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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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  CONGRATULATIONS SUNNIES AND MINSUNEERS WHO MADE POSSIBLE THIS BEAUTIFUL SURPRISE FOR KU HYE SUN !!! BOW TO YOU! THANK YOU !  Thanks to you I was able to assist at her most genuine manifestation of joy ,surprise, merriment ! She almost start to dancing,she couldn't take her  ANGEL EYES off  RICE WREATHS  ,she was mesmerized ! I didn't saw her so happy and joyful since 5 years ago ! My POV :No way to be sad ,she only was overwhelmed by joy and emotion for your beautiful surprise ,and we must remember that she's an introverted person ,so I'm sure she was thrilled .Also being an exquisite actress ,who she is ,she know how to control her emotion and hide them ! And we have the prove of her whole excitement :she twitted ,after press conf ,the photo of RW ! VOILA !  Thank you for this overflowed of photos ,showing us the beauty and the joy of our priceless PRINCESS ! What a festivity :pure happiness ! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU  FOR YOUR HARD WORK WITH SO AWESOME RESULTS ! I wish to have much more days like this ! Good luck ! Daebok !

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more HyeSun's pics at Angel Eyes press con by TENASIA2014040400054813788.jpg

thanks for all updates Sunnies esp for @Cherkoo who always translates everything related to HyeSun from the 1st time I became a Soompi member until now :D@nov_ is it only me or the pictures you shared from DC KHS didn't load?

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meow13 said: BkTYGDPCUAAlz4g.jpg:large
구혜선 @Koohyesun119 10:10 PM
고마워요...! pic.twitter.com/7ZOGdTupRo

@cheerkoo this is the video in which Ku & other casts break into laughters
I think HS was being asked about choosing between SY & GS, then HS suddenly said actually SY & GS look good together. then everyone broke into laughter (may not be accurate, let's wait for Sue)

Cre mydaily

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Angel eyes


9.45pm KST

(Starts 10 minutes earlier)

Sat & Sun


This is 1 of the links to watch Angel Eyes live.


Hope these links works

With english sub





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Hi Sunnies...wow, our Goddess Ku really look like Angel from Above...I'm jealous and intimidating, how can a person be so Angelic Beautiful...my dear Hye Sun, which planet are you from??? Lols....

Btw, have you notice anyone who stands next to HS (no matter how others look) will definitely look good too..her aura is so contagious...how I wish I can be near her, so I can look good too...haha!!

Darn LSY, u look handsome as always but standing next to her, makes you extra handsome...hehe!.

Tomorrow's the day Sunnies....be ready...I know I am...miss her on small screen for quite sometime... Hope Angel Eyes will do well.....Fighting!!!! Take care everyone!!!

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class="entry-title"[interview] ‘엔젤아이즈’ 구혜선-이상윤-김지석-정진영-공형진-승리 밀착토크


이상윤은 엄친아 같은 바른 청년 이미지가 있다. 실제 맡은 동주와 비슷한 점이 있나?

이상윤 – 수식어는 부담스럽다. 실제 저보다는 캐릭터가 좋은 이미지다. 동주와 저는 대본 속에서의 느끼는 감정은 비슷해서 공감된다.

구혜선은 오랜만에 드라마 복귀다. 각오가 남다를 것 같다.

구혜선 – 긴장을 많이 했다. 적응을 잘하는지 의문이다. 연기 오랜만인데, 그동안 하고 싶었다. 좋은 작품을 만나서 좋다. 멜로를 하게 되어서 굉장히 재미있을 것 같다.

김지석은 극 중 캐릭터와 실제 성격이 얼마나 비슷한가?

김 지석 - 연애를 안 하다 보니 드라마를 통해 할 수 있어서 다행이다. 대리만족하고 있다. 드라마 자랑을 하겠다. 119 소방대원 이야기다 보니 어제 거짓말 조금 더해서 ‘어벤져스’급 사고현장을 찍었다. 그렇게 크고 리얼한 현장은 처음이었다. 볼거리가 많다.

전작이 장근석, 윤아 주연의 ‘사랑비’였다. 이번 작품 선택의 이유는?

정진영 – 배역이 매력적이었다. 비밀을 가지고 있는 인물이다. 밝은 이야기 속에서 저는 인상을 쓰는 부분을 맡았다.

공형진 캐릭터를 설명해달라.

공형진 – 이름도 마음에 들고, 배테랑 에이스다. 119 소방대원인 친조카에게 자문을 구했다. 냉철하고 원칙을 지키는 캐릭터다.


승리는 영어와 충청도 사투리를 써야 하는 소방관 역할이다.

승 리 – 시놉 봤을 때 텍사스에 살다가 충청도 사투리와 영어까지 쓰는 역할이라 어떻게 해야 할지 걱정이었다. 선배들과 대화를 나누고 캐릭터 만들었다. 공형진 선배가 많이 도와줬다. (충청도 사투리로) 연습 한 달간 했는데, 첫 촬영 날 감독님이 전라도 사투리를 해달라고 하셨다. 5분 줄 테니 뭘 할건지 정하라고 하셨다. 패닉이 왔었다. 한 달간 연습했는데! 그래서 결국 충청도 사투리를 썼다. 드라마 보면 얼마나 열심히 했는지 알 거다. 열심히 할게유.

촬영 에피소드를 들려달라.

공형진 – 6중 추돌사고 촬영장면을 찍었다. 시청자분들께 좀 더 사실적인 묘사를 보여드릴 수 있을 것 같다. 제작비를 아끼지 않은 SBS 에게 감사하다.

승리 – 대형사고 신이 있었는데, 마포대교에서 찍으려 했다. 그런데 ’어벤져스’ 때문에 못했다. 저희가 먼저 하려고 했는데! (웃음)


의사 역할인데 특별히 준비한 것은?

이상윤 - 실제 현장에서 쓰는 용어에 대해 지인께 자문을 구했다. 실제 의사의 행동을 생각해 봤는데, 의사분들이 늘 잠이 부족해 힘들어한다. 그게 리얼한데, 그 리얼리티를 살리면 멜로가 붙기 힘들다. 중간지점을 찾으려 했다.

드라마 준비를 위해 응급구조 훈련을 받았다고.

구혜선 - 심폐소생술 같은 간단한 것들을 배웠다. 배우면서 왜 이걸 모르고 살았나 싶었다. 위급할 때 쓸 수 있을 것 같다.


출연 배우들을 칭찬한다면

정진영 – 제가 의사 역할이라 공형진, 승리는 만나지 못한다. 이상윤은 착하고 눈물도 많다. 아까 하이라이트 영상 보면서 울었다. 멋진 친구다. 구혜선은 재주가 많아 부러운 친구다. 예쁜 딸을 만나서 좋다. 김지석은 묘한 매력이 있다. 교원자격증을 가진 엘리트 배우다. 내가 빅뱅을 다 몰랐는데, 승리는 재치있고, 현장 분위기 잘 만들고 연기를 열심히 한다. 공형진은 당연히 아마 잘할 것이다. 현장 분위기 매끄럽게 만들고, 팀장 역할이니 멋있게 진두지휘를 할 것이다.

강하늘, 남지현을 ‘강남커플’로 부르는데, 연기칭찬을 해달라.

정 진영 – 강하늘은 연기도 잘한다. 초반에만 나오는 역할인데 엄청나게 고생해서 찍었다. 앞으로 더 기대되는 청년이다. 남지현은 ‘선덕여왕’때 봤는데 지금은 대학생이 되었다. 낮에는 수업받으러 가더라. 참 고생 많이 했다. 진정한 배우로 거듭날 것이다.


승리는 일본 드라마를 보여줬다. 부담은 없었는지. 빅뱅 멤버 탑의 조언은 없었나.

승 리 – 일본에서 ‘김전일’ 드라마와 ’유비코이’ 드라마에 출연했다. 첫 정극인데, 연기하는 건 즐겁다. 멤버 중에 탑형이 먼저 연기를 해서 카리스마 있는 배우의 길을 간다. 저도 탑형 작품 보며 느낀 게 많다. 저에게 너의 밝고 긍정적인 에너지를 연기에 쏟아 부으면 어떻겠냐는 이야기를 했다. 제가 가진 숨겨진 재능을 이번 드라마에서 보여드리고 싶다. 응원해주는 멤버들 회사 식구들의 기대에 부응하려고 한다.

구혜선은 감독이기도 하다. 어떤 게 더 편한가. 극 중 상윤과 지석 사이에 삼각관계인데 어디가 더 끌리나.

구 혜선 – 감독 일과 연기 일은 같은 공간에 있는데 워낙 다른 일이다. 연출 일은 머리가 아프고, 연기는 감정적인 게 많다. 두 일이 물과 기름 같다. 뭐가 하나 쉽거나 편한 게 없다. 연기하면 감독하고 싶고 감독하면 연기하고 싶다. 그리고 삼각관계에서 선택하자면… 이상윤, 김지석 두 분이 더 잘 어울린다. 워낙 비주얼 적으로 멋있어서 둘 다 좋다.

아이돌의 연기진출이 늘고 있다. 본인의 생각이 궁금하다.

승 리 - 활동하는 선후배 분들 중에 연기활동을 병행하는 가수가 많다. 무대에서 발산할 끼를 연기에 발산하는 것 같다. 다양한 분야에서 활동하기 위한 욕구가 아닌가 싶다. 다른 분들의 활동도 응원하고 싶다. 제 성격이 남들을 즐겁게 하는 성격인데, 드라마에서 시청자들의 웃음을 유발하도록 하겠다. 다른 배우분들과 작품에 녹아드는 역할을 보여드릴 것이다.

빅뱅 팀웍이 참 좋은 것 같다.

승리 – 저희는 안 싸운다. 조금만 대들면 형한테 난리가 나기 때문에. (작은 목소리로) 지드래곤. 어이구 말해버렸네. (웃음)


119 구급대원에게 응원의 말씀을 해달라.

공형진 – 우리가 편히 쉴 수 있게 늘 뒤에서 국민들을 위해 희생하는 분들이다. 그들에게 정말 감사하다고 말하고 싶다.

‘엔젤아이즈’ 관전포인트 말해달라.

이상윤 – 감성적인 드라마다. 감성적인 면 밑바닥에 많은 일들이 숨겨져 있다. 그런 부분들이 회를 거듭하면서 나올것이다. 특히나 동주라는 인물이 겪는 충격이 많다. 그 인물의 심리적인 흐름을 잘 표현하기 위해 많이 노력할 것이다.

구혜선 – 착한 드라마다. 보시면 마음이 따뜻해질 것이다.

승리 – ‘테디 서’는 극 초반에는 자신의 선배인 혜선 누나를 졸졸 따라다니는 감초 역할이다. 아직 말할 수는 없지만, 극 중반부터 ‘테디 서’의 멜로도 확인할 수 있다.


@cheerkoo noona need your help, thanks

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Guest ari_oppa

Thx all sunniez who put tons of uri Noona updates here, so even in my rush I just need to click this forum to always admire our Noona in every her activities. God really had created world's Angels, and I am very lucky to see one of the angel through this forum. I think that I should prepare a special time to enjoy tons of Noona's pics, thanks for the power of God through her. Have a nice busy day Sunniez...It would become a busy time for uri Noona too.

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class="entry-title"[spot] New Drama ‘Angel Eyes’ Starring Lee Sang-yoon and Ku Hye-sun

On April 3rd, the press release for SBS’s new drama ‘Angel Eyes’ was held at SBS in Mok-dong with the participation of the cast including Ku Hye-sun, Lee Sang-yoon, Kim Ji-seok, Jeong Jin-yeong, Kong Hyung-jin and Seungri and the director Park Shin-woo.

‘Angel Eyes’ is a romantic drama that tells a love story of Park Dong-ju(Lee San-yoon) and Yoon Soo-wan(Ku Hye-sun) who meet again after 12 years since they were first love for each other as young Park Dong-ju(Kang Ha-neul) and Yoon Soo-wan(Nam Jy-hyeon). The drama draws a lot of attention as it is written by the writer Yoon Ji-ryeon who wrote ‘Boys Over Flower’.

Producer Park Shin-woo said, “It’s a love story of people who once shared their lives with each other. I think the emotions for different stages of love are all different. You feel differently when you start love somebody and realize that and when you share the love with that person. The drama will show honest feelings of people in love”.


‘We are perfect for each other as a ‘Cheemi-couple’, say Lee Sang-yoon and Ku Hye-sun

Seungri said, “It is my first time to be in a drama series in Korea. I’m happy to join the drama as I was taking a break in Korea. I like the lively character of my role. I’ll do my best as an actor”.

Kong Hyun-jin who plays Yoon Soo-wan’s boss said, “My role is a charismatic team manager. I’ll show unconventional love in this drama”.


Making a cameback with ‘Angel Eyes’ in 2 years

A lot attention was paid to Ku Hye-sun who resumes her acting career in 2 years. “I was a little nervous to make a comeback. My birth day is November 9th, ‘Fire Prevention Day’ in Korea. And it’s interesting that I play a firefighter. I have trust in the write as I worked with her for the drama ‘Boys Over Flowers’”, said Ku Hye-sun

Lee Sang-yoon for the role Dong-ju who meets Soo-wan again in 12 years said, “I feel happy these days. I was moved by the script and I liked the scenes of child actors”, showing his affection for the drama.

Kim Ji-seok who plays a doctor boyfriend of Yoon Soo-wan said, “We’re all up at night shooting scenes. I am happy to work for a good drama which is like a day of the spring. You will be touched watching this drama in this harsh world”.

About the child actors Kang Ha-neul and Nam Ji-hyun, Park Shin-woo said “if you feel pure watching our drama it would be because of them. They were really good at playing pure characters”.

Making the winning move with its beautiful romantic story, SBS’s special drama ‘Angel Eyes’ will be first aired at 9:45 on April 5th.

“I’m now a real actor”, says Big Bang’s Seungri

Written by Han Jihee, Photographed by Ryuma, Translated by Lee Sarah



class="entry-title"[interview] Ku Hye-sun, Lee Sang-yoon, Kim Ji-seok, Jeong Jin-yeong, Kong Hyung-jin, Seungri for the Drama ‘Angel Eyes’



You have to image of a pleasant guy like ‘eomchina’. Are you similar to Dong-ju in any ways?

Lee Sang-yoon – I think the nickname ‘eomchina’ is too good for me. Dong-ju is a better guy than me. But I can relate to the feelings of Dong-ju in the drama.


(To Ku Hye-sun) It’s been a while since your last drama. Are you ready for the new drama?

Ku Hye-sun – Well, I’m a little nervous. I’m not sure if I could fit into the drama well. I took a break for a long time but it’s good that I like the script. I’d have a lot of fun shooting this melodrama.


How similar are you to your character?

Kim Ji-seok – I’m glad that I’m in love in the drama as I don’t have any girlfriend at the moment. I’m satisfied with that. As I play a firefighter I shot a ‘The Avengers’ class accident scene yesterday to exaggerate a little. The filming site was so huge and real. The drama offers lots of interesting things.


(To Jeong Jin-yeong) ‘Love Rain’ was your last drama starred Jang Geun-suk and Im Yoona. How did you decide to join this drama?

Jeong Jin-yeong – I was attracted to the character. He has secrets. It’s a bright story but my character is not.


(Kong Hyung-jin) Can you tell us more about your character?

Kong Hyung-jin – I like his name. He is an experienced firefighter. I asked lots of questions to my nephew who is a firefighter. He is a very strict man who follows principles.




(To Seungri) You role is a fire who speaks English and Chungcheong-do dialect.

Seungri – When I first checked the synopsis, I was confused and worried about playing a role who lived in Texas and who speaks Chungcheong-do dialect. I got a lot of help from other senior actors, especially Kong Hyung-jin. (With Chungcheong-do accent) I practiced the dialect for a month. But on the first day of shooting, the director asked me to speak Jeolla-do dialect and he gave me just 5 minutes to decide which dialect I would speak after the whole one month! I panicked. But I went with Chuncheong-do dialect. You can see how hard I tried if you watch the drama. I’ll do my best.


Can you tell us about episodes that happened during filming?

Kong Hyung-jin – We shot a 6-car-rear-end accident. The viewers could enjoy realistic scenes. I really appreciate that SBS is generous with the production cost.

Seungri – We wanted to shoot a scene of a hug accident at Mapo Bridge but we couldn’t because of the movie ‘The Avengers’. We had the idea first! (Laughter)


What did you do in particular to play a doctor?

Lee Sang-yoon – I asked a friend of mine about the medical jargon. I learned that doctors are always tired from lack of sleep. Considering the reality, it’s hard to shoot romantic scenes. I try to find a balance between the two.


(To Ku Hye-sun) I heard you got emergency rescue training.

Ku Hye-sun – I learned simple instructions like the CPR. I realized that I never knew how to do CPR that can be very useful.





(To Jeang Jin-yeong) Do you want to give any compliments to the other cast members?

Jeong Jin-yeong – Playing a doctor, I don’t work with Kong Hyung-jin and Seungri much. Lee Sang-yoon is a kind guy easily shed tears. He’s a great guy. Ku Hye-sun has a lot of talents. I’m glad to play her father. Kim Ji-seok has a strange charm. He is an elite actor who holds a teacher’s certificate. I only knew some of the Big Bang members. I think Seungri is the very clever moodmaker. He also tries hard to learn more about acting.


Kang Ha-neul and Nam Ji-hyun are called the ‘Kangnam Couple’. Can you praise their performance?

Jeong Jin-yeong – Kan Ha-neul is very good at acting. He appears on at the beginnings of the drama but he had a hard time shooting the scenes. I think he could be a great actor. I first saw Nam Ji-hyun when I watched ‘Queen Seondeok’. She studies at her college during the day. She also worked so hard. She’ll be a real actor.


(To Seungri) You were in a Japanese drama. Didn’t you feel pressure about it? And did you get any advice from Big Bang’s top?

Seungri – Yes. I was in ‘Kindaichi shonen no Jikenbo’ and ‘Yubikoi Kimini Okuru Message’. This is my first drama series and acting is fun. Top has played charismatic roles and I learned a lot from him. Top gave me advice on acting with the bright and energetic side of me. I want to show my hidden talents as an actor in this drama. I will match up to my company members high expectations.


(To Ku Hye-sun) You are an actress as well as a director. Which one do you feel more comfortable as? And about the love triangle with Sang-yoon and Ji-seok, which man are you attracted to more?

Ku Hye-sun – Even though I’m in the same place, I have completely different roles as director and actress. Directing gives me a headache and acting needs a lot of emotional elements. The two jobs are like oil and water. Both are very difficult. I feel like doing the other when I’m doing one. And to choose from the two men…I think Lee Sang-yoon and Kim Ji-seok look better with each other than with me. I like both of them cause they are handsome.0


(To Seungri) What do you think of the growing number of girl-band and boy-band members expanding their careers as actresses and actors?

Seungri – Yes, there are a lot of senior and junior singers who also work as actors. I think they use their talents in acting as well. I guess it’s a desire to work in another field. I want to support them. I will make the viewers laugh as I like making people laugh. I’ll also work with other actors in harmony.


Big Bang members have great teamwork as a group.

Seungri – We never fight. If I stand up against older members, they’d get really angry. (in a low voice) Especially G-Dragon. Oops, I just said his name. (Laughter)


Would you send any messages to firefighters?

Kong Hyung-jin – I really appreciate your sacrifice for us. I want to say “Thank you very much’.


What is the point of ‘Angel Eyes’ the viewers should focus on while watching?

Lee Sang-yoon – It’s a sweet romantic drama about the feelings beneath the character’s emotions. The drama will depict more of them going forward.s

Ku Hye-sun – It’s a good drama. Your heart will be warm by it.

Seungri – ‘Teddy Seo’ follows his senior co-worker Ku Hye-sun at the beginning of the drama. I can’t tell you more but he’ll also have a love affair from the middle of the drama.

 Written by Han Jihee, Photo by Ryuma and SBS, Translated by Lee Sarah


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