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[Drama 2013] Goddess of Marriage 결혼의 여신

Guest jobogae

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I'm just waiting for the moment TW realizes he has lost JH. I think what's going to break the camel's back will be when TJ goes under and FIL is taken down. TW will be embarassed and called a shame for what his family has done...apparently this is a norm in Korea! :D I have great expectations for his downfall.

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@SexyDolceVita I think SK will place the picture back inside the book and pretend nothing happened. She'll stay and go through the death anniversary to show her respect. SK will excuse herself early and head home unsettled...her curiosity and jealousy will get the better of her and she will start investigating. She will eventually know the truth but will never give up on HW. I believe we will see another side of SK that we will hate. There is nothing like a woman's scorn and given that SK has loved HW for 10 years...I wouldn't be surprised if she plays dirty. This will add spice to the story and more angst for HW & JH.

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It may be that JH has some complications from the stress and no period for 6 months.  Or maybe bleeding ulcer.  She hasn't been ovulating, so she couldn't be pregnant.  When her sister asked her if she was going to get her period, she said she would be thankful.  So highly doubtful on the pregnancy end.  I'm glad to see HJ asking for a divorce.  Although she left it a little late.  This epiphany she's had now that she's seen the result of SH love for her.  Not her fault though, it was his choice to jump.  There's better ways to handle a break up so for that she has responsibility.  
TW is desperate to hang on to JH.  Funny that he uses the same tactics his parents employ in dealing with wayward daughters-in-law and employees.  Verbal, physical and emotional abuse.  When push comes to shove, you are your environnment and resulting learned behavior.  
HW is a coward.  He just lets his circumstances dictate his actions.  The only time he was proactive was in his pursuit of JH.  He looked so happy in that picture with her.  SK is too immature for him.  She just goes along with whatever he wants and doesn't challenge him.  Her mother would definitely be the third wheel in that marriage.  
This drama is an interesting study of this group of people's ideas or ideals of what marriage is and what value it has in bringing them happiness.  

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I seriously can't believe TW. Obviously he is oblivious to JH's facial expressions and feelings. Did he not see how happy she was when her friend was over? And did he not observe how dead she looks after the MIL threw her things onto the floor? If I were JH, I'd tell him you can go jump off a high rise building yourself for all I care but if I want to die I want to die alone.
OMG he's totally nuts.

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What is SK going to do after discovering Sin Young Group's third daughter in law, Song Ji Hye, is the woman HW has been pining for?

1) SK places the photo back into the book and places the book back in its original place before HW comes into the room.

SK makes an excuse to go home earlier than expected.

She cries in her room alone as she thinks HW has not forgotten about JH.

SK's mom finds SK crying in her room.

She asks SK what is wrong?

SK cries in her mother's arms...but she hasn't told her mom what happened earlier.

2) HW goes into his room and sees SK looking at the photo of him and JH.

He grabs the photo from SK and asks her angrily why is she going through his things.

SK looks at HW as she is feeling the pain in her heart.

She asks HW...so she is the one you were pining for a year ago?

HW looks away, embarrassed and angry at the same time...

He says...what does it matter now? He is engaged to her now and JH is already married.

SK's eyes are filled with tears, she runs out of HW's room and leaves his house in a huff.

HW tries to compose himself...

He runs out and chases after SK.

HW's mom is puzzled as to what had happened that causes SK to run away.

3) SK places the photo back in its original place.

She pretends everything is normal and goes through the death anniversary ceremony with HW and his mom.

After she returns home, she can't get the image of the photo of HW and JH out of her mind.

She can't sleep...as she cries on her bed.

Then next morning, at her bridal shop, she is surfing the net.

She googles about Song Ji Hye and reads the news about her.

She starts to realise Song Ji Hye is truly the woman fit for HW but SK is not going to back down even though she knows JH is already married.

SK still feels that JH is a threat because HW may still cancel their wedding and engagement because of his love for JH.

She decides to get to know JH in order to know her enemy better.

4) SK goes home in a huff and tells her mom about HW still having a woman in his heart.

SK's mom asks who is it.

SK finally blurts out the woman is none other than the third daughter in law of Sin Young Group.

SK's mom is shocked, and she tries to scheme against JH, to make HW forget about JH.

5) SK wants to bring forward the wedding within a month because she is afraid of losing HW.

6) SK cancels the engagement with HW and the wedding.

She tells HW she cannot be with a man who still loves another woman.

She tells HW not to lie to himself any longer, he still cannot let go of JH, isn't it?

HW is speechless.

He agrees to the cancellation nevertheless, since his mom does not support him to marry SK anyways.

He re-examines his love for JH, why he still can't let JH go?

7) SK pretends nothing has happened and goes on to marry HW, knowing fully JH has taken his heart and soul forever. All that SK has is HW's body, and an empty heart.

What do you guys think?

What other reactions you think SK would have?

Please share your thoughts!

Is it reap ep25 or you think?

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Guest SexyDolceVita


A new actress, Park Tam Hee, has joined the cast of GoM.

Due to the extension of GoM by four episodes, the storylines have been altered to have more twists and turns.

A new female character has been added to the remaining episodes of GoM.

If im not wrong, her character will be deeply involved with Hong Hye Jung's story line, meaning this female character might be related to Kang TaeJin?



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I just finished watching episode 24 (sorry I am always the last to watch this show) and I have just one comment to say "is TW insane"????  :-O  When JH asked to be let go and want out of this marriage, TW went really ballistic!!  Instead of saying something comforting and reassuring her, he keep grabbing her arm.  I want to go and slap that silly face.  When JH came home the following day, again he screams at her.  Man, I just wanted to go and hit him in the head with a sledge hammer.  Dude, your wife just left to think things over and you have the ball to scream at her when she came home.  And on top of this he tells her to make excuses to his mother.  That's when I lost it, I went to my chair and gave it a rough kick!!!  I have to tell you, this writer is not a woman but a man who wrote this crap!!! 


As for HW, I am so disappointed in him.  He went ahead and had that engagement party after his mom told him not to because she didn't care for SK family.  He is so uncertain as to what to do.  I just want to grab @bluedora, @gemmie, and all who have been following this drama to fly with me to Korea and give him a hit on the head and tell him "snap out of this"!!  Geez. 

I am so looking forward to episode 25 because we will now see how the Kang family will be brought out in the spot light by DIL.  I will be rooting for her. 

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@kaciemom - I will follow you to Korea, but NOT to hit HW! [-X I will go there to be cupid for him and JH. O:-) Unless HW marries SK (I'll be damned X( ), I haven't lose faith in him. Until then, please don't hurt him. [-O<

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Written Preview

EP 25

현우와 지혜의 사진을 보게 된 세경의 마음은 복잡하고 현우는 라디오에서 지혜의 글이 나오지 않자 걱정스런 마음에 지혜에게 문자를 보낸다. 한편 혜정은 아이들을 데리고 만호의 집을 떠나는데..


EP 26

태진은 만호의 명령으로 혜정을 설득해 집으로 데려오려고 하지만 혜정은 태진을 상대로 거액의 이혼소송을 낸다. 한편 태욱은 현우가 지혜에게 보낸 문자를 보게 되는데..

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Guest SexyDolceVita

Text Previews

(based on Google Translate and my speculated interpretations)

Please dont slam me if they are incorrect....!

EP 25

현우와 지혜의 사진을 보게 된 세경의 마음은 복잡하고 현우는 라디오에서 지혜의 글이 나오지 않자 걱정스런 마음에 지혜에게 문자를 보낸다. 한편 혜정은 아이들을 데리고 만호의 집을 떠나는데...

After discovering HW and JH's photo in HW's room, SK's heart is in a complicated state. HW notices JH has not been writing the scripts for the late night radio programme, he becomes worried about what has happened to JH, so he sends a msg to JH's cell phone.

Meanwhile, HJ leaves Kang family's cold castle with her two daughters...

EP 26

태진은 만호의 명령으로 혜정을 설득해 집으로 데려오려고 하지만 혜정은 태진을 상대로 거액의 이혼소송을 낸다. 한편 태욱은 현우가 지혜에게 보낸 문자를 보게 되는데...

Under the orders of Kang Man Ho, TJ goes to persuade HJ to return home. However, HJ is adamant to seek a divorce from TJ and demands a huge divorce settlement from him.

Meanwhile, TW discovers HW's msg in JH's cell phone...

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Guest SexyDolceVita

Why do i have this feeling that TW will make JH watch him jump off the building alone in the end?

As if to punish JH forever for leaving him?

Or he will kidnap JH to the top of the building, and tries to jump down with her but at that moment, HW arrives and grabs JH's hand while TW is tugging and holding onto JH's legs or other hand while dangling in the air.

JH tells TW not to let go...HW tries to pull JH and TW up but they are too heavy for him. TW finally couldnt bear to see JH die with him...so he says "Im sorry JH, I really love you very much. Please live well", before letting go of JH's legs or hand and falls to the ground alone...

JH yells TW's name in tears...as HW finally pulls JH up safely and they slump down by the edge of the rooftop.

HW hugs a shaken JH, who is visibly traumatised by TW's death. She couldnt take the guilt of causing TW to kill himself.

HW hugs JH tightly as if she has just died and returned to life.

The camera tracks away from the two of them on the rooftop as it pans out while the helicopter that carries the camera flies further and further away from the rooftop.

HW and JH's battered silhouettes on the rooftop shrink as the camera pans away...

After this incident, JH hides away at her father's peach orchard while blaming herself for not being able to save TW.

She ceases contact with HW, who is still very concerned about her. The media are speculating JH was the one who had been unfaithful with HW and her decision to divorce caused TW to kill himself eventually. Headlines spread everywhere and the press are trying to reach JH and HW for a statement.

Kang Man Ho and wife are devastated with TW's death and thus deliberately spin a PR campaign to paint a sympathetic posthumous image of TW and a negative image of JH along with HW.

Seeing how his daughter has been suffering from guilt, JH's father slowly tries to counsel her and comfort her, a little a day. Meanwhile, after escaping from the hounding reporters, HW makes it to the peach farm to look for JH.

JH's father sees HW and they have a heart to heart, man to man talk about what had happened. He realises HW truly loves JH since a year plus ago, and why HW visited his orchard that day when TW came to fetch JH. Hence he decides to help HW to open up JH's battered heart again.

HW stays in a nearby house with JH's uncle. He goes to the orchard to help with the cultivation of peaches and harvesting, while also helping to repair the houses and warehouses. He doesnt bother JH but brings interesting plants or things for her in an unobtrusive way daily. But JH still avoids HW like he is a plague and part of a neverending nightmare.

Slowly, JH is opening up her heart again, even though initially the sight of HW will instantly remind her of TW's death and what happened on the rooftop that day.

One day, as JH is doing some chores at home, her uncle comes running to her house to ask for help as HW has fallen from the roof of his house while mending holes. Upon hearing that, JH cant control herself and runs to her uncle's house.

She sees HW sitting on the ground hugging his leg in pain. She runs over and asks HW if he is alright. He says he might have broken his leg. JH helps HW to the house and says let's call for an ambulance. She tries to reach for the phone but HW stops her sheepishly and says maybe it isnt that serious.

Sensing this may be a prank, JH turns around and stares at HW, while her father and smiling uncle just arrive at the house. HW looks guilty, while JH's uncle is smiling at them. But JH's father looks worried.

JH asks them sternly, "Do you guys really think this is funny? Well, it is not funny to me." She walks out of the house and goes straight into the orchard.

JH's father says to his younger brother, "I told you she would be mad... sigh." JH's uncle gives a guilty look.

HW runs after JH and tries to talk to her. But she ignores him.

HW stops then says out loud he is returning to Seoul the next day.

JH stops too as she hears this news.

HW continues to say he has to go back and take care of his mother, since it has been a couple of months since he arrived here.

JH looks at HW with teary eyes and says she hopes his mom is feeling okay, have a good trip home.

HW then asks JH to go back to Seoul with him.

JH looks at him forlornly and replies, "Sorry, I just can't."

She turns around and walks back to her house.

HW stands alone in the orchard as he sees JH disappearing into the far end.

On that night, JH's father has a heartfelt chat with JH as they sit at the entrance of the house, on the platform, drinking tea, while looking at the stars.

JH's father asks her how is she feeling.

She says just like that.

He asks her if she feels like the ripen peach in the summer season?

She says no...she feels like the rotten peach on the ground, pecked to the core by birds and small animals.

He says...oh...i see.

He then tells JH about this funny interesting experience he had while running this farm for over forty years.

He says there was a time he usually dumps rotten peaches into this compost pile daily, weekly, yearly. One day after a couple of years, he notices a new peach tree seedling growing from that compost pile. Because it is located away from the straight rows of peach trees, he doesnt really care about this seedling.

So over time, he just let the seedling wilts or grows as it is.

A few years passed by, then another few years passed by.

The seedling sometimes got overwatered by rain or nearly dry out due to the hot weather.

But it grew bigger little by little slowly.

By the tenth year, this mysterious peach seedling had grown into a strong peach tree and that summer, it bore fruits. The fruits were totally unwrapped, and had no pesticides sprayed on, totally natural. He remembered picking some peaches to eat with her mother and Ji Sun, and they all agreed that the peaches were really not that sweet but they just had this natural acidic taste, which was strangely comfortingly tasty.

Then that very same summer...something amazing happened too.

JH asked what happened?

Her father smiled and said that summer JH was born.

JH smiles sweetly...and says oh...

Since then, Jh's father continues saying, JH is like a reminder of that wild peach tree and that wild peach tree is like a reminder of JH to him.

And it all started from that one rotten peach, which transformed itself into a tree over the years despite the challenges of its environment.

He turns to JH and says she is not a rotten peach fruit anymore, she is the wild peach tree, which survived by itself throughout the decades. He then says it is still there in his favourite spot off a corner by the last row of peach trees in his orchard. He yawns and kisses JH's forehead, palms the top of her hair and says he is old, he has to sleep early. Good night my lovely daughter.

After saying good night to her father, JH walks to the wild peach tree alone and caresses the trunk and looks at the fruits. She marvels at this strong peach tree which is ten years older than her.

Then she hears noises from behind...someone is walking towards her direction. She turns around and sees a black figure approaching. She panics and says...if he is a thief, he better runs because she wont give him another chance, as she is going to yell soon.

Suddenly, HW's voice appears...asking her why did she always think he is a bad guy when he approaches her in a forest type of setting?

JH realises it is HW...she is tickled by his words, and asks why he always looks like a bad person when he doesnt say a word.

They sit by the wild peach tree and talk.

JH thanks HW for trying to be here for her all this while.

HW says he just has to do it.

JH then begins to tell HW the story of the wild peach tree.

HW listens intently...

JH says she will return to Seoul one day but not just yet.

HW says he understands and holds JH's hand.

JH doesnt reject HW's touch.

HW stands up and extends his hand to JH.

She takes his hand as he pulls her up from her feet.

But she nearly loses her balance and leans on HW.

HW holds JH tenderly as their faces brush close to each other.

HW looks at JH sweetly in the eyes, while JH gives him an accepting gaze.

They kiss sweetly and passionately by the wild peach tree under the moonlight and the stars.

The End.

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Why do i have this feeling that TW will make JH watch him jump off the building alone in the end?

As if to punish JH forever for leaving him?

Or he will kidnap JH to the top of the building, and tries to jump down with her but at that moment, HW arrives and grabs JH's hand while TW is tugging and holding onto JH's legs or other hand while dangling in the air.

JH tells TW not to let go...HW tries to pull JH and TW up but they are too heavy for him. TW finally couldnt bear to see JH die with him...so he says "Im sorry JH, I really love you very much. Please live well", before letting go of JH's legs or hand and falls to the ground alone...

JH yells TW's name in tears...as HW finally pulls JH up safely and they slump down by the edge of the rooftop.

HW hugs a shaken JH, who is visibly traumatised by TW's death. She couldnt take the guilt of causing TW to kill himself.

HW hugs JH tightly as if she has just died and returned to life.

The camera tracks away from the two of them on the rooftop as it pans out while the helicopter that carries the camera flies further and further away from the rooftop.

HW and JH's battered silhouettes on the rooftop shrink as the camera pans away...

After this incident, JH hides away at her father's peach orchard while blaming herself for not being able to save TW.

She ceases contact with HW, who is still very concerned about her. The media are speculating JH was the one who had been unfaithful with HW and her decision to divorce caused TW to kill himself eventually. Headlines spread everywhere and the press are trying to reach JH and HW for a statement.

Kang Man Ho and wife are devastated with TW's death and thus deliberately spin a PR campaign to paint a sympathetic posthumous image of TW and a negative image of JH along with HW.

Seeing how his daughter has been suffering from guilt, JH's father slowly tries to counsel her and comfort her, a little a day. Meanwhile, after escaping from the hounding reporters, HW makes it to the peach farm to look for JH.

JH's father sees HW and they have a heart to heart, man to man talk about what had happened. He realises HW truly loves JH since a year plus ago, and why HW visited his orchard that day when TW came to fetch JH. Hence he decides to help HW to open up JH's battered heart again.

HW stays in a nearby house with JH's uncle. He goes to the orchard to help with the cultivation of peaches and harvesting, while also helping to repair the houses and warehouses. He doesnt bother JH but brings interesting plants or things for her in an unobtrusive way daily. But JH still avoids HW like he is a plague and part of a neverending nightmare.

Slowly, JH is opening up her heart again, even though initially the sight of HW will instantly remind her of TW's death and what happened on the rooftop that day.

One day, as JH is doing some chores at home, her uncle comes running to her house to ask for help as HW has fallen from the roof of his house while mending holes. Upon hearing that, JH cant control herself and runs to her uncle's house.

She sees HW sitting on the ground hugging his leg in pain. She runs over and asks HW if he is alright. He says he might have broken his leg. JH helps HW to the house and says let's call for an ambulance. She tries to reach for the phone but HW stops her sheepishly and says maybe it isnt that serious.

Sensing this may be a prank, JH turns around and stares at HW, while her father and smiling uncle just arrive at the house. HW looks guilty, while JH's uncle is smiling at them. But JH's father looks worried.

JH asks them sternly, "Do you guys really think this is funny? Well, it is not funny to me." She walks out of the house and goes straight into the orchard.

JH's father says to his younger brother, "I told you she would be mad... sigh." JH's uncle gives a guilty look.

HW runs after JH and tries to talk to her. But she ignores him.

HW stops then says out loud he is returning to Seoul the next day.

JH stops too as she hears this news.

HW continues to say he has to go back and take care of his mother, since it has been a couple of months since he arrived here.

JH looks at HW with teary eyes and says she hopes his mom is feeling okay, have a good trip home.

HW then asks JH to go back to Seoul with him.

JH looks at him forlornly and replies, "Sorry, I just can't."

She turns around and walks back to her house.

HW stands alone in the orchard as he sees JH disappearing into the far end.

On that night, JH's father has a heartfelt chat with JH as they sit at the entrance of the house, on the platform, drinking tea, while looking at the stars.

JH's father asks her how is she feeling.

She says just like that.

He asks her if she feels like the ripen peach in the summer season?

She says no...she feels like the rotten peach on the ground, pecked to the core by birds and small animals.

He says...oh...i see.

He then tells JH about this funny interesting experience he had while running this farm for over forty years.

He says there was a time he usually dumps rotten peaches into this compost pile daily, weekly, yearly. One day after a couple of years, he notices a new peach tree seedling growing from that compost pile. Because it is located away from the straight rows of peach trees, he doesnt really care about this seedling.

So over time, he just let the seedling wilts or grows as it is.

A few years passed by, then another few years passed by.

The seedling sometimes got overwatered by rain or nearly dry out due to the hot weather.

But it grew bigger little by little slowly.

By the tenth year, this mysterious peach seedling had grown into a strong peach tree and that summer, it bore fruits. The fruits were totally unwrapped, and had no pesticides sprayed on, totally natural. He remembered picking some peaches to eat with her mother and Ji Sun, and they all agreed that the peaches were really not that sweet but they just had this natural acidic taste, which was strangely comfortingly tasty.

Then that very same summer...something amazing happened too.

JH asked what happened?

Her father smiled and said that summer JH was born.

JH smiles sweetly...and says oh...

Since then, Jh's father continues saying, JH is like a reminder of that wild peach tree and that wild peach tree is like a reminder of JH to him.

And it all started from that one rotten peach, which transformed itself into a tree over the years despite the challenges of its environment.

He turns to JH and says she is not a rotten peach fruit anymore, she is the wild peach tree, which survived by itself throughout the decades. He then says it is still there in his favourite spot off a corner by the last row of peach trees in his orchard. He yawns and kisses JH's forehead, palms the top of her hair and says he is old, he has to sleep early. Good night my lovely daughter.

After saying good night to her father, JH walks to the wild peach tree alone and caresses the trunk and looks at the fruits. She marvels at this strong peach tree which is ten years older than her.

Then she hears noises from behind...someone is walking towards her direction. She turns around and sees a black figure approaching. She panics and says...if he is a thief, he better runs because she wont give him another chance, as she is going to yell soon.

Suddenly, HW's voice appears...asking her why did she always think he is a bad guy when he approaches her in a forest type of setting?

JH realises it is HW...she is tickled by his words, and asks why he always looks like a bad person when he doesnt say a word.

They sit by the wild peach tree and talk.

JH thanks HW for trying to be here for her all this while.

HW says he just has to do it.

JH then begins to tell HW the story of the wild peach tree.

HW listens intently...

JH says she will return to Seoul one day but not just yet.

HW says he understands and holds JH's hand.

JH doesnt reject HW's touch.

HW stands up and extends his hand to JH.

She takes his hand as he pulls her up from her feet.

But she nearly loses her balance and leans on HW.

HW holds JH tenderly as their faces brush close to each other.

HW looks at JH sweetly in the eyes, while JH gives him an accepting gaze.

They kiss sweetly and passionately by the wild peach tree under the moonlight and the stars.

The End.


The writer needs your help :)

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Guest SexyDolceVita

shebacamp said:




Why do i have this feeling that TW will make JH watch him jump off the building alone in the end?

As if to punish JH forever for leaving him?

Or he will kidnap JH to the top of the building, and tries to jump down with her but at that moment, HW arrives and grabs JH's hand while TW is tugging and holding onto JH's legs or other hand while dangling in the air.

JH tells TW not to let go...HW tries to pull JH and TW up but they are too heavy for him. TW finally couldnt bear to see JH die with him...so he says "Im sorry JH, I really love you very much. Please live well", before letting go of JH's legs or hand and falls to the ground alone...

JH yells TW's name in tears...as HW finally pulls JH up safely and they slump down by the edge of the rooftop.

HW hugs a shaken JH, who is visibly traumatised by TW's death. She couldnt take the guilt of causing TW to kill himself.

HW hugs JH tightly as if she has just died and returned to life.

The camera tracks away from the two of them on the rooftop as it pans out while the helicopter that carries the camera flies further and further away from the rooftop.

HW and JH's battered silhouettes on the rooftop shrink as the camera pans away...

After this incident, JH hides away at her father's peach orchard while blaming herself for not being able to save TW.

She ceases contact with HW, who is still very concerned about her. The media are speculating JH was the one who had been unfaithful with HW and her decision to divorce caused TW to kill himself eventually. Headlines spread everywhere and the press are trying to reach JH and HW for a statement.

Kang Man Ho and wife are devastated with TW's death and thus deliberately spin a PR campaign to paint a sympathetic posthumous image of TW and a negative image of JH along with HW.

Seeing how his daughter has been suffering from guilt, JH's father slowly tries to counsel her and comfort her, a little a day. Meanwhile, after escaping from the hounding reporters, HW makes it to the peach farm to look for JH.

JH's father sees HW and they have a heart to heart, man to man talk about what had happened. He realises HW truly loves JH since a year plus ago, and why HW visited his orchard that day when TW came to fetch JH. Hence he decides to help HW to open up JH's battered heart again.

HW stays in a nearby house with JH's uncle. He goes to the orchard to help with the cultivation of peaches and harvesting, while also helping to repair the houses and warehouses. He doesnt bother JH but brings interesting plants or things for her in an unobtrusive way daily. But JH still avoids HW like he is a plague and part of a neverending nightmare.

Slowly, JH is opening up her heart again, even though initially the sight of HW will instantly remind her of TW's death and what happened on the rooftop that day.

One day, as JH is doing some chores at home, her uncle comes running to her house to ask for help as HW has fallen from the roof of his house while mending holes. Upon hearing that, JH cant control herself and runs to her uncle's house.

She sees HW sitting on the ground hugging his leg in pain. She runs over and asks HW if he is alright. He says he might have broken his leg. JH helps HW to the house and says let's call for an ambulance. She tries to reach for the phone but HW stops her sheepishly and says maybe it isnt that serious.

Sensing this may be a prank, JH turns around and stares at HW, while her father and smiling uncle just arrive at the house. HW looks guilty, while JH's uncle is smiling at them. But JH's father looks worried.

JH asks them sternly, "Do you guys really think this is funny? Well, it is not funny to me." She walks out of the house and goes straight into the orchard.

JH's father says to his younger brother, "I told you she would be mad... sigh." JH's uncle gives a guilty look.

HW runs after JH and tries to talk to her. But she ignores him.

HW stops then says out loud he is returning to Seoul the next day.

JH stops too as she hears this news.

HW continues to say he has to go back and take care of his mother, since it has been a couple of months since he arrived here.

JH looks at HW with teary eyes and says she hopes his mom is feeling okay, have a good trip home.

HW then asks JH to go back to Seoul with him.

JH looks at him forlornly and replies, "Sorry, I just can't."

She turns around and walks back to her house.

HW stands alone in the orchard as he sees JH disappearing into the far end.

On that night, JH's father has a heartfelt chat with JH as they sit at the entrance of the house, on the platform, drinking tea, while looking at the stars.

JH's father asks her how is she feeling.

She says just like that.

He asks her if she feels like the ripen peach in the summer season?

She says no...she feels like the rotten peach on the ground, pecked to the core by birds and small animals.

He says...oh...i see.

He then tells JH about this funny interesting experience he had while running this farm for over forty years.

He says there was a time he usually dumps rotten peaches into this compost pile daily, weekly, yearly. One day after a couple of years, he notices a new peach tree seedling growing from that compost pile. Because it is located away from the straight rows of peach trees, he doesnt really care about this seedling.

So over time, he just let the seedling wilts or grows as it is.

A few years passed by, then another few years passed by.

The seedling sometimes got overwatered by rain or nearly dry out due to the hot weather.

But it grew bigger little by little slowly.

By the tenth year, this mysterious peach seedling had grown into a strong peach tree and that summer, it bore fruits. The fruits were totally unwrapped, and had no pesticides sprayed on, totally natural. He remembered picking some peaches to eat with her mother and Ji Sun, and they all agreed that the peaches were really not that sweet but they just had this natural acidic taste, which was strangely comfortingly tasty.

Then that very same summer...something amazing happened too.

JH asked what happened?

Her father smiled and said that summer JH was born.

JH smiles sweetly...and says oh...

Since then, Jh's father continues saying, JH is like a reminder of that wild peach tree and that wild peach tree is like a reminder of JH to him.

And it all started from that one rotten peach, which transformed itself into a tree over the years despite the challenges of its environment.

He turns to JH and says she is not a rotten peach fruit anymore, she is the wild peach tree, which survived by itself throughout the decades. He then says it is still there in his favourite spot off a corner by the last row of peach trees in his orchard. He yawns and kisses JH's forehead, palms the top of her hair and says he is old, he has to sleep early. Good night my lovely daughter.

After saying good night to her father, JH walks to the wild peach tree alone and caresses the trunk and looks at the fruits. She marvels at this strong peach tree which is ten years older than her.

Then she hears noises from behind...someone is walking towards her direction. She turns around and sees a black figure approaching. She panics and says...if he is a thief, he better runs because she wont give him another chance, as she is going to yell soon.

Suddenly, HW's voice appears...asking her why did she always think he is a bad guy when he approaches her in a forest type of setting?

JH realises it is HW...she is tickled by his words, and asks why he always looks like a bad person when he doesnt say a word.

They sit by the wild peach tree and talk.

JH thanks HW for trying to be here for her all this while.

HW says he just has to do it.

JH then begins to tell HW the story of the wild peach tree.

HW listens intently...

JH says she will return to Seoul one day but not just yet.

HW says he understands and holds JH's hand.

JH doesnt reject HW's touch.

HW stands up and extends his hand to JH.

She takes his hand as he pulls her up from her feet.

But she nearly loses her balance and leans on HW.

HW holds JH tenderly as their faces brush close to each other.

HW looks at JH sweetly in the eyes, while JH gives him an accepting gaze.

They kiss sweetly and passionately by the wild peach tree under the moonlight and the stars.

The End.

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I do agree that TW will try to kill himself. I'm looking forward to TW reading HW text! He should also remember that JH told him that she didn't love him so he shouldn't get upset about it, but he will. @SexDoiceVita your scenario I could so buy! Though the part about the kangs trying to spin the PR in their favor I don't see happening especially when TJ and FIL take the fall. Still great way to end this show.

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