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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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I just read the news that KHJ has been infected w/ swine flu...lets pray that he'll get better soon,,,I hope everybody is ok including f3 and hyesun.. :(

what a sad news indeed, i hope he'll get enough rest..

OMG!! that news is true sas? so sad :( lets pray that he'll get better soon..his too tired because of his activity with SS501.KHJ get better soon..

Nina,trater hello thanks for the pictures :)

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Gosh, i'm really worried about KHJ...i pray for him... The worst thing i'm afraid is that BOF cast include HS & F3 also would be infected so i was searching some news about their condition and i found this

신종플루 판정을 받은 SS501 김현중과 함께 프로모션을 했던 구혜선은 몸에 이상이 없는 것으로 전해졌다.

구혜선 소속사 YG엔터테인먼트 관계자는 9월8일 뉴스엔과 전화통화에서 "구혜선에게 확인한 결과 별다른 이상은 없다"며 "조금 더 몸 관리에 신경을 쓸 계획"이라고 밝혔다.

구혜선은 5일과 6일 김현중을 비롯 이민호 김범 김준과 함께 KBS 2TV 드라마 '꽃보다 남자' 프로모션을 위해 일본을 방문했다. 이 가운데 김현중은 신종 인플루엔자 판정을 받아 현재 일본 병원에 입원 중이다.

6일 공연에 앞서 예정됐던 한류퐁듀 녹화에 미열과 두통 증상으로 인해 참여하지 못한 김현중은 휴식을 취하며 증상이 호전돼 무사히 본 공연 무대에는 올라 팬들과의 약속을 지키는 투혼을 발휘했다.

7일 오후 12시 항공편으로 국내 입국 예정이었으나 오전에 갑작스런 고열 증상으로 응급실로 향해 응급조치를 받는 단계에서 신종 인플루엔자 판정을 받았다.

김현중은 현재 일본의 모 병원에서 입원 치료를 받고 있으며 타미플루 복용 후 상태는 호전되고 있다. 앞으로 휴식을 취하며 상태를 지켜봐야할 상황이다.

DSP미디어 관계자는 DSP미디어 현지 지사 관계자와 담당 매니저를 현지로 보내 상황을 수시로 체크하고 있으며, 증상이 나아지는대로 입국할 예정이다. 이로 인해 예정됐던 방송 일정에 출연이 불투명한 상태이다.

Sue/Bell Please translate it ...i hope everybody is alright and KHJ will get better soon ..*sigh* such a bad news :((((

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^ briefly, goo hyesun said she feels fine and she doesn't feel abnormal or sick. Kim hyunjoong is down with infuenza and has been admitted to a hospital in japan.

(my note: usually people exposed to swine flu patients need a quarantine period of ~10 days to know whether they will be infected, don't they?)

edit: It seems that HJ is down with a new strain of influenza (don't know whether it means swine flu or not). I don't know when the news was written. it did mention that initially he was supposed to return to korea on the 7th at 12 noon, but things took a change. The news says currently (dunno know when currently means) he is in a hospital in Japan, and has already been given the Tamiflu and is better. (tamiflu is given to swine flu patients but i don't know whether it also works for other flu strains or not).

I read on baidu that minho drank from the same water bottle as hyunjoong during the promotion when they sang on stage. i hope he's not infected.

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just read the news that KHJ has been infected w/ swine flu...lets pray that he'll get better soon,,,I hope everybody is ok including f3 and hyesun..

what a sad news indeed, i hope he'll get enough rest..

Are you sure....He has been infected or only suspected to have the fever? If he is comfirmed to be affected than those who were within close range with him for the past few days including GHS have to be quarantine as well for at least 7-10 days, aren't they, in fear that they might have contracted the virus from him.....but then again although DSP claim he was sick on the 6th, it cannot be the swine fever, most likely the usual flu, cos if its a swine fever I dun think he wud have the energey to even walk, between the fever, the vomitting & the explosive headache not to mention breathing difficulties....and he's definitely wud be admitted to the hospital...cos those swine fever works very fast...there's a college student in my country died 8 hours after being infected....OR perhaps this is another plot by DSP to prevent KHJ from attending another presscon on the 9th...sorry if I sounded very sceptical but offlate when there's a presscon or anything that invoved media which DSP has no control over, KHJ was given one excuse or another for not attending...The MNET award was one, then the Japan fankeet presscon & now this...Why, just yesteday they announced he's going to do some kind of presscon on the 9th but according to ppl in his thread, DSP are very mysterious abt it, and today there's news that he's being infected by the fever???!!! Sorry...but there's too many similarities to past incidence for me to swallow everything that DSP said.....

However if he is truly infected I sincerely hope they'll cure him ASAP & hopefully none of the other casts, GHS especially, SS501 members, the staffs & fans wud be infected too....


Just read webby's post before me.....I tot they said he's already back to Korea on the 7th, how come he is still in Japan hospital...and if he was confirmed being infected that GHS & the rest of the gang wud still be in Japan now, wudn't they? Cos they need to be quarentine to ensure they're clear from the virus...even if GHS feels fine, that doesnt mean she's free from the the virus cos it wont take effect immidiately...it cud attack anytime within the quarantine period...usually abt 10 days...and to let them fly with other hundred of passengers wud mean they're spreading the virus unintentionally if one or sum of them has contracted the virus....

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SS501 leader and Boys Over Flowers star, Kim Hyun Joong, has been diagnosed with swine flu. The singer turned actor was in Japan to promote his hit drama series over the weekend, from 5 - 6th September. During the promotions, he had shown signs of a fever and a headache, which caused him to miss his activities on the 6th.

A representative from DSP Media gave a formal statement saying, "Kim Hyun Joong was scheduled for a flight, at 12pm on the 7th of September, he had passed through immigration without any problems but later in the afternoon, due to a sudden change to his health, he was taken to the emergency room instead."

While in the ER, it was diagnosed that the star had swine flu, and the representative says that the star is being treated but has to remain under further observation for more tests, causing him to remain in Japan. Kim Hyun Joong's manager has been sent to the hospital to check on the matter and will inform the public with more details when available. It's not known whether his SS501 members and the other F4 cast were tested for symptoms of H1N1 upon arrival in Korea.

cre: allkpop.com

Hope he'll get better soon...

and Hye Sun wouldn't have been infected :(

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Guest mintcar

I hope KHJ gets better soon.. and GHS and F3 aren't infected. Such sad news :(

I read on baidu that minho drank from the same water bottle as hyunjoong during the promotion when they sang on stage. i hope he's not infected.

Thanks webby for the translate.

I read this over at KHJ's thread posted by ha-na-chan.

Fan account on "Boys over flowers" Fan Meeting on 5 & 6 September

Credit: hyunjoongchina + sola & 赛伦之歌Fan' Talk + baidu china + (english translation) SS501UFO.blogspot.com

Please repost with FULL CREDIT.

5 Sept FM happenings

1. When Hyun Joong was preparing to sing, he wanted to drink water. The host gave him a bottled water. He drank one mouthful and placed in front of the stage.

When reached Lee Min Ho's turn to sing, the host asked if he wanted to drink water. Lee Min Ho also said yes, but since the staff took too long to get the water, the host mentioned that the bottle in front of the stage was drank by Kim Hyun Joong previously. Lee Min Ho just took the bottle and started drinking. From this we can see their relationship is very closed.

2. After T-Max finished singing, all the guest were invited on stage to play games....

For quite some times, for no reason all the guest did not come out, the host could only continue to talk to drag time.

My mind start to think wildly, did something happened to Hyun Joong, was he not feeling well again? (Can't be the same like in Malaysia, fainted at back stage right?)

3. In the middle of playing the "Search for Geum JanDi" game (the whole process was quite long), the host suddenly told everybody since Hyun Joong would be performing together with SS501 later, he would need to go back stage for preparation. (Actually I thought there was no need for preparation, he had already wore his costume, there was nothing to prepare, I thought maybe they feared Hyun Joong was too tired, so they were just trying to find way to let him rest!)

4. In the whole event today, in the last section, SS501 sung 4 songs till ending. Could clearly felt that, Hyun Joong enjoyed singing together with his 4 other members. When singing slow rhythm song, his body sway slightly. Hyun Joong's dance was of course fantastic, especially the 'lalala' song, he smiled happily! (yes, this was also what I felt when watching at the fancam)

6 Sept FM

Kim Bum attended the FM! He is also very charming! Can match with Hyun Joong! Since he had to rush back to Korea for film shooting, his personal interview was arranged for the first session. After his personal interview session had completed, he went straight to the airport and did not continue his activities with the rest of the team till end.

I only found out that Hyun Joong was down with high fever after watching the news.

During his personal interview, Hyun Joong did not shown any abnormality. Only after the interview had completed, he did coughed once. Also heard the lady host asked whether he was alright. Of course, Hyun Joong replied that he was alright. After drinking a mouthful of water, he started his performance.

Same as his performance on 5th September, he sung "Thank you" and "Please be good to me". I felt that he was more tired during the 5th. He was shining brightly since he entered the stage, better than on the 5th. It could because of Hyun Joong was using his determination/perseverance to support himself.

Before the mini live started (T-Max and SS501 mini live), F3 and Goo Hyu Soo came out to say something. After completed, before going back stage, I saw Goo Hye Soo patted Hyun Joong's back gently a few times, he was coughing again during that time.

However, when singing together with his team members, Hyun Joong really showed his best in his performance. When singing slow rhythm songs, he even wave to his fans.


Source of the article the Nina posted earlier: http://www.newsen.com/news_view.php?uid=200909081758371010

The article was posted at that news site at 2009-09-08 18:00:12 Korean time.

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Guest susAmerica

^ briefly, goo hyesun said she feels fine and she doesn't feel abnormal or sick. Kim hyunjoong is down with infuenza and has been admitted to a hospital in japan.

(my note: usually people exposed to swine flu patients need a quarantine period of ~10 days to know whether they will be infected, don't they?)

edit: It seems that HJ is down with a new strain of influenza (don't know whether it means swine flu or not). I don't know when the news was written. it did mention that initially he was supposed to return to korea on the 7th at 12 noon, but things took a change. The news says currently (dunno know when currently means) he is in a hospital in Japan, and has already been given the Tamiflu and is better. (tamiflu is given to swine flu patients but i don't know whether it also works for other flu strains or not).

I read on baidu that minho drank from the same water bottle as hyunjoong during the promotion when they sang on stage. i hope he's not infected.

Thanks webby, I just posted this in KHJ thread after I found out about his health condition and was worried for GHS and the others who were near him. I pray that he gets perfectly well soon also.

You are right Webby. 신종플루 This words mean New Variety Flu. But I do not know if Korean in Korea use that term to mean Swine Flu, but I used the "swine flu' in my translation.

Below is a report posted in Cafe Daum in Korean Daily News on 입력시간 : 2009/09/08 22:28:25

Headline: 그룹 SS501 김현중 일본서 신종플루 확진 ~~Kim Hyun Joong confirmed to have the new/swine flu in Japan

김혜경기자 thanks@hk.co.kr1 by Reporter Kim Hae Kyung

TV드라마 '꽃보다 남자'에 출연해 큰 인기를 모은 그룹 SS501의 멤버 김현중(23)이 일본에서 신종플루 확진 판정을 받았다.

SS501의 소속사 DSP미디어는 "김현중이 일본에서 신종플루 확진 판정을 받아 도쿄의 한 병원에 입원했다"고 8일 밝혔다. DSP미디어는 "SS501이 말레이시아 홍보를 마치고 4일 입국, '꽃보다 남자' 홍보를 위해 5일 일본으로 출국해 6일까지 요코하마에서 이벤트를 여는 동안 김현중이 고열을 호소했다"며 "7일 도쿄로 이동해 진단한 결과 8일 신종플루 확진 판정을 받았다"고 밝혔다. He is currently in a hospital in Tokyo as confirmed on the 8th. DSP says: "After finishing up promotion in Malaysia, Kim returned to Korea on 4th, then left for Japan on the 5th for the BOF promotion until 6th. During this time, he complained of vey high fever. Onthe 7th, he was transferred to Tokyo for diagnosis and through tests, confirmed on 8th that he has the new flu or the swine flu."

김현중은 한때 열이 39.5도까지 올랐지만 치료를 받은 뒤 열이 내려가고 있는 상태다. 하지만 보름 가량 병원에서 격리치료가 필요하며, 완치가 돼도 닷새 정도는 입국이 어려울 것으로 알려졌다. SS501의 다른 멤버들은 신종플루 의심 증세를 보이지 않아 7일 귀국했다. At one time his fever went up to 39.5 degrees celcius, but after receiving treatment, his temperature is going down. However, he needs to be quarantined in the hospital for about 15 days. Even if he fully recovers, he still needs to stay in the hospital for 5 more days at least before he is certified to leave the country, The other SS501 members left on the 7th after confirming that they do not have any signs of the flu. (What about the other BOF cast memebers that came in contact with him??)~~thank for the info that GHS is said to be fine, But I guess we have to wait as the report is from YG rep through a phone call. Does this mean GHS and maybe LMH and KJ may still be in Japan?.

최근 SBS 드라마 '태양을 삼켜라'의 스태프 4명이 미국 라스베이거스에서 촬영 후 신종플루 판정을 받은 적이 있으나, 연예인이 신종플루에 걸린 것은 처음이다. 일본에서는 아이돌그룹 뉴스의 멤버가 최근 신종플루 판정을 받아 충격을 주기도 했다. Besided the 4 staff members of another SBS Korean drama who caught the flu in Las Vegas, KHJ's case is the first entertainer to receive the diagnosis. This news is a shock to all.

Wish you KHJ a speedy and perfect recovery !!

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Guest susAmerica

From Newsen by Reporter Lee Mi Hae

연예가화제 > 기사보기

Headline: 충격! 김현중, 日서 신종플루…구혜선·김준·김범 “건강 이상없어요” [2009-09-08 18:08:23]

Headline: Shock! Kim Hyun Joong, Swine Flu...Goo Hye Sun, Kim Joon, Kim Bum OK.

[뉴스엔 이미혜 기자]

SS501 김현중이 일본에서 신종 인플루엔자 확진 판정을 받았다.

김현중은 9월 5일과 6일, 양일간 요쿠하마 퍼시픽에서 열린 KBS 2TV 드라마 ‘꽃보다 남자’(꽃남) 프로모션에 참여했다.

김현중은 9월 6일 공연에 앞서 예정되어있던 한류퐁듀 녹화에 미열과 두통 증상으로 인해 참여하지 못했지만 본 공연 무대에는 무사히 올라 팬들과의 약속을 지키는 투혼을 발휘했다.

당초 9월 7일 오후 12시 항공편으로 국내 입국 예정이었으나 오전에 갑작스런 고열 증상으로 응급실로 향해 응급조치를 받는 단계에서 신종 인플루엔자 판정을 받았다.

이에 따라 ‘꽃보다 남자’ 프로모션차 함께 일본을 찾았다 지난 9월 7일 귀국한 김준 김범 구혜선 이민호 의 건강도 우려되는 상황. 다행히 김준과 김범 구혜선 측에 따르면 세 사람의 건강에 이상은 없는 상태. 김준은 9월 8일 KBS 2TV ‘천하무적 야구단’ 녹화를 진행중이고, 김범도 SBS 월화드라마 ‘드림’ 촬영에 임하고 있다.

한편 김현중은 현재 일본의 모 병원에서 입원 치료를 받고 있으며 타미플루 복용 후 상태는 호전되고 있다고. SS501 소속사 DSP미디어 관계자는 현지 지사 관계자와 담당 매니저를 현지로 보내 상황을 수시로 체크하고 있으며, 증상이 나아지는 대로 입국할 예정이다.

이미혜 macondo@newsen.com

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According to the article above, KJ, KB and GHS are OK as stated by their representatives. Somehow the reporter did not mention speaking with the rep of LMH at all in the report. I wonder if LMH is OK since he did drink from the same water bottle as KHJ. Both Kim Joon and Kim Bum are filming. LMH, GHS, KJ returned supposedly on Sept 7th to Korea while KHJ was transferred to hospital. (You mean nobody stayed behind to see what is up with KHJ? That somehow does not sound right. I guess I have to wait for more news.)

Thanks Bella for letting us know that 신종플루=swine flu.
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Guest susAmerica

the pixs on September 5 at Over the Rainbow concert rehearsal


090907 Mnet Wide News Goo Hye Sun Interview


trater, thanks for the link. Most of it is news that we are already familiar with. As we all know, GHS reached out to Isao Sasaki herself. GHS says in the interview that she fearlessly went to him in Japan and played her music for him. She laughs and calls herself "stage something", Maybe bella and/webby can help with that word @ 2:17. She says that Isao Sasaki reacted to GHS' young, forward gesture with such positive attitude and helped GHS without even taking any money or fee from her. (NO wonder we all admire her!! Please stay healthy and don't stay up all night working!!!)

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Guest susAmerica

kuhyesun.com Screensaver

Download: http://www.kuhyesun.com/download/KUHYESUN_Screensaver.zip

(for Windows only) :mellow:

Thank you all for the updates. Love all the pictures, video clips and sue, bella for the translations :D


She has a schedule for September 10. sue/bella is this another radio interview? Thanks in advance!


On Sept 10 at 9AM (Korean time), Thursday, GHS will be on KBSR radio program with Lee Hyun Woo

(singer, actor and now a DJ). Lee's program is called MUSIC ALBUM.

PS I guess the Master Class with Isao Sasaki did not materialize on Sept 8th. I found no info. in the news.

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Guest susAmerica

Lee Min Ho already back to korea this evening.i'm watching the fancam video from DC.i'm worried about hyesun,why not news or video she back from japan :(

i hope someone can post the video or the news..

KHJ get well soon.

natalie, I have a stupid question as I get a bit confused with time difference. When you say LMH returned to Korea "this evening", you mean on Sept 8th evening and not Sept 7th evening, correct? (I am in USA so I think there is a 12 hours difference.)

The reason is that when I posted Newsen article on this thread, it sates that LMH, KJ, GHS returned to Korea on Sept 7th. Now, if LMH returned to Korea on the 8th evening, Now, I wonder if GHS really did come back to Korea on 7th. It appears that KJ is filming some type of a baseball program and so it is possible that he returned to Korea when he was supposed to. There is no evidence of the Master Class on the 8th to confrim that GHS did return to Korea. If there is any evidence of GHS' return to Korea, please inform us. I know that she has a radio show on the Sept 10th at 9am, but that is still 2 days away. I think I read in KHJ thread that one of the members, HYS did not return with the other members of the band either, but on a different date. It is just confusing. GHS sort of works under the radar that it is hard to really know where she may be at the moment. Hopefully she is really OK.

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natalie, I have a stupid question as I get a bit confused with time difference. When you say LMH returned to Korea "this evening", you mean on Sept 8th evening and not Sept 7th evening, correct? (I am in USA so I think there is a 12 hours difference.)

The reason is that when I posted Newsen article on this thread, it sates that LMH, KJ, GHS returned to Korea on Sept 7th. Now, if LMH returned to Korea on the 8th evening, Now, I wonder if GHS really did come back to Korea on 7th. It appears that KJ is filming some type of a baseball program and so it is possible that he returned to Korea when he was supposed to. There is no evidence of the Master Class on the 8th to confrim that GHS did return to Korea. If there is any evidence of GHS' return to Korea, please inform us. I know that she has a radio show on the Sept 10th at 9am, but that is still 2 days away. I think I read in KHJ thread that one of the members, HYS did not return with the other members of the band either, but on a different date. It is just confusing. GHS sort of works under the radar that it is hard to really know where she may be at the moment. Hopefully she is really OK.

sue yes correct,LMH back to korea on sept 8th evening.if i'm not wrong,the fan post the video almost 10PM (indo local time).and i see the fan post the time (maybe when minho arrived time) is 21.42PM..because i can't read korean i'm not sure if that is minho arrived time or not.

i hope she aright and back save to korea..i hope fan see her at airport and post in DC.lets wait and see.thanks sue.

edit:i watching other fancam..i see the time is 21.57PM (time in airport time)

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