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the fruit of death.....

Guest darkjizzle806

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Guest nisssr3

i really like durian! anything with durian in it is sooo good; ice cream, cake, cheese cake (so yummy!).. i like the smell too :D

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Guest Spicaa

Apparantly I don't have a sense of smell because I can't really smell the "stench" everyone's talking about. :( I don't mind eating them, but I won't use it as a snack, exactly.

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Guest brinyblue

bahaha catchy title right there. But honestly, the smell's not so bad, just hold your breath and try it, its actually quite yummy. ^^

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Guest toGETherONE

LOL! I haven't really met anyone who will vomit by a durian encounter. What a weak stomach! Pretty unfortunate 'cos I think durians are very distinctive fruits and a waste to pass up.

Try a reduced form of it first, like durian taffy candy or popsicle, then work your way up to durian cake or sticky rice, and finally the ripe fruit.

My favorite is taking its ripe fruit and set it in a big cup of vanilla bean ice cream... OH~ SO GOOD!

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lol this reminds me of the time my uncle held his nose while taking his first-ever bite of durian. the fruit does stink...it has a strong odor, almost as strong as onion but it tastes very sweet and unbelievably creamy...like there's a thin coat of durian that you break and then it gushes out and it's very sweet and like i said before, has a creamy texture ^_^

give it a try, you might like it :D

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I like durian! :D Maybe it's cause I grew up eating it too~

Sometimes it depends on the type of durian, but I really like the taste and texture. :)

To me the smell of the fruit isn't that bad~ It's the breath after that's just eeeeee. ><

But yessss, try it! :D

Frozen is really good too, haha. XD

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Guest Pinkychan

what?!?!? omggg durian is the best thing everr!!! xD

maybe its because i ate it when i was younger xD...

but yah my brothers hate it. they say it stinks leik "cat richard simmons"<-- chinese expression

but yah.. i lvoe the ice cream too xD

but i guess its an aquired taste =D

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Aquaflower

At first I was turned off by the smell, but I found out that it's really good. We even made ice cream popsicles out of it once haha.

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Guest ms cowie

I had it for the first time in a pastry type thing in China not knowing it was durian haha. It looks something like this and idk, I didn't like it tooo much. I ended up eating a couple bites of it and I got bored lawl


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Might be nasty to you. BUT I LOVE FROZEN DURIANS. Honestly, I can't smell it for some reason. People say it's really strong but it never reached my nose, ever.

But if you can't stand the smell, you should try durian popsicles. They blow my mind away. ;]

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Guest ilikeyammyfoods

the smell has totally kept me away from even touching a durian.

but a lot of people say they're good, so idk :/

but...the smell! X_______x

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Guest killjadeskye

I really don't get it why many people hates how it smells. My brother hates the smell, but I totally love it. And I prefer durian that is in room temperature rather than cold durian, because it just taste much better that way.

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Guest annievy;

ahha, i believe it is an acquired taste. i could never really eat it at room temperature, or when its just cut. but i love it when its frozen, it is sort of like ice cream. i like it, but i grew up eating it. aha. you should try it frozen, it takes away the "mushy" texture that a lot of people can't stand.

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Guest winnter

i grew up with durians (being vietnamese) so i love them :D i actually like the way they smell too which i know differs from person to person (viet or not).

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