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[Drama 2012] Missing You / I Miss You 보고싶다

Guest DJG

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Guest MCSarangYEH

If you have all the appetite to do a korean drama marathon but not sure which kdrama to start off first and what drama is next here's what soompi got for us. :D :D :D http://www.soompi.com/2013/04/04/soompi-15th-lessons-from-dramaland-how-to-be-15/2/

Our young Han Jung Woo and Lee Soo Yeon :) :) :)

became nostalgic here :P Enjoy your reading =)) =)) =))CR: soompi.com
Edited:shared the wrong link kekeke 

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Guest facing

uri baby jungwoo and sooyeon will have new drama together again lol

Yeo Jin-gu and Kim So-hyun potentially together again by javabeans


Yeo Jin-gu in a new drama where he plays the main character? Rejoice! And here I thought we’d have to wait years and years for this budding superstar to headline a drama, held back by his youth if not by his magnetic screen presence and oodles of charisma.

The new drama is called Could We Love?, and reports state that Yeo Jin-gu is “favorably considering” it. What’s even funnier/odder/potentially better(?) is that if he takes it, his potential leading lady is none other than Kim So-hyun. I know, it sounds like something straight out of fanfic-fueled fantasies, right? Can you believe this’ll be their third time romancing each other and he’s still only fifteen? (To make you feel even older, she’s only thirteen, though she’s just a few months shy of her fourteenth birthday.)

It’s both great (since they’re adorable together) and perplexing (since surely, surely there are more than two viable actors in dramaland to pick from, without throwing the same pairs together all the time?). My first thought was to wonder whether their Moon/Sun co-star Kim Yoo-jung was too busy — the least the ladies could do is trade off starring with him, right? Although hilariously, that would make a third time for the Jin-gu & Yoo-jung pairing too (they were adorable little tykes together in 2008′s Iljimae), so maybe it all evens out.


Casting and chemistry aside, my favorite part of the news is that this drama, which is being developed by SBS as a Wednesday-Thursday show, is NOT just throwing them together for a couple episodes as the child actors for an adult romance. Nope, it’s a high school romance, where they’ll be the main characters the whole way through. Awwww. There have been a few shows centering around younger stars, but they haven’t typically been the big dramas — usually they’re smaller cable shows or Drama Specials or low-budget non-prime-time productions.

The character Yeo Jin-gu would play is a rebellious teenage delinquent, which should be a great change of pace for him (after playing wise young princes or warm-hearted nice guys). Kim So-hyun’s potential role would be the girl with a one-sided crush on our hero. Maybe this time they can make it work in a simple sweet story devoid of murders, amnesia, rape, and bigamy. Is that too much to ask for, dramaland?

Could We Love? is another collaboration between the PD and writer of Dr. Champ and Scent of a Woman, which means it’s bound to look gorgeous with that amazing hi-def camera. It’s set to air following the new Wednesday-Thursday drama All About My Romance, for a June premiere.


Via TV Report

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Guest ohayyo

omg .... it seems like the curse of K-Drama won't end easily for me and my life ....
how could I get back to my life if YJG and KSH will be on screen together again ? I def.ly watch their drama ! no doubt !!! lol my life screw :P

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Yoochun deserve to be happy after all this time he and JYJ have been through hard times..It's great to hear that his hard work in music and film could give him happiness..


JYJ Talks about the Years It Wasn′t Able to Go to Japan

2013-04-05 10:31  l   CJ E&M enewsWorld Park, HyunMin http://enewsworld.interest.me/enews/c.. icon_copy_1.gifTranslation Credit : Erika Kim  
The JYJ members have been through hard times, and they didn′t hesitate in showing it.

At the press conference held before their exclusive Tokyo Dome concert, the 2013 JYJ Concert in Tokyo Dome - The Return of the JYJ on April 4, the members talked about how they felt about their concerts and their plans for their future in Korea and Japan.


Kim Junsu started, "It took a long time for us to come back. With that, we′ll work hard to leave behind no regrets."

He added, "When we performed here three years ago, we meant to show how we would meet our new start as JYJ; we didn′t know that would be our last in Japan. We′ve spent half of our careers in Japan, so the country′s like our second home. I felt so sorry that we couldn′t do anything for such a meaningful place."

Park Yoo Chun also said, "We cried a lot here. I′m happy we′re back. We didn′t idle away our four years. I′m glad many people have welcomed us in our return."

"I′m hoping we′ll be able to start up our Japanese promotions again with this concert, but having the legal issues sorted out isn′t everything there is," he added, showing that their future in Japan was still unclear.

Kim Jae Joong commented, "Four years could be long or short, depending on how you see it. I′m so thankful that [our fans] have given us trust that is rarely given to even friends and family. We want to thank them for showing trust in our unclear future and waiting for us."

The 2013 JYJ Concert in Tokyo Dome - The Return of the JYJ took place from April 2-4.

Photo credit: C-JeS Entertainment
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Netizens criticize SBS News on JYJ Performance: "Hallyu wave in disguise", "An act of conspiracy and dictatorship between the large entertainment agencies and TV broadcasters"

SBS reported on the 4th about the high attention paid to JYJ concert in Tokyo where 150,000 people have attended. Netizens criticized on this issue: "These are JYJ fans, and not Hallyu fans" and "The act of broadcaster converted (JYJ fans) to Hallyu fans is disgraceful".

JYJ held a 3 days 'The Return of JYJ in Tokyo' concert from 2nd to 4th in Tokyo Dome. SBS has reported on this performance: "Whether the rocky relationship between Korea and Japan can turn better with Hallyu performances", "After the lost of interest in Hallyu stars appearing in large performances last year, the public is focusing whether if Hallyu heat can be revived in Japan".

The netizens expressed sharp criticism towards SBS news report.

One netizen (soce****) commented: "Are there any Hallyu singers who are unable to appear on Korean TV? JYJ is unable to have any promotional activities in Korea, isn't it caused by SM who is secretly taking advantage in leading everyone to stop their activities? It is really despicable. These fans are not Hallyu fans, they are fans who are completely looking at only JYJ and have been waiting for 3 years. Korean broadcasters are stopping JYJ from appearing on TV so hard, but at the same time, they reported JYJ success stories using (JYJ fans) as Hallyu fans is a disgraceful act."

Other than this, "By using the money paid by tax payers who are in the dark to perform in several countries, isn't this a conspiracy of those large entertainment agencies with the broadcasters, they package the performances extensively, so to fill up their pockets with money? It is good to use Hallyu to promote the national prestige to a higher level but the real representative of Hallyu singer, JYJ has been restricted and their names are not even mentioned on TV broadcasts because of the conspiracy and dictatorship between the large entertainment agencies and TV broadcasters. It is not a day or two that news on JYJ has been delivered as KPOP." (대체****)

“I understand that the broadcasters would like to revive the Hallyu heat which is going to be put out soon, in order to do so, aren't you supposed to report the news accurately? Although it has been pushed hard on the national level, but what is exactly the main cause of the faded Hallyu heat? On the contrary, over the past few years, despite of not being able to sing for even a small portion of their songs on air due to the childish act of their preceding agency, how did JYJ still manage to stay alive? You should grasp the interrelationship and attack at the core of the reason." (soce****) criticism continues.

Partly translated. The remaining of the article is mainly about their lawsuits with their agencies in Korea and Japan, their thoughts of their concert (they hope it'd be a new start and not the end) and also their future activities (such as their future is still unsure although the lawsuits have ended), JYJ Korean fans being supportive on their activities and are proud of them. These are pretty similar to those news articles available on the internet.

Credit: http://www.gobalnews.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=2050

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class="postitle" Japanese Haru Hana “Missing You” Special Edition – Park Yoochun Interview April 8, 2013 by skymy

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Q: The reason to be cast in Missing You? 

Last summer, rather than receiving the script, I received the guideline of the script instead. I was then producing our album with the members in America, I like all of the characters until the stage where I feel so excited for the whole night. I was attracted because of the psychopathic Kang Hyungjun is a character that I have originally wanted to act as, but once I felt the charm of Han Jungwoo that I’m cast in, who always keeps the faith to protect the person who he loved and cherished, I got captivated instantly.

Q: In the drama, whenever there are memories which are supposed to be forgotten, Jungwoo will do the hand magic to Suyeon. What will Yoochun-sshi do when you have something that you hate till the stage where you want to forget about it?

Although I’m a good drinker, but rather to forget something, it’s more like, I go drinking to change my mood.

Because no matter when, I will do my best to end the unhappy memories at the same spot; if I didn’t let go, it will only make myself suffer.

I will also go to exercise to reduce stress.

I go swimming or jet skiing in summer while snowboarding in winter.

In addition, I have very good memory, I can even remember those embarrassing episodes that other people want to forget. (Laughs)

So, whenever there is someone doing the hand magic pose in front of me, no matter how that person tries, I still can’t forget about that piece of memory. (Laughs)

Scan Credit: DC PYC

Credit: 暖日呀呀

Translated by: PuppyAndCream

Shared by: 6002sky

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Here's an article about KDramas in Japan that mentions YEH and YC that was posted in the YEHThread by @chichocs......

credit n translated by CDBloom


[Article] Japan CCC Vice Section Chief Yoshimura "There's No Drop In Steady Fans Of K-Drama"

Tokyo(Japan) = Reporter Han Ji Sook] “There's No Drop In Steady Fans Of K-Drama.”

These words were stated by Yoshimura Takashi (age 51, photo), who is responsible for importing and distributing K-Dramas at CCC (Culture Convenience Club) as its vice chief of product development section. The CCC operates "TSUTAYA", which holds the number 1 market share in DVD rental business, and it is also the largest producers and distributors of K-Drama DVDs.

There are many who are concerned about the Hallyu market in Japan, after the relationship between Korea and Japan took a sour turn due to the Dokdo (Island) territorial issues. Japan's Fuji TV completely stopped airing K-Dramas since latter half of previous year, and Channel TBS moved all K-Drama airing slots to late night slots. Workers at a Korean department store in Tokyo's Shin-Ōkubo subway district confirmed that Hallyu products have decreased in sales by half compared to previous year, and numbers are only one-third of what it used to be before the days of Tsunami.

But the professional we met in Tokyo didn't have a negative prospective, "It's not that the popularity of Korean dramas have decreased, it's just that Jang Geun Suk and K-Pop Syndrome of 2011 had come at the same time, increasing sells. It's more appropriate to think that the numbers have returned to normal since last year". His analysis offered a different view. Since "Winter Sonata" and the popularity of four Hallyu Gods (Jang Dong Gun, Lee Byung Hun, Song Seung Hun, Won Bin) to arrival of superstar Jang geun Suk, the Hallyu market is simply waiting for a new Hallyu star to arrive. In reality, JYJ's recent sold-out concert at the Tokyo Dome after 7 years of hiatus showed that there's not much to worry. The professionals in Japan have all agreed that "Hallyu syndrome hasn't gone cold".

Yoshimura vice section cheap stated, "K-Dramas have already established itself as a genre in Japan. The passionate members from the age 40~60 years old group have tendency to watch every genre that is released. In addition, Hallyu dramas are no longer are dramas that women of 50's watch, but are becoming dramas for the young 20's. In regards to historical dramas, about half of its viewers are men. Depending on the quality of the drama, it is popular amongst both men and women equally, irrespective to particular age groups.

Yoshimura Section Chief stated, "The political issues can be resolved by discussions, it is most important for the development of K-Dramas to focus on the pleasures of its viewers. If the major Japanese TV stations are against airing K-Dramas, we can increase the marketing efforts on our own. Because K-Dramas have its steady fans, the market shares are not decreasing."


So who and what are the most popular dramas, actors, and K-Pop stars in Japan these days? Yoshimura Section Chief stated "Dong Yi", Park Yoo Chun and Yoon Eun Hye, DBSK and Big Bang as the answer. In addition, there's an established belief amongst the Japanese K-Drama fans that if a drama has Yoon Eun Hye in it, it's worth watching it. He stated, "Japanese female fans of 20~30's age group likes actress who has epicene charms like Yoon Eun Hye of "1st Shop Of Coffee Prince" . And whether a K-Drama becomes a hit in Japan depends on the female fans of 20~30's age group."

Meanwhile, TSUTAY owns 1470 stores in Japan and its Daikanyamachō, Shibuya store is also famous as a tourist destination. About 15~20% of its rental products are K-Dramas, and it holds about 70~80% market share of Hallyu DVD market in Japan.

Source: http://news.nate.com/view/20130408n04000

(omitted some parts not related to Park Yoochun and Yoon Eun Hye)

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Japanese Officials Compare ′I Miss You′ to ′Winter Sonata′

2013-04-08 18:01  l   CJ E&M enewsWorld Lee, KyungNam http://enewsworld.interest.me/enews/c.. icon_copy_1.gifTranslation Credit : Erika Kim  
I Miss You has just started airing in Japan, but already its popularity is being compared to the Winter Sonata boom that swept the country.

A drama official recently told enews, "Reactions are so explosive that some Japanese officials have been saying I Miss You may become the next Winter Sonata."


I Miss You is currently airing in the hallyu channel DATV, and will soon also start airing in a main channel. This is a surprising feat considering how Japan has been cutting down on Korean content on its main channels following the two countries′ political strifes.

Winter Sonata also initially aired on cable, and after gaining popularity, made it into the government-run broadcasting station NHK to cause a great boom across the country.

The official quoted a local official to have said that "if I Miss You starts airing on a main channel, it will go the way of Winter Sonata."

"Park Yoo Chun is very popular in Japan, and Yoo Seung Ho has also been gaining popularity as the next generation hallyu star, while Yun Eun Hye is known through her role in Coffee Prince. Hallyu fans have especially been showing great interest," the official added.

"I Miss You has even been receiving love calls from America and Europe," the official said. "Park Yoo Chun′s popularity overseas is unimaginably great. We′re first preparing to go to America."

I Miss You is a romance that stars Park Yoo Chun, Yun Eun Hye and Yoo Seung Ho.

Photo credit: MBC
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Guest facing

[PIC] I Miss You advertisement on Bus in Taiwan, I Miss You will start air in Taiwan on April 15th..
via Park Yoochun Singapore Fanclub

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Guest corona911

20130408 GTV戲劇台《想你》預告-1

20130408 GTV戲劇台《想你》預告-2

20130408 GTV戲劇台《想你》預告-3 
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class="entry-title" style="margin: 12px 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-size: 1.8em; vertical-align: baseline; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 1.4em; letter-spacing: -1px;"Yoo Seung Ho assigned to the 27th battalion


Actor Yoo Seung Ho has received his assignment in the military. After going through his basic training, Yoo Seung Ho has been assigned to the 27th search battalion.

On April 9th, the cafe site for the 27th Recruitment revealed the news of Yoo Seung Ho’s placement. After finishing ceremonies on April 11th, the actor will join his new battalion for specialized training.  He will then receive his final orders and placement.

Yoo Seung Ho joined the military in secret on March 5th when he shared the news afterwards on his fan cafe. Once his training with the 27th is completed, he will receive assignments on where he will serve for the remainder of his 21 months in the military.

The actor is also said to want to serve in the regular army and not in the entertainment division, so he can make friends and be with people his age.http://www.allkpop.com/tag/yoo-seung-ho
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Guest erisaa

First of all, I'm a very hardcore YEH fan and I have followed her since Coffee Prince. My following statement(s) is a rant so I'm enclosing it within a spoiler. Please don't hate me with everything I'll say and I do not mean to start any fan wars. If you have any problems with my statement, please feel free to PM me and we can settle our differences with respect and kindness. Thank you! I don't know what happened but the spoiler tab got removed and it doesn't show in a spoiler anymore after editing it multiple times :(

I was from the Philippines but moved here in United States when I was a kid so I still understand Tagalog and watches Filipino dramas from time to time. Of course, I also watch Korean dramas and I totally fell in love with YEH. I admit, I don't watch Korean dramas at all unless my favorite actress YEH is on it. Upon hearing the news that she is going to do melodrama with Yoochun, I was so happy because I'm an XMAN fan and I loved the interaction young ChunHye had in the show even if it was brief. 

Straying away from the background information, when I heard that IMY will be shown in the Philippines, I was ecstatic and very excited that YEH will be shown in the Philippines again because it means her popularity will expand even more! Moreover, her drama will be put in at primetime which enables fans to watch her (compare airing it in the afternoon). Also airing it at night would encourage the audience to watch IMY. One of my theories why it is decided to be shown at night is because of one of the topic that IMY has tackled: rape. I do not mean this in an offensive way to my fellow Filipinos, but most Philippine dramas use rape in drama plots which makes the audience to relate more to it. 
Now this is my rant. I have nothing against Park Yoochun at all. In fact, I'm a fan girl (but like I said, I'm a hardcore YEH fan and more interested in her, no offense and sorry). So when I was lurking at the ChunHye thread and saw the rage that most Filipino fans made about YEH not being properly acknowledged during ABS-CBN's drama lineup promotions, I went and looked up for the promotion video they were talking about. Aside from the fact that the promotion video did not say YEH's name at all, they only showed YC's clip with no regards of showing even 2 seconds of YEH in the drama. What made me more mad is that compare to the other dramas shown, IMY has the littlest amount of clip shown compare to the other dramas that has 30 seconds or more worth of clips provided. Sorry for my next sentences but whoever the hell made and compiled and wrote the script for the voice over for that promotional video lacks information of how much big of a celebrity YEH is in the Philippines and of course world wide. Undeniably, she is one of the very few Korean celebrities who is loved by a lot of fans and has barely no haters at all. Besides, her drama, Goong, has caused so much explosion in the Philippines after being showed in ABS-CBN that it caused the said network to air the drama more than twice and still gain more fans in the process. In addition, after the showing of Goong in ABS-CBN, it helped them gain audience's attention to watch more K-dramas. I was in the Philippines when Goong was aired and let me tell you, even fans of ABS-CBN's competitors are fans of Goong most especially of YEH. In social networking sites (remember Friendster, guys?), most profile pictures were of YEH and some were Goong pictures. Goong never died in the Philippine drama history and won some awards in the Philippines -- the only K-drama I know that acquired such recognition. I'm not network biased in the Philippines because like I said, I live in US now and have a lot of access watching dramas from different networks in different countries but I would say that ABS-CBN's competitive network, GMA, have acknowledged YEH better prior to showing Coffee Prince. 
As a YEH fan, I'm hurt with the way this "promotional" thing that ABS-CBN is doing for I Miss You. I brushed off the rushed and lacked promotions MBC did for IMY because they announced the cast too late to even start promoting hard, but this drama has been done in showing and ABS-CBN needs to go back to its roots that YEH is one of the reasons why K-dramas are popular in the Philippines. I would say that ABS-CBN is not good at knowing who is making them famous and such. Just look at what happen to Dara. She went low profile during the peak of her career in the Philippines and when she was ready to come back, ABS-CBN didn't acknowledged her anymore which made Dara to be seen in rival networks. This statement is kind of off, so please feel free to correct me on this one. I'm really disappointed, offended, and hurt as a fan. If we, as individuals, feel hurt when we're not acknowledged, what else would we feel if our bias/idols are not giving the proper citation they deserve? They say that "it's okay if you hurt me but if you hurt the ones I love, I promise you will regret it." YEH may or may not care about this lack of acknowledgement of her in ABS-CBN, but I do care. As cheesy as it may sound, I love YEH and I want the best for her and call me selfish for her but I also want her to get spotlight because so far, IMY have opened a lot of opportunities and possibilities for YEH. It proved her versatility in so many levels and it proved a lot of critics wrong (some became fans actually). 

I don't know what it is about IMY that causes YEH to receive failure in acknowledgments, but I just want to say that IMY is one of YEH's masterpieces and she deserves a mention for it. I know you don't always get recognition when you do something great, but at least show some respect and recognize the hardships and sacrifices she made for the drama. I'm sad to say that I dislike it that they only mention YC, there's nothing wrong with ABS-CBN and other articles centralizing IMY on YC, but at lease show the same level of appreciation for YEH because both of them worked as hard as each other to make this drama wonderful and worth-watching. I hate to admit this but now, I kind of lost interest watching the Tagalog-dubbed IMY because of what the promotion team of K-dramas in ABS-CBN did. April 22 is a long way to go and I can still change my mind if they appropriately address the importance of the other two leading characters of the drama.

Again, I welcome any oppositions with my statement and feel free to PM so we can discuss it in a civilized and respectful manner. I also apologize if it is long and unruly (I'm typing on my phone). Thank you so much for the time you spent reading it. 
Re-posted from Yoon Eun Hye thread.

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Guest corona911

130322 JYJ 유천 YuChun 

130314 JYJ 유천 YuChun 스타직찍 순정만화 이미지 최강자 

130302 JYJ 유천 YuChun 가수겸 배우 singer/actor ranking 

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[Trans] 130123 Park Yoochun’s Drama Popularity Spreads To Europe.. ‘The New King Of Dramas’

Posted by sharingyoochun

The dramas that Park Yoochun appeared in are experiencing explosive popularity these days.

According to C-JeS Entertainment on the 23rd of January, the Overseas Korean Culture Center’s ’2012 So-loved Award’, which has its winners chosen by votes from European fans, awarded ‘Rooftop Prince’ in the drama category, making it the most loved Korean drama in Europe.

Park Yoochun, for his role as Lee Gak, and ‘Rooftop Prince’ were also chosen for the ‘Remarkable Awards 2012′ in Germany, proving his popularity all over the world.

Park Yoochun’s drama popularity has already been proven multiple times in Asia. ‘Rooftop Prince’ has had over 150 million views on one of China’s biggest video sharing site ‘Yuku’. A total of 700 million views have been collected on seven other major video sites.‘

I Miss You’, which ended on the 17th of January,  reached 100 million views on China’s biggest online video site PPTV, and also reached 100 million views on sohuTV.

In Taiwan, ‘Rooftop Prince’ scored the highest viewer ratings for Korean dramas in the past two years, and a 8-minute special on Park Yoochun was aired to commemorate the achievement.

In the Philippines, ‘Rooftop Prince’ had the highest viewer ratings in the golden time slot.


Not only this, but Park Yoochun’s two 2012 dramas ‘Rooftop Prince’ and ‘I Miss You’ became the third and fourth most downloaded Korean dramas of all time in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, proving that Park Yoochun is the king of dramas in Asia.

Meanwhile, Park Yoochun’s ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’, ‘Rooftop Prince’ and ‘I Miss You’ will all air in the first half of this month in Japan.

Source: [newsen]

Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

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Guest priti

@erisaa hey, i totally get yer rant about phils imy promo...here is my thought on it...u can take it as a comfort or take it was my pov... i dunno how long haf u been following imy but i haf since day one...imy is one of my best drama n i haf to give pyc yeh n ysh all props for it...however here is the thing....after rtp n imy success, PYC popularity haf soared beyond borders.... it Is a fact tht yc is used a marketing tool to promote IMY..not just in phils but in china jap euro america n more ... plus this is not the first yc drama broadcasted by this phil channel ,as matter fact its 3rd (skks, rtp was shown before). I aso read how rtp was doing well via rating in this channel while it was shown.... the other reason tht pyc seems to be so focused in this drama becuz the whole drama is pointed towards han jung woo prospectives n plus the writer of imy said it tht c thought of yc while doing it so it might be y imy is centered toward yc... moreover, adult casts make their entrance in later part of the show n it was onli yc who had few mins early cameo so this might b part of reason y yc was seen with child actors/actresses in this promo... you can called it a broadcasting channel mishap but we cant ignore tht this tv channel it is one of the pioneer tv station in phil..... let just cross our leg n seatback while we wait for second promo (if there is one) waiting for viewers like u n mi ....n I know for sure tht it will def. have yc yeh n ysh on it....

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Guest geenvyme


In the spirit of fairness, I will post my reply here too, since you did so in your rant here.  

FYI, I’m from the very beautiful country of Philippines and I’M a CHUNSA


First thing, since you’re from the Philippines you would know that ABS CBN is one of the biggest, myt be leading broadcasting company in the Philippines.  IMY being aired in that TV station may be a big leaf for PYC and YEH to be recognized and known to our country no matter how small our country is.

Fact, it is true that YEH was never mentioned in the trailer and not even seen, I was also surprised not to see here since I’ve watched IMY and I was kind of expecting to see her in the trailer. 

Just to give you an overview of how Filipino TV station works AS OF NOW

TV station gets its money from ratings, high rating means LOTS of MONEY, my thing is that the promotion is probably based on their previous airing of PYC’s drama SKKS and Rooftop Prince which was received quite well by Filipino viewers, ratings wise. And note that both PYC’s drama was aired consecutively.

MOST OF THE FILIPINO VIEWERS FOR KOREAN NOVELA here is MOMS/TEENAGE GIRLS, less for BOYS/DADS, marketing wise showing a very good looking man like PYC is more lucrative to them, Viewers will watch base on looks, next comes the story and if the actors are good in acting.

Another thing FAMILIARITY, YEH’s drama Lie to me was aired in the competitor station GMA, myt be one of the reason since ABS and GMA has different set of viewers and ABS (the one that will air IMY) viewers MAY NOT BE as familiar with YEH as oppose with PYC, like mentioned above both of his dramas was aired consecutively. (side note when my MOM saw the add she immediately says “OH That’s the crown prince ryt?!”).

I get and I know that YEH is popular everywhere, I know her I’ve watched her dramas too but you have to understand TV stations here works and do their promotion and marketing base on how their SET of VIEWERS will recognized their KNOVELA as of now and not what was shown few years back.

For YEH, I know that she’s popular here too, but you have to give a little more credit to us FILIPINO drama viewers (be it a Filipino or KNovela), that we myt choose to watch that drama bcoz of someone else’s good looks but we appreciate good acting and that we don’t forget actresses just bcoz she is not shown in the trailer. Like how many years was coffee prince and Princess Hours already?! But when I saw her in Lie to ME and IMY I immediately recognized her as YOON EUH HYE that actress who made my cry at coffee prince and that made me giggle in Princess Hours.

So let us not rant on the TV station not giving proper credit to YEH, they move and work for ratings and money, leave the giving of credit/recognition to us who see and love good acting. And let’s be happy that IMY will air in Philippines just so our PYC and YEH can gain new fans along the way of airing.

Coz me I’m soooo excited to see it again and cry again and fall in love again.




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