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[Drama 2013] That Winter, The Wind Blows/Wind Blows in Winter, 그 겨울, 바람이 분다

Guest sunshine4ever

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yosira said: To be honest after their separation, I really hope that OY will find a way to find OS's true color. I hope that she learns what he has done so far for her because (for me) OS has done a lot of things for her, she just can't see it. As a lot of people said before, OS is not good in speaking his mind, that's why I really hope she can find a way to 'see' it. Gah.. Wednesday.... please come faster.
And where is the preview???

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off topic random thought I would like to share ..
yesterday I saw a patient in the ER , and everybody was telling me he is a confused and irritable patient ,, but when I examined him I guessed he is having signs of Stroke affecting the speech area in the brain , so he is not confused but can not speak well .. then when I tried to examine his vision he started to cry and searching to grab my hand and here the ER male doctor asked me to move away from the patient as he thought because he is confused maybe he is trying to do something to me !! but simply we found unfortunately the patient lost his vision so he was Scared and really in need of comfort to calm him down,, when I saw the brain images after that , it was proving really an acute stroke of the vision area ,, 
Losing vision ,, what a scary feeling !  Thanks God for having our vision .. may all wind blowers and their families be healthy forever ..
thinking about that remind me with OY .. it is extremely difficult to break this bad news for those patients !! specially if there is no chance of regaining their vision as in my patient  [-(

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Guest jjsweeter0211

class="entry-title" style="margin-top: 12px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 12px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; outline-width: 0px; outline-style: initial; outline-color: initial; vertical-align: baseline; background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: transparent; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 1.4em; text-transform: none; letter-spacing: -1px; "Instiz releases chart rankings for the fourth week of March 2013
3. Taeyeon – “And One” – 19,877 Points
7. Gummy – “Snowflake” – 12,797 Points


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Hi Windblowers!Well, while waiting for the preview crazily, let me share my own 'script'. My prediction is: there will be a wedding, idk...im just so sure about the pics jjsweeter posted at the previous pages, that OS wear a suit for wedding. Ok, back to my script, after they get merried, they spent they first night with the hot steamy bed scene (ok, this is just my own prevert one, just ignore it) And in the morning, Soo find Young has gone. Why is she gone?, well...since she knew the succesful of the surgery was about 10% she didnt have a big hope, she want to do the surgery bcoz of her brother ( now her husband) so, when young decides to do the surgery, she will...but not at the hospital where she was detrmined before. Means, she will do a surgery in another country, but bcoz she also not sure about the succesful, she doesnt want to make OS feel sad. So, she leaves him alone, with  a bunch of hope the surgery will cure her and she will get her sight back. She leaves a message in a video recorder that she will be fine, i love u si much bla..bla, just wait for me, if my surgery succes we will meet again. And, since the finale will be a "After 3 years"....OS will work at the eyes center where Young left all her will there. Suddenly So gets a massage text and its from Young. He is very surprised since he didnt know that OY alive or not, or...she gets her sight or not. The text from Young will be:" How are you? Are you doing fine? I miss you...now i'm sitting under the 'soo' where youre abandoned. Watching a little oh soo in this beautiful spring. I really want to see you..." then OS reach (reach? Ooh since my vocab is sooo limited, idk how to describe it, sorry) her in a rush and find a 3 years old baby playing a ball, then the ball come to OS and so does the baby. He hug him, and Young suddenly hears the voice from OS bracelet. Young see OS for the first time, she runs to OS, hug and kiss him...Oh well, this is so rediculous. I think Im going too far hahaha. Im sorry chingus ...i better back to my dreamland and rearrange my script haha...Aaargh...waiting for wednesday to come is really killing meee... ~X( ^:)^

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Guest kdramafanusa

Love said: Someone mentioned on the previous page, that JIS gets paid $90,000/per episode. Is it 90,000 won? or US $90,000? If someone know, please share. I'm very curious when it comes to JIS lolz.

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Celebrating my 200th soompi post here with this brilliant drama and with you awesome winter wind blowers!!! :D

I finally sat myself down and watched both episode 12 and 13 and here are some of my thoughts for those who are interested!

Episode 12 was so sad/heartbreaking, I felt heartbroken along side Oh Soo, he was doing everything in his power to help give OY a chance to live and he was just constantly getting bad news after bad news and most of all he was pushed away from OY, the person he needed the most. Then he also had to push away his closest friends in order to protect them. OS basically was doing everything to protect the ones he loves at the risk of losing his life....just his life, no one else. I thought his dialogue with Jin Sung about allowing him to act like a decent person in the world was soo powerful. It showed how much he wants to give back and how much of a GOOD man he is. To OS he's accepted that if he dies, he'll have no regret because OY has allowed him to see himself and accepted the good, but he's also accepted that if he has a chance to live, he'll live as a decent person. (OS may view himself as trash sometimes but he should see that he's impacted a lot of people's life in a good way)
I hate that even if everything OS does comes from the heart he eventually always falls back on the reason why he came to OY in the first place ($). Like when SW brought it up, and OY heard, it just makes everything he does fake when it's sooo not. It was in the beginning yes, but OY gave him a different/new perspective to life.
the OS vs. SW fight in ep 13 was awesome. When OS told SW that they would both leave the house and that lawyer jang was gonna meet the eye doctor and have Mira as the witness, I was like BOOYAAH SW! IN YO FACE! (I hate that SW tries to play so innocent sometimes....ugh)

Though I love Jin Sung's loyalty to OS, he seems to have an ulterior motive, he can't get away from the fact that they need money in the little time they have left. He knows OS's feelings but totally just avoids it and deals with the devil. I wish he would understand OS a bit more and see that to OS the money really doesn't matter anymore. But Jin Sung will be Jin Sung, only these last three episode will tell if he will stay loyal, back stab OS or be the one who sacrifices his life (at times watching these two ep, I almost feel like he might be one character that MIGHT die in someone else's hands and not by a natural cause like MAYBE MC or OY)

In a way I like the fact that OY pushed OS away, it was super sad from OS's perspective, because he wanted to be close to her but from her perspective the distant really allowed herself to understand her true feelings for him and admit to herself what she was feeling. Of all people, I'm so glad she opened up her feelings to Hee Sun, because Hee Sun know OS's feelings too and the situation (she may have used it to her advantage to get money, but I feel like she'll come around though, because she's seen OS with her sister and when died). And instead of saying "oh it's NOT okay that you have a crush on your brother" she said, "it's okay, a sister can like a brother". Also OY didn't hide those feelings from OS, she made some funny excuses for not wanting to sleep together/hold hands..etc...but eventually she was honest and told him that she needs to watch her feelings for him (basically telling him her feelings). It was actually a relief when she found out the truth though, because it allowed her to know that those feelings weren't for her brother but for a man (hallelujah!!).
I have mentioned in previous post that the truth revealing wasn't as I thought it would be, it was actually more subtle in my opinion but yes, I was glad it was revealed. (Dont even know if I should thank Sora or not, but whatevs.....)
The fact that OS also knew OY found out the truth was great because he was actually just himself even more, instead of making up stories and going along with childhood memories when OY would ask him, he now then started to just say "I dont know" or "No, I don't remember". I felt like the second half of episode 13 was OY testing him again, like she did in the beginning of the series. We can clearly see the difference in OS's response. Even if she may have tested him or not, OS's determination to continue on doing whatever OY wanted was very prominent, he didn't hesitate at all, when she was cold he chopped up wood, and when she was hungry and he went out to buy food. OS knew it would hurt when the truth came out, but if OY doesn't accept all that he's done as being real and sincere then, oh boy....we would be in for the long run......but i'm sure their love overpowers anything still. I'm sure she's seen that what he's done is for real and even her question of "why didn't you kill me" can prove that. He hasn't done anything to her. The only thing getting in her way of trusting him is him being a fake brother all this time and that 7.8 million. When they went to the cabin area, it almost seemed like she wanted to end their "relationship" like how her parents did, but I'm pretty sure that is not going to happen. The way she gave in to OS's kiss will be OY's battle of whether or not to follow her heart.
that kiss was another heartbreaking kiss, though they weren't saying much in the last minutes of the episode, their emotions told us viewers so much.  (all these talk about harassment is total BOGUS, like c'mon other dramas have worst scenes than this)......people.......[-(

One thing I wish to see is when OY goes into surgery, her mother and her real brother would visit her as angels and say they are looking out for her and that OS is a good man, and send her back alive to be with OS. (haha too cliche?)
Because the real OS appreciated OS like Jin Sung did, he really is the reason OS was lead to OY and they deserve that happy ending.

Unrelated bias side note for today: WTH!? why is the upcoming drama "When a Man Loves" poster so similar to TWTWB even the font looks alike!? though i love SSH....wth..... X_X haha ok ok *happy thoughts happy thoughts* i just need my wed/thur cure

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Guest ohayyo

Love said: kdramafanusa said: Love said: Someone mentioned on the previous page, that JIS gets paid $90,000/per episode. Is it 90,000 won? or US $90,000? If someone know, please share. I'm very curious when it comes to JIS lolz.

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Guest dark19

Song Hye KyoSong Hye Kyo

Song Hye Kyotumblr_lpputduuzE1qf6pu5o1_500.jpg 
Song Hye Kyo is really very versatile and incredibly beautiful truth of the adorable role in TWTWB OY which always looks elegant with a refined style with a pure and simple makeup. reminded me of this photo shoot for the magazine w ago few years where it looks completely different as a femme fatale. with perfect makeup wearing her beautiful lips. they feel envy is that it is so beautiful.

:D ^:)^

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Oh still no preview. I had been checking the thread on my phone to see if the preview had been posted at work. I last checked at around one telling myself that I would check again at home after work. I need motivation to get me through the work day. And none better than looking forward to TWYWB information. Let it be a "reward" after the day of work. The wait will continue, I just hope get we get a longer preview.

@wangnyeo, thanks for the well wishes. Same to you and your family, as well as my fellow WindBlowers.

@luvanya, wishing good luck on your exam. Fighting!!! Will be sending positive vibes. :)

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Guest msbae77

anheong windblowers :-h

I want to share my hunch of a possible ending scenario...though as much as I want both OS and OY to live happily ever after, I believe the story ends with either OS or OY passing away.  And I believe it will be OY. We can't escape the fact that she has cancer.  She may live a little bit longer, like 3 years, but enough time for her to spend and share beautiful memories with OS.  She will die leaving OS with either a son or daughter for him to love and care.  In this way, he can atone for his past mistakes, when he was living as a gambler or a conman. And also, in this way, he can also be at peace with himself of the fact that he was left under a tree like a trash, living like a trash. He has now a reason to live a decent life.  And I'd rather see OY dead, because it would be hard for her to continue living, knowing all of her family (dad, mom, real bro) are gone, then now OS...For me, this would be a satisfactory ending..maybe sad but more realistic.  And also, with this ending, after how many years, who knows OS might look for another partner in life, so to all single ladies out there, let your imaginations and fantasies begin..lol...

But I'm still hoping for a happy ending where both of them live...

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