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the fruit of death.....

Guest darkjizzle806

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well for the durian. if it's the first time you eat it, maybe you think it doesn't smell good, but it tastes good (unless u didn't buy a good one...) i'm used to eat durian since i was young, so i have no problem with the smell or the taste. my neighboor, a boy younger than me, doesn't like the smell of it, so he will not eat it.

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Guest *reminiscing.soul.

i LOVE durian, the smell, the taste, both are AWESOME! ahaha, you should definitely try it x] and if you don't like it, at least you know never to go near it again =]

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Guest Patchwork Wings

LOL. I dont really like durian either, but the smell doesnt bother me, it kinda smells good. xD

I like eating it frozen/like ice cream though...that is yummy. :)

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Guest i KITTY x3 =)*

LOL i love your dramatic topic title o_o Fruit of death? xP

I never tasted durian, but I heard it's pretty good despite the nasty smell ^^ Go for it!

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Guest J1NX3R x3

it might depend on the person cause they aren't used to the smell and never been introduced to it when they were little so it's hard to get use to it so suddenly. when i was little my parents used to limit durian on my sisters and i so it became very precious to me lols as a result i love durian!

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actually it's not as bad as you make it sound.

although the smell is really nasty, the fruit itself tastes good (well i like it anyways)

i used to eat a lot of those when i was in thailand cuz they're fresh

but now i don't because the durians i find in the US are the frozen one you find in freezers

and they tastes weird when you eat them >_<

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Guest bluecarrot

my mom and dad says..it doesn't smell that bad?

or else i heard it from t.v. they say it smells like dead bodies rotting..

i don't know..

i'd wanna try it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I LOVE DURIAN! My whole family loves durian! I've been eating it all my life. I don't think they smell bad or maybe because i'm used to eating it but they're so good! lol Esp. Marco Polo durian flavored ice-cream are the bomb!!!!

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Guest Atmosphere.

*looks up google*

OHHH no. I never seen this fruit before ._.

never even heard of it either .__.;

lol i see a lot of people with a disgusted face at google IMAGES HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

the fruit of death ROFL!! is it that bad. lookie the pictures, they look disgusted.

well a lot of people said it taste good and it doesnt smell like onion, it smells like pineapple.

i wonder if my honey ate it before, i should ask him.

*random omg my head hurts. i hope my friend hunnah's baby doesnt cry ._.*

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Guest itadakimasu_^_^

u should!!

it smells nice once u eat it!!!

think of it as very thick ice cream milkshake - kind of texture

i ate 4 durians the other day with my brother and my dad!!! very nice!!!

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