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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest webby


[(credit: baidu)

there's the interview article of her in the july Taiwan Vogue magazine in baidu in chinese. very interesting and a lot of new info about her thoughts that i've not seen yet. if no one's translating, i may have time to translate tomorrow.

These scans are from the magazine that snowy22 posted above:





credit:baidu, as tagged

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Guest petite girl

Thank you soooo much guys for all SUNNIES goodies... *HUGS* ^_^:wub:







cr : as tagged & baidu

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Guest susAmerica

there's the interview article of her in the july Taiwan Vogue magazine in baidu in chinese. very interesting and a lot of new info about her thoughts that i've not seen yet. if no one's translating, i may have time to translate tomorrow.

These scans are from the magazine that snowy22 posted above:





credit:baidu, as tagged

I am so looking forward to your translation especially since you say there are few new things about HS in the article. Thanks in advance. :o

Is anybody a member of the daum cafe for GHS or any other Korean stars?

I was trying to be a member and I am sort of stuck.

If you are a successful member I would love to talk with you about it. Please let me know.

There is a button for foreign members, but if I press it nothing really changes.

Even if the button says foreign members, could it be possible that daum cafe membership is only for the people who live in Korea?

sus :)

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I am so looking forward to your translation especially since you say there are few new things about HS in the article. Thanks in advance. :o

Is anybody a member of the daum cafe for GHS or any other Korean stars?

I was trying to be a member and I am sort of stuck.

If you are a successful member I would love to talk with you about it. Please let me know.

There is a button for foreign members, but if I press it nothing really changes.

Even if the button says foreign members, could it be possible that daum cafe membership is only for the people who live in Korea?

sus :)

ive been trying for years, it's a complicated thing for foreigners to register overall from what Ive found. If you find a way, please let me know as well.

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Guest Miki67

sue: i successfully registered cafe daum based on the tutorial in soompi...here is the link for u http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=106432...

This tutorial just show us how to register daum (u must have a daum account before signing up the cafe)...then go to cafe daum of someone (such

as cafe of Hye Sun) after logging in to your account, there will be a big button「가페 가입하기」at the left had side, click it a small button with bold

words will appear.After that u have to answers a quiz including 2 or 3 questions about our girl ( her novel, her awards...)..if u pass, u will be

the member but after joining you will only be a normal member, you can only view the title of the messages, and not the content...you will

have to have the member grade of "friends". I got in trouble here...i tried to post some thing but coundnt upgrade my level :(

Hope that the tips above helpful for u, if u successfully join in and rank up ...please let me know how to do it ^^

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Guest pixie_eve

I can't believe i missed out a lot yesterday! haha.. Congratulations to our GHS for pulling off a very successful exhibit :) Everyone's praising her works, and again in this exhibit we get to see a side of Hyesun's artistry - just like her film, her paintings and drawings are difficult to interpret. Maybe it's because of the profoundness of her abstract drawings or the way she treated her paintings differently from other abstract drawings we are accustomed to..I dunno if its the leonardo da vinci that's working on her haha or the old spirit of an artist's mind. But wat i like about GHS is even against her artistic mind she doesn't seem to carry that artist MOOD that sometimes turns people off or make them act weird. While other artists wallow in their lack of a muse, GHS is cheerful, socialble, and she can build rapport and friendship easily. She is certainly well-balanced :)

This reminds me of the old article i read criticizing her drawings - it irked me a lot because the blogger seemed prejudice bout GHS and her readers react even in their obvious ignorance on abstract art hmmpp.. but i guess paintings are really subjective, and wen it comes to abstract art, the emotions that the painting generates and how u interact with the painting is wat matters..and in that GHS succeeded. SHe is an artist in its truest sense :)

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Guest susAmerica

sue: i successfully registered cafe daum based on the tutorial in soompi...here is the link for u http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=106432...

This tutorial just show us how to register daum (u must have a daum account before signing up the cafe)...then go to cafe daum of someone (such

as cafe of Hye Sun) after logging in to your account, there will be a big button「가페 가입하기」at the left had side, click it a small button with bold

words will appear.After that u have to answers a quiz including 2 or 3 questions about our girl ( her novel, her awards...)..if u pass, u will be

the member but after joining you will only be a normal member, you can only view the title of the messages, and not the content...you will

have to have the member grade of "friends". I got in trouble here...i tried to post some thing but coundnt upgrade my level :(

Hope that the tips above helpful for u, if u successfully join in and rank up ...please let me know how to do it ^^

Thank you so much Nina67.

I will try. Hopefully I will be successful and maybe bring in more news about HS.

There is no confirmation yet of whether she will be doing more promotion of BOF, is there? :o

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Guest pixie_eve

AND OF COURSE.... I wouldn't miss this one keke.. wahahaha lots of MINSUN spazzing here...

MInhoo really took time for hyesun's exhibit ;) I adore THEM even more


:wub: :wub: I LOOVE the way they LOOK at each other ....


JOONIE was there too keke...and JD's mom in BOF...such supportive friend!! Kudos to you!!

but of course LMH is special hahaha bcoz coming there would mean GHS and Him risking a lot, like a possible resurfacing of their love scandal which they denied several times before :P but this is something important to GHS so her "friends" gotta be there ;) LMH's presence made a statement for me and so far .. like the STATEMENT there kekeke

webby (can we wait 4 ur trans? hehe) , snowy, petitegirl and Nat,,Thanks for the new pics and articles in taiwan .. more pictures are coming out :) and her VOgue cover in taiwan ..luv it! AMazing how they still get to squeeze some time for a cover shoot :) GHS is lovely ...

and to susAmerica...THANKS for the trans sooo much!!

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sue: i successfully registered cafe daum based on the tutorial in soompi...here is the link for u http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=106432...

This tutorial just show us how to register daum (u must have a daum account before signing up the cafe)...then go to cafe daum of someone (such

as cafe of Hye Sun) after logging in to your account, there will be a big button「가페 가입하기」at the left had side, click it a small button with bold

words will appear.After that u have to answers a quiz including 2 or 3 questions about our girl ( her novel, her awards...)..if u pass, u will be

the member but after joining you will only be a normal member, you can only view the title of the messages, and not the content...you will

have to have the member grade of "friends". I got in trouble here...i tried to post some thing but coundnt upgrade my level :(

Hope that the tips above helpful for u, if u successfully join in and rank up ...please let me know how to do it ^^

galz,thanks so much..many times try to hyesun cafe but always failed :) yes,you right..just can only view the title not the content.

sue i hope you success..so you can tell us how to do it ;)

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Guest susAmerica

[동영상]구혜선 "F4 멤버들에게 간간히 연락온다"

아시아경제 | 윤태희 | 입력 2009.07.01 18:51

[아시아경제신문 윤태희 기자]배우 구혜선이 작가에 이어 화가로 변신했다.

구해선은 1일 오후 서울 종로구 인사동 갤러리 라메르에서 개인전 '탱고' 기자간담회를 가졌다.

구혜선은 "소설 '탱고'를 쓰면서 그린 일러스트들과 '탱고'에 어울린 만한 그림들을 틈틈히 그려 이번 전시회를 준비했다"고 밝혔다.

그에 따르면 이번에 전시된 작품들은 주로 추상적인 선으로 표현되거나 여성의 누드를 형상화했다고 전했다.

또 구혜선은 "F4 멤버들과 연락하며 간간히 안부를 묻는다"며 "착한 친구들이라 전화와서 (서로) 안부를 묻고는 한다"고 말했다.

그는 이어"그 친구들이 바빠서 따로 자주 보지는 못하고 있다. 다들 바쁜데 나만 한가해서 그림을 그린다. 그 친구들이 다른 활동하는 것을 보면서 축하해주고 있다"며 너스레를 떨기도 했다.

한편 구혜선 개인전 '탱고'의 수익금은 '위드(WITH)' 캠페인의 기금으로 모아 주위의 소외된 어린이들을 위해 사용될 예정이다. 전시기간은 이달 2일부터 7일까지다.

영상 윤태희 기자 th20022@asiae.co.kr

사진 이기범 기자 metro83@

< ⓒ아시아경제 & 스투닷컴(stoo.com)이 만드는 온오프라인 연예뉴스 >

For those of you who love to hear any news about GHS, following is a summary of the above article written by Yoon Tae Hee and Lee Ki Bum of Asia Economy on July 1, 2009. They were at the Gallery La Mer for GHS; Tango exhibition and asked her few questions. Lot of it is repetition of previous translation. Two things stand out.

1. F4 and GHS: GHS said that F4 and she do occasionally contact each other to make sure everybody is

doing all right and are healthy. They congratulate each other for good things and new projects. She

thinks of all F4 to be "very kind-hearted friends." She joked that everybody is so busy that they rarely

have any chance to meet. She says she is the only one with time on her hands and that is why she is

drawing. (hahahah...she says she is not very busy!!!!)

2. Earnings from the Tango exhibit: Everything is donated to WITH which is an organization that YG

Entertainment Co. endorses. WITH helps many children that have been neglected for various reasons.

I hope GHS exhibit sells out the store!! :)

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Guest xiaomaii


who's talking on that interview??

there's no video link...T.T


Thanks Sue for the trans!! Yeah, they do contact each other I hear HJ said that too, even asked LMH about Taiwan. I've read an article on daum just now they said the Tango exhibit earned 50 points?? I dunno what that means, but I guess her exhibit is halfway to success for now.. I'm so proud of our girl! :)

edit again: sorry..it means 50 paintings that are exhibited...keke


I was surfing the net when I stumbled upon this...

This is kinda cute and funny...

The Title goes:

Hyunnie Love: [Jihoo present too] ★ Hyunjoong attended the exhibition of GooHyesun ★

Did I just hear what happened??

How would it be possible that Hyunjoong's in Korea??


Loyalty to friend...

The report that he attends...

I just created it...


^**shake** back to reality

"What are you doing? Go back now to Korea!"


Where are you Hyunjoong ah??

then from one of the tons of comments said: In between South Korea and Hongkong...LOL!

full credit: tvzonebbs.media.daum.net

---This is from a fan account..Don't take it too seriously...^^

**waves** lucy_marie! another gift! ^^ keke~~

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Guest shaz

there's the interview article of her in the july Taiwan Vogue magazine in baidu in chinese. very interesting and a lot of new info about her thoughts that i've not seen yet. if no one's translating, i may have time to translate tomorrow.

Hi all, managed to translate some parts, sorry Im too sleepy to complete it. thanks snowy22 for posting up. Whoever can carry on, pls do! thanks!

pg 49

Note: 1st qns was abt MH's knee surgery so I'll not translate. Will only translate parts where it's HS coz there's quite a bit to go.

The caption on the side reads: when both of leads who are as beautiful as flowers entered the room, it feels as if the room is lighted up with their warmth in answering the interview questions, it's hard not to be charmed by them.

Q: GHS, your skin is really and beautiful, can you share with us your beauty secrets? How do you maintain your fair skin?

HS: eating well, sleeping well.

MH: besides those [referring to the above], she does not use other ways to maintain her beauty. (laughs)

HS: Eh~ and I try not to stay in the sun. So I prefer to go out in the night. But it also could be that I am sitting beside LMH, so I look fairer. (laughs)

Q: It seems like your relationship with each other is pretty good, can you tell us about what you think of each other?

MH: After 6 months of working together, where we face each other from day to night, we are now very good friends who are familiar with each other. And it actually feels like we have known each other for more than 6 months, in fact it feels more like we've been friends since children.

HS: LMH is a very easy-going and warm person. Even though we now know each other very well, in actual fact, I feel LMH is now no different from the time I first knew him. [she is actually praising MH for being very unpretentious & real.]

Q: In the drama, there are many scenes where GHS has to wear a swimsuit. Can you tell us more about that? Did you find that since the swimsuit's cutting is more conservative, it actually hides your figure?

HS: Whenever there is filming for swimsuit scene, I'd try not to eat so much the day before so as to appear slimmer. But I would go on a eating rampage again after filming. (smiles) [interview note: LMH who had been staring out of the window started to smile when he heard this]. The selection of the conservative swimsuit was for Jandi's image of a student who is also an atheletic swimmer so the more conservative, the suitable it is for the role! In fact, the more it hides, the better it is.

Q: Other than acting and modelling, LMH you have gone into singing and GHS, you have not only published your novel but you have ventured into directing your first film. Other than these achievements, are there any other talents you are proud of but have not been discovered for it yet?

MH: I have not thought of any specific area where I dictate myself to develop. I hope to try many things. But I would like to focus more on improving my acting.

[Answer continues to the next page 51]

GHS: In June, I'll be having an art exhibition and in July, I'll be releasing some piano compositions but I have not decided if I have the time to perform them myself.

Q: After these 2 days in Taiwan, have you tasted anything that left a deep impression or any food that is extremely good?

[interview note: At this qns, GHS displays a Jandi-like reaction, with a dreamy, sweet smile. Wonder what exactly that is so tasty that she's thinking of?]

HS: Peking duck, hehehe

MH: Eh~ I also find that Peking duck has left a deep impression and shark's fin, I find it very tasty too.

Q: For the both of you, how does BOF's sudden popularity affect your personal or professional lives?

MH: Because I'm a newbie, I find that it is difficult to get used to be closely scrutinized by everyone. After 2 to 3 weeks, then i slowly got used to it. Because the drama was filmed and then aired at the same time, outdoor filming was disrupted. (this part he repeated the story of avoiding the fans by stopping & filming later)

HS: Maybe it's because I have acted before, I have been easily recognized. But now after BOF, more people now recognize me. I am very appreciative of the support, care & concern that we received, which made us so popular. For that, we are deeply grateful to our supporters. In the past, I am not very conscious of being recognized in the streets, so I like to travel by the metro in simple disguise! Now I have to wear a big face mask. But I have to remove it while eating so I get recognized by the eatery owner who would give extra servings - this I am very happy about, haha.

Q: Talking about going out in disguise, how does LMH disguise your height since you are so tall that you would stand out in the crowd?

MH: I don't go out in disguise since no matter how I do it, I still get recognized.

Q: There are many scenic scenes in the drama. Can the both of you recommend any sightseeing and eating spots that the audience should know about?

MH: Namsam Tower and Jeju are 2 of the places in the drama that are worth visitng. For food, visitors should of course try Korea's kimchi and kimchi chigae!

[Continue into page 53.]

HS: (I'm sorry, I don't know the 2 places she's referring to for visit, only that there's a palace and korea's 2nd largest somewhere which is a port. For food, she was about to answer when the interview note said that MH suddenly mischiveously interjected with a "Porridge!", referring to HS's role as a Jandi who works part-time in a porridge eatery. At this, those pressent at the interview laughed. HS who had been serious in giving the answer was also lulled into laughter.)

HS: As for food, I want to recommend XXX ==> again sorry I don't know what this is (interview note: a kind of fermented yellow bean paste with a strong smell, which is similar to Taiwan's smelly toufu)

Q: When it comes to food, we heard of GHS's large appetite. Is this true?

HS: WHen I'm under pressure, then I'll eat more! While filming, it is usually pressurizing so I'll look for food. Everyone on the set can be heard saying: Eating again? Eating again? The longest record i have for eating is 8 hours continuous eating.

MH: initially when I did not know HS so well, I thought that a girl who can eat with so much gusto is really not bad ( i cant find a better word to describe..i think he meant likeable as she is so unself-conscious.) But when I knew her better, I realised that she is really eating too much so I can't help but to tell her: stop eating already! stop eating!

Q: in the drama, Jandi threw up on Junpyo after drinking. How are your drinking capacity in real life?

MH: I can't drink alot as I can't hold my alcohol too well. But for GHS, she drinks more than she eats haha

[at this, GHS burst out laughing as well and hurries to explain]

HS: The thing I actually enjoy most is the friendly atmosphere/ambience when drinking. You can break the ice or close the gap with people you don't know well or improve relationship with friends who are not so close. And after drinking, one can become unhibbited and liberated. Alcohol is my friend (said in chinese). Hahaha. it seems that the ambience is improved with some alcohol. I think my alcohol limit is really not too bad as I have played drinking games while karaoke with friends for 8 hours. I have never got drunk in exaggerated manner like in drama. But i have witnessed many around me who have become drunk. (laughs)

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Guest webby

Interview in Vogue Taiwan (July)

silent waves


Goo Hye Sun's dangerous feminine heart

photographed by jason wu, yoshi chang

stylist stphanie liu;

hair & makeup double b&co inc.;

loacation at style-k, wonkwanglighting


Due to her striking performance in Boys Over Flowers, she is once again in the limelight. Vogue proceeded to personally interview goo hye sun, and reveal a different yet true personality of her other than the one on screen.


Seoul. Goo hye sun arrived 5 minutes ahead of the appointed time. She was wearing a black soft leather hat, a black T-shirt, black pants and black boots. Her entirely black outfit appears to help hide her in the crowd, however her white sparkling skin seems to contradict the intention and made her stand out.


she quietly moved through everyone's midst, and entered the filming site, waiting quietly in the dressing room, for the hair stylist. Different from the exuberant optimistic personality of Geum jandi in Boys Over Flowers, everything about her seem to exude a quietness, as if to separate herself from the world.

具惠善的演艺过程,有着一个很戏剧化的开始,朋友好玩的把她的大头照post到网上,就这么转贴再转贴的,在网路上流传了起来,大量网民的支持,将她一举推上2002年网路美少女的宝座,开启了具惠善的演艺之门。 2004年正式以演员的身份出道,之后平均一年一部戏,《男生女生向前走5》、《薯童谣》、《加油菊花》、《最强七宇》,乃至新近大热门的《流星花园》,关于她的演出,评价不一,有人肯定,有人喝倒采,然而不管有多少的掌声或质疑,不争的事实是,具惠善已经成为绝对焦点。

Goo hye sun's acting career had a drama-like start. Her friends posted her picture on the web and through the support of netizens, led to her being crowned as an Uljjang of 2002, giving a jumpstart to her acting career. She officially debuted as an actress in 2004, after which she has been acting in a production every year "Nonstop 5", "SuhDongyoo", "Pure 19", "Strongest Chilwoo", leading up to the highly popular "Boys Over Flowers". Opinion on her acting are diversed, some applaud her while others don't. However, there's one thing that's certain, and that is Goo hye sun has been thrust into the limelight.


She has experienced happiness that she has never felt through acting. However Goo hye sun says that her problem is there are too many things she'd like to do. Once she starts on something, she's determined to see the end result. While filming "Boys Over Flowers", she started penning her novel "Tango". She would write everyday after filming has wrapped up and sleep only an hour a day. It's tiring, very tiring, at that time, I thought I'm dying, however I couldn't pause. When I urgently need to do something, even if I stop what I'm doing, I wouldn't be able to sleep. She's also involved in movie directing, having personally directed the short film "Cheerful Caretaker" last year. During this year's Busan Asian Short Film Festival, it was nominated into the final round. Recently she's planning her personal art exhibition. Additionally she's also currently working on a record where she writes her own songs. Goo hye sun expresses her deepest self through different avenues of writing scripts, directing, writing novels, drawing, penning lyrics and creating melodies.


On site, Goo hye sun faces the camera, sometimes widening up into a sweet smile, sometimes staring far ahead, revealing various expressions in a short time span. During the break, she resumes back to her quiet self. Her face seem expressionless such that it's hard to guess how she's feeling.


Q:"What would you do if you were to choose Goo hye sun as the main theme of your creation?"

A:I haven't thought about that before. I think I will produce an abstract sketch of my face. It will probably be a comical face. It was rare to see the sudden impishness she expressed in that moment.


This is the other side of the Goo hye sun I met in Seoul, one who is complicated and rich in diversity, different from the Geum Jandi character of "Boys Over Flowers".


Koo hye sun。我认为一个完美的女人,是可以面对自己的女人,不管是面对现实,或者能够去包容自己的不完美,对我来说,一个愿意去包容自己不完美的女人,才真正是一个百分之百的女人。

I think a perfect woman is one who can face oneself and see the truth/reality, or one who can embrace/pardon her own imperfection. I think only a woman who's willing to embrace and condone her own imperfection is one who be a 100% woman.

在众多女性角色中,我最喜欢Vivien Leigh演的《飘》(乱世佳人),她不是属于乖巧的那种,但却是最诚实的一个女人,她诚实的面对自己的本能,面对现实,然后跟现实做一个协商,她会后悔,也会在心中兴起怜悯的感觉,她可能是一个有点自私的女生,可是我觉得她的那个样子,非常美丽。

Amongst all female characters, my favorite is Scarlett whom Vivien Leigh portrayed in "Gone with the wind". She's not the prim and proper lovable protagonist. However, she's a truthful woman. She truthfully faces herself and reality, and makes a bargain with reality. She may regret, and may feel pitiable. Although she's considered slightly selfish as a female, I think that's what makes her beautiful.



Thinking from an objective point of view (the other person's point of view), and being condoning and understanding has been a habit of mine. Due to that reason, I've never burst into a large temper. If I really can't communicate well with another person, I'll seek the advice of other people since one seizes to be objective when facing off the other party. If others tell me I was in the wrong, I'd give in to the other party.

The biggest obstacle I've experienced is breaking up with my first boyfriend. I couldn't accept it when it happened. I couldn't understand why we had to break up, and why things turned out that way. My mind was full of revenge, full of hatred, I hated him for turning me into such a person. It was truly an unbearable time for me.



However, as time passed, other people came into my life and break-up happened once again. During this repetition, I realized that these things are normal. Every person yearns for love, however the thing which is hardest to possess is another person.

Being free doesn't mean one can do anything as one wishes. I used to think that dating two person at the same time is totally uncondonable. However, I've come to realize that even a betrayal can be understood. Perhaps it's because I've gradually come to understand what men are like..... Therefore the thing that's truly unforgivable is if one destroys another's life on impulse, e.g. murder. Freedom should only be exercised when it does not interfere with others.



I've come to realize that love really has its expression. Not long ago I met a couple who had just gotten hitched. I went singing with them and noticed how they looked at each other. That was the first time I noticed the expression of love, when one person truly truly loves the other person. So this is love...

I've never looked at someone in that way throughout my 26 years.


The greatest challenge is -- marriage. Marriage is a difficult thing for me becoz love or marriage signifies giving up for me. Giving up one's work, one's friends, part of one's life. Life is made up of choices one makes throughout the way. Whenever we choose something, we're bound to give up another. I used to be able to even give up myself for the sake of love. However I don't think I can do it now.


There are still a lot of things that I'd like to do. I'd like to film a long movie about music and I think movies are the best way to express art. I'd like to communicate with the whole world through movies. Goo hye sun's eyes spoke of her dreams. She would like to continue making movies forever. She says that is her greatest dream.

original article credit: baidu

translation: me


The above seems to be a more serious interview looking deeper into hyesun's inner thoughts, quite the contrary to the light-hearted interviews she had in taiwan. It seems like the scars from the previous relationships are pretty deep. Hope some knight in shining armor with the audacity and tenacity of Goo junpyo in BOF will come and sweep her off her feet and teach her to love again. Thinking deeper about it, I think a guy who will eventually win her over and earn her trust and love should start off as just a friend, becoz right now it seems like she'd be too wary to dive deep into a love relationship and give it her all. However, she has many good male friends, so that would be a good place to start off... as a trustworthy friend.

Susamerica, thanks for all your help translating the korean articles. Glad i can help out on this one.



Translating p 53 on the rest of the interview where shaz left off:


Q: Due to the immense popularity of Boys Over Flowers, I heard that Lee Minho has become the popular new face for plastic surgery (meaning people want to look like him after surgery). Which part of your features do you like or dislike the most?

LMH:I'm most satisfied with my eyes and the part where i'm most dissatisfied would be my chin.

(Everyone was surprised since they think LMH has a perfect chin!)

LMH:I'm referring to the sides of my chin. I think they jut out too much, if they can move in a little bit that would be good. (laugh)

Q: Goo hye sun gave us the impression of being quiet and poised/elegant during these 3 days in taiwan, which is very different from Geum jandi's animated outgoing personality. Did you face any difficulty portraying Jandi's character especially since the role you're in is someone younger than your age?

LMH: I think it will prove harder for her to portray a quiet character. (laugh)

GHS: Everytime I'm acting I try my best to be absorbed in the role. Therefore my personality tends to change according to the role I'm portraying. For example when I was playing the role of queen in "The king and I", I needed to exude a proper quiet image. During that time, people had the impression that I was quiet. People think I'm more bubbly and optimistic becoz I've been influenced by Geum jandi's character.

As for Jandi' being of younger age, I was pretty worried initially. I purposely cut my hair short. I'd be acting along F4 who are younger than me, so I was very concerned that I would appear older than them. I also ate more hoping that i'd gain some on my cheeks and look younger. Unfortunately, it went to waste and what I ate grew in places where they shouldn't have gone to, while my cheeks never did plump up. (laugh) Lee Minho even said he'd buy me eye cream. However we've already finished filming and I still haven't received it.... (hahaha...)

LMH: That's becoz after further thought, I realize that if i'd bought you eye cream, I would be implying that you have too many wrinkles, that would be embarassing.

GHS: That's ok. That's ok. (she said this in Chinese)

(Goo hyesun's cute reaction, that is her assertion that it's ok in chinese caused a roar of laughter on site. LMH gave an embarrassed smile).

Q: In real life, would you find the older female younger male relationship acceptable? Can you tell us the perfect lover you have in mind?

LMH: I think if I like a girl, I wouldn't mind her age. Moreover, the older female younger male relationship seems to be very popular in korea recently. As for my ideal lover, I hope we'd pair up well (having tacit agreement), someone I can chat well with. Someone whom i'm really compatible with!

GHS: (laugh) I hope to be able to call the person I like "oppa". So i hope that person can be slightly older than me. I hope he will be polite and gentlemanly, loyal to his friends and full of manliness!

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The greatest challenge is -- marriage. Marriage is a difficult thing for me becoz love or marriage signifies giving up for me. Giving up one's work, one's friends, part of one's life. Life is made up of choices one makes throughout the way. Whenever we choose something, we're bound to give up another. I used to be able to even give up myself for the sake of love. However I don't think I can do it now.

Webby- thank you so very much!

I think this is one quote that I can truly relate to because we have the exact philosohpy on love and marriage. I think it will take someone extraordinarily special for her to fully committ judging by this statement.

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i'm so proud of hyesun

i'm so proud being her fan

she is one of a kind (in a very special way of course).....i love her so much

the look in minho eyes when looking at hyesun.....priceless

thanks SUNNIES for all the translations, news, pics etc......*muahhh muahhhh hehe

i'm sad i don't contribute much here, i hope i will but unfortunately not hehe....next week i'll be in seoul....so just wish me good luck for trying to meet MINSUN..atleast catch a glimpse of them and share with all of you here *pray real hard


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Guest wasfiyya

thanks to anyone who share pictures,link and all about hyesun.special thanks to sueand shaz and webby;)






xiaomaii thanks for the pic i lovet :) :)


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i'm so proud of hyesun

i'm so proud being her fan

she is one of a kind (in a very special way of course).....i love her so much

the look in minho eyes when looking at hyesun.....priceless

thanks SUNNIES for all the translations, news, pics etc......*muahhh muahhhh hehe

i'm sad i don't contribute much here, i hope i will but unfortunately not hehe....next week i'll be in seoul....so just wish me good luck for trying to meet MINSUN..atleast catch a glimpse of them and share with all of you here *pray real hard


Lucky you!!! have fun and take lots of pics if you happen to catch a glimpse of HS or F4.

Thanks for the translation....HS's view on marriage made me feel so sad....whoever it was that broke her heart, he did a through job of breaking it into pieces. I hope that she will meet someone that truly loves her, someone that can be her everything and change her view on men.

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Guest susAmerica

Dear Webby and Shaz,

Thank you and thank you for the best interview I have ever heard so far about GHS. For someone as deep and rich and beautiful in every ways, GHS deserved such a wonderful interview long time ago. Thank God for the interviewer in Taiwan. I also loved that the interview really focused so much more on GHS. Listening to her made me so emotional. Every time you get to know one more layer of GHS, I feel so moved and so proud. For such a young woman, she seems like such a wise old soul. Thank you both for not waiting until tomorrow to tell us about GHS.

I am so HAPPY that I had to make the witing big to tell you how much I appreciate it.

I feel like this interview is just too good to be left only in soompi thread. Can it be posted elsewhere so that many more people can see yet another deeper side of GHS? What do you all think?

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sue,shaz,webby thanks so much for the translation..coz i know hyesun better..how her past relationship give her hurt so much :( .in vogue interview i know hyesun different personal.she is very different women i ever know :) she is very strong character women..

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shaz & webby thanks for that wonderful translations..we really appreciate your efforts knowing how busy you guys are,.. you really spared your time sharing this news to us..1322673hllaugdav4.gif1322673hllaugdav4.gif1322673hllaugdav4.gif

...I love the VOGUE interview as it is more inclined to Hyesun's persona, another part of her that was revealed to me and really left prints in my mind and heart upon reading it,,she has a positive outlook in life in spite of the hurt and bad experiences she went through in the name of Lve..and these experiences have made her a better person..I am proud of her, I am so lucky to have witnessed such inspiring person in my lifetime as GHS.

sue, I agree with you, it'll be nice too if we can post it in our blogs or online journals..with of course the permission of the translators...I myself wanted to share what i know of GHS not just as an actress who played the role of Jandi alongside the gorgeous f4..

♥ ♥ ♥ LETS SPREAD HYESUN'S POSITIVITY and may she inspire more people to not give up and not give in..1160176b7yjnsin74.gif

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