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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest grrly

WOW! Thank you for all the pictures!! I'm really proud of what she has accomplished. She already achieved so much at such as young age. She's only a year older than I am and yet she's gone so far! I'm loving the 'life-size-blue-version' of her artwork. If I have money I'd buy couple of them and hang them in my room! I'm glad to hear LMH and KJ supported her. It warms my heart to know that despite their busy schedule, they found time to give support their friends! "The paintings are difficult to understand^^.", I can just imagine the two (MH and KJ) trying to interpret her drawings. That could explain why HS seems to be laughing/giggling a lot while they are looking at her the artwork! haha...

She's been very busy this past week alone, the festival now her exhibition...I look forward to her future activities!


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Guest xiaomaii

Wow! Congratulations to Hyesun Unnie for opening her exhibit.

I'm glad I could see her art more now closely (since I don't have a copy of her tango... <_<)


^ I like this picture a lot (since it has more of a clearer view -and of course it caught my attention)

Sue, you're right, if you focus more on the image it looks like a man wearing a cap sitting on a tree with his one knee flex and the other extended. I like this one the best since it creates more of an illusion out of it's marbled figure.

I just notice that as a girl who Majored in Directing, how someone could make an artwork completely looking like an Abstract Illusion?? Can I say that GHS is a Prodigy of Arts? She just not have a talent, but she had the skills to do so. This pieces were just made out of her expression and look how well it was constituted!

I may not be an artist myself, and some might see her work as just a "dabble", but why is it I can't see the "dabble" right now on her pieces? I don't think anyone who's a proclaimed artist could say her work as a "dabble". The reason that her works are acknowledged by other artist is one evident the pieces are worthy to be up for an auction. See, she even holds up and open a gallery with the help of her YG family (and others we wouldn't have known). :)

I wonder if I could do that too. Since even though I'm right-left brained (yeah, I got 50-50 on both brains before on my hemisphere test) I use more of my left-brain which is like a downfall for me since they said artist are better if they're right-brained. I wonder if GHS is more of a right-brained person? Since I remember before she said when she published her Tango, that she's left brainer too but also right-brained since she can make her pieces more holistically and randomly..oh I really envy her. :blush:

It's nice to see LMH and KJ attending Hyesun's exhibit! Wow, Kim Joon came first? Ahaha, if I were Hyesun I'd greet him with "Yo! Man, what's up?!" LOL!! HS looked so cute with Joon hugging him and being playful with her hands too! :D Funny those guys squeezing their brains out to understand the pieces! They looked so cute a liitle BOF reunion, so sad there's only F2. KHJ still in HK for promotion and KB on his drama, but still I know they gave their support for her like what BigBang did, even gave a garland on her open exhibit! ;)

Guys, thanks for all the news and updates to Nina, natali, misay_yen, mint_car, petite_girl and all the others!

trater Welcome! And thanks for the interview links!!

**waves** at Mariposa28!

Sue, thanks for the blog trans! **hugs**

Sorry, I haven't been much help lately...

I laugh so hard and it's a guy again who's a rep out of her fan cafe, wow Hyesun sure had tons of fan boy based huh?? Keke... I guess he's from daum? He just didn't see GHS in person but also the F2 hotties, what's more of it's the full F4!

I like Hyesun's attire here, she left her two pinkies and the other finger with black polish..love it! It's not yet Gothic, cause if she is she would have had a smoky eyes and more dominant black dress code! LOL! Hyesun really loves black and white! I bet it's her fave colors! ;)

**waves** at lucy_marie! thanks for all the goodies! the gifs love it! Here's a gift for you --erm.."Jandi and Jihoo sitting on a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!! :rolleyes: "

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Guest mj0784

Thanks for all the pixies on Hye Sun ARt exhibits and all the translations :wub:

She's really a multi-faceted and multi-talented one....(actress,singer, painter,writer, director) and she really deserve all the praises she get... :wub:

But after all that success and fame, we still see the simple and down to earth woman and that makes me more love her :wub:

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.. Hyesun never ceased to amaze me, she is indeed beauty,brains,talents and more...I am so happy on how she utilizes her talents, not just making people happy but inspires all of us, I am so proud of this girl..

..thanks to all who shared piz,vids,news articles and susAm for the translation!

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Guest wasfiyya

Wow! beautifu2.gifCongratulations to Hyesun Unnie I'm happy to see her agine

Sue, thanks for theTranslated **hugs**

Guys, thanks for all the news and updates to Nina, natali, misay_yen, mint_car, petite_girl and all the others!

trater thanks for the interview links

I envy all those who live in Korean Because they are able to see her face to face :P :P

imade thes for her i hop you liked hamtaro8vf.gif




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Guest susAmerica

name='Nina67' date='Jul 1 2009, 07:00 AM' post='13812017']



Sue we rely on u dear...please translate it...thanks in advance ^^

Seoul Newspaper July1m 2009


Camera:by Sone JinHo reporter

Editing: by nastruru@seoul.co.kr

(I just want say that below is not a perfect translation as there are few vocabulary words that I just cannot find in any of my dictionaries. But the major points are there. Again, I cannot emphasize enough how admirable and wonderful GHS is. I hope I can find that book for myself that influenced her thinking and gave her so much confidence as a person. It seems like GHS has had few inspirational teachers and mentors, including Leonardo DaVinci in her life that really encouraged her---the art teacher, the acting teacher, her late mentor who recently passed away, etc. There must be something about GHS that makes people see something special in her to encourage her in that way. Well we as fans see it too. Don’t we! Read on….)

1st, Gallery La Mer

Goo Hye Sun’s ‘Tango’ Illustration Exhibition

Q: Tell us your thoughts about your very own art exhibition. (Questions are written on the screen)

I have gathered some of my drawings that I have done after the completion of BOF and many that I have done previously in order to have this exhibit today. I sincerely hope that many people come to view them and to look favorably upon them.

Q: Please give us some explanation of your art work here today.

I wrote a novel called TANGO and also drew the illustration in the novel. What you see to the right of me are the drawings from the book. (those are the smaller drawings done with ball point pen.) Since the novel Tango is the focus of this exhibit, I have also prepared few more drawings (the much bigger work drawn with special type of paint on canvas) to complement and to flow with the themes. That is why you see mostly abstract art. Also, in order to integrate various pictures in a cohesive and similar way, I have mainly used blue, black and gold colors.

Q: There seems to be lots of pictures in blue colors….

(Laughing) I like to draw at night without the lights. I thought I used black paint to draw this picture on canvas and found out the next day that it is in blue. That is why I started to use more blue color.

Q: How long did it take you to finish your pictures?

The small illustrations are drawn along with the writing of the book and the bigger pictures took about a month to complete.

Q: Your pictures seem difficult and complicated, what would be a helpful way to view your work?

As you can see, there are lots of pictures of a woman, lots of nudes, and tree branches. Some of you may have read the novel, but for those who have not, I have prepared writings next to the pictures, mixed with the texts from the novel. Hopefully that may help you in looking at the drawings. (wow, she must have put in tons of hours of work in preparation!)

Q: Did you ever study art?

I never studied art specifically/professionally. When I was little, I had a teacher who drew with me. I went to her house to draw (?)--(another problem word, but it has to be opposite of free and creative, so she was suppose to have learned maybe technical and/or disciplined type of art??) However, this art teacher turned out to be somebody who really utilized free style and creativity more than anything. She encouraged me to draw without quitting and as freely as possible. I drew everyday. I was very much influenced by this teacher who encouraged total creativity and freedom. (I guess this teacher influenced her to think outside the box??)

Q: Who would you say is your role model? ( I would think in terms of ‘art’)

I think you are going to really laugh at me. My role model is…(getting embarrassed) I think you are going to think of me as ridiculous, but, when I was little, I received a gift of a book from my teacher. It was called

To Think Like Leonardo DaVinci
. The book talked a lot about, although we may not be all geniuses, there are many ways to stimulate our thinking and behaviors. Because of that book, I started to change the way I thought about things, even about myself. I started to think that, although I may be inadequate in many ways, I can perhaps do many things. I started to raise my expectation of myself. (smiling and laughing in an embarrassed way) I feel really embarrassed, but I think a lot about Leonard DaVinci.

Q: Of all the illustration and drawings that you have done, which one do you feel the most attachment?

I feel the most attachment to the flower illustration that I drew for the singer Gummy’s record jacket. I gave the original drawing to her in a ceremony, thinking it is OK. At that time I did not know how I felt. However, strangely, I felt an intense desire to get the drawing back. I really longed for it. Somehow, at that ceremony, there was a circumstance where everything was given to the singer Gummy except my drawing. After about a year, it was returned to me. That is why I am very attached to that drawing.

Q: How do you feel about being called the Artist Goo Hye Sun?

I feel too inadequate or burdened to receive such a title. I just want to be considered as a person like many of you who love art.

Q: We heard that you will be using the profit from the exhibit towards something good,,,

I wanted a more meaningful event through sharing of my drawings. I may not be able to give a lot or help many people, but wanted to just do what I can.

Thank you all for coming in this hot weather. Please enjoy some cold drinks before leaving.

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Guest susAmerica

Goo hye sun painting exhibition interview 1


Goo hye sun painting exhibition interview 2


Goo hye sun painting exhibition interview 3


Goo hye sun painting exhibition interview 4


Goo hye sun painting exhibition interview 5


Goo hye sun painting exhibition interview 6


Goo hye sun painting exhibition interview 7


I already translated the 1st interview.

All the others are basically the same. Different media companies did their own filming and editing of the interview.

I would like to point out something from the Interviews 5 and 7. These interviews had few questions and answers that were not in my 1st tranaslation. I am just going to summarize few points.

The reason for the exhibit: GHS and her company wanted to do something good and meaningful by donating all the profit. That is how the idea of exhibition was born.

Reason for so many blue colors: All the illustration for the book were done with ball point pen. The bigger drawings were done with some type of paint on canvas. She wanted everything to be a mix of black and white. One night she made a mistake thinking that she was using black paint. The next morning she found out that she actually used blue paint. Then she realized that she kind of liked it. (maybe that is why we saw her in blue color top when she did the book signing in May, 2009. Do you remember?) Then she realized that gold color went really well with the blue and started to mix those two as well. She also had few of her other smaller drawings in the exhibit. (Those have simple lines and much repetition of patterns. Those are smaller and even more abstract than the others, somehow.)

Using her fame as an actress to get attention for her other work: Maybe some people may think that way. However I have so much interest in many types of cultural/artistic things. I believe that these cultural/artistic things are something best shared and exchanged with each other. That is what I really wanted and that is what I am doing. Since I gained some fame as an actress, I will continue to do my best as an actor for now. (Hey everybody, GHS said that she is not quitting acting all together. But I also wondered if she said that because perhaps she was somewhat shocked and hurt by such a question?? The kind of attacking, blunt questions that famous people must endure and deal with,,,,,) Yes,I do want to promote my other interests. Whether it is wrting or drawing--these are interests that are best shared with others.


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Guest lucy_marie

THANK YOU TO ALL SUNNIES for the updated article and pix.

She really looks stunning and happy during her exhibit.....love her outfit this days she's becoming sexier in style but maintains her sophisticated and feminine side to her ensemble....she's such a natural beauty that she can pull off every look and be beautiful in it....(the gladiator sandal with heels was a knock off!!!!)

I love the spark in her eyes....it gives a feeling of fulfillment....I'm happy and really proud of her!! I hope she'll continue to do the things she wants to do that makes her happy and complete like this.........


^ I like this picture a lot (since it has more of a clearer view -and of course it caught my attention)

Sue, you're right, if you focus more on the image it looks like a man wearing a cap sitting on a tree with his one knee flex and the other extended. I like this one the best since it creates more of an illusion out of it's marbled figure.

**waves** at lucy_marie! thanks for all the goodies! the gifs love it! Here's a gift for you --erm.."Jandi and Jihoo sitting on a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!! :rolleyes: "

Mai I'm curious about that drawing too.....!! I just found the hat hehe!!(but the cap is still my favorite!pitty we can't borrow) and I can see Jandi-Jihoo sitting under a tree KISSING!!lol :w00t:

Sue: thank you for the trans....Hugsss! The drawing that mai was curious about http://i419.photobucket.com/albums/pp278/e...e_2501/art4.jpg may we know what part in her book this was shown??? dear I wanted to know her feelings somehow on that drawing...for me it looks like a man looking affectionately on someone....and the multiple strokes are emotions and feelings his giving to the other person (didn't hyesun say she wants to find a man that she can love her whole heart something like that....it's like the blue drawing!!)ohhh!! I must add if you concentrate on looking at the middle section of the drawing you will see a man's face with deep almost sad strokes that is being held/hugged by a woman affectionately.....

Waves to Mariposa.....I miss you!!

Hi! to lxandra, memeo and betchay!!

Waves to all Sunnies on board...... :D:D

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Guest grrly

Q: There seems to be lots of pictures in blue colors….

(Laughing) I like to draw at night without the lights. I thought I used black paint to draw this picture on canvas and found out the next day that it is in blue. That is why I started to use more blue color.

Thanks for the translation susAmerica! This part is funny! It may have been a mistake but I really love the color blue! I didn't know she'll be donating the profit of this exhibition. She really does have a big, generous heart. I applaud YG for supporting her all the way too.

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Guest Miki67

sue: big thanks for translation dear :)

Also, big hugs for all Sunnies ^^





(credit: baidu)

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Guest mintcar

^thanks Nina!

susAm, thanks so so much for the translation! :)

wow GHS is simply amazing! i'm so happy for her accomplishments at such a young age :D and she really is an inspiration to us fans.

to everyone thanks for all for sharing pics, news, gifs and youtube links. :D

here are more pictures of the F2 at Hyesun's exhibit.








credit: chosunonline

pls. do not hotlink

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Guest spring&candygirl

hyesun is super talented! she can sing, act, play the piano, write and do all these beautiful artworks...and she's super pretty and modest...the bracelet that hyesun is wearing reminds me of something..i think minho wore something like that before..i'm loving this art exhibition!^_^

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Guest cmatch

hello everyone :D

im a big fan of lee min ho and goo hye sun

actually, they are both famous here in the philippines :D BIGTIME!

the boys over flowers show is more known as ( i mean if the show is starting already )

pinoys says JUN PYO ALREADY OR JAN DI ALREADY:) heheh!

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sue: big thanks for translation dear :)

Also, big hugs for all Sunnies ^^





(credit: baidu)

thanks for the vogue pictures galz,love it :D she looks beautiful :)

thanks to anyone who share pictures,link and all about hyesun.special thanks to sue ;)


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Guest susAmerica

THANK YOU TO ALL SUNNIES for the updated article and pix.

She really looks stunning and happy during her exhibit.....love her outfit this days she's becoming sexier in style but maintains her sophisticated and feminine side to her ensemble....she's such a natural beauty that she can pull off every look and be beautiful in it....(the gladiator sandal with heels was a knock off!!!!)

I love the spark in her eyes....it gives a feeling of fulfillment....I'm happy and really proud of her!! I hope she'll continue to do the things she wants to do that makes her happy and complete like this.........

Mai I'm curious about that drawing too.....!! I just found the hat hehe!!(but the cap is still my favorite!pitty we can't borrow) and I can see Jandi-Jihoo sitting under a tree KISSING!!lol :w00t:

Sue: thank you for the trans....Hugsss! The drawing that mai was curious about http://i419.photobucket.com/albums/pp278/e...e_2501/art4.jpg may we know what part in her book this was shown??? dear I wanted to know her feelings somehow on that drawing...for me it looks like a man looking affectionately on someone....and the multiple strokes are emotions and feelings his giving to the other person (didn't hyesun say she wants to find a man that she can love her whole heart something like that....it's like the blue drawing!!)ohhh!! I must add if you concentrate on looking at the middle section of the drawing you will see a man's face with deep almost sad strokes that is being held/hugged by a woman affectionately.....

Waves to Mariposa.....I miss you!!

Hi! to lxandra, memeo and betchay!!

Waves to all Sunnies on board...... :D:D

The bigger paintings were drawn after the completion of BOF with special type of paint on canvas. The original illustration for the book were done with ball point pen. She did say these bigger paintings are suppose to fit in with the the illustration of her book, TANGO as the focus of the whole exhibit was about Tango.Therefore the above painting is not in the book. Actually I do not know if she wanted her bigger paintings to follow the themes from the book. She may have been inspired by other things and experience not just her book, since she did these bigger paintings after she finished filming BOF. She seems to stand before that painting a great deal, doesn't she? If I am not mistaken, she sat in front of that painting to do the interview with the reporters. I think you are right, one can see and imagine many different things inside that painting. :D

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