff

There's a distinct difference between knowing how to prepare food so it's edible and knowing how to cook.  It does take years of experience to know how to truly cook, not just follow the directions from the back of the box.
EDIT:  I certainly didn't take "food studies" courses in high school nor do I believe my high school even offered such a course.
Also, if my dinner is going to be pizza, fried rice and cookies, I can make that stuff myself.

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most kids don't take any cooking in school, back 10 years ago when I was in middle school I might have taken 1 home ec class (meaning 1 day of cooking in a semester) that went nowhere.  That doesn't mean anything.  It was for instance way less preparatory for culinary than math class was for Engineering.

Like someone else posted.  Fried rice??  Pizza?  Cookies!?!?!  I don't need my "stay at home wife" to throw a frozen pizza into the oven.  I can do that.  Anyone can do that.  That's not "cooking" or being a good housewife, that's hitting the frozen pizza section at Safeway.  
If this was top chef: Effort:  FAIL   Palette:  FAIL   Technique:  FAIL   
P.S.  Have guys here noticed that white chicks in college are way better at cooking than Asian ones?  All the white chicks I know and have gone out with try to bake cool stuff, have at least some experience cooking, can dress a salad really well, generally know what they're doing at the grocer.  Most of the Asian chicks, especially the FOB ones have 0 clue.  The ones with servants overseas can't even make rice (the Westernized ones are a bit better, they can at least turn on an oven).  In fact I'd say the Asian dudes in general, are much better cooks.  



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Guest soy.milk

speedredefined said: most kids don't take any cooking in school, back 10 years ago when I was in middle school I might have taken 1 home ec class (meaning 1 day of cooking in a semester) that went nowhere.  That doesn't mean anything.  It was for instance way less preparatory for culinary than math class was for Engineering.

Like someone else posted.  Fried rice??  Pizza?  Cookies!?!?!  I don't need my "stay at home wife" to throw a frozen pizza into the oven.  I can do that.  Anyone can do that.  That's not "cooking" or being a good housewife, that's hitting the frozen pizza section at Safeway.  
If this was top chef: Effort:  FAIL   Palette:  FAIL   Technique:  FAIL   
P.S.  Have guys here noticed that white chicks in college are way better at cooking than Asian ones?  All the white chicks I know and have gone out with try to bake cool stuff, have at least some experience cooking, can dress a salad really well, generally know what they're doing at the grocer.  Most of the Asian chicks, especially the FOB ones have 0 clue.  The ones with servants overseas can't even make rice (the Westernized ones are a bit better, they can at least turn on an oven).  In fact I'd say the Asian dudes in general, are much better cooks.  



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Guest showoff

That still doesn't seem like a fair trade.  The man is bringing his established education, career and earning power to the party, but you're bringing your novice "cooking" skills to the party, with the presumption that you'll learn over time?
What about the daily housework?  Laundry, ironing, cleaning, etc... are those also things you'll learn how to do once you are married?

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Guest soy.milk

showoff said: That still doesn't seem like a fair trade.  The man is bringing his established education, career and earning power to the party, but you're bringing your novice "cooking" skills to the party, with the presumption that you'll learn over time?
What about the daily housework?  Laundry, ironing, cleaning, etc... are those also things you'll learn how to do once you are married?

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if a guy can afford to have his wife be a homemaker, of course she should be one. children should spend their time with their parent, not dumped at a daycare. i used to volunteer for a while at a daycare, and trust me, after you have worked or volunteered at a daycare, you would never want to send your child there.

so, if the girl is agreeing to be a homemaker and leave her job, the guy should be happy that family comes first to her and be grateful that she's stepping down from her job to take care of the family. what i don't get is how some of you can complain that the wife isn't cooking top quality meals. like you gotta be kidding me, the girl is already sacrificing her job/career for her family, and all you can say is that her cooking "isn't top quality"? really now? at least shes learning how to be a homemaker.

I know many girls who didnt know how to do any house chores until they got married. Because their husband earned enough money, these girls can afford to be a homemaker amd decided that family comes first and they gave up their job/career and learned how to be a homemaker. the husbands were so happy and grateful to their wife. the cooking and other household chores weren't done topnotch because they were learning, but the husbands were grateful regardless.

I'm sorry but some of you men are so ungrateful. I feel sorry for your future wife who will give up her job/career for you and your family, and all you can do is complain about how her cooking "isn't top quality"

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87lena said:

if a guy can afford to have his wife be a homemaker, of course she should be one. children should spend their time with their parent, not dumped at a daycare. i used to volunteer for a while at a daycare, and trust me, after you have worked or volunteered at a daycare, you would never want to send your child there.

so, if the girl is agreeing to be a homemaker and leave her job, the guy should be happy that family comes first to her and be grateful that she's stepping down from her job to take care of the family. what i don't get is how some of you can complain that the wife isn't cooking top quality meals. like you gotta be kidding me, the girl is already sacrificing her job/career for her family, and all you can say is that her cooking "isn't top quality"? really now? at least shes learning how to be a homemaker.

I know many girls who didnt know how to do any house chores until they got married. Because their husband earned enough money, these girls can afford to be a homemaker amd decided that family comes first and they gave up their job/career and learned how to be a homemaker. the husbands were so happy and grateful to their wife. the cooking and other household chores weren't done topnotch because they were learning, but the husbands were grateful regardless.

I'm sorry but some of you men are so ungrateful. I feel sorry for your future wife who will give up her job/career for you and your family, and all you can do is complain about how her cooking "isn't top quality"


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soy.milk said:

As I said before, learning how to cook isn't even a big issue, and definitely cannot be compared to getting a decent a job. For a example, being an accountant, engineer, and other decent jobs requires a lot of schooling (at least a bachelors). Even if one starts his own business like Mannosuke said, it generally takes years and some experience for a business to do well. You can't just make good business without experience, knowledge, and time.

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Guest showoff

So women can demand their man to pay their way, but men can't demand anything from the woman in return?  We merely have to be "grateful" for what's given to us even though it's the man's career that allows the woman to lead the lifestyle she wants?  Wow.
EDIT:  The woman demands their man pays their way through life and in return the man gets an IOU and the ol' college try from the woman?  Doesn't seem very fair...

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Guest Hades1430292066

I've just skimmed this last page and to me it seems that a lot of people are looking at this far too 'by the book', if you will. Emotions and gratitude as well as your own sense of morals and beliefs aren't really being taken into consideration. For example I'm more than happy to treat my friends - both male and female ones - to coffee or meals and I don't expect a lot out of them, just that they remember I did it, treat me nicely because of it and to know that I can't always pay for them. The same goes for my guy friends with their girlfriends. Sure, sex is expected but it's expected in all relationships lol.
But moving onto marriage, an at home wife is still making a 'wage' but seeing as she isn't exactly demanding a salary from her husband, this tends to get unnoticed. Of course, the husband's money is still being used to pay the bills, mortgage, car services and gas etc. but if the wife wasn't there/not willing to pull her own weight, on top of that he would have to hire a cleaner, close to full time baby sitter, gardener, cook etc. Keep in mind that if you want top-notch work, you'd have to pay for more expensive services. Now I can't give exact figures but I can imagine that it'd work up quite a bill. So if the wife is there doing all that work, her 'fees' should be deducted from the husband's salary leaving how much he really earns, and then it should be judged on the final figure whether or not she should increase her performance. I remember coming across this stay-at-home mom calculator that very roughly gave you a figure on how much she would be earning if she did all those tasks and were paid, but I can't find it for the life of me.
I'm not saying that men shouldn't expect women to pull their own weight nor women expect their man to pay/do everything while she does nothing but rather both find a level they're happy with, and that can vary from couple to couple.

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