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the fruit of death.....

Guest darkjizzle806

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Guest RareBreed

Every time I've been in HK fruit shops/markets etc (so MANY times over  the past 10+ years) I've never smelled anything bad.......  the smell is SO hyped up so I'm a lil confused.

I have tried it, it tasted good.  I'm not sure if it's some different variety etc but it's always smelled really sweet & nice to me in stores... 

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Guest nounblackdvil

yes, yes, yes and yes.

You should give it a try. Durian is one of my favorite fruit, love the smell and love the fruit itself.

The best are from Thailand.

You would get use to the smell :)

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I don't know why the Westerners make this big fuss about Durian where they have to find out what it smells like or tastes like and then they have these durian eating challenge. It smells like Durian and tastes like Durian. Smells good and tastes great, creamy, sweet and buttery. I used to love it so much but now the frozen Durian over here is getting too sweet for me. Also, eating too much of Durian is not good. It's one of the "hot" fruit like longan/dragon eyes.

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I'm living in Malaysia now and it's Durian season! I love it :lol:

I sometimes wonder how something that's so sweet, creamy, and rich can actually be healthy. I assume it's healthy... it's a fruit right? lol

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Guest RareBreed

So 2 of my friends in Shanghai love the smell and taste of durian too... but 2 seem to dislike it.

I don't get why it's so different for different people mellow.gif

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Guest hamdainvincible

LOL that girl sounds like she had the worst experience of her lifetime.

I'd rather say that it smells like a gas stove and tastes slimy but I don't know how onions got into the picture.

I only like it when it's sweet cause it actually is pretty sweet and when the outside is a little harder than the slime.

I personally don't like durian but aside from the texture and smell I'd say give it a try... if you have gagging issues then don't try it cause the texture isn't that great. My whole family loves it though we were all cracking up over the smell of it the other day :crazy:

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Guest baBy-aKiko

Girl/guy, you have NO idea what you're missing out on! It's the King of Fruits rather than the Fruit of Death :'(

Lol, im just messing around. But yea, it's a personal preference. Who knows, you might even end up loving it :P

Btw, how does durian even came close to onions?! She must be lying. She nvr ate em! :ph34r:

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  • 3 months later...
Guest Wingedbunny

I want to try it but i can only find the frozen inside parts in the cooling section in our china town. I can't find the whole fruit around here. Is it better to eat it when it is still in the spiky skin or is there no real difference?

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I guess I kind of grew up eating durian once and a while. but that doesn't mean I would die for the smell! I actually haven't eaten it since I was 5. xD

From what I remember my brother and I would always run away when my parents cracked the durian open :P

My brother refused to eat it cause it smelled so bad but I gave it a try (or more like peer pressured by the elders)

It tasted pretty good and seems nutritious too . I guess don't judge the book by it's smell? XD

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest iinnasioh

when i was younger i couldnt stand the stenchh !!! but now i love it !! XD eating too much is not really good tho..

too bad i eat it rarely =(

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i tried it once and thought it tasted like eating tuna pizza with a lot of onions and vanilla custard on top while sitting on the toilet ....

i didnt really like it, but actually i would like to try it again, im a bit older now so maybe i might begin to like it

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Guest jewels005

I was thinking why not try something different today.  The fruit of death, Durian.  After seeing a girl puke from just putting it in her mouth, plus the smell, I'm a little freaked out.  She said it tasted like rotten, mushy onions.  I'm like WTF, how can you consider this a fruit.  So, was her reaction just one in a million or is it really that nasty.  I honestly can't see myself eating this.  I mean she puked, you could her gag as she was throwing up.  

So, what's up?

Should I give it a chance?  Yes, No, Maybe So.

I dont think that durian is the fruit of death..its actually really sweet and doesn't smell that bad...i rly dont get it

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It might "stink" but it's actually far better than some other kinds of stink like stinky tofu and natto... At least durian is sweet whereas natto the taste is also acquired. If you cannot get past durian's smell, I think it makes it better if you held your breath while eating it.

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