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Compilation of Q& A from Kang Sora's Interview (Post-Misaeng)

The interview took place at a restaurant in Itaewon on 23rd December 2014.

Q : Have you expected from the beginning that ‘Misaeng’ would do so well ?
KSR : Rather than expecting it to do well, I was thinking more that if I didn’t take this role I’d be regretting it. It was a new employee role so I thought that if I didn’t do it now I could never play such role in future. It was even better that I met this drama when I was feeling physically difficult. I don’t think I have ever entrusted myself into a project without having any greed like the way I did for ‘Misaeng’ this time. It seems that I met such a good project. Usually I would contemplate on what I should do to show the expressive parts in the script but this time I concerned more about which way I should go with so that I can express those parts well. Because there wasn’t even one part in the script itself that I didn’t understand, as an actress it was such a pleasure to be part of the drama.

Q : What kind of work was ‘Misaeng’ to you ?
KSR : It made me have a very keen eye for choosing work to the point that I’m very concern about how my next project is going to be. I’m not someone who cries so easily but I’ve cried so much while working in ‘Misaeng’. I think it was the kind of work that awakened the sensitive emotions that I didn’t know I have within me. 

Q : In your eyes, what kind of person Ahn Young-I is ?
KSR : I found that Ahn Young-I was the most unrealistic character when I read it from the webtoon. And when it was translated into a drama figure, I saw her as a person who has been hurt a lot inside. She is doing great professionally, but because the wound that she got from her parents during her childhood is too deep, there is a high barrier between her and the people around her. When she had to cope with her father or when she felt sick every time she received a call from her mother, she just kept on brooding over it by herself. “Why is this happening to me? Why it can’t be resolved and keeps happening no matter what I do? I’m trying to live my own life now but how could a person called parent did this to me?” I felt so sorry that she has no one by her side to rely on.

Q : I heard that you actually went to Daewoo International to experience a little bit about office working environment before started shooting for ‘Misaeng’.
KSR : I did it because I only have a vague knowledge about it. I haven’t graduated from university yet and all I have is the society living experience that I got through the entertainment industry. I thought that corporate culture should be different and more challenging. I was curious the most about the inter-relationship at an office. I was mostly wondering about the way when one is talking to her superior, what kind of words they used when they're trying to approach others, all that kind of things that related to communication. Truthfully I have seen these kinds of employees like Ahn Young-I through foreign resources and I referred a lot to their portrayal of female employee who either works in a hospital or a broadcasting station, for example. Because of the nature of their work, they can’t wear uncomfortable clothes and shoes so they just put on flat shoes to work. I was impressive with their ‘always be prepared’ attitude because they always have spare jacket and high heels under their desk as a preparation in case of untimely meeting.

Q : While preparing for your role as Ahn Young-I in ‘Misaeng’, what are the details points that you put extra care about ?
KSR : When I went to the actual company to experience the office’s environment before the drama started, I was paying attention closely to the interrelationship within the corporate culture. How the employees talk to each other, their hand gestures and gait, I just observed their behavior carefully. I also checked what kind of shoes they’re wearing; whether it’s a flat shoe or a high heel and where do they hang their jacket and whether they use their eyeglasses frequently or not. So later, I can complete Ahn Young-I’s monotonous style to perfection based on those details. I also consulted the workers about what do the resource team actually do so I can project it all through my acting.

Q: In drama ‘Misaeng’, I heard the other characters were portrayed similar to the original that they were called as ‘men that jumped out from manhwa’. On the other hand, I think the synchronization of Ahn Young-I’s character in the drama and manhwa was a little bit off. In the manhwa, Ahn Young-I was somewhat a ball-buster character even towards her superior. Whereas in the drama, Ahn Young-I was being knocked down like a pinball and went through a lot of inner conflicts. It seems like as if her character was created out of nothing.
KSR : There’s not much revelation stories about Ahn Young-I in the manhwa. As the only woman (in the new intern group) the drama gave much more weight on her story more than I thought. She is the most unrealistic character in the manhwa. Someone who is so perfect that we couldn’t find any of her flaws. But in the drama, Ahn Young-I was socially awkward and due to the fact that she went through many hardships since childhood because of her parents, it was hard for her to get close to someone, let alone depend on others and be a nuisance to people. I thought that she was a character that has so many wounds inside. We can see that in the flashback scene when she had a short haircut. She cut her hair because she wanted to be noticed by her dad who hoped for a son; as an attempt to get acknowledged by him. But later when she changed into a feminine woman, grown her hair long and put some make up on, the changes implied that her relationship with her father was over.

Q : It was so impressive that there was no romance story in ‘Misaeng’. From Ahn Young-I’s stance, how far her relationship with someone is considered work-related and what point it becomes more personal ?
KSR : When it comes to man and woman, somehow I don’t think that there can’t be a good friendly feeling towards the opposite sex. In the beginning, Ahn Young-I did talk a lot to Jang Geu Rae. From Ahn Young-I’s perspective, she just wanted to help Jang Geu Rae who’s having a hard time due to the 'parachute appointment' rumour. Later on, when Jang Geu Rae was growing and progressing well, she felt she didn’t really have to give him advice anymore. So Ahn Young-I concluded that she didn’t need to help him any further. Then, there was Jang Baek Ki who looked like someone who doesn’t need any help compared to Jang Geu Rae. Baek Ki actually had a hard time adapting with the working environment in the company, so Ahn Young-I became closer to him naturally. 

Q : As Kang Sora in real life, what type of person would you attracted to more ?
KSR : Emm… Jang Geu Rae ? 

Q : If you have to pick between Jang Geu Rae, Han Seok Yool, Jang Baek Ki & Ahn Young-I, which one of this four interns that is the most similar to the real Kang Sora ?
KSR : I think I’m similar to Jang Geu Rae and our director is similar to Chief Oh. Let’s say I happen to join a company for a living, I think I’ll be an employee with half of Jang Geu Rae’s and half of Han Seok Yool’s self-attitude. At first I’d be clumsy and couldn’t adapt well at work but once I feel like I could connect with someone, I think I would loosen myself up a little bit at a social gathering and parties. 

Q : If so, how much do you rate the synchronization between the character Ahn Young-I and the real Kang Sora ?
KSR : We both are very enthusiast when it comes to work. So in that case, we are similar in the way we love and enjoy our work. The different between us I think is in the way we communicate ? I tend to talk a lot with the people around me. To estimate specifically, I think we’re about 40% similar with each other. 

Q : The most pitiable scene you have played for your own role as Ahn Young-I ?
KSR : I felt sad and a little bit bitter in the scene where Ahn Young-I was crying on the stairs. Ahn Young-I who was always strong, told calmly about her family affairs to Jang Baek Ki. For her to do that, I tried to imagine how suffocating she must felt, so I also felt bad about it.

Q : To you what are the most memorable scenes in ‘Misaeng’ ?
KSR : The part when Jang Geu Rae left with a nonchalant smile in the scene when all the interns were negotiating for their salary, the scene when everyone was greeting Choi Jeon Moo who was leaving the company and be demoted somewhere else and the scene when Chief Oh resigned. I cried a lot each time in all those scenes. Especially when I was shooting for the farewell scenes with Chief Oh, I was crying uncontrollably till I couldn’t raise my head after that. 

Q : How do you feel on leaving your role as Ahn Young-I ?
KSR : I really didn’t know that it would be liked by many people like this. If I didn’t do this project now, I think I will regret it. And when I’ve started doing it, I felt like I’ve received a gift. I felt like I was healing when I finished this work. I also received a lot of comforts physically and mentally through the hard times while I was working in ‘Misaeng’.

Q : It was shocking to see Ahn Young-I’s income (3.65 million won per month) in the drama because monthly salary for a new employee is not actually that high.
KSR : Two months before the shooting for ‘Misaeng’ started, I went to Daewoo International to get some workplace experiences. So I heard the starting salary of a general trading company is very high but instead the next salary increment will be in small amount range. That’s how I came to know how much is the annual income is. At first, you will think it’s a high amount for a new employee but it is not that much actually. They don’t keep to a regular closing hours at their office. They have considerably high amount of daily workload that they have no choice but to work overtime besides their frequent travel to abroad for business trip purposes. So, I think it is an appropriate sum of money for their workload. 

Q : After starring in ‘Misaeng’, did you have a change of perception towards the office workers and what did you learn from it ?
KSR : Actors always have to deal with the uncertainty of not knowing when they’ll get casting offer, so I thought that acting job is a profession that can be quickly forgotten by people. But while I was playing the role as an office worker through this drama, my vague notion that office worker is a really stable job has completely shattered. They are actually a group of people who live intensely so much more than what I imagined. They also have a lot of personal matters to deal with, so the burden that they have to bear is much greater too. And also I'm someone who express precisely what I like and dislike to the people around me so it wasn't easy for me to be around such a professional working life. I was also impressed that they have a lot of working procedures. For us actors, if we want to work in a certain project, we need to meet the PD or maybe go for an audition but in the office, to start and proceed with even one work, it involves a lot of paper works, approvals and procedures. I learnt a lot about the difficulties and the importance of planning stage of a work. I also thought a lot about female employees. Simply being a woman makes it all much harder for them. Although there really isn’t any conclusion to it yet, for their sake who have to hold down a job and run a household and taking care of children at the same time, I think now is the time for the society to divide the responsibilities and have a fair share of their difficulties. Along the way, I also learnt how to endure and to be patient as much as I could. But most of all, I really came to understand my father through ‘Misaeng’. Why he enjoys drinking and buys a whole chicken after coming home from work, why he cannot help showing his unshaven face to the family and rubbing it to me when I was a kid, I can empathize to all that now. 

Q : There already has a talk about continuing the production for the second season of ‘Misaeng’. What do you hope for Ahn Young-I to be like in ‘Misaeng’ Season 2 ?
KSR : It’s too bad that the parts where resource team had dined together in the original story were left out in the drama. Personally, I wish that there would be a lot of dining scenes showing the team getting acquainted with each other in the next season. I hope Ahn Young-I will get promoted and the team members of resource team will reconcile with each other. Ahn Young-I will be a senior employee, so I want to see how she’ll get along with a junior employee who is so identical to her. It will be interesting if the junior employee is much stiffer and hardcore than her. Ahn Young-I does great when it comes to work but she doesn’t communicate well. I like to see what it’s like when she’s having a mental breakdown. And also I hope her relationship with Jang Geu Rae will have a sense of closeness where Geu Rae can talk about his Baduk stories and Young-I can talk about her private matters and becoming friends towards each other.

Q : Looking back through your earlier acting in drama ‘Dream High 2’, there were several awkward parts that were really noticeable. But you have been acting quite a lot so far.
KSR : There are differences in terms of genres between dramas and movies and that was my first time playing lead role in a drama. Somehow I think that I didn’t think too much back then. I didn’t know how to express and portray the character well.

Q : Shim Eun Kyung, Chun Woo Hee and a few others whom you acted together with in ‘Sunny’ are also active working in acting industry.
KSR: I learnt about Woo Hee eonni receiving the Best Actress Award at the Blue Dragon Film Award through the news and I called her while I was still in shooting location. I knew that she should have received an award long ago and knowing she got an award this time through her film ‘Han Gong Ju’, it really was something to celebrate. I’m supposed to meet eonni soon and I’ll be meeting with Eun Kyung sometime around January. I suddenly have an extreme desire to work in a movie (now after talking about them).

Q : What do you have in your plan for next year’s projects ?
KSR : I don’t really have any plan yet. I played characters that have really bad relationship with their parents and have been hurt a lot for three times in a row now (all her roles in Ugly Alert, Doctor Stranger & Misaeng). So for the next project I want to try playing for the role of someone who is vibrant and has smooth relationship with the person around her that allows me to give more expression and not holding back. I want my next work will be a project that shows more of Kang Sora that reflects a lot of my real self.

** Source: http://tenasia.hankyung.com/archives/400377http://www.newsen.com/news_view.php?uid=201412271046403110http://enews24.interest.me/news/article.asp?nsID=607051
** Translate by Hiedi/@nhb19

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