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Ji Hyun Woo 지현우


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Guest syapotter

OMG @aisling !! That pic of him grinning so cheesily, that was so cute!!! 
Anyway, seeing you guys talking about MPY makes me wanna watch it too. Can't wait to start on that one. :)

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@tessierooTess, my heart kinda skipped a beat when he appeared onscreen with those glasses... we both like nerdy boys :-) 
From what I read a lot of people didn't find him handsome at first. They fell for him gradually... I must be one of few people who liked him even from QIHM posters. I didn't watch QIHM from the start but I remember staring at him for a long time when I saw promo posters :-) There was something about him that attracted me - even from the motionless posters. 
When I started watching QIHM I knew I was going to fall for him... But I didn't expect I'd fall for him so hard and that he'd make me forget about all my other crushes almost overnight =)) Frankly when he smiled at Hee Jin for the first time in ep. 3 and showed his little dimples.... I had to remind myself that it's ridiculous to already fall for him =))
Sounds like a cliché.... I swear I'm not making this up... but he's really my ideal type =)) My other crushes have some of qualities of what I like about men... I was so shocked to find out he has most of them :D
He's tall. I totally love tall guys... frankly I never liked anybody who's under 180 cm (5.91 ft) tall :D Even in my real life I've only dated guys who were over 180 cm tall =)) I like how he's taller than most of Korean celebrities... but he's not clumsily tall - if you know what I mean :DI also like a little nerdy and quirky personality :) He's honest and sometimes even blunt which I totally love about him. I like smart guys... he's definitely smart. He actually finished his university degree which I can't say about my other crushes :DHe's not conceited. Well, my other crushes seem to be a little conceited which bothered me though I tried to ignore that.He's both actor and musician. This fact pretty much finished me off =)) My other crushes are only good in either acting or singing. They can't do both equally well :D Besides singing he's a wicked guitar player and also compose his own songs... Ok, just let me die here a little =)) =)) Also I'm a sucker for dimples. He doesn't have typical dimples, right? Those cute little dimples...I'm even a bigger sucker for moles =)) I don't know why... I have this odd obsession with moles :D And he has plenty of them.... little ones on his faces, on his arms and hands, on his neck, on his ear =)) =)) OK, I sound really like a psycho :D And I can't forget about his mischievous grin... everytime he grins he looks amused and playful that makes me grin too :D
@pluie625It's the most memorable scene from the whole drama.... both of them nailed that scene! Genuine sorrow reflecting in his eyes killed me.... 
@syapotterYou should watch MPY... not bad drama at all... and seeing his a player is really hilarious =))

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Where is everybody? :( I don't want to spazz alone :D BTW have I shared this gif before? :D 
I posted it on my tumblr on May 29th with this comment " I will NOT fall for his smile. I will not fall for his smile. I will not… I will…"
LOL, big fail!

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@Aisling - I'm here!  =))
I'm still trying to find that old 2004 drama of his "You Will Know" but I'm not having any luck. :(It looks really good too. I'm glad you enjoyed MPY! 
I'm also uploading a couple of things for you - did you see his Windows Vista commercial that @fantasticbaby12 posted on page 62? SO CUTE! 
And I'm still adding pics to the photobucket account. :))

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Omo... he's so adorable!!! So this is where those cute pictures of him wearing that sweater with strips come from.... he actually looks kinda pretty in this CF =))I was totally jealous of that toast he was eating :D :D
He's really really really cute in this CF! Thanks for uploading Tess :)

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It's another one of those things he did that I'm afraid will disappear so I downloaded it.  =)) I'm always afraid his stuff will disappear! (like this drama I'm trying to find - GRRRRRRRR) 
Isn't he cute in that? I've had the song stuck in my head for 2 days now. "Vista...Windows Vista" =)) So he wakes up watching BBC news? AHAHAHAHA! Did you see him crack up at himself, watching that clip from OMD where he spits into that guys cup? (it's at 1:09) HILARIOUS! I wish there was sound for his laugh! 
How silly that I enjoyed watching him brush his teeth? (WTF is wrong with me) :D
I'm totally jealous of the girl at the end. She's more impressed with Vista while he's trying to score. Watching him lean back with his wine glass - I was laughing so hard at the look on his face. FAIL. 

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Tess, I downloaded it too just in case :D I think I even dreamt about Windows Vista =)) He seemed to really enjoy shooting this CF!Do you know when he shot this? In 2009 maybe? He looks like a little boy... so cute.... so adorable... His hair looks really good in that CF...
How silly of you to enjoy watching him brush his teeth? Then how silly of me to tear up when I saw his signature? =)) I was holding the amulet in my hands, staring at his signature and started tearing up :D I absolutely afore his signature! He must have nice handwriting...

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I asked @Joonni to translate an old interview few days ago... and she did! She's really great!!!
class="entry-title" style="margin: 0px 0px 20px; line-height: 1em; font-size: 2.286em; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, Helvetica, 'Nimbus Sans L', sans-serif; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "Ji Hyun Woo: “I’m a Regular Person Who Likes Analog.”

Ji Hyun Woo: “I’m a Regular Person Who Likes Analog.”

*Analog refers to the analog signal that transmits sound and images to television and radio, in contrast to the digital system that powers most entertainment these days. Used in the context to describe someone, it means that the person is someone who likes old things or belongs to an older era.

Ji Hyun Woo once said in an interview that he viewed acting as his way to make a living. I thought it was a bold thing to say. Most actors would want to have their profession viewed as an artistic expression or something that they are very passionate about without consideration of money. I considered Ji Hyun Woo’s answer as a healthy view of his profession, except I did wonder about his passion for acting. As someone who knew nothing about Ji Hyun Woo except what was seen in dramas when I first saw that interview, I didn’t understand how and why he chose acting, and what made him continue to pursue it. Thanks to a request for the translation of October 2011 interview with Economy Today, I learned a little bit more about the actor Ji Hyun Woo and began to understand his position regarding acting.

The interview was a promotional interview for his movie Mr. Idol so of course he was asked about it. Ji Hyun Woo did not initially want to do Mr. Idol because he thought it was a predictable story. But he finally decided to take on the role as the idol group leader, Eugene, because he wanted to work with the young director of the movie, Rah Hee Chan. Ji Hyun Woo had always wanted to work with a young director so that they can converse and collaborate on a project together more freely than he could with an older director.

Ji Hyun Woo saw a bit of himself in the Eugene character. Like Eugene whose financial concerns were an obstacle to his music career, Ji Hyun Woo also faced a similar situation. Growing up surrounded by music because of his parents, Ji Hyun Woo was seen as someone with a promising career as a guitarist by the time he was in high school. But because he didn’t have the money to pay, he gave up college and took up acting. Ji Hyun Woo, on reflecting back on the time when he  focused solely on music said, “I don’t know how I survived living off the unpredictable income. I must have really liked music.”

Starting with the 2004 KBS sitcom, Old Miss Diary, Ji Hyun Woo has consistently been cast as the “younger male” counterpart in the older female-younger male romance stories. Regarding this image Ji Hyun Woo revealed that he did not mind it at all; rather, he saw it as an opportunity to work with more experienced actors whom he can learn from.

In the interview, Ji Hyun Woo also revealed that he hand-writes the script for a drama to memorize and understand the mindset of the writer. He also remembers excitedly waiting for and watching dramas like Huh JoonFeelings, and Star in My Heart when he was in elementary school. (I’m happy to find out that he grew up watching the same dramas I did. :D )

The reporter who did this interview described Ji Hyun Woo as a positive thinker who seemed more suitable to the analog age rather than the digital age. A lot of people seem to describe as Ji Hyun Woo as someone who is very mature and acts older than his age. I suppose that has something to do with his upbringing and working with older actors at a young and impressionable age. I think Ji Hyun Woo has a good head on his shoulders and doesn’t take his profession as an actor too seriously. Not to say that he doesn’t care about it; I think what he meant about acting being his way to make a living was that he is content to be an actor rather than a celebrity.

see her post with photos here: http://joonni.com/2012/07/08/ji-hyun-woo-im-a-regular-person-who-likes-analog/#comment-3492


I think @Jooni is right about him not considering himself as a celebrity... that's why he's so cool and down to earth... he's taking acting as his job... something what people do to make money :D Even though acting isn't his number 1 passion... he's a better actor than most of full time actors =))

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Guest harushima

I'll never look at my laptop the same way again~  =))
*Singin' Windows VISTA!~*

@tessieroo, thank you for sharing... I just died when he said start, open, and ok... and the part where he said wow and he's so adorable, his cheeks... and he looks like an adorable kitten asdfghjkl

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@tessieroo @lyra_brillantez

In the interview Joonni translated he said he had to give up going to college because he didn't have enough money... so he started studying at Sungkyunkwan university after he debuted as an actor? Because it's a private school, so he had to pay tuition fee...

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Ooops... double post... hmmm... what I am going to share?
Why do I feel like a perv right now? =)) Because he really looks like 15 =)) He looks really like a kid in this picture :DIs this from Fly High movie?
@tessierooI tried to search for You will know too, but I had no luck  either :/
@pluie625Unnie, have you finished MPY yet? :D
@harushimaI'm still staring at those Vista gif... he's incredibly incredibly cute and adorable.... I love everything about his look in that CF... 

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@Aisling - that Windows Vista ad is from around 2006 I think. (they did a series of "Wow!" ads in the US around then too. Here's one of them:
Still can't get the stupid song outta my head. =))
You got your OST? OMG, I'm jeelus! I'm gonna have to wait a couple months to order mine. *sigh* Too many other things I need to spend money on:-/
@harushima - thank you for those gifs! >:DYes, that was my favorite part - him saying "Open", "Start" and "Ok" :)
@Aisling - I need to stop by Joonni's and thank her for that. All these years I've been so disappointed that nothing of JHW's was ever in English for me to understand...and now there are TONS of things in English. I really owe her a huge thank you. Yea, that pic above is from "Fly High". Time to spam with pics again? *heehee*
And just for you, @Aisling. Since you said you wanted to be that toast?

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@tessieroo Yeah, Joonni is really incredible... I think I have requested like 10 JHW related things from her and she always did it... She even translated Lee Sora's show - which must have took her so much time!Now I feel a little embarrassed to ask her again.... so now it's your turn to pester her =)) =)) 
Do you happen to know when he went to university? I really like to know :D
Windows Vista has been released in 2006 already? Really? WOW =)) He look like that in 2006? He was 22/23 back then... no wonder he looks so cute =)) And yeah... I'm so jealous of that toast!!! 

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@Aisling - Vista wasn't released to the public until 2007 but they began a whole series of ads in 2006. That's the only reason I think that ad was 2006, is the "Wow!" thing. I hope he got paid big bucks for that commercial!  
Hmm...what do we need translated? =)) I'd be super embarrassed to ask her too! My very few friends who understand Korean drove me insane when I first started crushing on him? They'd translate a few things for me or tell me kinda what was said but not all. (these are the same friends who laugh at my crush) They adore So Ji Sub or Song Seung-hun. *sigh* They'll never understand my preference for JHW. And now they fan-girl over Lee Min Ho or Kim Soo Hyun. :P
Didn't he go to Sungkyunkwan? That's the only thing I've ever read. :-?

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@tessierooThis Vista CF is my most favorite non-drama thing right now :) I want to be a toast, a toothbrush, a wine glass,... =)) =)) He looks uber cute! I think I have to change my avatar to that cute pic of him where he wears that stripped jumper :D
Well... it's kinda embarrassing... but when I found out he went to Sungkyunkwan... I even opened and stalked Sungkyunkwan university website to find out more about his department (about a month ago :D ). I thought he went to university before he debuted with The Nuts. But I was wrong.... because just before he debuted with The Nuts he was still a high-schooler. And in the interview Jooni translated he said he had to gave up going to college... so he must have applied to SKKU after he made some money.... aaahhhh... I admire him even more... is it even possible?
BTW how cool is that we talked about Damien Rice's songs few days ago? Joonni confirmed that the said he listened to Coldplay and Damien Rice for a while! I love the fact that he loves British artists! Coldplay, Damien Rice, Radiohead...
He also said he wanted to do a movie like Once... I can imagine him playing Glen Hansard's role. Once was really really really huge here... because Marketa Irglova comes from where I live :) He has a good taste for music :D A little OT... but I'm going to Coldplay concert in September! I will think of him.... I'm sure they're going to sing Scientist... I will think of him then :)

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I've watched that commercial a billion times too. You and I are so much alike! I've tried putting together a time line for when he did certain things too. Like ... I know Old Miss Diary (the drama, NOT the movie) started in 2004 and finished up in 2005. It was enormously popular in Korea, so much so that they made it into a movie in 2006. A lot of the CF's I've seen with JHW were in 2006 which tells me he was a hot commodity back then and the audiences loved him. But if you look at his dramas, he did one per year pretty much? So I'm guessing with the money he got from both OMD drama and movie plus all the CF's he did then, he probably went to Sungkyunkwan University around 2007? (I'm totally guessing when he attended based on his activities and money situation) I'd love to know for sure when he attended too. 
I love the fact that he said he'd like to do a certain type of movie - I really pray when he comes back from MS that he takes a more active role in deciding what dramas/movies or whatever he wants to do. He seems to have a much better sense of what types of roles he should play. NOT that I'm not grateful to Paramount for getting him out there but I don't think they've done a good job for him. 
On the other hand, he seems not to care too much as long as he can do his music. So I probably shouldn't care too much either. (LOL) More picture spamming:

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