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Hurtful Things People Said To You

Guest x_estherrrrrr_x

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I was in my after school and me and my friend were sitting at a table talking to one of the staff members, then this girl came over and sat across from me, minutes later she was like

Girl: I have something to say...but it's mean though...

Me: O.O?

Staff: If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say it.

Girl: Her nose is so big!

Me: :(

I already think that my nose is big, but I don't think she really had to tell me, I got so pissed after she said it. But I said nothing and then I walked away. I hear her get scolded by the staff, HA.

This other time I was sitting in science, and then this dude was sitting next to me and he was like "OMG YOU HAVE A MUSTACHE!" I was like <_< Because for some reason, you can see a mutache above my lip. My mom just says its because I have light skin, *shrugs*

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Guest trishaa01

i avoid going to 'asian parties" with my parents, cuz the ladies always stare at me and ask my parents if i've had a nose job, or if i bleach my skin. And what's worse, they don't believe me when i tell them i'm allergic to the sun (it gives me rashes), and i inherited most of my traits from my grandpa, whom they've never actually seen.

argh stupid asian ladies T.T

and my relatives in china will say "you gained weight!" pretty much everytime i see them .__.

its like "ok, no need to be so subtle..."

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Guest ~neh~long~


^ ditto // except for the "allergic to the sun" part that is =_=;;; my relatives are always like... so blunt. "OH MY you gained so much weight!~" and just a year before they would have been "WHY ARE YOU SO SKINNY? are you eating?" ^-__-

hmm well my close friend said i was "anorexic" (i find dat offensive cuz its in da family to be skinny)

Oh and she also said im anorexic cuz i dnt eat anything? (Which i do btw)

i don't think a lot of people realize how rude and annoying this can get. i mean, some people are just naturally skinny and kind of bony. most of my friends are used to my bony-ness now, but some other people literally think i don't eat O_O sometimes i forget some $$ for lunch, so i can't afford to buy anything. and they're like.. WHISPERWHISPER ^-__-

there was this one time... i was at lunch and someone asked me "why aren't you eating?" i told them i forgot to bring money T__T which i thought i did, but then i looked into my pencil case and saw some money in there XD but lunch was basically over so i was like SCREW IT. but apparantly that friend saw the money and started to think "She lied, she's starving herself!" and she started whispering to my friend, and she actually.. ACTUALLY TOLD my friend to relay to me that "Jenn, I think you're anorexic." it pissed me off so much i just stared at them O_O. how can you just say something outright like that in front of everyone so plainly, not even in private.

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Guest Karinojjang~*


today my friend said when she see me at the store

' KAEM , U looks weird today =_______=;; '

so i felt like ahh T^T '' why she said that ,, i'm very shy to walk more, wanna come back home!

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Guest lido0l_zen

Ummm.My mum acually scolds me being fat and tells me 2 don't eat anymore.Ummm..Once this guy in my tutor class turn around and said ''did you know that yur fat and ugly and no-body likes you in this world.''And i said the stupidest comback ever...=='' ''you shouldn't judge people''

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Guest jaerae_princess


hahaa... look! I DON'T HAVE ONE :tongue2: I have a pretty face~ '' (me - :blink:.... SICK! )

these was few years ago, a mate said this to me and infront of everyone... T____T

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Guest ClaireNLJ

When I was younger;

Rabbit - I had really big front teeth and I have a small frame, plus I was really skinny and my mouth naturally hung open cause I couldn't close em due to the teeth.

One time a boy said "hey look at her legs its kinda weird" - I have slight bow legs, used to hate them but I notice quite a number of people in my school has em anyway, doesn't really matter anymore. Hey even Kate Moss is bow legged!

"Eeeeh she's ugly"

Ugly/Nerd/Stick/Flat/Airport/Plasma TV/Chopping or Ironing board - wore geeky glasses, bad teeth, stick thin and of course flat. Was a late bloomer.

Now that I've gotten my braces done and over with, wear contact lenses, grew some breast and became more conscious of my looks;

I don't get those anymore. Instead....

Was a gathering that I didn't want to go to cause I didn't know anyone there, friend begged me to go so I did just for her sake. Didn't talk much cause I don't know em well. Sat at a table with everyone there and this as*hole has to go "hey where's claire? Claire? Claire???! Has anyone seen claire?" when I'm just right infront of him. "Ohhh she's there.... So quiet I thought she went home".

I'm petite but one of my gfs always says "you're sooo skinny" every time someone complements me about my figure. Got used to it.

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well, when i was 12 i liked this guy from my class and when he found out i liked him, he said loudly, "Ewww, ugly/distorted face" UGHHH! i was so embarrassed cos no i dnt have a distorted face and he doesnt have to announce it to the whole class! Eww, i dont know why I liked him cos his face is like sandpaper + oil.

then recently MY BEST FRIEND criticized my legs. she knew damn well that my legs is one of my flaws and she was like "you know the picture we took the other day? your leg looks like a frog's leg! so ugly". she even took out her camera and zoomed the picture at my legs and she compared mine to hers "look at your legs! so pale like a frog...your legs have no shape. at least mine have shape" luckily my bus arrived and I was like "Bye." and walked off. I could still hear her rambling on about how ugly my leg was :tears: :tears: :tears:

I was so hurt I didnt talk to her after that. It has been around 2 weeks though... I just can't believe a best friend could be so ignorant.... :(

ANd then there was my father, who advised me not to wear tight jeans cos my legs look like a grasshopper's. yeah I know I dnt have nice legs but I got it from YOU.

my legs aren't uglyyy!! they are not for display and at least I can still walk!

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Guest CitrusFlower

my pimple. they say i look cute and all but my pimple is the big problem and stuff, they keep making fun of it, geeze its obvious i don't like

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Guest helloitsme93

I have freckles and someone once thought they were all pimples... when in reality i barely had

My aunt asked if i went on a diet -.- when the last time she saw me i was actually 5 lbs less

My other aunt asked me what type of bra (thinking push up) am i wearing cuz they're big for an asian and i was wearing a a relli thin sports one

My mom wanted the same tank as me and we were in the fitting room together and she was like how can u fit a xs when i fit an s? The only reason why sometimes i need like a bigger size is becuz of my chest -.- otherwise why do i need a bigger size than you if i'm taller than you and weigh less?

this dude thought i had my chest done -.-

Other dude called me fat when i'm relli not

yea i have a lot LMAO

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Guest jieunnie<3

"Omg ewwww girl you gotta start eating more! You're too skinny Ms. Anorexia" - >_> Gosh it's not my fault I have a scrawny family and fast metabolism! <_<

"Ewwww you're so pale!! You look like a ghost!" - Not my fault! I'm naturally pale, and I burn easily in the sun if I don't put on like half a bottle of sun screen! :(

"This is the LADY'S bathroom, young man." - Referring to my abnormally flat and boyish body. =.=;; I was wearing my brother's big t-shirt, border shorts and a cap on as well so I guess that it was PARTIALLY my fault.... :vicx:

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my mums friend: your daughter is very beautiful but fat

my mum: :angry:

me: :) cos she called me beautiful but :tears: cos she called me fat

ah well..im not the one who has horse teeth so ya wateva to her!

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