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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

More pics from Ceci

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Cre Ayesuper

Thanks to Ayesuper, she shared the inteview with us. Here are the cap (the questions appeared in exerpt are skipped) sue, appreciate if you could help to translate them

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Cre Ayesuper

Q:   You always seem to experience much ordeals/trials/sufferings when you do dramas. (Oh, how true! Poor GHS~). Was there a time when you experienced ordeals in your own life?

A:   Everyday. However, I tend not to focus too much on just one thing that I do not have bad or negative thoughts about them.  It is not in my personality. I really believe that it depends on how we think.  It may feel like a big crisis when dramas do not get good rating or if the movies do not do well in box office. However, I am not having bad, negative thoughts about them. Even if many people severely criticize me, I speedily put them out of my mind and return to my place of center. Like Han DaJin in PCAP, I am a “tumbling doll” (the doll that no matter how many times you kick it, it comes right back up to its original place.) It is not because I am strong-minded. It is just that I forget. If I fall, I forget why I fell. When I dust myself and get up, I forget about even having fallen.

Q—All your characters have been very Strong-Minded and not very weak. If you can say anything special about Han DaJin??

A—All my previous characters were energetic and bright and rarely hated others. What is different about current character is that she holds some hatred. She is still energetically bright but she also has hatred towards the person who caused her mother’s death and cannot forgive. But then she ends up resolving that issue so in a way, the current character is also similar. I also tend to be cheerful and have a positive outlook, but I also have a deeply buried hatred/anger at someone.  However, I realized that, with the passing of the time, they all seem to settle down and resolve themselves. I definitely experienced that.

Q-Are you in any way different when you are alone vs when you are with others? There are people who become different persons when they are at home vs when they are outside.

A-My family is amazed when they see me very talkative and active outside the house. The similarity between being at home vs. outside is that I tend to lead.  I am usually the one leading people to do something both at home and outside.

Q-Some people get charged up by being with others while others get charged up by themselves. Which one are you?

A-     I also like being alone.  I tend to do many things by myself.  Perhaps, I do need to change some things about myself.  I tend to write scenarios and compose music by myself. Many people tell me that I should do those activities with other people, but I find that I cannot concentrate as well and I find that I worry about many things when I work with other people. When I work alone at home, I don’t bother washing my face or worry about anything else except to totally focus on my work. I really like it.

Q- What do you usually do when you are alone?

A-     I make a list of things I want or need to do.  All day long!  I constantly lose my paper notebooks that there are many of them lying around. For example, the things that I have to do today are clean-up, laundry, cook, give food to Gamja, etc. I write all of them down. I write them down and continue to think about them.  I think about what I have to do tomorrow. I may come across that list one year later by accident. When I see that I did all in that list, I feel very content. For example, I made a list last year about making the movie, Peach Tree. The lists included making Peach Tree, who to cast, what is the casting line-up, etc. I realized that I did everything on that list. There was also a list about writing the scenario and its synopsis. It was only a dream then, but I made it happen.

Q- It looks so easy for you to make the movie, to write a novel, to compose a musical piece. But I know that it is not easy to implement all those activities. You must be a very driven a person.

A-     In the past, I was very intense and did a lot. But, now, if I want to make/create something, I definitely need time to rest first.  I also feel the definite need to be selfish when it comes to working. In the name of being considerate, I used to work around other people’s schedule. But there came a time one day when I naturally and confidently was able to request for my time to take a break. For example, meeting a boyfriend means spending a lot of time for the other person. But, I believe that in order for the relationship to last, I need to set limit and have my own time first. So, when I need to sleep, I sleep thoroughly. And, when I am awake, I do not just sit around doing nothing. I read a book once that talked about how any movement activates our brain cells to make us start something. That is why, when I wake up, I just start moving by cleaning up. Then, I take out the garbage and give food to Gamja. Of course, I do much prefer staying in bed. (hoho).

Q- I would think it is not so lonely to have such an active dog like Gamja.

A-     Even if I am alone in the house, I am not scared because I hear Gamja breathing. Also, he is a living thing that makes my body get up—since I need to feed him. When my heavy body gets up to feed him, I am awake. Then, I start to think about doing my own work.

Q- Your two major jobs are acting and directing. Both jobs require much cooperation with other people. Did you always have big desire to work with lot of people?

A-     I was not that type of person in the beginning. But now, through work, I definitely get to see people “more closely”.  In reality, it is not easy to connect with people as adults. But I meet people through work and, through that experience, my feelings of loyalty and faith in them grow. Then, I feel alive and warm inside. I worked on my movies having those feelings.  That is why I have worked with pretty much the same group of people on my movies. We may fight again and again but we still work together again and again. Now, our relationship has become inseparable and we learn from each other. (WOW!! She has created great relaionships through her work as a director!)

Q- I identify with that feeling about people one meets at work. But I would think there are hardships   because you are famous. You might get suspicious of the people’s true intention if they come closer to you.  Of course, there are people who want to get to know you genuinely as well.

A-     I may not help feeling suspicious intentions. But, I am very grateful no matter what. When such events occur, I do not know the person but the other person at least knows me. Even if I may not trust that person, the other person trusted me enough to accost me.  If it is in no way a scary situation, I do not see the need to put up a wall and hurt the other person’s feelings.  Of course, I do believe that the feeling of caution in that situation may be resolved easily if both people expect nothing from each other.

Q-Have you met someone through work and become personally close?

A-     When I work as a director; there are more instances when I make closer personal relationships. We may start out being suspicious and wary of each other. But there comes a moment when we suddenly feel a connection that we are very similar to each other. Then we speedily become close.

Q—While working together, I guess there are many incidents of fighting as well?

A-I really believe that everything eventually passes.  So, I tend to be more reserved in such situations. But I do say what I need to say. Even when I fight, I hope to even get closer to the other person. If I think that I am fighting so that I will never see that person again, then I don’t fight.  For me, fighting is not for the intention of hurting the other person and pointing out his/her faults and mistakes.  For me, I say a lot about how I felt. (I think GHS could also have been a counselor or therapist!! Doesn’t what she say sound like she really thought about these human relationship questions very thoroughly in her own mind??)

Q-You seem to be blessed with good people around you.  Do you have any special something that turn people into your people?

A-     Even if the person is a student, s/he may have a hidden potential. I tell him/her, let us work together. I am using you now. So please use me as well. Let us grow together.  With the people who start something with me, I feel that we become each other’s people. Even though we do not expect anything from each other, it is a win-win situation.

Q-I am curious about what motivates you to work?

 To be honest, all the people that I love scare me.  The reason is that I do not want to disappoint them nor hurt them but I want to do the best for them.  </SPAN>

(I love this statement! I never thought of it that way but it is true!!)

Q- Then, for the ultimate person whom you love, your life’s partner, what important elements must he possess?

A-     Belief.  A courage to believe even in a lie. For example, I would ask my parents for Man-won to buy a workbook. But, instead, I use it to buy snacks. My mom knows about it yet is willing to be deceived. In that case, I in turn cannot lie. Because I feel sorry. Because my conscience would constantly poke at me.  Come to think of it, I think it is belief/faith that naturally changes people. It is really important. That is why we stress it as well. No matter what, believe in me. If you believe in me no matter what, your will will be realized.  I will change as much as you believe in me.  I really believe that people are interpersonal. Reality is that flattering heart does not last forever. Of course, it is nice to be pretty and handsome. But, without  faith/belief in me to stay by my side, they are useless.

Q- There is always happy ending after tribulation. What is GHS’s happy ending?

A-     To live harmoniously with people I love. To not be afraid of death.  For people to be with me yet no matter what happens to me, I will not be afraid. For that to be possible, I would have to do the utmost at every moment so that there is no regret. I may not be able to say what I want to say tomorrow, so I would say it today.

Q-Basically it is Carpe Diem. Are you a person believes in living for the present?

A-I think I changed a little bit. When I experienced a close person die and a dog that I raised for long time die, I realized that they cannot be with me forever. That is why I felt that I would have to do it today. I realized that I only have this very moment. We all think that we can meet our friends frequently when we graduate high school but it becomes harder to do so. It is best to focus hard to make that moment warm and memorable. That moment/ that day/ today is the most important.


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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

again, a problem transcribing..why??!!

Q--I am curious as to what motivates you to work.

A--I do need a bit of forceful coercion. There has to be an intimidating person and a coercive promise.  It is not easy for me to motivate me all by myself. That is why I make a promise with an esteemed elder person. I promise that I will have the script ready by such and such a time. Then, I write like a crazy person. An intimidating and scary person activates me to move and work. To be honest, everyone that I love intimidate and scare me. They intimidate and scare me enough not to want o disappoint them or hurt them. I only want to do the best for them. 

love what GHS says in her CeCi interview. again, I learn a lot. How true what she says! Also, what she says reminds me of the late Representative Jung and actor Jo SeungWoo. Remember??!!

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Guest ari_oppa

Yeahhh...Me Too....Dunno Why Even I Haven't watch PCAP, but from the stills photo I can feel Chemistry of Hye Sun Noona and Jin He Ahjussi...I Think I'm bias cause Hye Sun said her ideal man is mature person...and I thought Jin Hee is really mature person ;)

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Thanks cheerkoo for that wonderful translation of her interview. I am completely amazed with her answers. I love how her mind works. I specifically like how she talked about BELIEF. I never thought about it that way, but now I realized she's right.

I will forever be her fan 'cause she's not just pretty and talented, she's also an intelligent lady.

Happy new year sunnies! Let's continue to support PCAP! I hope Peach Tree hit the theaters soon :)

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614


My link

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TRANLATION: "Don't tell me how hard you work. Tell me how much you get done."



Cr: pjlu, , our sis, found one of his  phrase ....   could be this one?? someone respond please!

Thank you vanessa!

You are correct!

I am so curious about this book that GHS is reading. It must be stories and quotes by famous people. I would love to read it too. ke

I also just saw Epi 6 of PCAP on Vikki drama site. It has 100 % translation already and is very good.


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Guest eunhye05

Thanks sue for the translation of the interview.

What GHS says about being active and moving. I want to try that. In fact I should seriously stop procrastinating and start making lists and checking each item. We can really learn to live properly if we follow GHS! hehehe.

I agree with you sue..her statement regarding how the people she loves scare her because she doesn't want to disappoint them is actually true! We are motivated everyday because of them and the fear of hurting them. :)I also like what she says about Belief. You definitely need a special someone to lean on for support, someone who's always there and believes in everything you do. For someone like GHs who's got so many credits in different media under her belt and who's just a juggernaut that nobody can stop when it comes to achieving her dreams she'll definitely need someone wonderful who understands what she does, accepts her for the person she is and cheers her on with faith, love and belief 101% of the time. That's quite a criteria for Mr. Right!

It's so intimidating reading GHS interview...for a person so young she really sounds like a wise old soul. Beauty! Brains! Talent! She's already acting like a mentor to her peers. I can imagine how respected she will become in this industry or she probably already is. :) She sounds like she's been in the industry for a very long time. She's so profound with her answers and thought process. These are very deep questions. I'm happy the interviewer thought of asking them to bring out such wonderful answers from her and to give us a slice of the true person our GHS is. If only everyone can see that too! I pray for her happy ending and finding that true person who will love her, have faith in her and believe in her! :)

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614


yushinku of DCinside posted this article.

According to it, PCAP's rating on the 19th was 10.3%.

Congrats PCAP! 2 digits!! May you go up and up and soar.

So far, I love PCAP very much!!

The article also talks about the help the drama receives from every aspect of Asiana Air.

Thanks Sunnies for all your posts and updates.

Someone in DC says that "You are my little peach tree" is a line from the movie's ost which is composed by GHS.

Like DC, I wonder what GHS is trying to say with her tweet.

GHS mentioned that her movie Peach Tree may open in theatres in Feb or March.

Perhaps her tweet indicates that it may open in Feb??

I am personally hoping it will open in March after PCAP ends...just for the convenience sake...

Thanks all!!

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@vanessa123..THANK YOU for the above twitter update and for always sharing to us news articles,pics and videos of GHS..

@cheerkoo..first of all let me THANK YOU for always translating for us and giving us news about GHS without you it wuold be very hard for us to follow GHS..like everybody else I LOVE PCAP TOO the storyline is different and something new for K DRAMA..it makes me laugh heavily while i still have tears in my eyes from the previous scene..i told my caucasian friends about that penguin story and im amazed that they too laugh at it especially when i show them the scene from my phone..they said she is a natural comedian..that scene when DY told DJ that penguins are from the northpole and not southpole as what PENGUIN AHJUSSI had told her and then DJ acted innocently and said that probably the penguins had moved to northpole now..this is the best scene ever for me as of now..

i read about JAMES J.LING and i was really surprised to know that he was a successful businessman during his time...GHS can be like him because apparently when he talks he uses a lot of jargon that only he can understand so apparently they have to listen to him well..and for us with GHS we have to dig deep to understand at least a bit of what she meant like in her twits..and apparently when JAMES J.LING decides to do something he put his personal life at stake which reminds me of the time when GHS took a break from acting and just concentrates on being a director/scriptwriter/composer/musician..i was worried that time because she might have a hard time coming back as an actress but look at her now..So basing on what i've read about JJL her previous twit means in my opinion is that IT IS THE QUALITY AND NOT THE QUANTITY THAT COUNTS in every work one does..and oh about this latest twit i read in feng sui book what PEACHTREE symbolizes..here this could be a help for us to decipher her latest twit which in my opinion is meant for someone.. :wub:

Peach: The peach tree is a tremendous Chinese symbol for longevity as well as other auspicious attributes. Each element of the peach tree has significant meaning. The wood of the tree was said to ward off evil, and ancient warriors would craft weapons from the wood. Taoist magic was made with the petals of the peach blossoms - the effects were known to put men into an intense trance of love. It is said that the Peach plant of immortality located in the Kun Lun mountains would produce the fruit only once every 3,000 years. When this happened, the Eight Immortals would gather and eat of the magic fruit, assuring their immortality.

@meow..THANK YOU for all the news the pictures and videos you share to us and have been a very useful reference to us..


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Guest eunhye05

Hello everyone! :) HS tweeted :

Photo646_normal.jpgkoohs 구혜선 빨래하기 너무 귀찮습니다... 12 hours ago

A rough translation is "too annoying or cumbersome to do laundry/wash?"

Was she doing laundry last night or washing up? hehehe.

Happy Lunar New Year Sunnies! Have a great year ahead! :D

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Thanks for that Vanessa! I'm really quite excited about the premiere of Peach Tree! I hope it will be shown after PCAP so it won't be too burdensome for her. Her schedule is already too tight.

Happy Lunar Year to all Sunnies! Let's continue to support our dearest Hye-Sun!

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Hope you all had nice lunar new year if you celebrate it.

News portals still carry so many bloggers who love showing off their negative opinions about GHS.

Now there is even bloggers who are trashing all the three female stars of Wed and Thu drama line-upsn.

I have to stop going to these sites!

Fighting for GHS!.

Fighting for PCAP!

Fighting for DhangShin in Russia!

Fighting for Peach Tree!!

Saw an article about the actress who appear as one of Han DaJin's best friends in PCAP.


It is long but the interview asks her if she really is close to GHS.

She says that GHS has a very, very quiet personality. So, it was difficult to get to know her in the beginning. However, they have become very close that other people make comments about it.

(Imagine a shy and quiet person creating a personality like Han DaJin who has the nerve to tell her boss or senior to aplogize when he is sober!! keke. GHS is quiet and very, very deep a person.

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Hi guys, thanks for all the updates...i just wanted to give my opinions on the negative comments...although i completely hate all the hate that GHS gets for her acting, i hope instead of looking at the negative comments so negatively she will instead try to improve in her acting that makes people frustrated so she can convert these anti-fans into fans..i do love GHS acting, but she does seen to pick many of the same roles..most of her characters have similar attitudes, so i think that is why it seems she acts with the same facial expressions, i hope that after this drama she will take on a drama with the main character with a different personality...i hope nobody gets offended by my post..i absolutely love GHS, she is one of my favorite actresses, but i hope she can make those anti-fans into fans by taking on different roles, because i hate reading or hearing about negative things about actresses that i love...haha i completely forgot i wanted to say that i think her personality is almost exactly like mine, like i am really really shy but after i get to know a person..which usually takes only a few hours..i can be really open with that person and my personality makes like a 360 turn, and i turn into this crazy funny weird person haha..i think GHS is exactly like that she is shy at first, so its hard for somebody to start talking to her, but when they really get to know her they become very close to her, i noticed in TM BTS she seemed to have gotten close to that one girl that came after HJ later in the drama, so i think as long as people open up to her, her real goofy personality comes out :]

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Guest lovebof

@saranghaeshinee: I completely agree with you on the simillar roles Hye Sun picked: BOF, TM and PCAP (not sure AD yet since it has not been released yet). There are similarities in these roles especially with her own characteristics on these roles. I think she acts well in emotional scenes as well as some mature roles that she can act quietly. (I particularly like her role in King and I.) I do hope that Hye Sun will look into the positive criticism and make progress in her acting. After all, I love her too.

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