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(OFFICIAL) Micheoseo Couple T♥G Taecyeon ♥ Gui Gui; Global Couple Thread !! TaecGui ♥ YeonJie Part 1


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chinly Lin said:

@JenJ   Here is a higher resolution one.  It should be more clear for reading.

@angelangie  my original file is saved in pdf so it's more clear.  I'm e-mailing it to you so that you can add it to your scrap book if you want.  ^^

Also, those that want to read on the other couple's article, let me know.  It's on the other page.


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Guest Jenny Johnson

chinly Lin said:

shiirlaaay said:

chinly Lin said:

@JenJ   Here is a higher resolution one.  It should be more clear for reading.

@angelangie  my original file is saved in pdf so it's more clear.  I'm e-mailing it to you so that you can add it to your scrap book if you want.  ^^

Also, those that want to read on the other couple's article, let me know.  It's on the other page.

  DAMN it's in traditional Chinese. I would of translated it now if it was in simplified... It's alright. I'm sure we can all wait for the translation :)

Oh my.....just finished reading the article and ...I'm not sure that everyone will be happy about it....

This is too hard for me to translate....it will have to wait for @JenJ later today  >

Lol okok will do it when I reach home! Actually I'm interested to see hongmina star compatibility too haaha

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BO! Guigui's 'monthly' is late 3 months :-O1d4c77c2d56285356e0ed9ec91ef76c6a6ef6329
Summary of the article is "ever since Guigui started filming that ancient drama, and getting heaps of pressure. Everyday she is wearing heavy ancient clothes and the temperature is at average 40 degrees. She has heatstroke for quite some time."
She must really be stressed OR unless... she really is... no no no can't be since three months she should have the little bump. Guigui hopefully you can rest and look after yourself once all the filming is done!
cr. as tagged

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shiirlaaay said: BO! Guigui's 'monthly' is late 3 months :-O
Summary of the article is "ever since Guigui started filming that ancient drama, and getting heaps of pressure. Everyday she is wearing heavy ancient clothes and the temperature is at average 40 degrees. She has heatstroke for quite some time."
She must really be stressed OR unless... she really is... no no no can't be since three months she should have the little bump. Guigui hopefully you can rest and look after yourself once all the filming is done!
cr. as tagged

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Guest leechalee

Annyeonghaseyo family.. I have a question.. can somebody please try clarify what Taec meant when he said "Maybe when we're starting off our harmonies didnt really match but as time goes by we fixed these things and maybe you know act as one.... maybe fixing these harmonies was the problem... in a very long lasting relationship" I understood him but everything after "and.." I'm like HUH? Wait.. a very long lasting relationship? Is he still referring to them or was he just saying in general? Confused... Edit: mianhe its more of a favour than it is a question

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akasia said:

bouquet78 said:

@Charliew, how confusing is the subway?please elaborate further....I am planning to take subway to HongDae from CityHall....hi @bouquet78

i am not @charliew ..hahaha...but if u want to go to Hongdae from City hall, stop at Hongik uni station...or sometimes,i would transfer from station after hongik,i dont remember the station name...its hapjae something...and then take another line to sansu.

subway in korea has many lines,but not that confusing as there are maps of routes everywhere at station and every transfer station stated clearly. 

@bouquet78  not @charliew either ^^  but I got around fine.  Didn't get lost of anything.  I even took the bus a couple of times.  Make sure that you got maps in both Korean and English so that if you need to ask for directions, you'll be able to point it in Korean and save you some time.

@chinly lin,wish me good luck then..... ;)

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angelangie said:yes i finish reading it too....not sure what to perceived about it either...though if they did develop it into love it seems that it not the normal relationship they would have and also the writers seems to look at it and sharing and comparing their compatibility they are the siblings types of relationship.....i dunno kill me....if they are honestly siblings....it going to be real hard for another person to partner up with them without being jealous of the sister / brother 
the bond they share is honestly not of some normal relationship.....Taec was right there thru out and he pamper her endlessly despite the facts that some of Gui Gui request did get a lil over the lines lols but still he pamper her....and i'm pretty sure my own brother will not be bother about that at all....
one thing im sure though these stars compatibility cannot be trusted 100% but we can trust it 50 50 i say hehehee.....but oh well lets us move ahead shall we ?? :D

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Guest leechalee

leechalee said:

Annyeonghaseyo family.. I have a question.. can somebody please try clarify what Taec meant when he said "Maybe when we're starting off our harmonies didnt really match but as time goes by we fixed these things and maybe you know act as one.... maybe fixing these harmonies was the problem... in a very long lasting relationship" I understood him but everything after "and.." I'm like HUH? Wait.. a very long lasting relationship? Is he still referring to them or was he just saying in general? Confused...

Edit: mianhe its more of a favour than it is a question


very easy lols but this is my stand point and my insights....there are times...their ways and their thoughts are very differ from one another ....but there are also times they act and in-coordination between the two of them....maybe that what he meant :)

Gomawo @angelangie...I understand and agree with you but still... "and maybe fixing these harmonies was the problem.. in a very long lasting relationship"... hes trying to say.... what? Lol mianhe excuse me if I still sound clueless :))

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My comments are in blue. I'm leaving on a trip again so if you don't hear from me, it isn't because I just went off the deep end. :)  

@yokalana @129alphabet @packmule3 -- thanks for your replies.. I was trying to figure out why it felt open ended to me and I re-watched the last episode again. and I kind of figured why I had the feeling that one was more closed while the other was more open. it is combination of several factors that may or may not have been done on purpose. let me explain... [note: this is my opinion.. so if any lurkers/fans of the other couple still here, don't read!]

>Totally agree! Anti-lurkers, these are “our” discussions. Feel free to discuss your fashion accessories, nails, clothes, hair, tattoos, 1001 pairs of shoes, stylists, beauty contest, and what-have-you in your neck of the woods. :)

>I’ll try to provide my answers as clearly and simply as possible, because I don’t want anybody here to go into a tailspin of depression. Just understand that I don’t have a Phd or a JD in Taecgui.  lol

>This is my position: The TG show is a stand-alone. Like Jane Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice, the story-weaving is done. There are no major standing issues left unresolved by the final episode. BUT if somebody comes along and writes a sequel or a follow-up, there are many threads that you can unravel from the original tapestry and start re-working into a new embroidery. Like, if the scriptwriters plan to invite GG’s friends over and interact with TY, yeah, that’ll make a good episode for season 2.  Or if Taegui were tasked to be parents for a day to 3-year-old twins, that would make an interesting storyline, too. In that sense, TG is open-ended…because there’s always something new to discover with this couple.


putting aside my delusional heart, the combination of factors here are the couples themselves, their words, the editing and captioning of the episodes..

== HongKi when he reads out the last letter to Mina, he used the words "I wish the best for you" -- I have moved around a lot and so have said a lot of farewells. for me, these words were very definitive because we wish someone the best when it is unlikely that we are not going to run into them again. there's a kind of finality in that phrase.

>Agree. There’s a finality to their event which is corroborated by their after-GWGM statements. I must give Mina full credit for her honesty. When asked by reporters whether she and ex-husband had contact after the show, she openly admitted none; she could've waffled, you know. Hongki too was reportedly feeling burdened by the scrutiny on his love life, and he'd asked people to focus more on his artistic & musical endeavors. In contrast, Guigui has never denied that she keeps up with his whereabouts, i.e., his drama or group promos and Taec never shooed away his Taecgui fans.  

That’s why when this news article popped up:


We Got Married: Global Edition which airs on MBC Everyone is creating a stir overseas including China and Thailand. Taecyeon, a member of 2PM and Gui Gui (Wu Ying Jie), a Taiwanese actress and singer appear as a virtual couple portraying the life of newlyweds along with Lee Hong-ki, a member of FT Island and Fujii Mina, a Japanese actress. Thanks to their popularity, they are expected to join We Got Married on MBC from the new season later this year.


I found myself reassessing. The article asserts that both of them were returning. Not one, but both. So either:

1. We’re wrong about the finality of HM and the article is right that 2 couples are returning for Season2 or

2. We’re right about the finality of HM and the article is wrong that 2 couples are returning for Season2


If we want to be right that HM is caput, then the article must be wrong. Two couples aren’t coming back.  It’s EITHER just 1 couple, Taecgui, who’ll return, OR zero 0 couple is returning.  See that? We cannot hold onto our assertion about HM’s finality and at the same time, believe the article. They cancel each other out.  To be frank, though, unless they cite their "well-placed" (ha!) source inside MBC, I'm inclined to believe them. 

== whereas with Taec and GuiGui, they talk about their feelings, "was I a good husband/wife?" and thank each other for their efforts, events. but there's no "wish you the best" or "take care" kind of farewell speech at all. considering that both of them live in different countries, it would be more natural to say something like that. instead, the scene ends with her saying "you will remember me after?" and he firmly says "ofcourse"...


>Again, true.  But you’re forgetting what he said in the BTS #1, @ 5:48.  According to the translation, he said:


Because I had to see Emma cry so much, I have a lot of mixed emotions right now. For me, really…I really wanted to say goodbye with a smile. I think that’s the kind of farewell that shows the most care for each other. When a couple breaks up, I think it’s right that they should look at each other in the eyes…Rather than breaking up with tears, isn’t it courtesy to say goodbye with a smile?

It’s clear from this statement that he WAS fully aware that they were filming a break-up scene and that this episode was their last. He didn’t SAY “I wish you the best,” “take care,” or the usual farewells, because he was planning on SHOWING his farewell. Remember? This is Taecyeon we’re talking about here. He’s a doer, not a talker.  

That’s why I say this show’s not a cliffhanger. They’ve said their goodbyes…perhaps not as decisive as we would have envisioned their goodbyes to be, but they did.  Why wasn’t it more explicit? First, because it wasn’t in Taec’s nature to knock her down when she was already weeping. Second, because Guigui was crying the whole time. She was almost inconsolable for most of the filming, and if she wasn’t crying, then her tears were just below the surface. To give her the direct push-off would have been…heartless, don’t you think? The goodbye had to be couched in a more pacifying and comforting manner.  And third, because it’s the scriptwriter and producer’s intent.  They blurred the lines between separating and staying, perhaps -- I can't be sure -- so the show would end on a relatively “high note” considering everybody’s downcast moods. They, too, were affected by this finale. 

But wait! don’t break your hearts yet… Even though Taecgui said their goodbyes, I believe they said goodbye to their on-camera relationship. That’s a biiiig assertion and I don’t make this lightly.

You see, Taecyeon understood this break-up as a matter of convenience.  Didn’t he say so in an earlier BTS? [Was it in Ep 14  BTS? @angelangie?] He said that they were breaking up [on TV] because their contracts, schedule, time or whatever demanded that they’d break up. I think, he meant that this contractual and made-for-tv marriage -- this imaginary husband-and-wife relationship -- was breaking up. Note: what he didn’t say, however, was that he was breaking off all ties, friendship, contact with Guigui. He even used the word “divorce” to refer to this break-up. Sure, I thought, good ahead! He could divorce a virtual marriage [why not? It wasn’t legally binding anyway] but he would have to END or QUIT a relationship [and these, he didn’t say at all].

The important thing to note in this interview was that he wanted a goodbye that showed the “MOST CARE FOR EACH OTHER.”  If you’re parting as strangers or as work colleagues, showing the “most care for each other” makes absolutely NO sense whatsoever. What is he? A saint that he’ll go out of his way to prepare an event for a “nobody” in his life or his own “peer”? Nope, that ain’t done. Seriously. 

I believe what he meant to say was that the amount of care and attention you put in your goodbyes is COMMENSURATE to the person you’re saying farewell to. Meaning: the closer you are to that person, the more thought and effort you’ll put in your goodbyes. [And look at the send-off at the train station.]  In Taec’s POV, he wanted to look her straight in the eye and give her all the encouragement, best wishes, and support, etc, that he could muster up so they both wouldn’t walk away feeling depressed and more burdened that they already were. That’s the CARE he was talking about. They have to support each other through this divorce.  

And here’s what he meant by having the courtesy to leave with a smile.  He meant: In order to accord the proper respect to their relationship, or to honor what they’ve shared together, or to value what they’ve been to each other, they MUST leave each other with a smile. Instead of tears, the smiles are a way to say thank you for the good times they’ve had together.  And I understand this. It's what I taught my children when they were young and had to face a competition. Win or lose, they must shake hands with their opponent to show that they appreciate the effort put into the fight. If they could do that simple gesture to their "enemy," what more is required of "spouses"?  

So, what does this viewpoint tell me about him?  That he truly regarded themselves as a COUPLE during the GWGM. Not merely TV colleagues or co-stars, but, as a couple. They must necessarily break up. But they’ll support each other, even through this sad parting, because they ARE a couple. 

Now, whether he sees them as a couple after the show...uhmm...let me see your spectacles. I'm wearing pink. How about you?


== the editing -- what do I mean by that? the interview of the two couples; right after their farewell, HongKi and Mina have an interview where she says he is unforgettable and he wonders whether he will run into someone as nice as her again.. interestingly enough, we are not shown an interview of Taec and GuiGui having such a bittersweet kind of interview where basically they are saying, well that's nice but it is over, right after their farewell.

== the other editing bit -- Hongki and Mina say bye bye and wave to viewers immediately after their event; whereas TaecGui take a picture and the scene ends. TaecGui also did a bye bye to the viewers but it was in the BTS and filmed much later.. because they do a bye right after the event, it feels more closed...

== the captioning is really telling -- I am not sure if the production crew did this on purpose or if this was accidental but it really creates a open kind of ending for TaecGui and a more closed one for the other couple..

right after HongKi reads the letter, the caption reads: thank you for everything. now goodbye.

after they remove the rings and exchange necklaces, the caption reads: "let's put each other in our hearts and remember forever"

picture of rings in the box and the caption reads: "like the magic that gets off from Cinderella everything goes back to normal. virtual marriage is over"

>The editing? I won’t comment about the editing for HM, in terms of captioning or splicing a segment, because it’s stylistic. The editing is a factor of the producer’s taste and preference, and his choice of narrative to tell. Also, time. If they didn’t have time to clean up their storyboard, then it looked haphazard. But this was hardly HM’s fault and it would be unfair of me to judge HM’s relationship through a “secondary” prism, the producer.  Plus, I don’t know enough of HM’s scriptwriter or director to judge what hi/her intentions were.  I wasn’t following them throughout.

Take for instance, the BRI that you mentioned. It's possible that HM did the BRI interviews because they ran out time for more on-location shoots. [Or, because they were just that boring. lol.] If we compare the two events, they had too many things going on in Taecgui’s event that Taecgui could have filled up 48 minutes just by themselves. An extra BRI was unnecessary when everything was explanatory. What could they possibly add in the BRI that wasn’t obvious during the crying scene?

PD: Emma, why were crying?    GG: [Hiccup. Hiccup.] Because I’m going to miss you!! [bawling]

Plus, she wasn't in a position to give deep insights to her feelings that day; it's like having post-traumatic stress disorder, she wouldn't be reliable.  

So, I give the producer, director, and scriptwriters of both HM and TG much leeway in the choice of “packaging” they see fit for their couple, especially in the final episode.  They had to tie up everything with a pretty bow for the audience. 


now compare this to TaecGui:


as she gets off the train and sees all the pictures, caption reads: "last gift of memories"

"emma's beautiful moments in taec's memories"

then, the last picture: "leaving the last moment on an empty canvas. last memories with bright smile. virtual marriage is over"

so the phrase, "let's put each other in our hearts and remember forever" sounds like a split up to me, like the words from from a breakup/farewell card.. whereas, for TaecGui, it says "emma's beautiful moments in taec's memories" -- it is an interesting choice of words. instead of saying something they will always remember each other, it instead says that her beautiful moments are in his memories. it is more poetic and while it can be closed, it can also be open. there is a kind of ambiguity to those choice of words...

> Yes. Good point.  I was going to discuss in my review of Ep 10 – if I ever get to it lol – this whole memory thing.  You must have realized by now that it WAS Taec who was intent on building these memories.  Look at the way he was always taking selcas of themselves. Even when they were discussing their wedding photos, Taec’s responses were more “personal” than Guigui’s. Check it. It was about what HE did [i did the smoke!], not a generalized perception [Romantic!]. At first, I thought it had something to do with the level of English. But no. I believe Taec had more connection…or was more invested personally, in these events than Guigui. The wedding photoshoot left an indelible impression on him.  But stop! I don’t want to get into this “who likes whom more” debate right. For now, let’s just say that I think he was more “pre-disposed” to fall in love, given the over-exposed work environment that he had.

The French philosophers have this whole theory about the psychology of memory and it’s interesting vis-à-vis Taec’s character. But do you mind if I discuss this some other time? I’m getting tired. Or my two fingers, to be precise, are getting tired. They couldn’t catch up with my thoughts so I’m getting more and more typos. And I still have a few more comment to make. 


then the whole reference to cinderella and the ending image of the rings -- first, whenever we use the term cinderella, the general inference is that we can't go back and it was fleeting moment. the caption even reads, "everything goes back to normal" -- that is so telling. by using the rings in the box as a closing image, it really feels like they have closed the chapter on that couple.


with TaecGui, they use the words "last picture, last memories" but strangely it still feels open to me, maybe because of them using the words "empty canvas" because it makes me feel like there is room on the canvas for things to go in different direction if they want to. also, by closing TaecGui with a picture, it feels open because in lot of romantic movies, it ends with a picture of the two of them smiling. if they had waved goodbye, it would feel more closed but instead, we have a picture..

> Again, this reflects more the scriptwriter’s intent, rather than what’s uniquely Taecgui’s goal. I’ve always thought that scriptwriter/producer had the most noticeable “manipulation ” of events in the final episode. I think I mentioned this before. The reactions were STILL TaecGui’s, of course, but if the scriptwriter were in a courtroom, any opposing counsel would have objected and said, “Leading the witness, Your Honor.”

For instance, you really couldn’t plan out a train trip overnight, you know. Logistically? It would’ve been a nightmare. So, I think even when TY suggested it, that event was already planned out. What they probably didn’t plan for was the rain, but it added to the ambiance, don’t you think? Weeping girl, weeping heavens.

As for the pictures? Those would have been ordered well in advance.  And the question, “What kind of husband was I?” was mostly likely prompted by the scriptwriter, too.  And when Taec took the earlier train? It was assumed by many that GG was so malleable that she’d do whatever Taec said. Uh, no. Logistically, it wasn’t feasible, too. The train tickets for Taec’s entourage had to be bought ahead of time. Plus, the camera gears had to be loaded onto that train. That wasn’t something they could leave up to chance. What if she opted to go on the earlier train? lol. The cleanest solution here was to tell her beforehand that Taec had a previous appointment and that he HAD to leave early. She wouldn’t question that and her mind was too distraught to think it through. Logically, anyway. So, when Taec asked her if she wanted him to go first, he was leading her. And GG wasn’t a good liar.  

so really that impression boils down to how it was edited -- as I said earlier, not sure if this was purposely done or just the way the cut it.. I don't know if any of this makes any sense.. but hopefully it was coiherent of sorts. now time for me to go to sleep..

>Yes, SOME of our impression are due in part to the “narrative” the scriptwriter, producer and director want to tell.  That’s why it’s important to read beyond the captions or to scrutinize the way they break the scenes or to be skeptical of the reasons presented. I tend to rely more on the interaction between Taecgui.  When the crewmen laugh, that’s when I know they're caught off-guard, too, like us.  Or when Taec sneaks a peak off-center, after Guigui does something outrageous, like he’s looking to see if the director'll say “NG!” I know then, that Taecgui have gone off-script again. 

But we have to give credit where credit is due.  Overall the crew did an excellent job. They kept it tight. They entertained us.  And they weren’t as intrusive as past WGM.  But they also had a good cast to begin with. Taec and Guigui interacted well and that make their job a lot easier.

I really don’t like these behind the scenes analysis because it feels like navel-gazing. But it’s good to know why we believe in what we believe and back it up with proofs other than just feelings or “group-thinking.”  

My turn now to go to sleep. Will post this online now. 

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Guest leechalee

leechalee said:

angelangie wrote: »

leechalee said:

Annyeonghaseyo family.. I have a question.. can somebody please try clarify what Taec meant when he said "Maybe when we're starting off our harmonies didnt really match but as time goes by we fixed these things and maybe you know act as one.... maybe fixing these harmonies was the problem... in a very long lasting relationship" I understood him but everything after "and.." I'm like HUH? Wait.. a very long lasting relationship? Is he still referring to them or was he just saying in general? Confused...

Edit: mianhe its more of a favour than it is a question


very easy lols but this is my stand point and my insights....there are times...their ways and their thoughts are very differ from one another ....but there are also times they act and in-coordination between the two of them....maybe that what he meant

Gomawo @angelangie...I understand and agree with you but still... "and maybe fixing these harmonies was the problem.. in a very long lasting relationship"... hes trying to say.... what? Lol mianhe excuse me if I still sound clueless


while they are different....and they dont sync from times to times.....you can actually see they are more in sync with each other.....so they need to find a common ground....which Gui Gui did mention before too in the beginning where she believe sooner or later they can find the common ground so that they can communicate with each other.....so when taec mention fixing the harmonies to me at least im not sure about you, is finding this common ground in their each other life so they can work together to make the relationship last :)

which is why Taec mention before 'She will not fit into my lifestyles and I will not fit into her lifestyles .... before...but slowly we are molding into...a couple' during his BIR in Jejduo

Ohhh!! If I could hit awesome twice I would ^^ gomawo @angelangie... I read your post twice.. I did understand what he said exactly how you explained it... I guess in my delulu mind I was thinking there was more too it hahahaha you kinda burst my bubble there :)) :)) oh jjinja! Haha.. since ive been watching GWGM again looks like I've got a few pages of back reading to do :).. wait maybe after I watch all the BTS again :))

**@angelangie you should totally apply to be a moderator unnie.. your awesomeness is always keeping our ship alive... fighting! ^^**

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Guest aucourant

I've lost my mind guys. I started writing a fanfic a few weeks ago and it got so sad so quick. :( this is an excerpt from the piece and with the lack of any good taecgui news the story keeps getting more and more depressing. Somebody help me turn this around. *cries* michoso michoso http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/544848

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