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[Official] JYJ Park Yoo Chun - 박유천 (Singer, Songwriter, and Actor) Thread

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class="posttitle"02December2013 [iNFO/PIC] JYJ’s Charity Auction with their Artworks from 2013 JYJ Membership Week 



Jaejoong’s hand plaster

jae hand

Yoochun’s hand plaster

chun hand

Junsu’s hand plaster

jun hand

Jaejoong’s plaster portrait

jae portrait

Yoochun’s plaster portrait

chun portrait

Junsu’s plaster portrait

jun portrait

Jaejoong’s pastel portrait

jae portrait1

Yoochun’s pastel portrait

chun portrait1

Junsu’s pastel portrait

jun portrait1

Jaejoong’s marbling

jae art

Yoochun’s marbling

chun art

Junsu’s marbling

jun art

JYJ table


JYJ3′s Note: C-Jes Store requires anyone auctioning to have JYJ membership and login to place their bet at the bottom of the page

Source: C-Jes Store
Shared by: JYJ3 + ParkYoochunSGFC

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class="posttitle"03December2013 [iNFO+PIC] Only6002 Report on fan support for “Sea Fog” (Part 1) 

Hi everyone! The weather is getting cold now, everyone should stay warm in this weather. In the northern countery where YuChun is diligently filming, the weather is much colder. The only thing we can do besides supporting him, is to continue supporting him…

In the Part 1 of “Sea Fog” fan support of Only6002, we prioritize on YuChun after few times of contacts and concerns on the difficulties of doing fan support on site. We have sent out clothes that can keep body warm and local Taiwanese products which are easy to consume during outing to convey our sincere hearts and greetings across the ocean. 

Details of “Sea Fog” fan support, Part 1

For YuChun:

1. RiverWoods — Thick hoodie


2. lecoq sportic — Hoodie/ Vest

1385993300-740820618_n3. lecoq sportic — Long pants


4.  Adidas — Vest


5.  Snacks — Taiwan popular local delicacies: dry meat, pineapple pastries, square cookies





For YuChun’s manager. Thanks to manager for taking care of YuChun

1. RiverWoods — Thick hoodie


2. Adidas — Hoodie


3. Snacks — Taiwan popular local delicacies: dry meat, square cookies


“Sea Fog” and “Three Days” are YuChun’s most important piece of works before entering military. The busy YuChun is competing against time. This little Only6002 can only give him full support and love. Only6002 has gradually grown along this one year. We are very thankful that more and more fans who love YuChun gather around here. It doesn’t matter which corner you have encounter YuChun, the beginning of each relationship is from that instant of touching moment. Let us protect that very first moment we fell for YuChun. One love, Only 6002.

Love, please love deeply~ There are too much of problems that we are not able to bear it for YuChun but we believe that YuChun who is very strong-willed, will manage to get through every ordeal. We also wish everyone healthy and happy.

Thank you everyone.

From Only6002


Source from Only6002 Fan Club

Picture credit as tagged

English translated & Shared by ParkYoochunSGFC

Note: Our translations are best-effort and based from original Chinese writings.  If any mistakes are found, it is unintentional.  Thank you for your understanding.

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class="entry-title"[video+TRANS] 131202 JYJ’s messages to Yuhwan’s 1st fanmeeting in Japan on BS11TV’s ‘Korean Love’


Junsu(1:38 to 2:14): ‘m JYJ’s Junsu. For this fanmeeting,Yoohwan had prepared a lot. If Yoohwan improves his Japanese, I’ll give him a lesson on oyaji gag…Everyone, do give him your support! To make him less nervous, support him your loud cheers! Please give him your support in the future too, okay? That’s all from me. Annyong~ byebye~

Yuchun(2:14 to 3:23): Annyong haseyo, I’m Park Yoochun. My younger brother Yoohwan is holding his first fanmeeting in Japan. At home, he’s basically a younger brother…of course he’s my younger brother but..I as a family has always been supporting him but, outside of the house, he’s working hard as an actor. As an older brother, I’m very happy to see his progress. I’m currently filming for Sea Fog and I haven’t seen him for a while. When I heard that he’ll be holding a fanmeeting in Japan, I’m very happy and I hope in the future, I hope he’ll be a good and actor. I don’t say this but in my heart, I always support him…so I hope you work hard from now onward too. I don’t know when I will see Yoohwan next, but do well for your activities in Japan and once I finished my movie filming, let’s eat together at home. Work hard! Fighting!

Jaejoong(3:23 to 4:22): Hi everyone! I’m Jaejoong~ Is everyone doing well? Are you having fun now? Today, Yoohwan-kun is holding a fanmeeting in Japan. I think you’re having a sweet time spending time with him.. Everyone have seen his drama right? In the drama, I heard that he plays that character of the top star among all the musicians..I think..I too want to play that type of character once..I’m jealous of you, Yoohwan-kun…are you working hard now? Today, I hope you’ll have an enjoyable and happy time~

Credit: stjejeje
Translated by: Helly(@hellyryther) of JYJ3
Shared by: JYJ3
Take with FULL credits please~

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@jyj3official: SBS's 'Three Days' has been postponed; reasons are still unknown http://t.co/N8RJyezG1B

@jyj3official: RT @rubypurple_fan: has been delayed indefinitely due to internal situation in SBS.Shooting was supposed to start Dec http://t.co/N8RJyezG1B

Update from Naver

@ohmyjunsu: Production company of 'Three Days' says airing has NOT been postponed, just that they're talking with SBS regarding broadcast rights.

Evolving news...stay tuned

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@chloe6002: "three days" production: articles on cancellation and postponement that we do not even know about, ridiculous.
@chloe6002: "the production side continues to make progress. in the process of contacting venues and getting ready for shooting, continuing as planned."

@JYJ3official: Update on 'Three Days' RT @chloe6002: "The production side continues to make progress. In the process of contacting venues and getting ready for shooting, continuing as planned."
news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=106&oid=213&aid=0000411709 …

Evolving news...will always support PYC


@chloe6002: we're not contradicting one another..the ARTICLES are contradicting one another..anyway, everything is more or less covered, to be fair..
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6Dec2013 News from Japan pertaining #ParkYuchun

1) Hallyu 10th anniversary special feature!! ‘Sungkyunkwan Scandal’ (director’s edition) ranked TOP 7th will be premiered in Japan TBS on 10Jan2014

2) ‘Rooftop Prince’ and ‘Missing You’ will be replayed in Hokkaido and Tokyo; 65K people from Japan Hallyu shopping sites had selected the most popular items: ‘Missing You’ ranked TOP for Drama and OST

Source: 可馨
Translated by @fourc_pyc

822739648.jpg?1384871306Pic as tagged

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class="posttitle" style="font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 500; text-align: start; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; outline: none; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; text-rendering: optimizelegibility;"06December2013 [FAN-ACCOUNT] Postscript of IAG Roadshow in Guangzhou: The crazy journey of chasing a celebrity of a imo fan (Part 2)by TSUBAKI60021 DAY AGO

Part 1 see here

On the morning of the 21st, we headed to Hilton Hotel for the press conference. I received a call from a imo to bring over the blue coloured flower decoration to Hilton Hotel. All the imo have been arranging the decoration flower by flower for few hours yesterday. In the hearts of these imo, YuChun is their beloved and they have never ending of love towards him. To let our darling know of the hardworks of imo, we have brought the flower decoration to the hotel along with us. Gui Hua unnie tried to negotiate with a security guard to allow us moving the decoration to the conference room on the second floor. Unexpectedly, only few steps onto second floor, a leader of the security guard team came and insist that we were not allowed to bring in that flower decoration. We have tried to put in good words to him but he glared and shouted at us. He chased us out. Our last solution was to put the decoration at the entrance, thinking that maybe some reporters might take a picture of it and show it to YuChun later. Not long after a security guard came to chase us away and warn us if we do not move out the flower decoration, they were going to confiscate it. We were so stunned that we move it away immediately. I called up the imo who instructed me to bring along the decoration and explained our situation. She asked us to shift the decoration to the gymnasium area at Micky Baidu’s stall. 

Sigh.. It was so frustrating! I was very angry. After sending the flower decoration to the gymnasium, I went back to the second floor of Hilton Hotel. A lot of fans were gathered around there and it was impossible for me to push my way in. I could only stand towards the direction of the three mascots. I have been standing for a long time. It was really tiring! YuChun has not appeared. Suddenly there was chaos and I heard someone fainted. I tried to push in to see if it was my friend but my place was already taken by other fans. I was not able to get in further anymore… I could only stand on my toes to look from behind. I heard some cheers on Park YuChun. I was so excited that I could not care less about other things and immediately took off my shoes and stood on the sofa. Unfortunately, I was not able to see darling at all. I felt so sad.

f078b6119313b07edafa23170ed7912396dd8cf7I am very grateful that I did not miss out a person that is so worth loving. I attended the performance during night time. Before going into the gymnasium, there were a lot of fans waiting outside. I was very excited and nervous. There was a long queue at the entrance of the gymnasium. It was so touching! In the long queue, there were various kinds of Mickey head and blue coloured light sticks! As a fan of my darling, I felt very proud! There were a lot of Chunsas who were wearing Mickey headband and Mickey light sticks came to have a photogrpah with the blue coloured Mickey flower decoration done by imo. My feelings upon seeing this was beyond words of description. 

f854b08f8c5494eec77a77062ff5e0fe98257edaWe were allowed to enter gymnasium. I searched for my seat which was at the BB area. I was a little uncomfortable seeing behind me was a sea of red colour. I went to JJ area which was the area where most of the imo were seated. I thought of finding an empty seat there but it was already full. I could only go back to BB area. I saw another imo who was sitting at the same area with me and felt at ease, thinking that at least there was one companion with me at that area. 

The show started but I had no feelings at all towards the earlier programs. At this time, me and the imo in BB area went to AA area, the area of group purchasing done by Mickey Baidu. I guessed that God has pitied us and there were 2 empty seats and we just sat there. Behind me was red colour again. I was extremely annoyed by this. Fans of JYJ only cheered for the other two members except for YuChun. Only Chunsas were cheering for YuChun. At this instant I jumped up suddenly, waving both of my hands, shouting my darling’s name at the top of my lungs. The JYJ fans behind looked at me shockingly because there was nobody as crazy as I was. Moreover, a imo who looked like a mad woman. At that time, there was only darling in my eyes. This imo came because of him. When YuChun appeared, I immediately stood on the chair. Chunsas sprinted towards the divider at the first row, cheering for him. After being pressured by the security guards, they went back to their seats and stood at the tip of their toes on their chairs. Listening to the loud screams and shouts of Chunsas, I have lost all my energy. My voice has become hoarse. I just stared at my darling’s face for as long as it takes. 

His small motions, him biting his lips, him looking down, him smiling, him laughing… All these I had recorded down with my own eyes. I was going crazy. I gave up eventually. Maybe because I am too plump, I fell off few times from the chair. I did not care about standing up already. Just listening to his attractive voice, I felt like fainting already. His voice was very comfortable. Seeing darling’s charming dance steps on the stage made me could not help but to dance along with him standing on the chair along with the music. My darling was too handsome! I had lived for 40 years but everything I did today was my first. I could not imagine how crazy I am but I could not care much about my own image already.  

I was satisfied seeing darling secretly glancing over the blue coloured fan support area, smiling so contentedly because he knew that those wearing Mickey headbands and holding blue coloured light sticks were his people. The blue ocean that belonged to him. My darling! Imo like you the most when you were concentrating while singing. I like you when you were dancing coolly. I like you when you show your satisfied face upon hearing Chunsas calling you out loudly. I like you when you feel awkward about the questions asked by others. I totally like everything about you! Regarding your performance and others, I do not want to state it in details.

969cf9faaf51f3dea95de87b96eef01f3b29794fc5919916fdfaaf51ef0cd0a08e5494eef11f7a4fThe performance ended very soon but Park YuChun these three words left deep impressions in my mind. I guessed all Chunsas who attended were touched by his determination, conquered by his attitude. All the hardships he faced all along have proven that, Park YuChun is never a saint nor a perfect man. He is also a normal person, having the lowest point of his life but he is different from others because he was able to stand up again against the odds he encountered and becoming stronger and better. After so many years, facing so many things, it is not easy to maintain his original purpose in life. This, is also one of the reasons he stands out from others. Many people will start to compromise with the reality more easily I guess? He has changes of course. He has matured and become more aggressive but his sincerity and pureness in heart since the start has never changed an inch. 

f670ab51f3deb48f9286f0c1f21f3a292cf5784f23b21b30e924b899088d27276c061d950b7bf682I was at the front row. I could see every action of him. I did not take any videos or photos because I knew other Chunsas would do it. I only wanted to support you properly. Looking at everyone holding their fan supports, I was really touched. Seeing YuChun’s astonishment, surprised or touched expressions, all these was marked down in my heart. 

Actually the world of Chunsa is very simple. In this world, they are loving the same person, having the same feelings for him. If not because of them, I will never know how outstanding the person I nearly missed out is. If not because of them, I will never know this boy is as beautiful as an angel. If not because of them, I will never know he is worth protecting. Because of them, I realized there could be a special relationship exists between artist and fans. Also because of them, I want to be a Chunsa forever. 

3870868ba61ea8d3c9882f1b950a304e241f5894He is not the only artist with a handsome face. He is not the only actor with good acting skills. He is not the only singer who sings well. He is not the only one who dance coolly but unexpectedly I fell for him. Because of him, I have joined weibo, Facebook and everyday sign in into Micky Baidu. All these only for him. His honesty, elegance, confidence, humbleness; his obedience, consideration, cuteness; his diligence and his sweats all make people feel touched! #Park YuChun#


Source from 工123310@MickyBaidu

Picture credit as tagged

English translated & Shared by ParkYoochunSGFC

Note: Our translations are best-effort and based from original Chinese writings.  If any mistakes are found, it is unintentional.  Thank you for your understanding.

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class="entry-title" style="margin: 0px 0px 20px;"[NEWS] 131208 SBS drama ‘Three Days’ has been confirmed to be aired in FebruaryDecember 8, 2013 · rilanna


According to related broadcaster, the original plan was to schedule “Three Days” after SBS drama “My Lover From the Stars”. Due to the differences in opinion between the broadcaster and production house, resulted in the stall of preparation and postponement. Both parties have reached a consensus, after the active negotiation. “Three Days” will be expected to have its first filming in December and will be aired in February.

Source: 暖日呀呀Translated by: @fourc_pycShared by: JYJ3
Updated by Rilanna of JYJ3

For the TV station and production department beforehand to have differences is a normal thing in confirming to broadcast, but while in the middle of negotiations it came out as alarming news; apparently it was when the director and the companies of every actors’ incomes join in the course of events, the information flowing out as well as the news ever-changing.

“Three Days” will start filming within the middle ten days of this month.

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class="posttitle" style="text-align: start; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; outline: none; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; text-rendering: optimizelegibility; font-weight: 500;"10December2013 [OTHERS] Postscript of an extra of “Sea Fog”by TSUBAKI600231 MINS AGO

“I’ve returned after completing the one week shooting. There was only one day off during that one week but that day was used for test shooting(rehearsal) too. The first and second day were mostly on group shooting. On the thrid day, the leading actors started to arrive at the filming site. I saw some fans who came to see Park YuChun. The shooting lasted from late night until early in the morning. The last day of shooting was on the ship. Six of the staffs were injured. The injuries of three of the staffs were more severed… Shooting at a place where there is no internet was indeed a bit suffering.”

671f4973gw1ebee7kkiu2j20l607z754671f4973gw1ebee89auylj20sg0loac7This picture was uploaded by actor Moon Sung Geun on Twitter. The person in the picture are managers of some of the actors who has been swaying on the boat for five days. 

Credit: Naver

Chinese translation by: 暖日呀呀 @weibo

English translated & Shared by ParkYoochunSGFC

Note: Our translations are best-effort and based from original Chinese writings.  If any mistakes are found, it is unintentional.  Thank you for your understanding.

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Ahhhh...which one is Yoochunie? Zoom and search;) class="posttitle" style="text-align: start; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; outline: none; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; text-rendering: optimizelegibility; font-weight: 500;"
class="entry-title" style="margin: 0px 0px 20px;"[OTHER TWITTER] 131211 Moon Sung Geun Twitter Update from the set of ‘Sea Fog’December 10, 2013 · rilanna

Moon Sung Geun will be playing the father-figure role to Dongshik (Yuchun’s character) in ‘Sea Fog’131211actormoon.png

[TRANS] Revealing quick surprise for the movie ‘Sea Fog’-3.“The wind is blowing a lot here, [for] actor Kim Yoon-seok, Kim Sang-ho, Yoon Je-moon, Yu Seung-mok, Lee Hee-joon, Park Yuchun. Han Ye-ri isn’t [here]. Moon Sung-geun is taking the photo”


+++ clearer photo +++


Source: @actormoonAdditional pic credit: @onlyurJulietTranslated by: rilanna of JYJ3Shared by: JYJ3

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