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[Drama 2012] Missing You / I Miss You 보고싶다

Guest DJG

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ngthuhien149 said: KBS2 reported on Yoochun  and a bit of I Miss You.
Cr/: Uploader
Uhm I am not sure how I feel about it. I cringed at how they put YC and Yoona photos together. I mean I am ok that they reports about them 2 in one show. But i am sensitive seeing them 2 side by side after all the SM mess. Lol the last time seeing them together was when they acted as young couple in Haptic CF.
SM stop it.

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Guest sunshine4ever

suncine445 said: Hi Everyone. Thank you for the few months where our lives touches through this beautiful drama. I am taking my final exit from this thread as I would be going on a 4 months world tour with my hubby starting this weekend. May pop in once a while where there is internet available for the latest update. Thanks again and take care and may all you hope and wish for come true. cheerio!  :))

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Guest sunshine4ever

Reposting from ChunHye's thread. Yes, it's true. Everyone left this thread and made a new home at ChunHye's thread. :(( If you feel lonely here, you can go there. :)[EDIT: To everyone who is new to this thread, please don't worry, I bookmarked this thread, so if you have any questions and you post something I will be notified. So feel free to write here if you don't want to come to PYC & YEH's thread. I'll still be around.]

Yoon Eun Hye talking about Park Yoo Chun and Yoo Seung Ho in her interview.
Translation by amcosmicf @ Soompi

What kind of actors were her partners in the drama, Park YooChun and Yoo SeungHo in the eyes of Yoon EunHye? Acting with the so-called "Handsome Actors" along with the joke that curses will follow,Yoon EunHye talked about her partnership with Park YooChun and Yoo SeungHo.

"When I look at Park YooChun, I would think "a person who started working from an early age is definitely different". Of course Yoo SeungHo is one too but Park YooChun is also still a singer and doing both things.  His atmosphere is different. He's considerate about other people and put others before him, and he takes care of others as well. Even at the shooting location, he has a bright image and was the constant mood-maker. And Park YooChun has his own unique "sense" so my partnership with him matched well."
 "I don't know if it's because Yoo SeungHo made an effort to peel-off his Child Actor image, but even I could see the exciting manly side of him.Of course while shooting kiss scene or emotional scenes he would be shy so I had no other option but to lead him. Park YooChun would know to do things well on his own even without the director's guidance (smile). But surprisingly Yoo SeungHo was really good at the unthinkable hysterical scenes.I even joked to him," Are you sure that's not your actual personality?"

Yoon EunHye partnered with Park YooChun and Yoo SeungHo on-screen and received a staggering amount of envy from female fans. She only had praises for both the man with "sense" Park YooChun, and Yoo SeungHo who made a mark as grown-up actor. " For Yoo SeungHo, during kiss scenes and such, maybe because he has not had enough experience he was a bit shy. It was me who did the leading. Park YooChun did well." said YEH as she drew laughter (from the group).

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Guest bubbletea04



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Guest santaiah178

@sunshine4ever not everyone leaving this thread, I'm still around just in lurking mode mostly lol. Here's an article regarding Yoo Seung Ho. More and more actresses and artists want to work with him ;)
class="blog_h2 entry-title" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px 0px 10px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-bottom-style: none; outline: 0px; font-size: 24px; vertical-align: baseline; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', Arial, sans-serif; color: rgb(54, 57, 69); letter-spacing: -1px;"BoA says, “I want to work with Yoo Seung Ho”

February 03, 2013 11:00 am eternalc2h

11.jpgSinger BoA recently said she wants to work with actor Yoo Seung Ho.

On the episode of KBS 2TV’s Weekly Entertainment that aired on February 2, BoA gave an interview before she held the first concert in Korea. Regarding the reason she performed with SHINee’s Taemin in the music video of “Disturbance,” BoA said, “I didn’t choose Taemin. My agency did.”

Regarding an actor she wants to work with, she said, “Yoo Seung Ho,” with a smile on her face.

At this, the reporter recommended the host Shin Hyun Jun, and BoA got laughs by saying, “No. His nose is too big.”

  • Source: TV Report
    @suncine445 aaww we will be miss you. Thank you very much for your effort in feeding us with news about MY. Have a nice & save trip and please do visit this thread while you can :)>-
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Yoon Eun Hye Says She′s Happy with the Ending of ′I Miss You′

CJ E&M enewsWorld Ko Hong Ju
2013-02-03 13:00


The MBC drama I Miss You exited the scene with a bright happy ending on January 17. Viewers, however, were divided on whether the ending fit the general mood of the drama.

It seemed the actors of the drama were also divided the same.

Park Yoo Chun had previously said that he "thought a sad ending would have been better."

Yun Eun Hye, however, said she was leaning more toward the happy side.

In a meeting with the press held on January 31, Yun Eun Hye said she personally prefers the positive ending.

The reason was that the beginnings of the drama had touched on the heavy issue of rape.

"I think we′ll have to take into consideration how rape is a sensitive issue," she said. "I can′t help [but lean toward the happy ending] because I have to think from Soo Yeon′s point of view. People need to be healed and energized by my appearance, but if even the ending turns out to be bad it means I′ll only be showing my worst side to my viewers. Personally, I believe it′s right for Soo Yeon to have a happy ending."

The reason viewers were so against the happy ending was because of the tragic hints that had been scattered throughout the drama. They felt somewhat betrayed when they had been expecting a sad ending from all the forewarnings.

Yun Eun Hye again emphasized she didn′t have any complaints about the happy ending.

"If Soo Yeon wishes to be happy, then the two people in Soo Yeon′s life also need to stay alive. If Jung Woo had met a bad ending, then [soo Yeon] wouldn′t have been able to think positively. The same goes for Harry. The two are precious to [soo Yeon]; how could she be happy after losing them? That wouldn′t have made any sense."

She seemed to know that not every ending can satisfy every viewer, as she added, "I′m happy with the happy ending."

Photo credit: The House Company Entertainment


thanks everyone for all the updates...I'm so happy can be in this thread for the past three months...n met all people here..gonna miss u all >:D<

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Guest corona911

[Eng sub] Yuchun CCTV Today's Music interview ユチョン 유천

[CUT] The story of 1000 days Magazine  - Yoochun playing piano♥♥ 
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Guest prettybo

Much have been said about the female fans envy towards YEH being with such handsome young men as YC & YSH. There must be "some young men" who wished they were in these two "heartbreakers" shoes. .

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Guest jjsweeter0211

Interview] Yun Eun Hye Speaks About Yun Eun Hye

2013-02-03 17:00  l   CJ E&M enewsWorld Ko Hong Ju
Translation Credit :
 Erika Kim  

It was a hard journey but it was a happy one, in which Yun Eun Hye had found her first perfectly fitting role since Coffee Prince. With this, Yun Eun Hye showed she had again matured as an actress.

We met with Yun Eun Hye, who had recently appeared as the lead Lee Soo Yeon in the MBC drama I Miss You.


You were praised for your acting, and everyone called it a ′rediscovery of Yun Eun Hye′. How did that feel?

"To be honest, I′m very thankful. To be more honest, I′m actually pretty sad about such titles. A ′rediscovery′ can mean that no one really expected anything from me in the first place. Looking at it from a positive view, of course I′m thankful, but it may mean that I′m trapped inside a specific character. Still, I′m trying to accept it, since not everyone has seen all of my pieces."

How did it feel to be loved by two good-looking boys, Park Yoo Chun and Yoo Seung Ho?

"They′re both younger than me. Just a year ago I never thought boys who were younger than me could become men. (Laugh) I even thought we wouldn′t be able to strike up a conversation. Thankfully, the two are more mature than most their age, and so there was no problem in communication. I realized I′m at an age when I′ll have to act with men younger than me, and opened up. I think I′ve become more open."

I′m curious on how you managed that.

"In the past, I actually tried to be careful about my every move. Now, however, I approach others more openly since I′m the older one. I have to be active since they′re not that active. (Laugh) I′m happy that, regardless of their looks, my little brothers listened to me."

I can feel your acting has loosened up. How did that happen?

"I′ve become less strict toward myself, and I′ve set some things down. Many people around me helped me. I become very sensitive and tired whenever I start a new piece. Even my fashion changes. I try to live my life as my role when I start acting as a new character. The reason I don′t feel strained even when the script comes out late is because I′ve already become my role."

How many points would you give your own acting?

"I′m not very generous in grading. I was thirsty in many ways, but I did know what emotions I wanted to convey. The character wasn′t easy, so some parts were hard, but I want to give a high score to how I managed even in the cold weather. I do have my weaknesses but I′ll keep that to myself. (Laugh)"

Which do you like better: Romantic comedy or plain romance?

"I′m afraid of being pinned to any one image. I personally feel I want to do whatever fits my age best. I thought I wouldn′t be able to do some things even if I wanted to later on. I think that′s why I keep trying to look at a wider variety of characters based on my situation."

Your fashion style has been making issues. Are you interested in fashion?

"Of course I′m very interested. I′m interested, but I don′t really dress up. I do purchase collection books and try to think up ideas. I′ve been helping the sales of foreign books. (Laugh) I like looking at pretty things like furniture, china, miscellaneous goods and idea books. I buy ideas with money."


What does ′love′ mean to Yun Eun Hye?

"I never really go outside so I rarely get a chance. When I was about 29 I visited many clubs with the thought that I should start partying, but now I spend most of my time at home, watching movies."

Do you have any plans for your next piece?

"I originally planned to enter a new piece without leaving any free time in between, but it′s not as easy as I thought. I′m open to many possibilities. I′ve been talking with officials in film too, as they′ve thought my acting in dramas was good. I′ll come back with some good news soon."

Do you have anything you really want to say?

"If the public is curious about me, I′ll have a lot to show, but if they reach their own conclusions I′ll become scared even before I do anything. If anyone gives me a chance I jump on the challenge. I know that I can′t be perfect. It′ll be hard to become perfect in my eyes and in the public′s eyes, but I′m always expecting to meet a satisfactory piece like my most recent one. I think that will propel me forward as an actress."

Photo credit: The House Company Entertainment
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Guest sunshine4ever

I love the news that was posted with EH's point of view. I support her point of view. While I was watching IMY I just felt that SY loved both JW & HJ. So I am happy as well to see that we have a happy ending.

Here is an old MV. I missed JW & SY from episodes 7-10. They looked so different in there. JW used to be so into SY in a very different way in this music video. Sorry if this is like the third time you see it if you are active at different threads I am in also.


video credits to SVETIK

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suncine445 said: Hi Everyone. Thank you for the few months where our lives touches through this beautiful drama. I am taking my final exit from this thread as I would be going on a 4 months world tour with my hubby starting this weekend. May pop in once a while where there is internet available for the latest update. Thanks again and take care and may all you hope and wish for come true. cheerio!  :))

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guys, don't laugh, err  I spent my whole sunday to make a "cake" haha ... yeah it's bogosipda cake :Phere is my cake for all of you... and have a nice sunday !! I miss you fellows :))making the cake itself only took an hour but decorating sucked up hours hahahaha :Dfacebook1_zpsed75c50d.jpg

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Guest santaiah178

chichocs said: Yoon Eun Hye Says She′s Happy with the Ending of ′I Miss You′

"I think we′ll have to take into consideration how rape is a sensitive issue," she said. "I can′t help [but lean toward the happy ending] because I have to think from Soo Yeon′s point of view. People need to be healed and energized by my appearance, but if even the ending turns out to be bad it means I′ll only be showing my worst side to my viewers. Personally, I believe it′s right for Soo Yeon to have a happy ending."

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Oh Jung Sae Actor (Detective Joo in I Miss You) on Eun Hye
Recently said in his interview that when he thinks of EH, the word that come up to his mind is Baeryoshim (...) He said something about how unlike other typical Actresses, EH was not primarily concerned about making sure she came across as beautiful on-screen but instead was always thinking about everyone else and making sure she was not troubling anybody.
Credit:  amcosmicf
Link   :  http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/2012267/chunhye-couple-park-yoochun-yoon-eun-hye-official-thread/p175

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