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Hurtful Things People Said To You

Guest x_estherrrrrr_x

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Guest Chibi-Dayo

Well I have those mini led pencils right, and this dude in my class was like, why is that pencil so short and stubby, which was totally REFERRING TO ME! Because I am known for my shortness, and my family always called me fat but OMFG.

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Guest rainbowmelon

haha wow well hers mine

last year when i gained some weight my grandma, auntie, mom and uncle were calling me fat well they were either implying that or they told me to stop eating sweets because im going to get fat T_T

oh and my mom and dad hates my pimples (so sometimes i feel like they think im ugly....)

but thats about it i think though sometimes i feel like one of my friends are implying that shes better than me but who knows haha lol but i feel alot better now its nice to get it out haha

oo lol i forgot my best friend makes fun of the way i dress sometimes if im dressing really sloppy haha its funny though shes not serious about it makes me laugh haha

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Guest 수정이


my mom says im fat.

but its okay; i am. - 3-;;

and a lot of boys make fun of my freckles.;^;

and i have this jum (tiny mole) on my middle finger, and guys are like "wth is that".

and even though i dont have chinky eyes, white people call mee chineseee, or ask if i'm opening my eyes. -_-''

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Guest kingmari

i used to get made fun of for my height a lot in elem school... now i'm average height..

but once my friend said that she liked everything about my face except my nose and i've never been able to get past that T_T;;;;

and people always talk about how deep my voice is (so annoying too!)

and of course like every other girl, fluctuating weight... -_-;;; argh

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omg those things are so mean o_o;;;

well my friend's crush said i was the fattest girl in the room. (but i didn't get offended, firstly cos i was actually the thinnest =_= and i was too young to care anyways) when i was about 9 lol


my family always talks about how im really ugly and how i have to lose weight etc etc. lawllsss

my brother told me his friends said i looked like a ugly ghost about 3 years ago


oh and my brother's friend said i looked like a dyke (lesbian) when i was about 11.

now, i dont realy know.

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Guest YooMiRi

A boy in primary school has said to my friend that I looked like a goat. I remembered at that time I almost shed a tear. Some others have called me fat during my teenage years.

I don't think I'm pretty, but certainly not that ugly. I just learn to accept myself and be grateful for what I have.

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Guest shinuko

my mom called me a lazy richard simmons.. when i was arugeing with her about the dishes.

my mom calls me alot of names when she knows shes wrong and she doesn't have anyhting smart to say back..

the thing is.. like richard simmons comeon. i dont even have a john teshin bf and she said that. =-= its like wtf.. i'm ur daughter hwo could u!

*sigh*... =-= and she says i'm a digusting person and she hates spending time with me.. <-- which is a lie..

and shes called me a pinkberry.. =-=;;

my mom doesn't like to be told shes wrong or anything so she attacks you!! and she sometimes gets violent.. T_T wahh

but ..

either then those really bad times ..

shes very nice.. and says i'm cute all the time and that she loves me..

so.. i dunno

my mom has major issues..x.x

oh and my sisterinlaw told me to go to hell.. and.. locked me outside of my own house! and she didn't let me go back inside to get my backpack T_T...

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Guest oldstellarstory


watta meani guy >.< omgosh i hate guys wen they say girls are ugly, fat etc. they'r super dumb cuz "they don't know wat pretty/beautiful means!"

anyway i got some too but not really about my looks is that okay? hehe (mostly guys say hurtful things about me =/)


me: yeah i faild my math, so i'm repeating it again =/

him: oooh so u dont really have the brains and beauty eh?

me: yeah haha (*sad face/ didn't reply for 5 mins)...

him: oh wel u dont hav to hav both, one is enough ( then started comparing me to dumb blond girls =[ he was like saying that im really stupid)

***this guy liked me before, but i dont like him cuz he's cocky, and now he started talkng to me again (* i blockd him in my msn :])


me: i'm reading news about phil. politics

him: lol that's not gonna help u pass math!

***(wen he faild one of his exam for university i gave him good advices and didn't laughed at him, but wen i told him i faild my math last year, he didn't evn say anything and just laughed at me) i was about to cry :(

guy#3 back in grade 10

him: all u know is how to look good in school,but u don't evn know anything about math stupid=P (i wasnt even saying anything mean to him, he jus wana say that im stupid)

me: wth okay? dude i don't even wear make up and i wear normal clothes...

me: and i study very hard in that class, not like u who always skip school and watch porn all day (*went off then blockd him lol)


sorry if its too long =/ sorryyy

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dang....a lot of the posts are about being called fat =[

I've been called fat but don't really get too offended by it

When i was younger I was fairly self-conscious about my face~

People often said I was 'ugly' coz I didnt have a flawless face like other girls did >O< I had a few moles here & there.

I still don't have that flawless face but I got some of the moles removed ^^,

"Four-eyes" because I wear glasses.

Hmmz..can't remember too much really.

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Guest seraphic.shot

i've had every part of my body/mind made fun of from head to toe ( this includes everything from skin, facial/body hair, eyes, hair, eyebrows, nose, lips, neck, arms, shoulders, chest, gut, knees, feet, toes, health), literally, because there really is that much to make fun of. my earlobes are great though apparently.

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Guest brightstars90

Most of my relatives say im Anorexic .... but im not... i got the doctors to prove it.... >.<

my siblings call my ugly... but i dont care...

i used to be called ugly wen i was like in grade 4 or so..... thnk god i moved out of that skool... country for that matter... lol..

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Guest PLEA5E_M3

well.. i get fat occasionally by my bf and often by family friends ( the aunties are richard simmons )

i get payed out alot by all my guy friends for being so called "slow"

i got big hands and feet LOL that i get picked on sometimes..

but doesnt bother me.. as long as my boo still likes the way i look :blush:

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Guest ehytee7

when i was in senior yr in HS.. my friend called me fat just because i wasn't stick thin as her..

she didn't really say it in a mean way, but my feelings was hurt..

since then i started to become conscious with my weight..

my mom would always comment on how my nose is flat compared to my brothers..

she even told me once to have it done, and i said "NO!"

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Guest c i e l`

Some people in my class :

-you're just plain

-you're a bit pretty, you just have a very bad skin...

-you look bad without your glasses (-0- so I'm ugly naturally, thanks a lot)

Family (including, mother, father and bro) :

-you're fat

-omg what happened to your skin?!

-you're butt is so fat!

-oh where are you I can't see you! (just because I'm shorter than the boys -0-+)

...-0-.... I'm ugly but still,,,

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i had a "friend" tell me that i look like a man. -___-

i have bold features on my face, my eyes are big, my lips are thick, and my nose is thick as well.

and i have broad shoulders and am most likely the tallest girl wherever i go.

but i never thought i looked manly until she said it, it was such a bi.tchy thing to say.

instead of telling that skinnya.ssbatch to stfu before her snap her in two, i just reminded myself people like her have low self esteem and that is why they feel the need to degrade others.

what those people said about you is wrong, but dont feel the need to torture yourself over it.

beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and obviously those people arent beautiful if they called someone who is truly beautiful fat and ugly.

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Guest fake smile.

i visited my grandma a few years ago and her friend came over and thought i was her new maid. lol. XD

i just moved to a new school so i don't really have many friends; this one person i talk to is pretty nice but makes fun of me a lot.

she told me her boyfriend thought this other girl was prettier than me.

then she said my haircut made me look like a lesbian (then she said she wanted the same cut) -__-

my pants looked "too fob".

"you have no boobs".

i just got emo glasses n she told me they look bad on me/make my eyes look even more chinky.

the next week, she ordered emo glasses too.

when i wore white eyeliner, she was like ew that looks gross and the next day she wore it.

i wore a muffler to school and she told me it looks ugly then she wore one the next day.


it's kind of like whenever someone compliments me, she has to find a way to make me feel bad again. >__>

i don't really know if she does those things on purpose.

her mom says mean things to her so maybe she thinks its okay to say those kinds of things to people? :[

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