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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest susAmerica

Wow so many updates!! Thanks Sunnies!!

Going backwards and summing most of it....

Prettywiz posted info that GHS will be a guest on March 16 at the radio show by Jung Yup called Blue Night. (I heard it is aired at midnight)

Dewimoar posted a tweeter from a very happy person who attended a 20th Celebrational Performace of Hak Jun (I don't know how to translate that: I saw the list of people performing in that show and one of them was Jo SeungWoo. I guess GHS went to cheer on one of her main star of PEACH TREE and I know that she went to see Jekyl and Hyde starring Jo SeungWoo twice.--cr DC) The tweeter was so happy that GHS sat right next to her at the Hak Jun 20th Celebration Performance. Her face is so small, so bright white and her eyes so round--she could even suit well to appear as ?pink solder?--(maybe Hak Jun has something to do with military??)

natali's post about IWFFIS BUGS is also a comment from a fan who attended the IWFFIS. She saw the trailer and she saw GHS and the press conference. Although the trailer is short, she liked the pretty images. She recommeds peple to see her trailer and describes it. She says GHS is so pretty and so young looking and that she even talks so cutely. GHS gave much photo time for the press and even for BUGS (I guess it is the staff or some group that went to IWFFIS) The poster says that when she looks at the pix of GHS and the BUGS and compare, her eyes become filled with moisture. (haha)

Thanks meow13 for the characters and stars of AD. I also hope that it will materialize for sure,

natali's posts from DC;s Goddessku. I am very happy too that goddessku returned with so much information about GHS!!

It seems the tweeter is an actor from THEMU. The pix are the sets for THEMU and those sets are inside those huge steel houses/containers.

Location is YiChun Set. Tweeter says: GHS's small and cute and ChoiDaniel's grand and spacious...ChoiDan's deep and soulful eyes--I wish I spoke to him as much I did in the drama acting--much regret about that...

GHS's codi also left a tweeter asking "where are you? I am here at YiChun set."

Another tweet from someone in Malaysia---there is a pix of GHS in Danahan cf pix and a person driving a car with steering wheel on the right side.

Toyota is having a special event: If the person leaves a promotional comment inside the box right next to the GREAT DANE and get selected, they can win many prizes,like IPAD. (There is the reason for that GREAT DANE in Australia!!)

Below is the article that seems to be written by GHS herself of her experience and praises after having test driven Toyota Prius. (I think I translated some of it before in here. but there is one thing in there that I did not translate.) In general, GHS loves Prius saying that it is so economical, good for the environment and simple to use, so quiet, one does not need keys to start the car, and great for parking as the car helps one to park. GHs says that she is less skillful in parking than driving and that is a great asset about the Prius. She says that she loves going to an area called ShimChungdong where there are lots of pretty cafes, delicious eateries and quiet feel whenever she feels stressed. She finds it hard to park there and Prius would be ideal for her to drive there. (Where is ShimChungdong? hehe)

Another tweeter met GHS filming her drama at the Seoul Train STation and felt so happy.

GHS is so charming and so natural that the tweeter just felt very happy as she was returning home.

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Guest susAmerica

Many DC members have listened to GHS on the Blue Night with Jung Yup radio program together. It is a live radio show and people can write in their comments as they listen and people can actually read what the audience is saying. That night, GHS just came from filming PEACH TREE and she had to return to filming after the radio show.

Unfortunately, all the DC members are saying that GHS did not have a good interview at al l. They felt so bad for her. DC members are saying that GHS was laughing way too much and that her too much laughing is her way of dealing with uncomfortable situation. They say her voice was unusually soft and she sounded very stressed and nervous. They feel that Jung Yup asked too many uncomfortable questions and that he praised her way too much and GHS does not feel comfortable with too much praises.

Many DC member felt stressed about the posts made by the listening audience and many of them were very negative and demeaning about GHS-- tears.gif:angry:tears.gif

(After hearing what DC members are saying over several pages, I felt bad too. Stage Panic and Fright can be a debilitating thing. Since GHS came from her directorial work and must return to her work, I would almost imagine that she did not even get a chance to have a glass of alcohol to calm herself down before facing the live audiencec. :( --not that that is any good method either...but to have tons of people posting disheartening and critical messages so that GHS and the rest of the audience can see can make anybody even more nervous. What kind of radio program is this!!!)

But many DC fans are posting consoling messages for GHS and hoping that one bad interview would not dampen her spirit to do directorial work! GHS FIGHTING!!!

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As always, thank you Sue for the translation ;), as a fan i also feel bad to hear something like that fury.gif it seems we can't run from the fact that for someone who is pretty, intelligent, and brave like HS is indeed to be a risk to be judged too fast by those who actually don't know anything phew.gifsweatingbullets.gif-_- , but i believe our HS is a very tough girl, and i just love her even more because she always handles uncomfortable situations with the brightness of her :wub:, i believe she will change the negative to positive, that's our girl that we love. So let's cheer up ^_^

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Again THANK YOU SUE for informing us SUNNIES what happened from the radio interview that she went to on MARCH 16.

I have a feeling that our girl was hurt emotionally from that interview because she is just a normal human being..i couldn't imagine how it was for her going back to work after that interview but i guessed that was the best place for her to go to because by being busy it took that experience off her mind and also her friends like NSM or JSW i hope were there to comfort her. I just feel like hugging her and telling her that everything is alright,that this kind of situation is unavoidable being so popular especially all over asia.Just like what had been said during her last interview she took the rough road after BOF so let us just consider it as one of the streets that is hard to repair.I believe that those people who posted disheartening messages are just her haters because they like some other celebrities but they couldn't just matched up her talents with their idols they are just some insecured individuals.

Like dewimoar said lets cheer up! GHS FIGHTING! Just continue what you love doing with that passion you've got.We the SUNNIES are always here to support OUR GIRL GHS!

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Hello Sunnies :)

Just stopping by to show this thread some love :)

thanks everybody for pictures she's very beautiful :)

@sue thanks for the translation I really appreciate it :)

To all the sunnies that contribute to this thread thank you :)

GHS love always :)

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Good day to all Sunnies :)

@Sue Thank you for the radio interview.. :)

@dewimoar & prettywiz I agree both of you and GHS can't avoid/please those antis. I'm not really bother with those negative criticism coz as per GHS she really don't care what other people are saying negativelyB) . This really means that she's a very tough girl... Because of her role as "Geum Jandi" in BOF it becomes her inspiration to be more positive in life.:wub:

@Sunny_Minho Thank you for the wonderful and pretty pix of hye sun :D. Is this the one taken in Australia? :unsure:

GHS FIGHTING !!! :wub:

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Guest starvio

hello jazz

please, just call me vio :)

yes I think this one were taken in australia ^_^

and this is status from toyota corolla facebook ;)

방송인 구혜선씨와 그레이트덴이 코롤라와 함께

호주에서 로케이션 촬영을 했는데요~!

호주의 멋진 자연은 관광청의

'호주만큼 멋진 곳은 어디에도 없습니다'라는 슬로건처럼...

최고의 결과물을 보여줄꺼라고 기대합니다..

...자~ 그럼 함께 호주로 떠나볼까요???

sunnies fighting !!! :lol:

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Sunny_Mino wow sorry didnt realize that you already post the pics in previous page.thanks :)


방송인 구혜선씨와 그레이트덴이 코롤라와 함께

호주에서 로케이션 촬영을 했는데요~!

호주의 멋진 자연은 관광청의

'호주만큼 멋진 곳은 어디에도 없습니다'라는 슬로건처럼...

최고의 결과물을 보여줄꺼라고 기대합니다..

자~ 그럼 함께 호주로 떠나볼까요???


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Guest susAmerica

Sunny_Mino wow sorry didnt realize that you already post the pics in previous page.thanks :)

*quoted image*

방송인 구혜선씨와 그레이트덴이 코롤라와 함께

호주에서 로케이션 촬영을 했는데요~!

호주의 멋진 자연은 관광청의

'호주만큼 멋진 곳은 어디에도 없습니다'라는 슬로건처럼...

최고의 결과물을 보여줄꺼라고 기대합니다..

자~ 그럼 함께 호주로 떠나볼까요???



Talent GHS and the Great Dane along with Corolla went on a location shooting in Australia~! Australia's natural beauty is as its travel logo says: 'There is no place as beautiful as Australia....' I am also expecting a great result. Then, let us leave for Australia!!!

(GHS looks so calm and so in control next to that Great Dane who also seems to have found its mistress!! keke)

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here the news chio_mexico ;)

구혜선, 조승우 “어렵지만 존경해” 심경 고백

배우 구혜선이 선배 배우 조승우에 대한 심경을 고백했다.

3월 16일, MBC FM4U '푸른 밤 정엽입니다' 기획특집 ‘여배우들’에 출연한 구혜선은, 자신이 연출하는 작품에서 주연배우로 출연하는 조승우에 대해 “어렵고, 존경스럽다”고 밝혔다.

이어 “조승우 선배는 나를 구 감독님이라고 부르지만, 내가 어떤 요구를 할 때 솔직히 좀 어려운 게 사실이다”라고 털어놨다.

조 승우의 제대 후 첫 스크린 복귀작이자, 자신이 두 번째로 연출한 장편영화 '복숭아 나무'를 준비 중인 구혜선은, 이날도 밤늦게까지 진행된 촬영 중 잠시 짬을 내어 '푸른 밤' 스튜디오를 방문했지만 시종일관 밝은 웃음으로 유쾌한 매력을 과시했다.

구혜선은 또 ‘셀카종결자’로 일컬어질 만큼 스스로 찍은 사진으로 이목을 끌기도 했는데 거기에 대해선, “연기 시작할 때 내 얼굴을 알아보려고 내 모습을 많이 찍어봤다”며 “그러다 보니 점점 노하우가 생겼다.”고 말해 셀카에 얽힌 뒷이야기를 공개했다.

‘십 년 후엔 어떤 모습으로 남길 바라나’는 질문엔 “아이 키우는 엄마가 되고 싶다”며 “아이는 5명 정도 낳고 싶고, 되도록이면 남자아이가 많았으면 좋겠다”고 말하기도 했다.

'푸른 밤 정엽입니다' 기획특집 ‘여배우들’은 배우 김정은을 시작으로 이민정, 유인나, 이보영 등이 출연해 여배우들의 숨겨진 뒷얘기를 공개해서 화제가 되었다.


동아닷컴 온라인뉴스팀 기사제보 star@donga.com

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Hello To all Sunnies!!

sunny_mino  sweety thanks for bringing over the Toyota Cf  BTS!! now lets all wait for the cf! YAY the excitement! :w00t:

Chio-Mexico  Gracias! thanks for the article from her Radio guesting,keep it up!! :)

nat dear miss you and thanks also for the article!!

aszlei and to all ur new Sunniesz sisters welcome and enjoy your stay! ;)

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MBC 라디오 <푸른밤> 구혜선 출연, “조승우 선배 어렵지만, 존경스러워”

- 배우 구혜선 “조승우 선배는 어렵지만, 존경스러워”

- 배우 구혜선, “10년 후에는 아이 키우는 엄마가 되고 싶다, 아이는 5명 정도 낳고 싶어”

배우 구혜선이 선배 배우 조승우에 대한 심경을 고백했다.

3 월 16일 수요일 자정, MBC FM4U <푸른 밤 정엽입니다> 기획특집 ‘여배우들’ (91.9Mhz, 연출 송명석)에 출연한 구혜선은, 자신이 연출하는 작품에서 주연배우로 출연하는 조승우에 대해 “어렵고, 존경스럽다”며 “조승우 선배는 나를 구 감독님이라고 부르지만, 내가 어떤 요구를 할 때 솔직히 좀 어려운 게 사실이다”라고 말했다.

조승우의 제대 후 첫 스크린 복귀작이자, 자신이 두 번째로 연출한 장편영화 <복숭아 나무>를 준비 중인 구혜선은, 이날도 밤늦게까지 진행된 촬영 중 잠시 짬을 내어 <푸른 밤> 스튜디오를 방문했지만 시종일관 밝은 웃음으로 유쾌한 매력을 과시했다.

구 혜선은 또 ‘셀카종결자’로 일컬어질 만큼 스스로 찍은 사진으로 이목을 끌기도 했는데 거기에 대해선, “연기 시작할 때 내 얼굴을 알아보려고 내 모습을 많이 찍어봤다”며 “그러다 보니 점점 노하우가 생겼다.”고 말해 셀카에 얽힌 뒷이야기를 공개했다.

‘십 년 후엔 어떤 모습으로 남길 바라나’는 질문엔 “아이 키우는 엄마가 되고 싶다”며 “아이는 5명 정도 낳고 싶고, 되도록이면 남자아이가 많았으면 좋겠다”고 말하기도 했다.

<푸른 밤 정엽입니다> 기획특집 ‘여배우들’은 배우 김정은을 시작으로 이민정, 유인나, 이보영 등이 출연해 여배우들의 숨겨진 뒷얘기를 공개해서 화제가 되었다.

방송은 매주 수요일 밤 12시 MBC FM4U 91.9Mhz를 통해 들을 수 있고, 지난 방송은 홈페이지를 통해 다시 들어볼 수 있다.

Cre http://mbcinfo.imbc.com/news_view.asp?idx=11502&category=&page=1

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Thanks for the Toyota CF pics, the huge doggie with Hyesun in dress, so cute & pretty ^^

some making films of IWFFIS trailer to share



Ku Hye Sun - IWFFIS Official Trailer [Making film] 1



Ku Hye Sun - IWFFIS Official Trailer [Making film] 2  


Ku Hye Sun - IWFFIS Official Trailer [Making film] 3  

noted that the audio of the above clip was blocked in some countries, here's an edited version with Brown Hair as background music


Ku Hye Sun - IWFFIS Official Trailer [Making film] 3 (Audio replaced)


Ku Hye Sun - IWFFIS Official Trailer [Making film] 4  


have a great day all Sunniez!

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