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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest pixie_eve

she quietly moved through everyone's midst, and entered the filming site, waiting quietly in the dressing room, for the hair stylist. Different from the exuberant optimistic personality of Geum jandi in Boys Over Flowers, everything about her seem to exude a quietness, as if to separate herself from the world.

I wonder y she is so quiet then...maybe she's a bit nervous bout the interview with a foreign press. She is rather shy, but wen she warms up, she really gives u that lightness of being :)

She has experienced happiness that she has never felt through acting. However Goo hye sun says that her problem is there are too many things she'd like to do. Once she starts on something, she's determined to see the end result. While filming "Boys Over Flowers", she started penning her novel "Tango". She would write everyday after filming has wrapped up and sleep only an hour a day. It's tiring, very tiring, at that time, I thought I'm dying, however I couldn't pause. When I urgently need to do something, even if I stop what I'm doing, I wouldn't be able to sleep.

she's really a workaholic.. gahh i envy our girl. If only i have half of her abilities and half of her enthusiasm for everything she puts her heart into. She's really a passionate woman in terms of work and love ;)

Q:"What would you do if you were to choose Goo hye sun as the main theme of your creation?"

A:I haven't thought about that before. I think I will produce an abstract sketch of my face. It will probably be a comical face. It was rare to see the sudden impishness she expressed in that moment.

a bit contradictory to how the writer perceived her -- being quiet and expressionless.. I think GHS is a cheerful person, her quietness maybe coming from the inside-- like a quietness of spirit. but outside she is as cheerful as how she wants her sketch to be :)

I think a perfect woman is one who can face oneself and see the truth/reality, or one who can embrace/pardon her own imperfection. I think only a woman who's willing to embrace and condone her own imperfection is one who be a 100% woman.

Amongst all female characters, my favorite is Scarlett whom Vivien Leigh portrayed in "Gone with the wind". She's not the prim and proper lovable protagonist. However, she's a truthful woman. She truthfully faces herself and reality, and makes a bargain with reality. She may regret, and may feel pitiable. Although she's considered slightly selfish as a female, I think that's what makes her beautiful.

wow this is deep :) a woman who accepts and embraces her own imperfection. I love this girl, she is such a gem in the artificial world of entertainment. How many artists would have answered intelligently as she does?

I wish GHS would do a drama much like Scarlet Ohara's. She believes in her character so much, u'd want to see her be one :)

Being free doesn't mean one can do anything as one wishes. I used to think that dating two person at the same time is totally uncondonable. However, I've come to realize that even a betrayal can be understood. Perhaps it's because I've gradually come to understand what men are like..... Therefore the thing that's truly unforgivable is if one destroys another's life on impulse, e.g. murder. Freedom should only be exercised when it does not interfere with others.

This i hot to believe. GHS is so eloquent is expressing her own thoughts. I think we share the same sentiments and ideals here wen it comes to men and freedom. I guess GHS has learned her lesson wd men and she is more understanding about love now, and because of this i think she truly deserves a man who will cherish her and care for her deeply.

The above seems to be a more serious interview looking deeper into hyesun's inner thoughts, quite the contrary to the light-hearted interviews she had in taiwan. It seems like the scars from the previous relationships are pretty deep. Hope some knight in shining armor with the audacity and tenacity of Goo junpyo in BOF will come and sweep her off her feet and teach her to love again. Thinking deeper about it, I think a guy who will eventually win her over and earn her trust and love should start off as just a friend, becoz right now it seems like she'd be too wary to dive deep into a love relationship and give it her all. However, she has many good male friends, so that would be a good place to start off... as a trustworthy friend.

thanks webby... and i got to agree with u on this. I think she needs a man who will be a friend to her first. A best friend for a boyfriend,, someone whom she can trust and make herself believe in love again :) She is a romantic at heart and i know she longs to look at a man the way her newly married friends look at each other :) In my opinion, if a man wants to be with her, he needs to get to know her more and be a friend to her before he takes a step further.

so much things have gone through! i'm so happy to see her exhibition! i brought some pictures of her artworks to my friends at my art school and they all said its so nice!

love her! :P :P :P

hi KIM :) were u able to attend Hyesun's exhibit? CAn u share with us some of ur experiences? or how/what do u think of her paintings? Ur so lucky to be there at her exhibit..please do share some insights thanks!! :)

trater and NAT thanks for all the VIDS on HS' exhibit :)susAmerica,,hehe again can we ask u a favor and translate the interviews? wat did joonie and LMH said in the vid? and wat did the funny interviewer (in underwear shorts :lol:) asked GHS? she was laughing the whole time she was interviewed, the host looks funny keke

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Guest susAmerica

090702 OBS News Lee Min Ho & Kim Jun visit to Koo Hye Sun art exhibition 2


Lee Minho and Kim Joon visit GHS art exhibit (July 1, 2009)

• KJ wonders if he is the only one who came to the exhibit empty-handed.

• At the table, he finds out that LMH brought a gift for HS and feels really

embarrassed. That is why he is laughing and covering his face @0.10.

• @0.13 a female PD asks KJ to choose an art that he likes.

• KJ asks back, then, can I take it with me?

• The PD asks GHS if he can take it home.

• KJ asks if there are any gifts for visiting the gallery. (he uses honorifics to GHS)

• When HS just smiled without saying anything, KJ said, oh, I’m sorry.

• GHS quickly comes over with the ice coffee that she prepared for him and says, “Is this (coffee) at least OK with you?” (she also uses honorifics with him and GHS is very glad that he came.)

• On the screen is a statement: ‘fooling-around has started’. KJ says, since I came empty-handed, maybe she is not that happy.

• In the background, we hear GHS laughing hard and saying, there is a gift, yes, yes.

• The female narrator reports that her friends are giving her very high praises for her work.

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Guest webby

Lee Minho and Kim Joon visit GHS art exhibit (July 1, 2009)

• KJ wonders if he is the only one who came to the exhibit empty-handed.

• At the table, he finds out that LMH brought a gift for HS and feels really

embarrassed. That is why he is laughing and covering his face @0.10.

Thanks for the translation!! KJ doesn't need to feel embarassed since he came early. That's a good enough present!

I like the part where KJ asked MH did he bring a present. Nice F2 comradeship... if they weren't that close he prob wouldn't have asked outright.

But anyway i dun think goo hye sun would have minded. Them coming to support her must be the best present.

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Guest susAmerica

090703 MBC Koo Hye Sun Section TV Enterainment Interview


090703 MBC Koo Hye Sun Section TV Enterainment Interview

Hyung Min (HM), the reporter, from Section TV Entertainment interviewed GHS at her gallery opening.

HM narrates: What artist produced such a hard to understand (on screen are the words. ‘abstract’ and ‘strange’) and strange drawings like these? It is Geum Jandi’s GHSssi. Let’s go and meet artist HSssi. Last Wednesday at Insadong a special exhibition was held. ‘Pahl Bahng Mi IN’ (all around beautiful and friendly person) GHSssi gathered her illustrations and paintings to hold a private exhibition. So, I looked for today’s main star. What are you eating so tastily? (GHS takes another bite of the cookie.)

GHS: (on screen is a question, what is your reaction to the opening) very nervous and excited.

HM narrates: Despite that fact that it is the first day of the opening, there were lots of people at the gallery. Happy HSssi never stopped smiling. Media’s interest was intense today. I have met with GHSssi one to one.

Question on screen: What is the purpose of the exhibit?

GHS: I have been thinking for a while about having an exhibit with all my drawings. Then an opportunity came to help out the people in difficult situation. So, I decided to have the exhibit and help out at the same time with all the earnings. You know what? You resemble someone.

HM: who?

GHS: Jang Soo Wonssi, I used to be a fan. (for those of you who are not familiar, Jang Soo Won used to be a singer for the SM Entertainment’s singing group called ‘Jackskiss’—spelling might be wrong. Actually, GHS stated in YSMM talk show in 2006 when she came out with Tablo that she decided to become a singer because, as one of her reasons, she wanted to meet Jang Soo Won. When she was about go for her audition, the group Jackskiss already disbanded. That is why we see the comparison pictures of Hyung Min and Jang Soo Won on the screen. The guy on the right is the guy our GHS had a big crush on and how her entire career started!!!!! Totally historical!!! Do they look alike to you??)

HM: I want to see your talent in drawing. Please draw me right now.

GHS, as you can see, made a joke and HM asks if GHS really drew all these gallery drawings herself. (I don’t know about you all, .but I often have lots of problems with Korean entertainment reporters who demand silly and unrealistic requests from their interviewees! Is it realistic for artists to draw portraits so quickly unless maybe they are speed-cartoonists?) (on the screen are words about whether GHS really drew all of her paintings and the screen has words,”dizzy” around GHS’ head asking herself, “did I really do all these myself? Such derogatory editorial comments by the media, especially when it is unknown to the interviewees really make me burn!!!)

HM: Is there anybody that you would really like to see come to your exhibit?


HM as narrator: Whether it is because she said it, but F4’s Kim Joon appears at the exhibit. HM asks KJ why he came empty handed and puts KJ on the spot. (I tell you I often feel like these entertainment reporters attempt more to be an entertainer than reporters. Playing along and perhaps trying to help ease KJ, GHS sticks out her hand to KJ and asks him, where is my present. KJ just slips her a soft high 5 to her.) Now there is LMH. HM narrates that, even in his busy schedule, LMH came to the gallery with all smiles. (I wonder why HM did not say anything negative to LMH?) HM asks what LMH thinks of GHS’s work. I cannot hear what he said the first time, but, on the screen are words. “she draws really well”. Then LMH calls GHS, “Goo Artist, Hye Sun”.

HM: It seems like you are always working so hard. When do you have time to ‘love’?

GHS: I can do it at the same time. (she sounds very energetic here) If you contact me…(she looks directly at the screen) Even today is good too. I am here at the gallery, so…(laughter)

HM: LMH made an explosive statement once that you are a heavy drinker. (I guess she had to deal with this issue on Korean TV soon or later…oh, well)

GHS: well, yes, I admit I do like it. (laughs)

Question on screen: What is your drinking capacity?

GHS: (looking directly at the camera) well, I do not lose. (Bravo, HS! I am so proud that she is dealing with the topic head on and head up without a hint of shame!! HS laughed a lot loudly here.I would think it quite normal to be a bit nervous talking about an issue that can be misjudged in many ways especially for a young woman, in front of a camera!) I went to Taiwan to do promotion. The president of the Taiwan company that managed the trip for BOF team really enjoys drinking. Somehow we all got together for breakfast, lunch and dinner for drinks. To be social, we all drank with him, then somehow we struck up a drinking game.

HM: Did the company president maybe win?

GHS: (just see her expression of trying to stay calm and neutral, trying not to laugh! She is so hillarious!) I do not think I need to say…(HM laughs and, on the screen are the words that she WON! and GHS is saying, ‘no, no,’. (I hope she had a great time in the interview and I hope her Prince Charming walks in as soon as he hears her message on the TV! hahaha))

Lastly, GHS makes her final greeting, wishing everybody good health and to please come to the gallery to help out all of our neighbors who are in need. (On screen are the words asking people to come to the gallery to help the needy neighbors and also to come to meet GHS. I guess this means that HS will be there until it closes on the 7th. Wow, to meet her in person would be something!!!)

HM as a narrator: To the milti-talented HSssi, we hope to see more of your wonderful self.

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Guest xiaomaii

shaz and webby...

thanks for the quick trans of the vogue article. woah! that was a long interview, I like the atmosphere during that interview. GHS seems so keen on how she responds to the questions asked about her, and I like how she respond in details very accurate and brief. :)


Thanks for the recent trans of Section TV! ;)

I guess GHS really need to deal with everyone knowing her drinking capacity. Of course some might feel it's not big of a deal, but for some she would still be criticize, since she had an image as a celebrity to take good care of. I just learned she was a bit taken aback when LMH told them that she drinks more than she eats, she was really surprised it came out in the midst of the interview! So she tried right away to clear the might be misunderstanding. I'm proud of GHS that she deal it with heads high up! :D She really had a strong character beyond her soft angelic face. And I truly admire her for that. That's one reason she's been on the industry for long until now and very successful!

Fighting Hyesun Unnie...! ^^

wasfiyya, you're welcome! credit to the maker not me...it's really a nice picture! ^^

lxandra, Yvonne, and grrrly... keke~ sorry guys for freaking you out a lil bit! :P I didn't intend to do so..TT It's from a fan account at daum, the post itslef and the comments are so hilarious, I was tempted to post it up for some..lol!

trater, welcome to the thread! I saw your YT channle full of GHS! Thank you...:)

and Nina67, I love this picture a lot!


and to everyone living in the US...

betch, Sue, bella, F4fan...(and to all others I forgot to mention) Happy 4th of July!! Hope you spend your time for a summer get away (LOL! I'm on my way now to Florida--and miss you guys! )

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Guest webby

090703 MBC Koo Hye Sun Section TV Enterainment Interview

The group is called "Sechs Kies". I like hye sun in the video, she's so jolly and bubbly esp where she answered abt drinking and time for love. LOL.

It makes me smile to think she hoped for F4 to visit her art exhibit the most.... if only bummie and hyun joong were able to make it :)

Also watching her munch on the cookie reminds me of good ol' jandi.

did anyone find the caricature she drew reminiscent of the goo junpyo face she drew in BOF? THe eyebrows and nose were somewhat similar.. haha.. but i remembered the junpyo face in BOF seemed to follow the original in the manga.

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Lee Minho and Kim Joon visit GHS art exhibit (July 1, 2009)

• KJ wonders if he is the only one who came to the exhibit empty-handed.

• At the table, he finds out that LMH brought a gift for HS and feels really

embarrassed. That is why he is laughing and covering his face @0.10.

^susAMERICA thanks!! :P

KJ its the thought that counts! you are so cute nevertheless plus you and minho are walking pieces of art there 523716bsnxx88uuv.gif

638146kvkkfs33zmq.gifwow! minho so sweet of him and joonie to surprise her despite of their hectic scheds..minho sshi you haven't been to any f3 fan meets hence you came to GHS art exhibit awww youre definitely everything w/c others are not928608kuv33h0b7u.gif928608kuv33h0b7u.gif928608kuv33h0b7u.gif

090703 MBC Koo Hye Sun Section TV Enterainment Interview

Hyung Min (HM), the reporter, from Section TV Entertainment interviewed GHS at her gallery opening.

HM: Is there anybody that you would really like to see come to your exhibit?


HM as narrator: Whether it is because she said it, but F4’s Kim Joon appears at the exhibit. HM asks KJ why he came empty handed and puts KJ on the spot. (I tell you I often feel like these entertainment reporters attempt more to be an entertainer than reporters. Playing along and perhaps trying to help ease KJ, GHS sticks out her hand to KJ and asks him, where is my present. KJ just slips her a soft high 5 to her.) Now there is LMH. HM narrates that, even in his busy schedule, LMH came to the gallery with all smiles. (I wonder why HM did not say anything negative to LMH?) HM asks what LMH thinks of GHS’s work. I cannot hear what he said the first time, but, on the screen are words. “she draws really well”. Then LMH calls GHS, “Goo Artist, Hye Sun”.

of all her many friends she wishes f4 to be there? hmmmm777207ocs00i2io2.gif777207ocs00i2io2.gif777207ocs00i2io2.gif

HM: It seems like you are always working so hard. When do you have time to ‘love’?

GHS: I can do it at the same time. (she sounds very energetic here) If you contact me…(she looks directly at the screen) Even today is good too. I am here at the gallery, so…(laughter)

kekekeke, thats why f2 came rushing in hyesun sshi! you're in for a wonderful surprise! he doesn't need to contact you but personally went there to support you..51756mvnwecuvvj.gif

417726d21rk0pvpp.pngPINK FAIRY50342lnxn0mrluv.gif

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Guest susAmerica

Thank you webby for the correct way to spell the group that Jang Soo Won belonged to.

I am thinking that I wish an interviewer with a deep understanding and knowledge in art would show up and interview GHS the artist. Every reporter is merely commenting how difficult to understand her art is. With an expert interviewing her, we all may be able to get some more information.

I always enjoyed when experts would explain art to me at museums. It puts so much more meaning to the art and always you learn so much about the artist. I remember GHS saying in one of her interviews (I cannot remember where--it might have been the one at the Literature with Voice interview) that, if somebody knowlegeable in art therapy were to review her illustration in her novel TANGO, he or she would be able to read into her easily.

I wish we could hear her explain about her few of her illustration and some of the bigger paintings that she did on canvas. Are there suppose to be pictures within pictures as some of us at soompi are seeing? ... :phew:

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Guest shaz

i just want to say im so in awe of Hyesun (and she's younger than me haha).

She comes across as a woman with this quiet tenacity that i wish i have, yet at the same time, she's seems so human and down to earth...maybe that's why i dun feel this way abt other celebs.

sidenote: http://kpculture.wordpress.com/2009/07/02/...ngo-on-display/

it says here Hyesun had penty of free time to draw and someone left a comment asking then why didnt she go for minho's bday party? lol...i agree!

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Guest nhamthach

When I read her interview , I feel so sad for hers. I think her hurt heart when she told about frist love , and she said:'However, as time passed, other people came into my life and break-up happened once again ' . I guess her still remeber second person . Do you think so? :P but I hope she will find a better person and can came into her life :lol::)

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Guest lucy_marie


Trater: thank you for the video of her interview!! :D

Sue: as always love you for the trans........She's more at ease answering questions about herself now and she was really comfortable about the liquor issue...well she has nothing to hide and nothing to be embarassed about it anyway everybody drinks and socialize like that.....I hope her Prince Charming will come and contact her or visit her soon too....hehe!! :D:D:D

loving her art pieces............


It's always fun watching her munching snacks whenever she can......


Wishing her happiness always!! :D


Hi! Mai, lxandra, memeo and betchay!!!


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Guest susAmerica

i just want to say im so in awe of Hyesun (and she's younger than me haha).

She comes across as a woman with this quiet tenacity that i wish i have, yet at the same time, she's seems so human and down to earth...maybe that's why i dun feel this way abt other celebs.

sidenote: http://kpculture.wordpress.com/2009/07/02/...ngo-on-display/

it says here Hyesun had penty of free time to draw and someone left a comment asking then why didnt she go for minho's bday party? lol...i agree!

When I did one of the translations on how F4 and GHS keep in contact with each other, she did say that while F4 are busy, she is the only one with time in her hand to draw. She was definitely joking with the reporter. Although I also wished that GHS went to LMH's bday party and disappointed that she did not, she had to catalog and write explanation and texts from Tango for each of her 50 art pieces before the gallery opening date. She mentioned that in her YouTube interview when the reporter asked how they should observe her art when they all look too complicated and difficult. I would imagine cataloging and writing explanation and excerpts for each of the 50 pieces must be a tremendous task when she also had to travel to be present for the short film festivals. :)

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Guest mintcar

Wow so many new updates :D Thanks in advance for all the goodies that I see (MinSun pictures!)... I have to back-read for awhile.

Here's a news article today about her exhibition:


구혜선 전시회 주말 관람객 1000여 명 동원

구혜선 팬클럽회원 그림전 통해 기부

김수진 기자 | 2009/07/04 16:53

배우 구혜선의 그림전 '탱고'가 팬들의 폭발적인 사랑을 받고 있다.

1일부터 서울 종로구 인사동 라메르 갤러리에서 진행 중인 그림전 '탱고' 현장에는 구혜선의 수 많은 팬이 현장을 방문하는 뜨거운 관심을 모으고 있다.

평일 '탱고' 현장을 찾은 인원은 평균 700여 명. 주말 관람객은 1000여 명에 달한다고 관계자는 설명했다. 현장을 찾는 관람객은 구혜선의 다음 팬카페 회원, 디씨갤러리 회원 등이다.

구혜선 소속사 YG엔터테인먼트 관계자는 4일 "전시회가 오는 7일 막을 내리기 때문에 4일 현재 주말 관람객이 대략 1000여 명에 이른다"면서 "휴일이 5일 역시 많은 팬들이 현장을 찾을 것으로 예상된다"고 말했다.

이 관계자는 이어 "구혜선이 전시회장에 깜짝 등장해 팬들과 만남의 시간을 갖고 있다. 구혜선의 등장시간에만 관람객이 몰려들어 이에 대한 대비책으로 깜짝 등장하고 있다"고 설명했다.

이번 전시회 수익금 전액은 'with 캠페인'을 통해 어려운 이웃을 돕는데 기부될 예정. 구혜선의 다음팬클럽회원과 디씨 갤러리 팬클럽회원들은 정성으로 모아진 성금을 이번 전시회를 통해 기부해 눈길을 끈다.

7일까지 열리는 이번 전시회에서 구혜선은 자신의 소설 '탱고'에 삽입된 일러스트와 KBS 드라마 '꽃보다 남자'를 촬영하는 동안 그린 등 총 50여 점의 그림을 공개한다.

I just used google translate to get the gist.

It says that the average number of visitors on weekdays is 700 and it's estimated to be 1000 visitors over the weekend. The visitors are mainly fans of GHS (members of fan cafe and dc) and there was something about her fans gathering donations.

GHS surprised her fans by making an appearance.

susAm, correct me if I'm wrong. hehe thanks.

I'm happy on the turnout of her exhibition and she has such supportive fans in Korea. We would have gone too if had the chance :)

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Guest susAmerica

In light of the fact that GHS’ new age album will come out before the year is out,,,,

In her interview in Taiwan, she said it may come out as early as July???

Goo Hye Sun’s own musical compositions:

“sound of the night rain” (this one in the Literature with Voice)


“sound of the rain” with her dogs at her home


“untitled” or I call it her ‘the agonizing break-up song’ at Hana Peppermint show (she did not sing all the lyrics here. She mentioned in the show that she wrote this song on impulse after a break-up the previous summer, so the summer of 2008??)


or by herself at her home: (I think she definitely sings much better by herself away from live audience. Also, I think she got emotional at the end.)


Someone at the soompie wanted the translation of the lyrics. Sorry, can’t find the post again. But here it is below. For the parts that I cannot distinguish the words, I guessed the closest meaning but highlighted it in blue color. Also at times I cannot tell about ‘pronouns’. So where there is a repetition of verses, I put the first one as “I” and the second one as “you”. You will see what I mean. For the true specific lyrics, I guess we have to wait or maybe someone else may be able to distinguish the words better,,,,

Happy, because I left you

Happy, because you left me

In my memory, the expectation that I waited for

Because you made it disappear

Happy, I erased you

Happy, you erased me

In my memory, the lingering pain

Because you made it disappear

I’m sorry

I’m sorry

For saying things without you in mind

Because it was like a dream that you would watch over me

I’m sorry

I’m sorry

For causing you pain

In my heart, like a dream to be crushed

Like a dream

Happy, because I left you

Happy, because you left me

In my memory, the expectation that I waited for

Because you made it disappear

Happy, I erased you

Happy, you erased me

In my memory, the lingering pain

Because you made it disappear

I’m sorry, I’m sorry

For saying things without you in mind

I’m sorry, I’m sorry

For causing you pain

I’m sorry, I’m sorry

For not being able to forget you

I’m sorry, I’m sorry

Because I can’t say these things to you

In my heart, because it was like a dream that you would watch over me

In my heart, because it was like a dream to be crushed

In my heart, because it was like a poor dream

In my heart, because it felt like the first time

Like the first time

Happy, because I left you

Happy, because you left me

In my memory, the remaining resentment

Because I have to embrace it

Happy, I erased you

Happy, you erased me

In my memory, the hope that I hid in my heart

Because you made it disappear

Thank you for abandoning me

Thank you for abandoning me

Thank you for abandoning me

Thank you for abandoning me ,,,,

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Guest susAmerica

Wow so many new updates :D Thanks in advance for all the goodies that I see (MinSun pictures!)... I have to back-read for awhile.

Here's a news article today about her exhibition:

I just used google translate to get the gist.

It says that the average number of visitors on weekdays is 700 and it's estimated to be 1000 visitors over the weekend. The visitors are mainly fans of GHS (members of fan cafe and dc) and there was something about her fans gathering donations.

GHS surprised her fans by making an appearance.

susAm, correct me if I'm wrong. hehe thanks.

I'm happy on the turnout of her exhibition and she has such supportive fans in Korea. We would have gone too if had the chance :)

Thank you for the article. Yes, you are correct. Her fans made an unannounced amount of donation which has really touched her. It appears that GHS makes surprise appearances at the gallery here and there in order to maybe control the crowd factor if she is there all day long. WOW, WOW, WOW!!!! :D

Koo Hye Sun VOGUE Magazine Interview


Thank you for finding the clip.

Beautiful and slightly playful.

She says it is an honor to model for Vogue.

She asks for continuous love now and for future....

Is the name of the reporter who interviewd GHS for VOGUE Yoshi Chang? Is that the woman narrating in the beginning of this clip? I read that she met GHS before in Seoul. So it was not GHS' first time meeting the reporter? I definitely bow to the reporter for such an in depth article on GHS for GHS to feel comfortable with the reporter to reveal so much. :)

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Guest webby

it would be good if hyesun had a website all in English, something like loveminho.com. Looking at all the translations provided in this thread, it doesn't really seem impossible does it? Or does she already have one?

old clip at Lee Hana Peppermint:


Hyesun is really playful and happy there during the interview, very different from the shy side of her in the Taiwan interview. I really like the lady host too, she seems as if she's very interested in the topic she's asking, i think it makes things comfortable for hyesun too.

did we ever have a thorough translation of this clip? if so, can someone pls direct me? Thanks.

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