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{TR} Taking Fanfic Poster Requests

Guest delightful

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I love it! Thanks! Ah I'm sorry, if I'd known about the stock photos, I would've told you that it's not a big deal lol. The poster is just a representation, doesn't mean I have to include whatever is on there in it! :) Love the mood you struck here!

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OMO.OMO. Nice graphics.<3 

I srsly love the MONDAY COUPLE and I've always wanted them to be like together. <3 KKkk~ Kang Gary Jjang and I love how he uses so many pick up lines to JiHyo. And LKS! Aigo.The icon of betrayal. =))))

Title: Stealing Heaven

Author: curiositykills

Characters: http://i1352.photobucket.com/albums/q646/curiositykills14/tumblr_mct3fqHA741rp31oio1_500_large.jpg







Stock Photos: angel wings would be good or anything that represents supernatural a clock would be good too or a withering rose. I'm sorry I can't seem to provide even one. </3

Mood: The story is set in the 21st century where the guardians (creatures who are the closest being to angels) fight of evil spirits (that lure the souls and hearts of human beings) in order to maintain the balance between the living and dead and to maintain peace and safety in the mortal world. Each guardians were given a task to watch over a human being and has to make sure to keep them safe and protected from being sired and compelled all the while without being attached to them or they will have to suffer the consequences. (this is just a rough draft kkkk~)

Thanks in advance. <3

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oh my gosh, it's so beautiful TT_TT Thank you so much. I absolutely love it. ^^ Also, I think I'd rather keep it like that with just the names. Again thanks a lot. Best of luck with the rest of this thread. Your skills are really amazing. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest heidi-kim

Can I still request for a poster ? I have a new fic coming up and I really wanted a poster made for it but all the shops seem to be busy D: it's a dbsk fic btw! If its possible for me to make a request, I will fill out the form ! :)

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Title: The Devil's GraspSubtext: Let me go from this suffocating love...Author: `SWEETMEL0DY ;Characters: Girl pictures --;http://weheartit.com/entry/46329439/via/Jmangedesnemshttp://weheartit.com/entry/46329648/via/Jmangedesnems#http://weheartit.com/entry/50161384/via/HarumiHugshttp://weheartit.com/entry/50084952/via/tiffany_hwang_5* if you have any other stock pictures of girls you would like to use, be my guest. i'm not necessarily pickyon the girls as long as their pose/gesture/atmosphere isn't happy LOL.
TOP --; http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-3Z5C4Hl6j8w/Twf_R4BkepI/AAAAAAAAEn8/9UnTILezxo8/s1600/20110105_tophighcut9.jpghttp://2.bp.blogspot.com/-1b0Wz9nsZKg/Tx-cJ_7ViSI/AAAAAAAAQMw/zw8pUtLrU4w/s1600/highcut_2011_01_TOP_11.jpghttp://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m81wl6pCP01rbiaofo1_1280.jpghttp://asia4you.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/top-bigbang.jpghttp://images.asianfanatics.net/gallery/albums/Korean-Male/Big-Bang---T.O.P/c0d7fefaaf51f3de245f2e2.jpg* feel free to use any other pic if these don't work!
Changmin --;http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/31500000/Changmin-3-tvxq-homin-jung-yunho-shim-changmin-31585129-1000-1571.jpghttp://static.allkpop.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/20110113_tvxq_18.jpghttp://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/31300000/Cutie-Changmin-3-max-changmin-31383842-1280-800.jpghttp://styleinfluence.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/shim-changmin-dbsk.jpgStock Photos: Well, to be honest i'm not sure if i want anything on there besides the characters... but if you feel like a stock photo would work, PLEASE BE MY GUEST! i just dont really have an exact image in my head~ but you are the artist so if anything works then go for it^^Mood: Overall angsty, dark, gothic, sad etc. Dark colors like black, red, gold/yellow would be nice~ The fic is going to be about a demon girl who has been living with her demon husband for the past 150 years in the Underworld, recieveing love from him that becomes unbearable and suffocating.  she stumbles upon Earth and discovers a life beyond the corridors of her mansion in Hell. Then all her morals, the things that she thought were right and wrong becomes questioned. 
PS~ could you make the girl character and TOP demonesque? like different colored eyes or something that makes them look less human heheh. THANK YOU SO MUCH! much appreciateddd <3

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its fine, don't worry ^^
oooh and i LOVE it! i definitely think you did an awesome job in capturingthe feeling & look i was going for! thank you so muchhh!

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