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Jin Se Yeon 진세연


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oh my god, i come back 12 hours later, and we have a new page?! @-) GOOOOO SY STANS!!! besides new twitter pictures, we have more childhood photos too! it is raining SY news, i tell you!

photos credit to Early Bird Entertainment, via E Daily
bbpics4.jpgthis picture is of SY in 2nd grade. she was in the school playground, and her mom took this picture. SY's mom love taking photos of SY everywhere she goes.

bbpics5.jpgthis one is of SY's brother and her at a museum. this one was also captured by her mom.
PS13040300024.jpg^ i posted this last one several times before, but i bet it won't hurt to see it again. SY was in a park near her home, wearing a fancy dress for no reason at all. her brother, who wasn't in the shot, was wearing a tuxedo randomly too. SY's mom had dressed her and her brother up to take pictures. it seems like SY definitely had a very good childhood with her family. they all sound really close.

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SY's hair for the summer campaign is noticeably shorter, compare to her extensions for the fall campaign and actual long hair for the spring campaign. i think she looks a little similar to the winter campaign. that hair was also to her shoulders.
i really hope SY's agency signed her up for another year at Edwin. maybe 2 years is a little excessive for a newbie actress, but who knows how the rest of the year will pan out? besides miss A, SY is their longest female model. so, there's definitely a possibility that Edwin will keep her until summer 2014. [-O<

since we're still talking about Edwin, i wonder how the photo shoot went yesterday. did SY and JW flirt on the set? was there a lot of touching? ;) come on... i can't be the only one thinking this. :D

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do you guys remember SY had an interview with a Japanese magazine? well, i found the 'interview.' it's not really much, since the mag features the main cast of "Five Fingers" with an overview of the drama. from the looks of the actual mag, there's just a brief bio about SY.

thanks to mi_gung from "Five Fingers" baidujapmag.jpg
...and a bonus BTS picture of SY at the photo shoot for the Japanese mag (via Asia Economy)japan.jpg

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i forgot to mention that SY's brother is named Kim Jong Hoon, and he is 3 years older than our girl. he is studying to be a computer engineer. the 'behind-the-scenes cut' above said that SY and her brother got along really well as kids. they never actually fought and are close to each others. now, i am inspired to post more pictures of SY's brother. enjoy the cuteness, my stans! :-*

credit to www.cyworld.com/barbie0215

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Micheru said: do you guys remember SY had an interview with a Japanese magazine? well, i found the 'interview.' it's not really much, since the mag features the main cast of "Five Fingers" with an overview of the drama. from the looks of the actual mag, there's just a brief bio about SY.

thanks to mi_gung from "Five Fingers" baidu
...and a bonus BTS picture of SY at the photo shoot for the Japanese mag (via Asia Economy)

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here is the translation of the article just as you requested, @cutieloverz. :-*

photos credit to Early Bird Entertainment, via E Daily
^ the translation for the story behind this picture was really wonky, so i couldn't understand most of the words. what i know for sure is that SY was in middle school in this picture. she also made the fan that she is holding. apparently, she liked making handcrafted things when she was younger.
bbpics6.jpg^ the translation for this picture was also hard to understand. i think SY was in middle school. she took her dolls to her brother's room and someone captured this picture. the translation mentions a boy confessing his feelings to SY while she was still in middle school. i'm not too sure about the accuracy of this part. the events following the 'supposed confession' were confusing as well.
bbpics7.jpg^ this was taken back in 2009, during an ad shoot. (i know where this is from! it's from SY's Green iNet public service announcement. i'll post the CF in a bit.) the translation continues with how SY made her initial debut through CFs. then, there's something incoherent about PSAs that i do not understand. finally, the article ends with SY asking for her fans' support.

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like i promised, here is the CF for Green iNet. i also made screen caps a while ago. i will finally post them as well. a little information on the CF, this is supposedly SY's first 'acting' gig. so it was kind of her debut in a way.

this one was released on April 10, 2009.
Green iNet CFcredits to Aegisyie

EDIT: thank you so much for putting the CF on Youtube, @Aera! :-* >:D<
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