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S.H.E -- Selina 任家萱, Hebe 田馥甄, Ella 陳嘉&#2719

Guest Ayuu~

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S.H.E. Disbanding?! Ella's Low Mood, Wants to Withdraw from Entertainment Circle

Translated by: stephanieshieh

Credit: Yahoo! News

Super popular female group S.H.E. has been bombarded with rumors that they're going to be disbanding? At press time, it was reported that group member Ella has proposed to withdraw from the entertainment circle, because lately she's been feeling really low (mood-wise). And good sister-like-friends Selina and Hebe both have tried to get Ella to stop thinking about disbanding the group. Selina sacrificed wearing a super hot and sexy outfit to attract attention to Ella, and Hebe also kneeled down to ask Ella not to leave the group, to keep S.H.E. the most best female group.

It is said that Ella having these kind of thoughts, is because a lot of days, she's under so much pressure that she can't really "breathe". On one side she's busy preparing for a concert, on another side, she has to hurry up and film a drama. And her two good friends have always been the topic of rumors and scandalous news, so when they're being interviewed by reporters, everyone only cares about Selina and Hebe's news, so she's mostly left out. Too much work and the media's pressure, Ella's mood has collapsed several times.

S.H.E. is really popular, but also has a lot of rumors. Selina and Alan/Show Luo and Huang Zi Jiao three people have had rumors about being together, and is Hebe really having ambiguous feelings with Jay Chou? Or is she with Jay's personal assistance having something going on? Those are the questions the media loves asking S.H.E. What about Ella? She's always been super concentrated on acting, Ella had a time where she was rumored to be with male co-star Qu Zun, but the media only questioned about that rumor for a little bit because leaving her out again, but Ella also said that her and Wuzun are just good friends.

There are also rumors that while filming for MVs, Ella has started to cry, which was so unusual that people were worried. But after that happened, Ella expressed that that day, because the fan kept blowing in her face, she started to cry, there's nothing wrong! But everyone who saw was still worried and caring.

Thinking back to when the three people just won the competition, they crowded together in a small dormitory. Because they weren't rich, so they shared everything they had. To match with the other two girls, they couldn't use their own design which they liked themselves. Even though they were poor, but then, they created so much beautiful memories. Compared to now when they're super famous and popular, the three want to just continue like this together. As for Ella, she's envious of happiness, but because she was in the entertainment business, she's lost a part of herself.

GOOSSHH!! i surely hope NOT!!!

plz let this be a rumour only...

Ella Doing Interview Loses Control and Starts Crying

Translated by: stephanieshieh

Source: Ettoday

Usually the joker in front of cameras, and is the audience's happy performer, Ella is rumored to be suffering from depressing? Apple Daily revealed that yesterday Ella was doing an interview and she reveals that a lot of times, she wants to stay at home, and doesn't want to face the world, then suddenly she lost control and started to cry; after entering the music world did she realize that she's actually pretty sad. Ella's close friends all urged her to go see a doctor, but she's scared that she'll be labeled to be depressed.

A while ago, she's been super busy trying to finish filming a drama and preparing for concert, Ella's work schedule was packed. There are also reports that on June 18th, her friends from far away were going to come and celebrate her birthday with her, but because Ella had to film and had a headache, she could only appreciate her friend's good intentions, but she was so tired she wanted to run away. Ella said that lately she's very scared of talking on the phone with her mother because she's worried that she'll start crying. Lately, she said the reason why she doesn't want to face the public because before she was written a lot by the media, and the reports about her just kept getting worse and worse.

Ella said that last time, her words got twisted around, suddenly made her realize that she doesn't know how to face reporters. When her jokes get published like that, she has to be careful about everything she says. The happy her thinks that when she entered the entertainment circle, that's when she really realized that she's a very pessimistic person. Usually filled with smiles and laughter, she's suddenly hiding in herself. All her close friends urged her to go find a doctor to see if anything's wrong. Ella says she doesn't have depression, but she's worried that people will think of her differently after this.

Ella also said that she's very happy that Hebe and Selina, her best friends are always with her. When she's not happy, Hebe will tell her jokes, about life's ups and downs and their successful careers, which makes Ella laugh uncontrollably. Actually, Ella's dissatisfaction with the media was at her last "Kang Xi Lai Le". On the show, Ella showed up late for the promo, and she said that she didn't go secretly buy medicine, but she went when Hebe and Selina were getting their makeup down. But the fact that Ella has spoken words from her heart, let's people relax a bit.

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Guest chigusa707

I do think that the media focuses mainly on the 2 other girls, Selina and Hebe. I dont think thats bad at all but maybe, Ella feels left out? I mean there arent really rumors about her nowadays right? I kinda think there's a bit of insecurity there.. + all the stress from her work.. you know? she' s a human too and Im pretty sure in some way we can relate to her feelings.

I feel bad for Ella.. I hope she becomes jolly like before soon. :)

Jia You Ella!

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i alwayz thought the media was alwayz focussed on ELLa and SELINA!!!

i never heard much about HEBE until this jay thing...

Ella: I'm not depressed! Wants People to Stop Worrying

Translated by: stephanieshieh

Source: Ettoday

Idol pop group S.H.E.'s Ella, lately's been rumored to feeling down, and spending a lot of time at home by herself, doesn't want to meet the outside world. Yesterday when she accepted an interview, she lost control and started to cry. In the afternoon, when she met the media again, she confessed that she couldn't handle the pressure anymore. Ella said between tears that she realized that she was actually pretty pessimistic after she entered the entertainment circle. Which caused a lot of people to start worrying about her - is she suffering from depression?

Ella, through inverview, expressed that right now she can't take it all, but she's very grateful for everyone's concern for her, and she wants to thank everyone for caring about her. But crying in front of the media, the always healthy and upbeat S.H.E. member Ella, lately's been feeling down. Before, she was always really active, liked to joke around, and talk - after the report that she started to cry during the interview, let's people start to worry whether or not she's under too much pressure and starting to show signs of depression?

Ella again expressed that it's just she's not feeling too happy right now, but she's not depressed. A while ago, her emotions were at a real low. She said from debuting to now, she's seen the entertinment circle change a lot, and that makes her feel pessimistic. Especially since at that time, she had to film for a drama, and prepare for the S.H.E. concert, and on top of that, Ella's responsible for the biggest part of her family's finance, so that all took a toll on her feelings and emotions. But it's good because her two sister-like friends (Hebe and Selina) and her fans have always supported her.

When she talked about her feelings today, Ella expressed that she's pretty happy today, because she saw a lot of friends who care about her and letting her know that she's not the only one going through problems like this. And everyone's very forgiving, nobody blamed her or anything, and didn't use a critical eye to view her, so she's very thankful for everyone. But there are still rumors circulating that Ella wants to make a big move and leave the group. If that's the truth, then asking the fans to not worry is a bit hard.

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Guest Mademoisella

chigusa707: yah i agree with you, I feel there's a sense of insecurity.

Honestly as a celebrity you SHOULD be GLAD THAT the media/paparazzi doesn't get all up on you and your private life.

If you want more attention brought forth for yourself then do something.

And really about Hebe, news started ever since the thing about Jay, i agree too.

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Guest chigusa707

Ayu: thanks for that news.. Me and my Jie were feeling worried for ella.. hehehe.. big fans.. ^^

Mademoisella: ^^ yup.. I think they'd rather have no news about them, specially bad ones circulating around. Hahaha.. When I heard about Hebe and Jay.. I just laughed the whole thing off... I just dont believe it. :)

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lol i really dont know how some can say, they dont like one of them members because of their personalities about them being this or that...

or even saying "i don't like her because she's fake and to cutesy"

what if thats really how they are? each and everyone of the girls has their own personality whether they are friendly or not...there are always other reasons, they could be shy...so it's kind of really mean to say that one of them is fake...lol

just my opinion thats all :)

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Guest pillowbox

my favorite is hebe<3 her voice is amazing<3

i feel really bad for ella because there are mostly rumors relating hebe or selina, but not much ella.

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ahhhh.. hEBE cutted her beautiful long hair!!! ahhhhh ><

but she still lookz cute and pretty!!!


Yesterday, S.H.E was at LibertyTimes studio to film a weekend life feature cover and when Hebe appeared at the dressing room, she immediately announced happily to everyone that she had cut gone to cut her hair last night and this hasn't been revealed yet until now! So what is Jay's opinion on this? Hebe said that he hasn't see it yet so must wait until he sees it before asking him loh! As for Ella and Selina, they were very impressed with Hebe's courage for changing her hairstyle.

Ella praised that although Hebe has cut her hair short, but it still looked pleasing to the eye and said that because she is pretty, any kind of hairstyle would suit her, which made Ella make a important decision, "I want to keep long hair, change my image."

Hearing Ella praise of her, Hebe replied in a high-pitched tone and said, "Jiahua (Ella's name) you are really a good friend." Selina who was by their side said that after suddenly seeing Hebe change her hairstyle, she felt like she has made a new friend.

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