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The Office

Guest snowberry

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Guest Crispy

R.I.P. Michael Scott Paper Co.

.. BUT YES! The old gang back together again!

(the Michael Scott Paper Co. scenes were awesome, but it really detracted from the screen-time of other characters)

Haha, 스그렌턴.

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YAY the office thread revived!

but I pretty much enjoyed the last few episodes! I loved the part where David Wallace came in and Charles kept sucking up to him, and there was a cut scene of Jim doing the smooching face.

I want that AVATAR! LOL.

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Guest graceyoon

^ yeah that was hilarious because so true, practically every korean church has a van that looks like that too lol

last episode was great :D

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Guest ohemgeewinniee

i'm so glad charles is gone. he gave the office such a weird vibe.

"just crunch the numbers"


"did it help?"


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Guest suki_*

i like how michael had a smart moment during their negotiations! haha

LOL at the random korean ladies walking into the church van!!!

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Guest iAM_Vindicated


Ugh and Dwight is such an asskisser.

Can someone explain the negotiation that was made? Why did David Wallace offer Michael Scott 60k to have him back in the office? Was it because he was taking Dundler Mifflin's biggest clients?

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Guest hopesofgreen


Ugh and Dwight is such an asskisser.

Can someone explain the negotiation that was made? Why did David Wallace offer Michael Scott 60k to have him back in the office? Was it because he was taking Dundler Mifflin's biggest clients?

David Wallace was offering Michael 60K as a buyout because you're right, Michael was stealing some of Dundler Mifflin's biggest clients. However, Michael (being the totally smart businessman he is, this week) rejected the offer and demanded their jobs back. Yay for Michael!

@ WINNIEE : Yeah, Charles made the office so serious, and he didn't seem to have chemistry with the cast. So glad, Michael's back.

@ shortboy: That line totally made my night. I was laughing so hard.

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Guest aircastles

I really like how the Office has been the past four or five episodes, I definitely hope it remains like this. Although, it was sad to see the Michael Scott Paper Company end so quickly, since it showed promise, but logically speaking, it wasn't much of a surprise it didn't last. But YAY for Pam being a salesperson! And I really liked Michael this episode.

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Guest fiveplusohplusone

i went all "awww :( " when phyllis went "you said we were a family, michael, but you went after us" T_T

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