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your thoughts on new soompi format

Guest luna1430278013

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it is nice but like someone said, the color is too bright. the posts are not defined by bold borders so it is difficult to distinguish them.......but i like the sidebar! since soompi is still under construction, I will wait around and see! ^^

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Guest Irysinon

Honestly? I don't really like the new layout design. I preferred the one before this. Now it kind of looks childish in a way. I think it's mostly the colours this time. Purple? Seriously? Light blue looks better.The forum posts also kind of look a little confusing since there's no colour that distinctly separates them. It just looks like one big chain mail of some sort.

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Guest luna1430278013

@eRzzie agree need some bolder color ..though it is easy and comfy to the eyes ..but it looks so transparent ...more contrast would be fine

@Irysinon light blue is good color ...but the forum posts looks wider and bigger !

@Erika yeah it just need some time to adjust to it ..and it is still a working progress so ..lets wait and see !

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Well, the mods or at least the admins can know what your real username is... Sneaky only to public without being an lion king; john tesh; mini cooper; natural fertilizer; cool; donkey; Rupaul4President... /:)

You just have to go edit your profile, put your nickname and update it, then you can choose it from the "display name public blah blah (something like that)". Then update...

Wow that was the longest swear filter ever for the alternative word for butt crack!

Let's try again...

richard simmons.

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Guest Eun_neptune_Him

My reaction to the new forum is the same when Facebook makes changes right when I'm getting used to the new features. I'm so confused -__-

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I'm honestly conflicted over how to feel about the change. On the one hand, there are some nifty new functions (like how - while typing a post/reply - there are drafts automatically saved) and the overall navigation is much cleaner. On the other hand, I kind of don't like how the new Soompi looks (e.g. I don't like the default font for news articles).

I kind of miss the old Soompi, if only for aesthetic reasons. ;___;

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Guest YunRa1430270238

I miss the old Soompi. The new version is confusing and all the threads and sections look cluttered.

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Guest luna1430278013

Well, the mods or at least the admins can know what your real username is... Sneaky only to public without being an lion king; john tesh; mini cooper; natural fertilizer; cool; donkey; Rupaul4President... /:)

You just have to go edit your profile, put your nickname and update it, then you can choose it from the "display name public blah blah (something like that)". Then update...

Wow that was the longest swear filter ever for the alternative word for butt crack!

Let's try again...

richard simmons.

@HEHEHE only the one word is long as that ? i wanna try too

richard simmons

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Guest luna1430278013

Well, the mods or at least the admins can know what your real username is... Sneaky only to public without being an lion king; john tesh; mini cooper; natural fertilizer; cool; donkey; Rupaul4President... /:)

You just have to go edit your profile, put your nickname and update it, then you can choose it from the "display name public blah blah (something like that)". Then update...

Wow that was the longest swear filter ever for the alternative word for butt crack!

Let's try again...

richard simmons.

@HEHEHE only the one word is long as that ? i wanna try too

richard simmons


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Guest luna1430278013

@AiYiYix3 saving the post to drafts is the best feature ...but need to edit hope they bring it soon

@JungYunho_GoAra you are nostalgic.... and the site is still under construction...in progress of fixing it ...

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Guest luna1430278013

I love the swear filter. ;;)

@Jaeho they are funny and avoid a visual annoyance..and turn a swear into a funny sentence lol... keeping forums a friendly space

@HEHEHE yeah they fixed the swear filter and it did its purpose

please keep your stuff to yourself and hide it where the sun never shines ... X_X

no one wanna see what u have to show

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Guest Krazim

It needs more time to get used to, but I'm getting used to it. The only thing I'm going to point out that kind of confuses me is the navigation. Still need to get around with it. Other than that, it's all right. The design is pretty sleek though. :)

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Ohhh wait, apparently you've seen it when it was long and you even tried it... :-bd

To anyone in this thread who knows WWE, let's all agree here that the maker of these emoticons was a WWE fan...

:-SS "You can't see me" - John Cena

>:/ "Just bring it" *Raises right eyebrow* - The Rock

I assume Stone Cold Steve Austin's double middle finger has been taken out of Soompi because it was too insulting...

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Guest shufflepuck

It's okay, though I found the previous layout a bit less cluttered, somehow.

And I miss the preview pop-up window.

I like that you can save drafts though, and also that you can bookmark threads, and that you can mention people in the posts so that they can get notified.

But the one thing that really annoys me is that those "awesome", "lol", "insightful" etc buttons are hidden.

Whenever I'm working with a touch screen, I accidentally press one of those buttons... And then I feel bad and instantly want to PM the person to tell them that that was not my intention :P

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