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Ji Hyun Woo 지현우


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@tessierooI search his name in hangul on naver and daum and sometimes there are pics we haven't seen yet. I always edit them before posting to make them more interesting :) I think that picture is way older. He's 28 now while in that pic he looks more  like 22-23. Oh and about your tumblr question - yes, you have to sign up to be able to like/reblog and comment on tumblr.
Oh how I wish he would never cut his hair that short like during ATK. And I personally like natural black hair the best. I hate it when guys dye their hair. Even now he has slightly brownish hair which he shouldn't have as a man from Joseon :)) Short hair doesn't suit him as well as crazy perm hairstyle, LOL :D He looks best with his current image as Boong Do. Great hairstyle with cute cheeks. I don't know why I'm so obsessed with his cheeks :D They're not childishly chubby, but they're really cute :D Though he's becoming skinnier and skinnier compared to first episodes. Hope he'll gain weight after the show's over. 
I saw a pic where he was sitting in a bathtub. Don't know from which drama it was, but he was grinning from ear to ear. Isn't it a scene you were taking about - that before Mr. Idol he was pretty much skinny and flat? =)) I just love that grin on his face, he was totally unnerved and unaffected like "whatever" =))
But he did bulk up pretty much for Mr. Idol. I was just staring at his arms during the interview with Mr. Idol cast. He made everybody around him look so small :DI don't know how long he worked out to shape up like that, but he seemed like it was nothing difficult. In the last episode when Boong Do was lying on the floor all bloody it was obvious he doesn't have 6 pack anymore, so he probably stop working out right after Mr. Idol promotion :D 
Geez...it's really unhealthy how I am fangirling over him, LOL :D 

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Guest syapotter

*waves to everyone*

I've been lurking on soompi for so long, never even thought of posting anything but I just HAD to post something in this thread, cos you see, I've fallen, hook, line and sinker with Ji Hyun Woo. There was once when I stayed on Youtube just watching his vids and clicking one link after another, just to get to know him better. And I like what I see! XD

I don't know what really makes me attracted to him really but there's just something about him that makes him irresistible and I just can't stop fangirling over him. The fact that he's older than me is an added plus cos I've always found myself liking someone younger in k-world.

And to find some other like-minded person here? WIN! ^___^

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Welcome on board @syapotter :)Don't worry, we all have the same JHW symptoms, LOL :D Wacthing YT - stalking him name everywhere - searching for old news - digging up old pictures - having a silly smile on our face - giggling - self fanning, etc. Sounds familiar? =)) 
I will repost all pics here as well, so we can have all his pics in his personal thread too.

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Song Hye Kyo was definitely standing on the box! =)) That's why they cropped it like that.She's even shorter than Yoo In Na so there's no way she'd be that tall even if she wore super killer high heels.
Were they shooting a CF or something like that? :) You should repost them on fy tumblr :D

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Song Hye Kyo was definitely standing on the box! =)) That's why they cropped it like that.She's even shorter than Yoo In Na so there's no way she'd be that tall even if she wore super killer high heels.
Were they shooting a CF or something like that? :) You should repost them on fy tumblr :D
EDIT:Star Mr G has over 8k followers now! *happy dance* The last time I checked he had about 7.7k followers :)

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Guest syapotter

KBSWorld was showing a rerun of Birth of the Rich and I had to grab the chance to watch it. I read somewhere that it's not one of his best works but oh well, it's just nice to see him on tv. LOL :D

And oh, I was watching it with my mum and she was usually the type who couldn't be bothered to remember the faces of k-people that she had seen on tv but earlier, she was like, "hey, isn't this the guy who was in that other drama you were watching? he's good-looking" hahaha.. XD

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Big hello to everyone! Just here to show my appreciation to his wonderful perfect portrayal of Kim Boong Do! I'm falling hard for his calm, cool and collected character in QIHM and of course him in  white shirt  just make my infatuation grows even deeper *ahem* lol 
By the way, is he going to get enlisted soon? I am actually looking forward to his future plan after QIHM! I guess I will have start watching his old dramas until he gets back from army. 

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I have a confession that I would like to share with all of you. ~X(

I'm totally falling in love with JHW. At first, I felt for his character BD in QIHM, so I started to look and read everything about him. The more I understand who JHW by reading past posted from soompi, and then no turning back for me.

Here is three main reasons why I love him :x :x :x

1) his voice/singing - he don't need any fancy live or backup band playing for him while he's sing. Just him and the guitar and that voice - so simple but  amazing. I can listen to his Baby Elephant song all day

2) From the interviews that I watched in youtube. He seem to be really honest person. he has mentioned that he become an actor because to making more money for his living (I love his answer - really open/ telling it like it is)

3) He looks - don't kick me out of this thread for what I am about to say. At first, he looks it did not get me, but the more I watch QIHM, interviews, and music video. I slowly see what you guys have seen in him. That is his charisma and his talents (acting/singing)

Since known korean drama and music, I never fall for anyone because I a married women with a life. Plus I don't have time for been any fangirl. But now, I am forever his fan. I hope he continues to grow and pick his own projects.

P.S. Couple things that I have done in this month that I can't believe I did them  - joined twitter to follow JHW, joined soompi to leave post in JHW and QIHM thread (so I would not go crazy for not be able to share my feeling with others), and have been wake up early for the past couple weeks to watch QIHM live and paid 1 month SOLIVE subscription to be able to watch the 15th and 16th QIHM live too. I totaly a goner and I don't care. :)

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Hehehehe It seems like we all falling for him. He is indeed a 'Player' for doing all these to our dear heart! :x :x

Right now... I'm soooo afraid that he gonna leave us and decide to enlist in the Army. I haven't have enough of him just yet. One or two more dramas and maybe one more movie then Ji Hyun Woo-shi, you can go off to the Army. Thou, I prefer more dramas than movie cause then I can watch you for more than 2 hours or so. =P~ =P~

Btw, I know this is off topic but some how this song convey my feeling toward Ji Hyun Woo.

I mean the first time I saw him, I too did not find him attractive but after like 10 minutes or so minutes into the first episode of 1 when he was fighting the assassin and saving the queen. The way he held the sword and fight was WOW and I was =P~ =P~ =P~ for him. I was falling in love with him. Like dangerously falling for him. And to tell you the truth, I was soooo afraid to youtube him and everything cause every time I do, I'm falling more deeply for him. Its crazy! At first I was loving Boong Do and then as time pass by, I'm falling for Ji Hyun Woo too! Its madness! I hate it when that happen. After all, he is beyond my reach! :(

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Guest syapotter

That was exactly what I felt about Ji Hyun Woo. This is the first of his drama that I've watched and I remembered there were comments about the male lead is not handsome and that was one of the reasons they don't want to watch QIHM. For me, of course he did not struck you as the most handsome guy out there but over the time, it kinda grows on you. And that's what I like about him. How he's so unaffected about it all and that makes him look normal. ;)

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Guest harushima

Oh I hope he won't enlist in the army yet. Two more dramas or release another single and then I could let him go? Like, leave some more memories, something more where I could watch him the whole day while waiting for him for two years?

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