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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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도토루 이벤트에 당첨된 동생이 가기루 했는데 갑짜기 회사 일땜시 못가게 되서

지방에 있던 쇟이 좌석이라두 채워주려고 부랴부랴 급하게 달려와 보니 시간이

넘 촉박해서 우리금융아트홀 내외관 사진두 못찍었당. 에이구~정문에서 언냐들이

나눠 주는 손세정제을 열심히 바르고, 협찬사 도토루에서 도토루를 하나씩 주더라구~

ㅋㅋ 맛나게 마시고~드디어 입장하니 쿠가 긴머리를 옆으로 살짝 넘기고 하얀색

원피스(2층이라 잘 보이지 않았서리 에이구)에 반짝 빛을 발하며 향기와 레인 두곡을

연주했어~정말 감동적이더라구 울 쿠 맞아~울 쿠 맞아 연신 되뇌이며 멋지게 피아노

연주하는 것을 보면서 눙무리 정말 저 정도 연주하려면 얼마나 노력하고 노력했을까~

(summary above as I am not translating the fan's events of her personal day: basically, she couldnt really see clearly but GHS was wearing a white dress and looked like a goddess with her hair swept to the side. She was playing the piano and the ambience/fragrance/scent and light that were projected and this fan was very much impressed/amazed. This was also very motivating for the fan to practice and try hard in all her endeavors (loose translation on my part as the fan is saying that much effort and dedication were part of the culmination of GHS' efforts for the concert [as well as all her works that have been on display so far] (as what GHS has been basically saying in all her interviews so far and a point that has been emphasized in her interviews be it print or media)

많은 관객 앞에서 여튼 대견하고 자랑스러웠다. 피아니스트 최인영씨가 밤비소리랑

사랑의 꿈 연주 해주시고, 쿠 같이 예쁜 분이랑 작업을 해서 넘 좋았다고 하시고 약간

본인의 PR두 쬠 하심ㅋㅋ , 글구나서 쿠에 낭독 살아온 기적 살아갈 기적(장영희님에세이중)

쿠에 달콤하고 촉촉한 음성으로 듣는 낭독은 정말 라디오 진행자 했음 좋겠다는 생각이 들었다.

요때 의상이 좋더라구~2층에서 봐서 베스트에 레깅스 바지에 페도라 정도로 보여지는데 쿠가

넘 빛나더라구~쇟은 쿠 실물을 첨 보는거라 멀리서 봐두 늘씬하고 길쭉길쭉한 팔다리에 와우

여신여신 하더니 얼굴에서 광채가 와우 멀리서 봐두 넘 예쁘더라구~향간에 쿠의 키가 작다고

하더니 왠걸 쿠 커 보이더라~쇟은 161인데 나보다 훨씬 커보임~쿠는 실물을 봐야 한다는게

이런거구나 했음. 멀리서 봐두 빛나는데 코 앞에서 아이컨텍하면 어쩐다냐~이사오 사사키씨

소개하면서 질문두 많이하고, 배려하고, 편안하게 하려고 노력 많이 하더라구~쿠에 호탕한 웃음

두 보여주고 진행 솜씨가 많이 자연스러워졌더라~떨리는 맘으로 보면서~ 밝고 명랑하게 씩씩하게

홀 분위기 바꿔가면서 관객과 소통하고 관객과 하나 되고~총총걸음으로 무대안밖으로 부지런히 들나

드는 쿠는 왜 이케 귀여운지~이사오 사사키씨에 별별이별을 들으며 왜 거장이지 알겠더라구 최선을

다해 연주를 해주시고~거미씨가 등장했음 포스가 지대로야 물론 노래두 훌륭하지만~거미씨가 쿠에

대해서 아련한 느낌이 든다고 관객들에게 물어보더라구~그 질문에 넘 많은 야그가 담겨져 있는 것 같

아 맘이 아리더라~울 배우 쿠 울 스타 쿠 울들이 더욱 아끼고 응원하고 사랑해 줘야겠다~횽들아 울쿠

많이 사랑해주자꾸~이사오 사사키씨에 반주에 거미씨의 골목을 돌면 노래하고~(아련하고 감미롭고

이런 곡을 작곡했다는 쿠야 대단하다.)이어 거미씨의 반주에 보고싶다 노래까지하고~관객들두 쿠 뿐만

아니라 같이 연주하시는 분들에게 골고루 박수와 갈채를 보냈어~물론 좀 예의없는 분이 보이긴 했으나

대부분 정숙하고 음악회 분위기에 심취해서 물론 쿠밖에 안 보이는 쇟두 있었지만~이어 이사오 사사키씨

두곡 연주하시고,쿠는 2NE1의상으로다 진분홍T 야구모자 운동화 차림으로~그 모습보니 쿠 넘 귀엽더라~

사사키씨랑 친숙하게 하이 파이브두 하고 피아노로 깡총깡총 뛰어가 편곡한 젓가락 행진곡으로 마지막을

장식했어~관객들은 아쉬운지 행진곡이 시작할때와 끝날때까지 박수로 답을 해줬고~넘 감동적이었다는~

비루한 후기라~음악회 다녀온 횽들이 좋은 후기 올려주길 바라며~걍 읽어주길 바래~쇟은 1시에 집에

도착했음~근데 이번 음악회 보면서 아쉬웠던점은 쿠갤에서두 화환 준비했음 좋아겠다는거 에이구 지방팬이

라 도움이 못되서리 미안하고 담에 총대맬 횽에게 부탁합니당.

Im summarizing this above:

1. To this fan, GHS was basically radiating and looked like a goodess. She really stood out to her even amongst, Isao and Gummy. The fan thought GHS appeared really tall (probably because she has a short torso - much much jealousy on my part!) and was happy and cheerful throughout the concert.

2. GHS did change into the 2NE1 style as Nina posted in the picture above.

3. The concert overall seemed like a success (I certanily wished I was there!) Gummy performed the "when I turn in the alley song" and the pianist Choi In Hyung was also there who also performed as well the 2 songs: The Sound of Rain and Love's Dream and praised GHS and said that she enjoyed working with her.

4. This was also mentioned in several of Sue's translations but this fan also mentioned that Gummy said how she observed/sensed/gathered the sadness in GHS' works and everyone must support and love GHS.

Thanks Natali for posting!

And thanks to Sue for all your hard work! Whatever I can do to help =D

(Also, I am really thrilled and extremely proud, as I feel that all of this (music, concert, art) is a cathartic release due to past relationships, rejections, failures (professonial or personal) and that her fans as well as for herself and her loved ones are enjoying the fruits of her labor. Im so proud that she hasn't succombed to the extreme end of depression as I am sure she has witnessed in the entertainment industry amongst her friends and colleagues. Also, she serves as an inspiration to her fans and to casual bystanders alike because all of this didnt come to her in one day but through YEARS of effort)

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Guest susAmerica

Welcome Bel!

Thanks for translating too!

HS is really giving us lots to read and translate.

I love it!!

HS really made lots of people laugh at her concert~~~very good thing, as some of her compositions are very sad and can bring up lots of emotion!

I really like that she tried to make fun and light of the rumor that she could have been a part of 2NE1. I really appreciate that HS tried to laugh and have fun with herself. I always wanted to see that in her on stage with tons of people. Have a ball in the middle of panic and stage fright, I say. Good for you GHS and a HEARTY CONGRATULATIONS ON JOB WELL DONE! We are all so proud!!!!

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Thanks susAmerica and Bella for the translations of the fan accounts. Much Much Appreciated!!! You allow us to share in GHS's successes.

That pic of her in that long pink shirt and hat is so Sandara of 2NE1.

Congrats GHS!!

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Thanks so much for the accounts Sue/Bell ...another great success of our girl..so proud of her :P

Btw, i found 2 pics in dc ...seems like they are new , the second pic HS under the water just so beautiful (may be she just updated her Cyworld?) and there is some note below the first one , can u guys have a look ?



p/s: a fan in Japan saw HS at the airtport today and posted the info in her blog...looks like JS arrived at 10h 45 AM'

2009-09-06 11:51:30





イム・ジュファンssi は 早々に帰国の途に・・・パー

2009-09-06 11:51:30

귀여워 ~ o (^-^) o

10시 45분에 도착하는 아시아나 항공편으로 방일

하얀 니트 모자 쓰고 웃는 얼굴로 등장. 정말 살갗이 섬유성 ~입니다 あせる

아주 귀여움 좋던 가요 니코니코

임주환 ssi은 조기에 귀국 용도에 파

[출처] 일본 블러그

EDIT: OMG....the first pic of HS and F3 in Japan today


HS soooooooooo prettyyyyyy!!!!

More pics:


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Guest susAmerica

OMG....guys...finnally...pic of HS come out...i cant believe she wore such a casual T-shirt like that lol but she still pretty haha


and here is the fan account below the pic...Sue , thanks so much fo translation but u really need a rest...we can wait dear ^-^

Thank you webby and nina67 for the pix and fan acct below:


I wonder if that pretty cake with HS on top is th gift from TLJ that the aunty fans placed in the trunk of her Audi?

There are lots of fan accounts. Some of them will start to sound similar to each other. What I like are the tones of different fans. Some have such big hearts and you hear it in their report, like the one below. We also get a little more detail from different fans.

횽들아~화창한 주말이다~^^

음악회의 여운을 느끼느라 새벽까지 잠 못들었는데...일찍 일어나야했지만 하나도 피곤하지가 않네~~ㅎㅎ

brothers and sisters (I think that is what the first three letters mean--most likely addressing the fan club members),~ what a balmy and bright weekend~~

The after effects of the concert still lingers that I could not sleep until dawn...I had to get up so early yet I felt no tiredness~~hoho

어제 음악회에 다녀왔지~

한마디로 감동이지~~!!!

Yesterday, I went to the concert~

In a word, impressive~~!!

맨처음 하얀 미니드레스에 웨이브진 긴머리를 한 우리 쿠가 피아노 연주를 시작하는데~~~~정말 천사가 내려온줄 알았다~^^

In the beginning, our Koo started the piano performance in a white mini-dress with her wavy long hair~~~~~truly, I felt as if an angel came down to earth~ :)

'향기'와 'Rain'을 차례로 연주하고~음반에서 듣던 곡을 울 쿠가 실제로 연주하는걸 듣다니~~~음악회 안왔으면 내내 후회할뻔했다~

FRANGRANCE and RAIN performed in order~to hear the music live after having listened to the recorded version~~if I did not come to the concert, I would have always regretted~~

뒤이어 최인영씨가 '밤비소리'와 '사랑의 꿈'을 연주했지~오케스트라와 협연이 돋보였던 웅장한 느낌~!!아주 좋았어~감동해서 나도 모르게 눈물이 나더라.....

After that, Choi In Young-ssi's SOUND OF THE NIGHT RAIN and LOVE'S DREAM~performed with the orchestra enhanced that majestic feeling~so good~so moved that I shed tears without realizing.....

울 쿠가 페도라와 조끼차림으로 옷을 갈아입고 나와 장영희님의 '살아온 기적 살아갈 기적'중 일부분을 낭독했어~

낭독의 발견때가 기억나면서...들뜬마음이 조금은 진정되었다~

Koo changed into fedora and vest attire to read a part of Jang Young Hee-nim's book, <Miracles of Life So Far and Miracles of Life for Future>~It took me back to Literature with Voice...my excited heart relaxed~

이사오 사사키씨가 등장하고 '별별이별'과 '골목을 돌면'을 거미씨와 함께하고~거미씨 정말 이쁘시더라구~노래는 두말하면 잔소리고~ㅎㅎ

Isao Sasaki-ssi made an entrance. VARIOUS GOOD-BYES then IF I TURN AT THE END OF THE ALLEY with Gummy-ssi---Gummy-ssi is so pretty~and her singing? If I say anymore, it would be a useless drone~ hoho

거미씨가 잠깐의 토크와 그냥가면 아쉬우니 한곡 더 들려드리겠다고 하며 '보고 싶다'를 직접 피아노 반주와 함께 열창했다~

거미씨가 울 쿠를 많이 이해하고~생각해주는구나 싶어서 넘 고맙더라~좋은 인연 잘 이어가길 바래~^^

Gummy-ssi said few words. If she just leaves now (after just singing IF I TURN AT THE END OF THE ALLEY), she would feel regret, so she sang BOGOSHIPDA or I MISS YOU by personally playing on the piano herself~I felt so thankful to Gummy-ssi for thinking and worrying so much for our Koo~may their good relationship contine on~ :)

이사오 사사키씨의 'sky walker' '아름다운 만남'을 연주하고~울 쿠와 옹달샘도 연주했지~

Isao Sasaki-ssi's SKY WALKER and BEAUTIFUL MEETING~then duet with our Koo, SMALL SPRING/FOUNTAIN~

중간에 다시 핑크색 롱티와 청바지 야구모자를 쓴 쿠가 다시나와서 토크를 했는데~

투애니원~컨셉이라며 분위기를 띄우더라고~~~^^넘 귀여웠어~~^^

In the middle of the concert, in her long pink Tee with jeans and baseball cap, Koo returned to stage to talk~

She says it is her 2NE1 concept and positively charged the concert atmosphere~~~~~amazingly cute~~ :)

말도 잘하고 애드립도 잘하고~~사실 울 쿠가 수줍음이 많아서....많이 떨지 않을까 했는데...전혀~네버~너무나 즐겁고 화기애애한 분위기로 이끌더라고~놀랬어~우리쿠의 놀라운 면모를 다시 확인했지~^^

She was eloquent, her ad-lib was good~~you know, Koo is just so shy,,,,,I was actually worried that she may shake on stage (my exact sentiment!)----NOT at all,,,Never,,,,she carried the show with such enthusiasm and harmonious feeling~~I was surprised~I discovered and confirmed another surprising aspect of our Koo~ :)

마지막으로 이사오 사사키씨와 젓가락행진곡을 관객들의 박수소리와 함께 하고~

내내 얼굴에 한껏 미소를 지으며 행복한 얼굴로 피아노를 치는 우리쿠~~~~^^ 넘 이뻤어~^^

Lastly. she and Isao Sasaki-ssi perfomed the CHOPSTICK MARCH SONG to the beat of the clappings from the audience~

Her never ending smile as she played, such a face of happiness on our Koo~~~~~so pretty~~ :)

아쉬운마음을 뒤로하고~그렇게 음악회는 마무리가 되었지~~

pushing behind the feelings of longing~the concert completed~~

그리고 울 쿠 떠나는걸 보기위해 주차장으로 가서 기다렸어~

공연시작전에 미리 카페에서 준비해간 선물들을 매니져분께 전달했기에 그저 울 쿠 가는길이라도 배웅하고 싶어서...

카페언니들과 함께 기다렸어~

To see our Koo leave, I waited at the parking lot~

Before the concert, fancafe already gave the prepared gifts to the manager. Just wanted to send our Koo off,,,waited with cafe unnies~

드뎌~울 쿠가 나오고~기다리는 팬들에게 인사하고 뒷자석 차창을 열어 몇몇팬들의 손을 잡아줬어~

나도 살짜기 손을 잡았지~~^^

'아~네~안녕하세요~!"라며 기억해줘서 넘 고마웠어~^^

카페언니들과 뒷풀이를 하면서 음악회의 감동을 다시한번 정리하면서...음악회의 일정은 끝이났다~

Finally, our Koo came out~she greeted the waiting fans and, opening the car's back window, she held the hands of several fans~I also gently stuck out my hand to hold hers~~ :) "Ah~yes~ahn yung hah sae yo~thank you so much for remembering~~ :)

카페에서 이사오 사사키씨 꽃다발과 선물,거미씨 꽃다발을 준비해서 미리 전해드렸는데~~

주차장에서 이사오 사사키씨를 뵌거야~^^

선물 얘기를 잠시 드리니 선물이란 말을 알아들으시고~허리굽혀 감사하다고 인사를 해주셔서 카페언니들과 모두함께 허리굽혀 인사드렸어~ㅎㅎㅎ

울 쿠와 좋은 인연으로 멋진 곡작업을 함께 해주셔서 감사해~~^^

Cafe fans already delivered the prepared Sasaki-ssi's flowers and gifts, Gummy-ssi's flowers~~

But at the parking lot, we met Isao Sasaki-ssi~~ :)

I mentioned the gifts and, as if he understood the word~~he bent his back to thank us. So all the cafe unnies and I bent our backs and greeted him as well~hohoho Thank you so much for making a wonderful connection with our Koo and for arranging such beautiful music together~~ :)

이렇게 9월5일 울 쿠의 작은 음악회는 마무리가 되었어~

언제나 느끼지만 울 쿠는 팬들의 사랑을 한없이 감사하고~소중히 생각한다는거~~~~그래서 너무 고마워~^^

이번에도 너무 친절하게 맞아주신 매니져님과 와쥐 관계자분께 고맙다고 전하고 싶다~^^

So, my September 5th day ended with a small concert~

I have always felt it. Our Koo is endlessly appreciative of her fans love and treasure our love for her~~~~~for that I am so thankful~ :) And our Koo's ever so kind manager-nim and all the audience who came to the concert, I want to thank them all~ :)

비루한 후기 읽느라 힘들었지~?^^

요즘 갤에 자주 글은 못남기지만...갤도 애정하는 횽을 기억해주길 바래~~^^

횽들~좋은 주말 보내~~^^

Wasn't it hard to read my badly written report~? :)

Sorry for not being able to write more messages these days...please remember me who loves you all~~ :)

Brothers and sisters~have a good weekend~~ :)

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Guest susAmerica

Thanks so much for the accounts Sue/Bell ...another great success of our girl..so proud of her :P

Btw, i found 2 pics in dc ...seems like they are new , the second pic HS under the water just so beautiful (may be she just updated her Cyworld?) and there is some note below the first one , can u guys have a look ?


This is a drawing of a branch and flower drawn by GHS with a pencil. It also has a writing by GHS stating that her dream is to become an artist. (I wonder how old she was when she drew and wrote this.)

%7Boption%7Ddoll2.jpg(Is this a recent pic?)

p/s: a fan in Japan saw HS at the airtport today and posted the info in her blog...looks like JS arrived at 10h 45 AM'

EDIT: OMG....the first pic of HS and F3 in Japan today

%7Boption%7Djp.jpg(Where is Kim Hyun Joong? Did he leave already? I was hoping to see all F4 and GHS together in one spot.)

HS soooooooooo prettyyyyyy!!!!

More pics:


2009-09-06 11:51:30

(fan account in Japan)

귀여워 ~ o (^-^) o

10시 45분에 도착하는 아시아나 항공편으로 방일

하얀 니트 모자 쓰고 웃는 얼굴로 등장. 정말 살갗이 섬유성 ~입니다 あせる

아주 귀여움 좋던 가요 니코니코

임주환 ssi은 조기에 귀국 용도에 파

[출처] 일본 블러그

So cute~~ :)

GHS arrived through Asia Air at 10:45 AM in her white knitted hat with a smile and cotton white skin(?)

So good to see such cuteness.

Im Joo Hwan (actor that played Kim Bum's brother in BOF) already left for Korea early

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another pic...♥


Nina me too im loving all of her dresses today..she looks like a lifesize DOLL :wub:


@ the lobby


sUE thanks for KHJ news..im wishing him well, KHJ always bring fun and laughter I was actually looking forward to see him..all of them actually well I still wish him well to attend tonights event...

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More pic......gosh, i love HS's dresses today hahaha



Sue, thanks so much ^^...Yes, i have a same question..where is KHJ? i wanna see HS and F4 together so bad :(

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Guest susAmerica

Reporter Hwang Yong Hee on Sept. 6th, 2009 of the Asia Economy News

I was disappointed that Yoon Ji Hoo sunbae did not appear with the main BOF cast in the previous pix so found the article below. Although the article is about Kim Hyun Joong on GHS thread, I thought it would be OK since we all love BOF, Correct??!!

Basically, the article states that, according to a DSP representative, Kim Hyun Joong became very sick since the dawn of 6th, today. He is suffering from a very bad cold with fever and sore throat and currently resting at the Japan's Intercontinental Hotel.They are thinking that perhaps KHJ overworked during the night of the 5th at the Premier Event. That is why he was not able to attend the press meetings and other pre-second-premier-day talk events.The DSP rep continued to say that, no matter what, Kim will keep his promise to the fans by planning to attend the Second Premier Event tonight at 7PM with all his will power and fighting spirit. (well, it would be nice to see him with the BOF cast all together, but I hope that he will be fine! Hopefully DSP will not force him if he is about to collapse again!)


기사입력2009.09.06 17:54최종수정2009.09.06 17:54 12 0

SS501의 김현중이 6일 새벽 심한 감기증상으로 오전 스케줄을 취소한 가운데 저녁 '꽃남 이벤트'에는 출연을 강행하는 투혼을 발휘한다. (제공=IMX& Creative Leaders Group Eight)

김현중 '심한감기'에도 일본 '꽃남'이벤트 출연 투혼황용희

[요코하마(일본)=아시아경제신문 황용희 기자]SS501의 김현중이 6일 새벽부터 목이 아프고 열이 나는 등 심한 감기 증상을 보여 요코하마 인터콘티넨탈 호텔에서 안정을 취하고 있다고 이날 오후 DSP-Japan이 밝혔다.

DSP-Japan은 김현중이 6일 새벽부터 몸에 열이 나고, 목이 아파 현지에서 약을 먹고 숙소에서 오전 내내 안정을 취했다며 5일 밤 요코하마 국립대홀에서 열린 드라마 '꽃보다 남자'(이하 '꽃남')의 프리미엄 이벤트에서 너무 무리해서 생긴 몸살 증상이라고 밝혔다.

이로인해 원래 예정돼 있던 현지 일본 언론과의 기자회견 등에 불참했다.

하지만 이날 밤 7시부터 시작하는 '꽃남'의 프리미엄 이벤트 6일째 행사에는 참여한다고 관계자는 밝혔다.

이 관계자는 "김현중이 아직 몸상태는 안좋지만 '일반 팬들과의 약속은 꼭 지켜야 한다'며 참석할 뜻을 확실히 하고 있다"며 "정신력과 투혼으로 이 행사를 펼쳐야 할 것 같다"고 말했다.

드라마 '꽃남'들이 일본 요코하마 국립대홀에서 열린 '꽃남 이벤트'에 참석, 4000여 일본팬들과 즐거운 시간을 갖고 있다. (제공=IMX& Creative Leaders Group Eight)

황용희 기자 hee21@asiae.co.kr

<ⓒ아시아경제 & 스투닷컴(stoo.com)이 만드는 온오프라인 연예뉴스>

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The Mc's wearing shinhwa uniforms..how cute :P


wheres bummie?


지금 막, 학교 축제가 끝났습니다 ~! !

방금ボムhas 무사히 귀국했습니다.

4 시간이라는 짧은 시간 이었지만 참여해 주셔서 기뻤다군요!

그리고 오늘은 "꽃보다 남자 응원 단장"라는 코너가 있으며, 좌석 아래에

신화 학원의 카드가있는 사람이 단장으로 임명되었습니다.

또한 오늘은 이·민호 님이 특별히 자신의 캐릭터 인형의 수영장

레젠토이 일부러 미국에서 온 주신 분들에게 선물했습니다

했다. 와우 ~ "꽃 남자"는 먼 바다를 건너까지 인기가 네요.

그리고 뒷부분은 쿠·헤손 씨, 이·민호의 노래도 가중되어 있었고, 어제

에 이어 T - MAX와 SS501의 무대도있었습니다.

참가하신 여러분, 정말 수고하셨습니다.

그리고 참석하지 못한 분들 이벤트 모양은 나중에 알려하므로

기대하세요 ♪


울쿠도 노래 불렀나봐요...아...궁금크리....

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Guest petite girl

Thank you so much for update all sunnies!!! :D *Big HUG for nina, nat,sasha, sue, bella, trater, mint...

OMG....guys...finnally...pic of HS come out...i cant believe she wore such a casual T-shirt like that lol but she still pretty haha

] HS.jpg

OMG!!! i really love her STYLE here... heysun onnie so cute and adorable... :wub: i'm so hapy to see her again.. and i hope her concert was success.. :)

And Oh my God!!!!!!! excited.gif HYESUN ONNIE looks SOOOO FABULOUS, CUTE, GORGEOUS, PRETTY, AMAZING on japan fanmeeting today!!!! smiley-love018.gif

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^^^lol.. why are we always short of one? did bummie leave already?

I love hyesun's dresses and i was surprised they kept her extensions.

edit: the news source pink fairy posted two posts below mentioned hyesun SANG at the BOF event in japan.

Yes mintcar, she sang "if i turn at the alley" and her fans really want to hear her version... me too! People will have to buy the brokere BOF premium event DVD to hear that.

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Guest mintcar

Thank you so much sue and bella for translating. Really appreciate it! I loved all the fan accounts! Even though we only get to experience the concert through these fan accounts, I'm so happy for the success of her first concert and maybe there would be more to come. Now I am excited for her upcoming musical movie with that kind of soundtrack.

Thanks Nina, pink fairy, natali for sharing the pictures of the BOF event. So glad to see the BOF cast together again but they're not complete at one time. Did Kim Bum already leave for Korea? Kim Hyun Joong still looks like he is still recovering. He must be really tired. I hope he'll get enough rest after this.


Thanks pink fairy for the article.

From google translate, GHS sang "Around the Alley" ?

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I love what she wrote under the pic and I will translate it. Thanks Nina.

Under the drawing, it said that GHS casually drew the tree branch and the blossoming flower with a pencil. Also the words that she wrote: my dream is to be an artist. ( I personally think this is not just specifically referencing to drawing per se but also encompassing music, writing, directing, etc)

[i'm saddened to hear that KHJ couldn't finish the promotion, even from the pics yesterday he didn't look good at all. I hope he gets the 3 month rest he deserves because he needs one. ]

Also- the dress that GHS was wearing (black one) looks like the Marc Jacobs dress that I've been salivating over!

Thanks everyone for posting!

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cr: as labelled

2009-09-06 22:05

9 월 5 일 & 6 일과 2 일 동안 열린 드라마 "꽃보다 남자 - Boys Over Flower ~"프리미엄 이벤트가 끝났다.

9 월 5 일에 열린 "신화 그룹 주최 파티 편"그리고 6 일은 "신화 학원 학원 제 편"과 취향을 집중, 3 시간에 걸친 이벤트는 드라마의 주인공 쿠무·쟌디 역 (원작 : 마키노 츠쿠시)のク・ヘソンをはじめ、F4メンバーのイ・ミンホ、キム・ヒョンジュン、キム・ジュン、キム・ボムが登場。

김・ボム는 드라마 촬영 중 참가를 위해 단 4 시간 체재. 자정부터 드라마 촬영이있다라는 것으로, 본래 회장을 뒤로했다.

또 한 이벤트는 5 일은 "다해 chan wa Kimi이다! 퀴즈"6 일 "꽃 남 응원단 취임식"라는 제목 회장의 여러분과 교류를 갔다 외에 드라마를 북돋웠다 주제가를 불렀다 T - max와 SS501도 등장하고 화려한 이벤트였다.

이날 회장에는 5.000 여명의 팬들이 모여 드라마 "꽃보다 남자 - Boys Over Flowers"의 인기를 다시 한번 입증했다.

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Thank you for the pix. Now where did Kim Bum disapper to?? It is really hard to get everybody at the same time, huh!

Hehehehe...I was about to ask the same thing!!! Where has he gone to now???!!! Why is it so hard to make them stand together in one row!!! Ahhhh...may be now he went to fetch Gaeul!!!

Anyway GHS looks much more adorable in white than in the black dress she wore for presscon earlier....Is it me or is GHS seems smaller than we last saw her with Alex....she seems to loose more weight....but she's so cute no less....

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